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Anonymous No. 951034

how do I get popular on instagram? I post my work every day with all the related tags I can find and I only have 20-40 likes per post max and >500 followers. how do I gain momentum?

Anonymous No. 951042

buy views and likes

Anonymous No. 951044

20-40 likes is really good compared to most people. Unfortunately it seems like Instagram isn't a place anyone can grow on anymore because the ability for people to see new posts was restricted to only being able to see new posts with a moderate amount of likes, which may include 20-40 likes only for less popular tags. If you want to get popular on Instagram, it may be better to post on other sites and leave links to your Instagram and other socials in your bio.

Anonymous No. 951046

Have you tried using the reels feature? That's how I've gotten more traction over feed posts.

Anonymous No. 951077


Anonymous No. 951225

Unironically do short videos, record your process, do turnarrounds and dump it on Tiktok

Anonymous No. 951229

Yes gaining momentum for internet clout is very important if tou want to be the next Beeple. If he could do it you surely can. To gain clout and renount for internet points tou must go with the trendier trends and be trendy you ahould also post more frecquently and interact more with your base.
Beeing internet famous is the most beautifull thing you can have, influencing people with your art and making the world a better place a pixel at a time.
In my experience to gain more traction in any social media is show your tits and if tou dont have them then get a pair, no doctor will stop you now.
Then when you are popular you can kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 951242

>If you want to get popular on Instagram, it may be better to post on other sites and leave links to your Instagram and other socials in your bio.
What other sites? Cause Twitter is even worse unless you luck out and someone famous retweets you a couple of times. It feels like otherwise there's 0 new people noticing your posts there compared to IG where you at least get a few new people per post.

Anonymous No. 954141
