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Anonymous No. 951329

I am still baffled by how Blender got this far with basically a completely unusable texture mode from 2005.
The funniest thing is that the module is actually abandoned. No work being done.
BUT HEY, at least we get all those esoteric eye candy features to make fancy mandalas!

Anonymous No. 951330

It's becoming the Bryce 3D of the 2020s

Anonymous No. 951333

What do you mean by this far? It cant do anything to industry standard.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 951346

ITT: kikes

Anonymous No. 951958

Literally all you need for the """""industry standards""""" lel

Anonymous No. 951979

You're baffled that a product that costs 0% as much as its primary competitors got further than its features alone would predict?

Anonymous No. 954436

Typical open-source problems. If you have time to complain, then either contribute on the code or pay someone specifically to work on a feature you want. There's also add-ons.

Anonymous No. 954438

>contribute on the code
You're assuming they accept bug fixes from strangers at Blender Foundation. Because they usually don't.

Anonymous No. 954439

>a completely unusable texture mode
People actually USE texture mode? That's fucking news to me.

Anonymous No. 954445

no because it is unusable.

Anonymous No. 954453

they are "working" on the integration with the sculpt mode to make the development easier, yes they dropped the developer of the sculpt mode again a month ago so now we'll have to wait, layers and things like that should come eventually too, they have to review the new dyntopo first and they could work on a new multires after, and they have to integrate a bunch of stuff that Dobarro left in review 2 years ago.
>Working on it

Anonymous No. 954456

>Doesn't offer workflow
>Unable to accept Zbrush/Mudbox models native
>Doesn't offer PNG or TIF on the highest settings known to man
>Changes to source code that break everything
>Rendering is slower and Blender does not offer rendering farms like Maya.

You call that "industry standards", more like childs play toy.

Anonymous No. 954506

>Doesn't offer workflow
It's extensively customizable and scriptable. Set up whatever workflow you like.
>Unable to accept Zbrush/Mudbox models native
If modelling software uses a weird format, it should also allow exporting to standard formats.
>Doesn't offer PNG or TIF on the highest settings known to man
Use OpenEXR.
>Changes to source code that break everything
Works for me.
>Rendering is slower and Blender does not offer rendering farms like Maya.
Third party farms exist.

Anonymous No. 954512

>It's extensively customizable and scriptable.
Kek, the workflow is shit, yes you can bake the ambient occlusion, point lights, Bevel, and sculpts to low poly, after that you can paint the base colors, to make masks to mix materials, to paint decals etc... yes it is shit because blender doesn't have a layer system, you have to use nodes and they are really limited and the brushes are really basic, to bake is also shit because you have to jump from different editors, blender doesn't come with "smart materials" neither, you have to make yours.

Anonymous No. 954516

No one is going to accept .blend files when people can't even run .blender files in their own version of blender.

>OpenEXR is intended solely for 2D data. It is not appropriate for storage of volumetric data, cached or lit 3D scenes, or more complex 3D data such as light fields.
Autodesk won't be changing the format anytime soon.

>3rD PaRTy
Those are unreliable parties that offer cheap hardware which causes rendering to look odd. I seen it happen many times in blender videos. Blender was never build for 1trillion frames just to make 1 movie.

Anonymous No. 954595

works on my machine