🧵 /sqtddtot/ Stupid Questions
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Jul 2023 16:10:29 UTC No. 951419
That don't deserver their own threads
Rules for this thread:
>ask questions
>try to answer questions
>Do not Troll.
>Do NOT Schizo post.
Previous thread: >>937323
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Jul 2023 18:00:04 UTC No. 951434
How should I approach version control with my 3D assets?
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Jul 2023 05:54:43 UTC No. 951660
Just save a new version as whatever you want.
If something is better, it's better. You don't need the old one, unless it's like a whole scene or something. In that case keep everything. But for objects and shit, there's usually a clear cut where something is objectively modeled/textured better.
Anonymous at Sun, 16 Jul 2023 07:47:36 UTC No. 951794
/sci/fag coming back to the hobby for first time in over 15 years:
Which program gives me the most control of shit? Say I want spherical world coordinates, not Cartesian. Or generate splines based on sets of equations, referencing each other. What has solid (non-plugin) fluid sim?
looking for the most competent package I can get off cgpeers, not going into scientific software. tryna avoid coding everything from scratch too
Anonymous at Sun, 16 Jul 2023 12:58:35 UTC No. 951825
I Have a box and separate textures for each face
is it possible to have them in one material?
the textures overlap when i try using multiple UV maps
Anonymous at Sun, 16 Jul 2023 14:51:09 UTC No. 951834
Houdini is what comes to my mind but I'm not sure I understood what you really want.
Anonymous at Sun, 16 Jul 2023 14:57:29 UTC No. 951835
How would I go about making a ring/circle of lightning/electricity in blender?
Anonymous at Sun, 16 Jul 2023 21:05:47 UTC No. 951864
I finally published my STL files to my gum road for people to pay whatever they want for them. What is the best way to get the word out and promote my thing?
Anonymous at Mon, 17 Jul 2023 03:03:00 UTC No. 951887
Take a wild guess :^)
Anonymous at Wed, 19 Jul 2023 02:59:23 UTC No. 952121
In Blender, I can't find a way to delete a nurbs surface after I've pressed F to join them (other than ctrl+z ofc). Is there a way to just delete the surface without deleting any of the vertices or segments?
Anonymous at Wed, 19 Jul 2023 17:01:48 UTC No. 952173
switching from blender to maya because all the job listings have either maya or 3ds. i genuinely dont get the node system in maya, even extrusions have nodes??? i really hope learning maya is worth it
Anonymous at Wed, 19 Jul 2023 19:13:18 UTC No. 952180
Any substance painter chads ?
im wondering how could I setup a gradient to wrap an arm horizontally? like picrel and beable to adjust and rotate it around so seamlessly
all the results ive been getting so far with linear gradient has been the left image or just fucked shit
Anonymous at Wed, 19 Jul 2023 20:11:22 UTC No. 952185
Have you tried changing the coordinates for the gradient? Spherical or something similar might give you exactly what you need.
Anonymous at Wed, 19 Jul 2023 20:17:49 UTC No. 952186
Ive tried, transform generator, it adjust the whole textures itself so my position maps just get fucked by doing so
basically the gradient works by using the pinpoint on a position map so for example if you color picked the dark blue and the green on picrel itll create a gradient based on those parameters but it also takes in object space into account which makes it rather difficult to just make it go any way you want and thats based on the mesh itself
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Jul 2023 09:54:42 UTC No. 952258
why oh fucking why is the blender shortcuts so retarded?
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Jul 2023 16:54:43 UTC No. 952304
Where can I hire a 3D artist to make a lifelike porn model of my oneitis?
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Jul 2023 20:23:51 UTC No. 952326
I've built a game engine that uses virtual textures, so I have practically unlimited texture resolution. The engine is working, but I'm struggling to figure out how it should allocate space in the virtual texture for each asset.
I want it to allocate space such that there's constant resolution per unit of space. For example, if I configure the virtual texture to have two texels for every 1 unit of space, and I import a 256x256 unit plane, it should allocate 512x512 texels in the virtual texture. If I then scale that plane down by a quarter, the texture allocation should also scale down by the same factor.
I'm struggling to figure out how I can make this happen in an artist-friendly, non-retarded way. The simplest way for me to do it as the programmer would be to just expect the mesh UVs to be in 1:1 scale, so the 256x256 unit plane would have UVs in the range (0-256) rather than (0-1). However, that seems like an absolute nightmare to work with while modeling, since the 3D modeling software would expect UVs to be in the range (0-1) and would end up tiling the texture 256 times.
If you guys were making assets for that kind of engine, how would you like it to work?
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Jul 2023 20:58:31 UTC No. 952334
Samefag here. I figured it out. You can calculate the area of a triangle in world space and in UV space, and the ratio of one area to another gives you a texture scale factor.
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Jul 2023 21:07:48 UTC No. 952337
hi guys
the chair nerd at Thu, 20 Jul 2023 21:35:53 UTC No. 952340
As far as I know many engunes end up allocating textures in powers of 2. This is because ita much easier to provide a memory buffer that is predictable when doing stuff such as working on diferent hardware and/or shit like mipmapping.
the chair nerd at Thu, 20 Jul 2023 21:41:17 UTC No. 952342
Anonymous at Fri, 21 Jul 2023 04:25:01 UTC No. 952388
would it clash to have the shadows on a model be both painted and dynamically lit at the same time? i'm going for a cel shaded style and painting/baking the shadows gives more control, but i want to have the normals be painted as well for dynamic lights. is it usually one or the other?
Anonymous at Fri, 21 Jul 2023 07:51:29 UTC No. 952403
in 3ds max is there a way to bind to a shortcut "show shaded material in viewport"?
"show map in viewport" from the hotkey edit doesnt really do anything
i want to quickly show how different maps look when the material has multiple maps
the chair nerd at Fri, 21 Jul 2023 14:02:21 UTC No. 952428
3ds max doesn't have a way to know wich map to display on a single shortcut because in max you can toggle specifically wich map or maps to display. Also if a texture map is behind a processing node such as color correct the 'show textures shortcut' will read it as a non textured node and just display the top diffusion level wich is the diffuse color. Also max has some programing shortfalls where it doesn't display composed maps from the get go (it doesn't show a composed tile map if you only toggle display, you must toggle the subtextures to display and then the tile map so the viewport display it correctly).
In short in 3ds max you have so much control over what you want to display that the stock functionality doesn't work for complex shaders in a single press of a button. Max has thecsamecfunctionality it has had for over 15 years for displaying maps no wonder many people feel its jewed down to stagnation.
This can be done via max script so you can cycle tru an objects materials maps and display them. Do you want it to show your diffusion maps or cycle between all maps like bump, gloss etc?
I've always wanted to make a similar function but never had the excuse to do it.
the chair nerd at Fri, 21 Jul 2023 14:05:00 UTC No. 952429
Also depending on your material the realistic toggle in the viewport does a decent job of simulating pbr shaders that take all maps into account. This depends on the render engine you have, becuase it will work for most pbr shaders but third party matetials such as vray, corona or arnold wont display correctly.
Anonymous at Fri, 21 Jul 2023 18:12:04 UTC No. 952465
Can someone with Quixel Mixer experience help me. I accidentally changed the local library file path and I can’t find the default path of it. Anyone know where it is
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 02:49:14 UTC No. 952498
If I want to move all vertices towards the center is there a reason to do it under move or do I just use resize and make smaller
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 14:36:41 UTC No. 952531
Where can I get free textures for my game?
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 15:10:50 UTC No. 952533
>with Gtx 1060 it takes 2 hours to render 1000 720p frames of low poly
I just can't... Is there way to remedy this? Should I decrease the sampling and drop it to 480p? Or just ditch Cycles for Eeeve?
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 15:29:10 UTC No. 952535
Is autorig pro worth the pirate if I'm a blender noob that's made only a handful of shitty models using rigify?
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 17:59:17 UTC No. 952549
mostly what i want to do is have an easy way to see how the base map is tiling on the object. with 2023 or lower the "show shaded material in viewport" in the SME did the job just fine, but apparently is fucked for whatever reason and you have to right click to get to the same option that is present in the toolbar
works fine when the material editor is in compact mode, but thats a nightmare to use
so i thought of just using a simple shortcut that'd work similar to the assign material to selection (shortcut that is set by default) and it will display whatever map i have selected, but looks like its more trouble than worth and its better to just wait for autodesk to release an update and fix the problem.
also didnt expect you from all people to replay. you made me a viewport toggle script, end of last year, and it has been the absolute best. cant see myself going back to before i had it <33 much love
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 18:37:45 UTC No. 952552
again,purely for tiling purposes, so dont trouble yourself writing anything
i'm using vray, but ive never really used the realistic view. not a fan of it and it easier to just render a region or use ipr
ill right click until next update, not that big of a issue so they will prob fix it right away
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 20:33:38 UTC No. 952567
Free resources pastebin compiled by some nice anon here. There's a bunch of shit in there, and not just textures.
It's also always in the OP of the Wip thread just in case you lose it.
2hrs to render 1000 frames isn't that bad. Rendering is always going to take a while no matter what GPU you have.
I remember when I went from rendering on my shitty laptop to rendering on a 1060 and it was like I could do anything. Now I'm on a 1080 and I feel limited since I'm running up against its limits (granted I render at 4k now). When rendering, I aim for a target of like 8 hours or so no matter how long an anim is (unless it's like a few seconds long) so I can render it overnight while I'm asleep and my computer isn't doing anything.
As someone else said, volumetrics are killing your render speed. Also if your sampling is like 1000 or something, then I'd decrease it. Honestly you could probably get by with 32 or something with denoising on. You don't have any textures to get blurry.
Fuck, even these days I don't even really go past 100 samples, denoising is just that good (especially with the noise threshold). Now most of my "render" time for animations is compiling the scene each frame, while the actual rendering is incredibly small compared to it.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 21:16:11 UTC No. 952573
Stupid question, MetaHuman browser only exports mhb file.
What even is MHB, I assume it isn't actually 3D file, that can be opened with Blender.
So, do you have to install the desktop version of MetaHuman so you export its mesh?
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 21:22:45 UTC No. 952574
how did I fuck this up? I am obviously new to this
I select 4 vertices and press F to make a face, some look fine but some are like this
I don't see any duplicate vertices or edges and they all look oriented correctly (same as ones that come out right)
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 21:32:06 UTC No. 952577
Select all and recalculate outside/inside or select the weird verts and flip normals
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 21:39:42 UTC No. 952580
Turns out I somehow made faces in between groups of 4 vertices that aren't neighbours/of the same quad
I deleted everything I could besides vertices then remade edges then faces and it's okay now
Probably a retarded way to go about it but I guess I'll figure it out eventually
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 21:49:36 UTC No. 952581
For a giga-million dollar film that background looks like dogshit. There is no roughness. You can tell they just slapped a texture onto some generated landscape and called it a day. Why would Nolan okay this?
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 21:55:16 UTC No. 952582
He didnt use any cgi in the movie. There is a interview about this.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 22:02:38 UTC No. 952583
Rock that's ground down by ice sheets looks like that.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 22:06:59 UTC No. 952584
Import it into Unreal engine and use the real-time renderer. The render time would literally just be the length of the animation. Or just dump blender altogether and use the 3d modeling and texturing tools in Unreal. Nothing in that animation is too advanced that Unreal couldn't do.
True. The director actually built an interstellar spaceship and landed on an alien world to film this shot.
And the foreground?
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 22:59:21 UTC No. 952590
>female stormtrooper
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 23:07:16 UTC No. 952591
>Unreal engine
Unreal Engine takes 20 GB, what the actual fuck
Just no, I'm not made of disk space.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 23:16:06 UTC No. 952592
The entire dialogue, animation, and star wars itself is cringe. But it's a decent and basic tech demo of the real-time renderer.
You can get 1TB SSDs for like $30 nowadays.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 23:33:20 UTC No. 952593
>>You can get 1TB SSDs for like $30 nowadays.
maybe so, but it would require replacing the current 250 GB SSD, and reinstalling everything. With Debian it took me ages to get everything working property, like I got random freezes.
>inb4 secondary SSD
My motherboard only supports one SSD
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 23:46:26 UTC No. 952594
Get a USB-C to SATA adapter. USB-C speeds can fully saturate SATA throughput. Or you can use Acronis Home Office to clone your OS disk to the larger drive. I did this recently and upgraded my 256GB OS drive to 1TB. Worked perfectly. Only downside is Acronis is not free, so I pirated it from IPTorrents. You can beg around social media for an invite to IPTorrents or buy an invite for like $20. It might be available on public trackers, I wouldn't know because I don't use them. Either ways always use virustotal on executable.
>but muh Linux??!!
Not my fault you gimped yourself.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 23:50:31 UTC No. 952595
No. Well, you should try it that way and see what happens and figure it out on your own, but here's how I suggest you do it:
Make the low poly cylinders, and don't just use actual cylinders, get it close as you can get just by moving vertices around.
use the subdivision modifier and then sculpt it in blender. This will move the vertices around in your low poly and get it as close as possible to what you want. No need to take this to zbrush.
Duplicate your mesh, delete the subdiv modifiers on your low-poly then bake normals.
I don't think you should use a displacement map for this. When I was a beginner I found displacement maps very enticing, but normal maps on their own are better 99% of the time I find. Certainly for this where you could just shade smooth a low-poly and pretty much be there.
Or you could do a similar thing in zbrush, if you know zbrush well enough to want to use that over blender you can figure it out.
The reasoning for this is that you want your low-poly to be extremely close to the high poly one. If you alter your high-poly mesh in a different program, chances are you're going to stray far enough from the low-poly to mess it up and you'll get shitty broken results. Work on the high and low poly at the same time.
When I'm sculpting characters, I get 50% of the way there, then retopo, then subdivide, then project details from the first sculpt onto the subdivided model, then keep going. Maybe there's something I'm missing, but I've never once got a good result when working on high and low poly stuff separately.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023 00:25:15 UTC No. 952601
Did people like General Butch hand-animate all of the deformations and fucking positions in their videos, or are there modern layers on top of 3D software to do stuff like inverse-kinematics and body-deformation solving, so that people don't have to manually hinge joints and shit?
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023 00:26:08 UTC No. 952602
Anyway to to be able to draw a line like I did here in red and have the selected vertices line up to fit it?
I feel most low poly modeling is moving dots around to make lines, why can't I draw lines?
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023 00:46:47 UTC No. 952604
You are fucking retarded.
$20 will get you a flash drive you can put clonezilla on.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023 01:29:27 UTC No. 952611
True. Linuxfags can use that instead.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023 01:40:54 UTC No. 952612
You are perhaps the dumbest gorilla fucktard I've ever shared a screen with.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023 07:12:04 UTC No. 952635
I'd say it's volumetrics then (if you're using them).
Do you have an idea of how long per frame it took? 1000 frames is a good bit no matter how you slice it, 2hrs at 720p on a 1060 seems reasonable enough to me. At 1080p it would probably take 6 or so hours, which seems right.
For the "style" you're going for, it might not be reasonable (since it's all basic materials and no textures) , but you would be able to swap to Eevee for that without any discernible difference in quality. What you have now should render in like 30 mins or less.
In any case, rendering is gonna take a good bit of time in any project. For longer animations, take a look at SheepIt. It's a free render farm. You use your GPU to render other people's projects in your downtime, and when you want to do a final render, you send it off and use other people's (hopefully more powerful) GPUs to render instead.
I use it for almost every larger project that's more than a few hundred (or thousand) frames. Cuts down rendering from days to hours.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023 07:22:43 UTC No. 952638
>There is no roughness
Tell someone you don't know what the word "roughness" means in 3d without telling them you don't know what it means.
That landscape is literally all roughness. If there was none, the shit would look like a polished surface, or a glittering mess using a bump map.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023 07:35:07 UTC No. 952639
>he fell for nolan’s faggotry lies
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023 08:06:35 UTC No. 952643
11s per frame
I tested with Eeevee, I could render 100 frames in 1 second 64 quality. Thought doesn't seem like Eevee supports reflections, or maybe it's reserved for higher quality
didn't know there was afree render farm
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:15:40 UTC No. 952653
Press G twice to slide verts along a surface
Box model the whole hand and clean up the 6 poles afterwards.
They would clash if combined directly. It's better to use one as a mask for post processing the other in compositing.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:15:53 UTC No. 952654
I'm trying to do photogrammetry on a car frame, but I don't have isolated photos.
There are photos from various angles, and a few short video clips. There's even a short clip where they show the cad model.
How can I do this? Never done any sort of photogrammetry before.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023 13:19:25 UTC No. 952675
That's now what I mean
Image I want to move the selected vertices to fit the red line, I have to move each vertex one by one, but is there no way to be able to just draw the red line and have them move to it?
Like adjust to line, or smooth to line or something
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023 14:08:01 UTC No. 952681
>star wars itself is cringe
yes, it's sad this shit more popular than TNG
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023 18:42:44 UTC No. 952715
In Blender, I need to rotate wheels at a constant speed. I want to export this as an animation (for use in a game engine).
But even when I use linear interpolation and linear extrapolation, the rotation animation STILL slows down near the keyframes. It's driving me mad, how do I fix this?
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023 19:58:59 UTC No. 952720
Photogrammetry still kinda sucks. Using compressed video frames of a presumably reflective surface will make a complete unusable mess. Depending on you skill and the intended use you could at least model a rough outline using pics as reference (maybe fspy and projection map/model it)
Animate them in engine by code.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023 20:26:46 UTC No. 952724
11s per frame is fine. That's about what you'd expect. Multiply that by 1000 and no shit it's gonna take a few hours.
Try that shit with minutes per frame and that render farm starts to look really good.
I think I did an 8000 or so frame music video and it took a week to render even with the render farm. Granted it was at 4k, so it's not like I could complain. Well the rendering took about a day for a segment, but compiling everything together and actually clearing that final hurdle took about a week.
As for your reflections issue, make sure screenspace reflections are turned on for eevee. There's a bunch of shit you can turn on and off. Mostly since they'll impact the speed. Personally (with the exception of Bloom), they're worth keeping on all the time.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023 21:31:38 UTC No. 952732
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023 21:58:00 UTC No. 952735
Damn, that's what I thought unfortunately. I guess I'll go the route of trying to slowly copy it using pictures as reference. Should be able to get most of the design, but I'll need to do a lot of my own work anyways.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 00:06:18 UTC No. 952745
good advice, thanks
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 06:53:36 UTC No. 952777
Why couldn't you make a sphere of the same width and then halve it, then attach the two?
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 09:42:19 UTC No. 952789
my goal is to start zbrush because even environment artist needs to learn zbrush. so your workflow is sculpt the candle in zbrush then retopo it in blender for the lowpoly model then just bake the normals ?
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 10:39:18 UTC No. 952806
Not exactly.
I would sculpt a quick sketch in zbrush, then retopo, then subdivide the low poly and finish the sculpt on that. Then take the high and low subdiv models and use them to bake.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 12:01:45 UTC No. 952812
can you link some tutorials to get started with that workflow or just zbrush in general?
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 12:04:19 UTC No. 952814
why are VFX artists so obsessed with seeing their names in the credits?
why are VFX artists constantly complaining about working conditions, not getting any respect, and having to work for pennies on the dollar, yet say says to those jobs?
are they mental cripples?
are they spineless?
are they suffering from self hatred?
yes, of course, but why?
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 12:38:19 UTC No. 952821
>is there a way in blender to sphere cap a cylinder AFTER you already created a complex cylinder and forgot to start with a rounded cube?
then you are just duplicating and moving the triangle fan problem to the top and bottom of where it joins stead of the end.
If you try to do it with a rounded cube the segments won't match up width wise
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 13:39:39 UTC No. 952832
Is there any sane way to group/ungroup objects in Blender? There's parenting, but that requires you to remember which is the parent object and always select that part specifically (breaking the group apart if you get the wrong one), and there's join/separate, but that destroys the object names. I just want to temporarily treat multiple objects as one.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 13:50:53 UTC No. 952835
zbrush is a really autistic program so one tutorial won't do it. Just spend a few months playing around and trying different things.
Flippednormals, Jared Chavez and Outgang have good tutorials.
But the theory behind this workflow is that when you're sculpting in zbrush there's a ton of ways to mess up your topology.
You can use dynamesh which constantly recomputes your model kind of like voxels where each polygon is the same size, so you don't get long stretched out vertices. There's also sculptris pro mode where zbrush will add more vertices on your brush tip, so you can zoom way in and get really dense meshes with tons of detail.
These things are really useful at the beginning of a sculpt, but it's a bit of a mess later on. Poorly optimised, and hard to unwrap or morph.
So you want to get like 50% of the way there, then create a low poly version. You can create the low poly a bunch of different ways, there's automatic tools in zbrush like zremesher, which is perfect for static objects, retopoflow in blender is really good.
Once you have your low poly, you hit "divide" in zbrush and that splits each polygon into a set of smaller polygons, and you can move between different levels of subdivision and export models at each level. So subdiv your low poly a few times and you'll have a nice clean mesh with tons of resolution for the details.
When you sculpt on the highest level, it will move the verts around on the lowest level too, but it won't add any vertices.
Once you're finished, export the highest level and the lowest level, and you'll have two closely matched models that'll be perfect for baking.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 14:29:04 UTC No. 952837
I installed Blender. I make a donut. Everything seems fine. Nice keyboard shortcuts, impressive shading and geometry node features, all looks professional. I think I'll try a room with furniture next. I make a box for the room. I make a chair: legs, back, seat, all grouped in a collection. Obvious next step is moving it about the room. This is where it becomes clear Blender is software for the utterly deranged. Moving just a chair leg is simple: drag RMB. Moving the whole chair requires: RMB, shift-g, LMB, g. Suddenly I need two clicks and three key presses when previously I needed only a single click. This is really how you're supposed to do it. If you ever forget then the chair falls apart. Completely insane.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 14:52:54 UTC No. 952841
So here's what I mean.
>A is rough sculpt
you can zoom in and see how messed up the topology is
>B is the zremeshed low poly
you can can your time and do this properly if you want it better optimised.
at this point I ran the zbrush auto unwrap
>C is the subdivided model
I projected details from A to get this result because of speed, but you can sculpt at this point if you wish.
I also baked the normal map in zbrush here
>D low poly in blender without the normal map
set the mesh to the lowest subdiv level then exported.
used .fbx for the export and it came into blender with UVs and the normal map set up properly. For this render I turned off the normal map and used flat shading so you can see what's going on there.
>E low poly in blender with the normal map turned on
There's about 6k faces in my "low poly" here, but the process is the same if you properly take your time.
the chair nerd at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 15:41:08 UTC No. 952846
><33 much love
Aww. Yeah you found me I usually never lurk in /sqtddtot/ cuz its 95% blender questions so if one day you are in real need of a max nerd make sure to contact me on /archviz/.
>ill prob fix it right away
Oh ok yeah I'm still doing 3ds max 2022 and haven't even read or watched the features for 2023 or 2024. When I transition to another version I'll go full workflow adaptation and manual reading commitment so I usually do it on december every 2 years or so when I know for sure they are at least in r3 and have solved integration issues. I know my 3ds max but I'm not a fan of being the first and ecperiencing shit bugs. For me its stability over new features.
>so dont trouble yourself writing anything
That is a negative. I'll just use you as an excuse to make a script I 've always wanted to make and its a recursive map viewport toggle. I don't promise (specially in july) anything but I'll make sure to post it here once I have it.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 17:26:55 UTC No. 952853
Where's the best place to find orthographic front/side/back human references like pic related for modeling? Obviously a basic Google image search gives a few, but most of those stick to a generic anatomical shape that isn't very attractive or otherwise interesting.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 20:42:25 UTC No. 952872
Why not just parent them to an empty? I know you didn't want to parent shit, but that's essentially what parenting is. It's grouping.
Make the empty nice and visible and you'll always know what to grab.
Only thing that's dumb is the names in the hierarchy getting hidden under the parent object though. I think that's fucking stupid. Just because it's a child object doesn't mean I don't want to see it in the hierarchy, that's what collections are for.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 22:50:03 UTC No. 952887
>parent them to an empty
I tried it and it's like parenting to something in the object group except worse. You still have to select the empty manually, only now it's an awkward wireframe instead of something you can easily click, and grouping is a still a pain in the ass because you need to get the selection order right before applying the parenting. And everything gets even more annoying if you try to nest things or use multiple groups because there's no way to tell which is the correct empty.
The least bad option I found was making a collection instance, putting the original collection inside another collection, and then hiding the outer collection. You can't actually hide it directly or the instance won't show up in renders. With this setup the collection instance behaves like a group in normal software, except more annoying to edit because you have to work on the original instead, which is either overlapping your scene or forcing you to move to where you put it. And of course the grouping/ungrouping/nesting is even more annoying than the parent to empty technique.
You should be able to just group and ungroup objects with a single keybind, like every other editing software. All these bullshit workarounds are the Blender equivalent of Gnome's thumbnails in the file picker bug. It's laughable that the devs put so much work into fancy features when something so basic is missing.
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 08:32:39 UTC No. 952945
>grouping is a still a pain in the ass because you need to get the selection order right before applying the parenting
I don't really see what's so difficult about selecting everything, and then selecting the parent object last. The object is even outlined a different color to show you.
>it's an awkward wireframe instead of something you can easily click
I've never had an issue clicking something. Blender is pretty fucking generous when it comes to selecting in the vicinity of an object without being dead on. In all honesty I don't really ever bother trying to pinpoint select something. Get somewhere near it, select and it picks up your intent just fine. If it's underneath shit, just hold alt and you can select from a list.
>there's no way to tell which is the correct empty
Name your empty, have the name be displayed in the viewport. If you don't know what you're clicking at that point, it's on you.
While your complaints about not having a group feature are valid, your hangups about what's currently there really aren't. You're making a mountain out of a molehill, inventing a problem and then acting like it's some convoluted, backwards and involved process (it's like 3 buttons), just because it's not EXACTLY what you imagined or described. It's like those shitty commercials on TV for some retarded gadget where the person without it is completely incompetent without it, even though it doesn't solve any problem.
Would I like a grouping feature? Absolutely. Do I have a problem with parenting objects? Absolutely not. Is the program a piece of shit because it doesn't have a grouping feature? No, but there's better reasons why Blender is lacking than that.
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 08:49:31 UTC No. 952948
It absolutely is convoluted and backwards, because the whole point of grouping is that it's fast. Having to name things is missing the point of grouping. Having to think about where to click is missing the point of grouping. Having to think about which object is the parent is missing the point of grouping.
Blender design is like some fancy modern kitchen with high power induction stove and gleaming stainless steel surfaces, except to turn the water on you need to adjust a valve under the sink with a screwdriver, and everybody is bizarrely defensive about this and pretends it's better than the standard method.
Anonymous at Wed, 26 Jul 2023 07:03:02 UTC No. 953074
>bizarrely defensive about this and pretends it's better than the standard method.
I agreed with you that a grouping feature would be a good addition. I'm berating you because you're making it seem like an involved process that you NEED to get worked up about when it's really not. Select objects, ctrl-p. Odds are you'd be parenting smaller shit to a larger thing anyway, and you'd be clicking the larger thing instinctually every time.
>Having to think about where to click is missing the point of grouping. Having to think about which object is the parent is missing the point of grouping.
If you genuinely have to stop and think about all that shit, then no wonder it's "not fast".
If thoughts are at such a premium for you that you have to ration them out to click something, then maybe 3d just isn't for you. There's plenty of other, more precise, clicking that you'll have to do in 3d. God forbid you have to click a button in a menu.
Anonymous at Wed, 26 Jul 2023 13:44:41 UTC No. 953098
Almos 100% sure its solidworks with a custom right leaning ui.
Anonymous at Wed, 26 Jul 2023 13:52:18 UTC No. 953100
Thank you
Anonymous at Wed, 26 Jul 2023 19:35:28 UTC No. 953127
is smart UV project good for hard surface models?
i tried UV unwrap my extremely messy mesh (its full of Ngons) and i couldnt get rid of stretching
but when i clicked on smart UV project it gave me perfect UV map with 0 stretching (perfect to my untrained eye i cant tell if its that good or not but it seems good to me )
Anonymous at Wed, 26 Jul 2023 19:41:59 UTC No. 953128
Yes it is. Of course it works better without N-gons, though.
Anonymous at Wed, 26 Jul 2023 19:47:59 UTC No. 953129
why isnt it the standard for UV unwrapping then
is there any downsides for using it?
Anonymous at Wed, 26 Jul 2023 20:01:58 UTC No. 953130
In some cases, you may want to project an image texture in a specific way. In areas were the automated unwrapping function made a seam, the texture will likely look ugly. You would notice, where the projected image repeats. Usually, you can put the seam in an area, where it is less noticable to the viewer by adding seams on specific edges.
Anonymous at Thu, 27 Jul 2023 02:18:29 UTC No. 953146
I'm doing LowPoly character and UV mapping makes me wanna quit. Any tool or video for making it easy?
Anonymous at Thu, 27 Jul 2023 07:08:27 UTC No. 953155
What's so hard about skinning someone?
Cut a circle around the arms near the armpit, one at the wrists, line down the arm to flatten it out.
Same for the legs.
Ring around the base of the neck and where it meets the head. Slice down from there. Then another slice down the back of the head to flatten out the face.
Unwrapping a character is like the easiest thing to do, it's all just cylinders.
Learn how to unwrap a cube, cylinder and a sphere and you can literally unwrap anything. It's all just a combo of those 3 things.
Anonymous at Sat, 29 Jul 2023 20:24:28 UTC No. 953511
are AI upscalers sufficiently advanced now? I have a marvelous collection of 256 / 512 textures that I'd like to bump up a bit up ideally to 2k/4k
Anonymous at Sat, 29 Jul 2023 22:29:33 UTC No. 953544
Last i saw you lose too many details when upscaling, especially on grunge textures. It comes out smooth and unnatural and makes it pretty much impossible to correctly produce specular and normal maps. I quickly learned substance so I usually make my own textures these days, but maybe upscalers have gotten much better now. You could always upscale and then manually add in details by scaling the original textures by half or a third and erase edges in photoshop?
Anonymous at Sat, 29 Jul 2023 22:42:10 UTC No. 953546
yeah thats what I'm doing right now and only use tiled part of my collection but eh
tis just sad, all that buzz about them ais replacing humans and I still have to do texturing by hand in the end
Anonymous at Sun, 30 Jul 2023 02:44:10 UTC No. 953571
How does sculpting work? I am following a Blender tutorial that uses the block-in -> high poly sculpt -> low poly retopology pipe line, but whenever I try to sculpt my mesh the entire thing fucking EXPLODES and becomes impossible to work with. In the videos I'm watching they manage to elegantly manipulate the mesh but mine gets filled with jagged edges and weird blobby shapes. My block-ins are closer to the final product than whatever I manage to sculpt. How do people get their shit to look so refined?
Anonymous at Sun, 30 Jul 2023 04:24:56 UTC No. 953578
not that bad tyty im gonna check this out
Anonymous at Sun, 30 Jul 2023 04:49:00 UTC No. 953580
Sculpting is fairly straightforward, but the topology is what makes a mesh look smooth. Depending on what you're planning to make you'll need to research Faceloops, the anatomy of the subject, and reference topology deforming in action. But for your model it just looks like you need to turn off Dyntopo.
Anonymous at Sun, 30 Jul 2023 06:34:41 UTC No. 953591
Looks like your dyntopo target resolution is too low. It's relative to pixel size, so you have to set it fairly high for it to look smooth and then be careful about not sculpting over fine details zoomed out.
Anonymous at Sun, 30 Jul 2023 10:34:06 UTC No. 953606
Well anon, if youre interested, i can give you a substance torrent and courses to quickly learn the fundies
Anonymous at Sun, 30 Jul 2023 13:24:00 UTC No. 953617
no need im a longtime mari user
Anonymous at Sun, 30 Jul 2023 20:52:23 UTC No. 953677
If you wanted to make a cartoon in Blender are you better off going 3D, 2D, or a combination of the two? Or does it depend entirely on the kind of animation you're going for? I'm impatient so I'd assume 2D (or a combination) would give results way faster than purely 3D.
I always liked that Beavis and Butthead/KotH style, where it's cartoony, but still has a sense of realism about it (in comparison to something like the Simpsons). At the same time I really love that Jap aesthetic, but I don't watch anime or nothing because they start going fucking mental and it loses me. With the Jap stuff it's not so much the character design, or even the storytelling, it's more about how the worlds and the aesthetics have a realistic feel to them, but they're still very much cartoons.
Basically a bit like if the KotH "feel" is a step above the realism of the Simpsons then that wacky Jap shit "feel" is a step above KotH.
Not sure if that makes any sense, but I can't really describe it. Maybe I need a psychiatrist more than I need /sqtddtot/.
If someone can unravel that and has any clue what I'm talking about could you give me some advice?
Anonymous at Sun, 30 Jul 2023 23:10:57 UTC No. 953682
my advice is that you have no idea what you're doing, so you should just your best and see what you learn along the way. Doesn't matter if it's 2D or 3D, whatever you're more comfortable with. if you can't draw, probably do 3D.
KotH is realistic mostly because of the writing. Anime probably is realistic because it often borrows a lot from film.
I wouldn't worry too much about all that, just make what you can make.
Anonymous at Mon, 31 Jul 2023 01:11:21 UTC No. 953690
Thanks, this helped a lot. The tutorial said to turn it on but I got better results without it. Also switching the brush from sphere to projected falloff made the mesh deform more predictably.
Anonymous at Mon, 31 Jul 2023 01:52:21 UTC No. 953694
>my advice is that you have no idea what you're doing
Bingo. This is also the worst part to admit.
I'm more comfortable with 2D, but not for everything. Like I prefer making 2D characters than 3D ones, but for most everything else I prefer using 3D.
It's not the writing that makes it feel more realistic, I mean the whole art style itself. Like I say I can't really describe it. It's like there are little subtleties included in KotH that something like the Simpsons doesn't have. Not even the obvious stuff like skin color, but little details on buildings or on people. The Japs take those subtleties a step further which makes it feel even more realistic. A bit like how the backgrounds in Scooby Doo have a more realistic flavor than the characters themselves have. You're absolutely right about Japs borrowing a lot from film which helps though.
That being said, I'm going to take this advice
>I wouldn't worry too much about all that, just make what you can make
Thanks dude.
Well, guess you can get muted too, almighty. Nice plan. at Mon, 31 Jul 2023 06:18:36 UTC No. 953710
I m pretty confident that my portofolio is 5 digits anyway out of my research but since it hasnt, what are the mathemathical denomination or are people just into the looks than the content?
How do you really count up in logics if your portofolio has like
Hundred thousands traffic worth?
Homehomefijihome? at Mon, 31 Jul 2023 08:17:57 UTC No. 953720
How to quickly be gud in 3d? And any of its aspect. Like really quick.
I mean i confidently understands the theory and such and probably can name all of the tools from the back of my head... but trying to be "good" enough for professionality is... something else entirely. Like, repeating the same routine for all the shortcuts and the nonsense? Or feeling it out?
Idk.. can you?
Also knowingly hits the 6 digits current trend by knowledge alonethan instinct.
Whatever is that
Anonymous at Mon, 31 Jul 2023 14:17:18 UTC No. 953758
First take your meds then we can talk about you getting good.
Anonymous at Mon, 31 Jul 2023 14:40:10 UTC No. 953761
Never been prescribed so try going out of your- The basement. Kekl
Dont sperg too hard now
Anonymous at Mon, 31 Jul 2023 21:32:34 UTC No. 953817
Is it bad practice to use booleans to join different pieces together to make a prop? I made a low poly AA gun (at work, will post pics when I get off) and I decided to model all of the individual pieces separately (gun shield, reciever, ammo box tray etc.) and then joined them together via booleans. Is this good practice or should I try to make it all in one go from a single base mesh?
Anonymous at Mon, 31 Jul 2023 21:48:09 UTC No. 953818
At least 7.
Probably gloop, or at least a bop.
Anonymous at Mon, 31 Jul 2023 21:50:54 UTC No. 953819
Very much depends on what you're making and how well you can clean up the vertices around the merge. It's very good to practice for booleaning hard surface, subdivided models. You should generally try to get as much as you can out of a single mesh though, at least as far as what can be considered an individual 'part' on whatever you're trying to make.
Anonymous at Tue, 1 Aug 2023 01:31:35 UTC No. 953834
How bad of a practice is it to make objects out of separate little pieces instead of one proper mesh? I'm making a traffic light and the little overhangs are just separate meshes joined and parented very close to the main box. I COULD properly merge them together and spend a while cleaning up the verts and making it all quads, but I'd rather skip that gay shit if what I have now works. It's not for a game.
Anonymous at Tue, 1 Aug 2023 02:01:04 UTC No. 953839
not bad at all, its called floater and these are used everywhere even in game assets
as long as nobody notices, if it saves you time go balls deep
Anonymous at Tue, 1 Aug 2023 02:51:42 UTC No. 953850
Ultra bad practice. source:logic
Anonymous at Tue, 1 Aug 2023 05:37:19 UTC No. 953862
It's actually something you should actually aim for.
The general rule of thumb is that if it's a separate object IRL, it should be a separate piece in the model (barring tiny shit like screws and stuff).
As an example, cars aren't vacuum formed out of a single piece of metal, they're made of different panels and parts. The same goes for most any other object you'll find. With the exception of the stuff that actually IS molded, stamped, or vacuum formed.
It also makes it easier to iterate upon and edit, seeing as you don't commit yourself to perfect geometry that flows seamlessly into every part that should be separate, just for the sake of having everything one object. You can edit isolated sections of a model without worrying too much about edge flow since those parts aren't really meant to flow into each other irl anyway.
It can also make things look a bit more realistic and constructed, since they're actually constructed and not a single solid mesh.
Anonymous at Tue, 1 Aug 2023 10:13:30 UTC No. 953871
Is there a market for NSFW content that doesn't involve animation?
I'm great at character modelling, will people buy stills? Can I sell models to animation people, or is that not really viable?
Anonymous at Wed, 2 Aug 2023 04:20:15 UTC No. 953951
VRChat would probably be pretty lucrative for you if you're just selling models and stuff. Assuming you cater to furries, and know how to get them working in the program.
That being said, you can still make some decent cash modelling popular characters and selling them as assets for other animators.
I go for a bit of a hybrid approach. I'll make some models and a bunch of assets from scratch, make an animation using all of them, then sell the models and assets as well. The main draw is the animations for the regular people, and characters, assets, and environments for the people that do their own shit. Since most porn animators are lazy fucks that smash overwatch models together with shitty interpolation and can't model to save their lives (or animate for that matter).
For the porn "animators" though I charge a good amount more though since they're going to be using my stuff commercially and I should get a proportional cut. That includes the commercial license though, so they're fine after that. I give them access to all the models and stuff on offer when they subscribe though, so it ends up being a decent deal if there's a shit ton of assets in there.
Anonymous at Wed, 2 Aug 2023 05:49:55 UTC No. 953958
Bear with me here bros.
1 and 2 are where the origin point is. I've deleted half of the cylinder to use a mirror mod. What I need is to have the origin point at 2 and 3. However when I move the origin point I end up with 3 and 4 (or some other variation I don't want). What do?
I swear this has never happened before. I know you can't see the origin point in 2, but that's because I've already moved the object and it's being hidden by the black line otherwise it would be at the cursor.
Anonymous at Wed, 2 Aug 2023 06:03:13 UTC No. 953960
You can:
- apply the mirror, set the origin to the median point, then remove half the mesh and add the mirror back
- place a vertex where you want the origin and then move the cursor and origin there
- move the cursor and origin to the world origin if your object lines up like so
- turn on "affect only: origins" in the edit mode for the move tool and move your origin by hand
- any other funny cursor positioning trick you can contrive
Anonymous at Wed, 2 Aug 2023 06:27:39 UTC No. 953965
I did that first one and it worked perfectly. Really not sure why that happened in the first place because it's never happened before.
Thanks though.
Anonymous at Thu, 3 Aug 2023 21:34:28 UTC No. 954120
I just use MMD models
Anonymous at Sat, 5 Aug 2023 06:46:07 UTC No. 954251
How does CONTENT, and, QUALITY, adds up to the traffic in protofolio. whats the trend now? rinotuna? ramonn90? alchemaniac/alchehehehe?
im trying to make good portofolio, REGULARLY, but it's not always clear enough, Nor am i confident enough at putting my OWN words to define it.
Anonymous at Sat, 5 Aug 2023 07:38:54 UTC No. 954255
I just kitbash using free models
Anonymous at Sat, 5 Aug 2023 17:41:17 UTC No. 954286
If it’s made of separate parts in the real world make it out of separate parts. You wouldn’t make a gun out of one piece of geo unless you’re retarded.
That’s not at all what floaters are.
Anonymous at Sat, 5 Aug 2023 19:17:56 UTC No. 954292
Any good videos on the boolean workflow? Is it worthwhile learning or just a meme?
Anonymous at Sat, 5 Aug 2023 19:51:40 UTC No. 954294
I'd say at least a bippitybop, maybe a skibididido, but if you can manage a skeebopskeebopskeebop would really set you apart from the rest of the chaff.
You're lucky to get this information for free.
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Aug 2023 14:09:26 UTC No. 954317
Not that Anon but I'd appreciate a link :)
Or can I just look on /t/ and find it all easily
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Aug 2023 16:59:53 UTC No. 954326
Is it worth it to buy a 3080ti for CUDA simulations for $1100 new up from a 3060?
>10240 cuda cores vs 3584
Its a jump, but at the same time I am nervous about buying another GPU
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Aug 2023 20:36:06 UTC No. 954357
how to change modo nagavation shortcuts
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Aug 2023 21:21:31 UTC No. 954361
Probably plugins and particle/emitters? Blender isn't super developped in those type of emmission effects yet, i feel like
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Aug 2023 23:52:40 UTC No. 954363
Like (what I assume is) 90% of people who start with 3d software, I wan't to sculpt porn and sfw statues, but I have no artistic or 3dcg background, so, where should I start? I have a tablet and blender, but also a zbrush crack. Can I start with human models right away, or do I have to sculpt donuts and beaches first? Also, how long should I expect it to take before I am able to make, at the very least, semi-realistic models? Any tips? Tyia.
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Aug 2023 23:57:06 UTC No. 954365
you have a trojan and/or a miner now. Congrats.
Anonymous at Mon, 7 Aug 2023 00:01:42 UTC No. 954366
I would know 100% if that was the case, I'm not worried.
Anonymous at Mon, 7 Aug 2023 00:02:45 UTC No. 954367
>I have no artistic or 3dcg background
Just start learning how to draw. I'm not saying to become an expert at drawing, but at least become proficient at drawing something like cartoon figures or anime girls.
If you can't figure out how to do that, you really have no chance of sculpting without any kind of background.
Depending on how well you understand form and stuff, you might not need to learn to draw, but in either case you're not just trying to learn how to run before you can walk, you're trying to compete in a 100 meter dash before you've even been fucking born yet.
People can and have learned to sculpt very well without any prior knowledge, but that's the extreme exception and not the norm. I'm not saying to quit before you've even gotten started, but just fucking reign in your goals a bit. Because as it is, you're looking at 2-3 years before you're going to be where you want. If you don't have the patience to invest that much, you're not going to reach your goals. You not only have to learn how to use the 3d programs, you need to learn how to sculpt, sculpt artistically as well, learn anatomy so your sculpts don't look like abominations, and develop your eye so you can actually understand what you're looking at; because you're starting at 0, you're going to have to learn all of that all at the same time.
I wish you luck, but I'd just as well wish a mentally-ill Pinocchio luck at becoming a real girl.
Anonymous at Mon, 7 Aug 2023 00:09:46 UTC No. 954368
you dont have to know how to draw to know how to do /3/ character creation
Anonymous at Mon, 7 Aug 2023 04:27:41 UTC No. 954376
I agree. You absolutely don't, and I said as much in the post. But diving in head first into something technical and artistic at the same time and trying to learn both is something that can (and will) lead to frustration, and ultimately him giving up. As said, there's a bit of people who have that innate ability to pick it up really quickly, but that's not something you should really count on. Since in all likelihood, he doesn't have that "ability". Taking a complex subject and breaking it up into bite-sized parts is a good way to learn any subject. Trying to learn it all at once is how you get overwhelmed.
That being said, assuming he doesn't, without any understanding of fucking anything, he's going to be paddling up a waterfall.
Learning to draw or internalizing any kind of simplified anatomy will help him. It's much simpler to pick up a pencil and paper and start drawing shapes than it is to try and learn the intricacies of a program, learn how to use sculpting tools, learn the sculpting workflow, and all the other technical shit involved with "learning how to sculpt people", all at the same time as learning how to actually replicate the human form, and learning the basics of art and what makes a character look "good".
Drawing some shapes on a piece of paper is quick, "pure" (in that you're not bogged down with using a program and there's no "barrier" between you and what you're doing), and intuitive.
Like I said, he doesn't have to become an expert, or even really competent, it's mainly a way of learning what shapes make up the human body, how to make a human look human, and all that other shit.
Can he do that while sculpting instead? Abso-fuckin-lutely. However I think it'd be beneficial in the long run if he took a week or two to draw some waifus and shit to get those shapes internalized. I mean hell, he could do that at the same time as sculpting. There's no rule saying he has to do one or the other.
Anonymous at Mon, 7 Aug 2023 04:29:47 UTC No. 954377
>That being said, assuming he doesn't
assuming he doesn't have that ability.
Anonymous at Tue, 8 Aug 2023 00:33:58 UTC No. 954422
Why are my local axis and global axis acting the exact same, but only on some objects? I've already reset the scale and location so I know it doesn't have anything to do with that.
Anonymous at Tue, 8 Aug 2023 03:43:29 UTC No. 954441
Who fucking knows?
We don't even know what program you're using.
Judging on your terminology, you're probably using Blender. I'd start with checking if the objects are parented. Even then more context would be helpful. "acting the exact same" how?
Anonymous at Wed, 9 Aug 2023 02:39:04 UTC No. 954544
how do i do 3d boobs?
asking for a friends
Anonymous at Wed, 9 Aug 2023 04:54:10 UTC No. 954552
Anonymous at Fri, 11 Aug 2023 00:36:16 UTC No. 954746
I have a 3D model of a location as a .obj made via drone photogrammetry. I want to patch the holes and thicken the base a bit then 3d print it, but the f360 close holes and stitch and remove also close the outside edges together making huge polygons that intersect the entire thing. Is it possible to do what I need in f360, or is another program better for this kind of thing?
Anonymous at Fri, 11 Aug 2023 17:49:25 UTC No. 954817
Hey guys, I'm looking to design some real world furniture. What would the best program(s) for that be? AutoCAD? SolidWorks? Does anyone have an idea what file format(s) manufacturers prefer for something like furniture?
Anonymous at Fri, 11 Aug 2023 18:02:58 UTC No. 954820
no lol, at least not right now
why would that matter?
the chair nerd at Fri, 11 Aug 2023 18:21:27 UTC No. 954822
Because me and chairs are like jews and soap.
Yes it would matter what kind of furniture because there are for example many software suites specialized in carpentry like shapr3d whereas furniture with textiles may use other software.
In general furniture design is assimilated to industrial design so a program like solidworks or fusion 360 can let you design and test furniture mechanisms like in a reclining sofa and model the tolerances of materials and assembly.
If your focus is more simple like prototyping concepts a basic cad modelling software like autocad, sketchup or blendar can do the job.
If your focus is more on the visualization and design part you can look up programs like 3ds max, marvelous designer or zbrush.
So yeah your focus matters.
Source: I've made a lot of fucking furniture and architectural fixtures.
Anonymous at Fri, 11 Aug 2023 18:27:09 UTC No. 954823
I'm looking at solid furniture like tables and shelves, nothing with textiles.
If you've made a lot of furniture then what file formats are preferred by manufacturers?
the chair nerd at Fri, 11 Aug 2023 19:14:01 UTC No. 954826
DWG all the way witch is a standard 3d model format.
Wood manufacturers mostly use dwg or dxf for their automated CNC cutting tables and those formats can be exported from a wide arrange of software from autocad to 3ds max.
I think your best bet would be to try both sketchup and autocad, both programs will surely cover 90% of your necessities, both will compliment each other for parametrized and a more free way of modelling and both have a huge support network.
But again there is no silver bullet. If you are not designing the next hydraulic piston for an office chair you can do that with almost any software that is not solidworks.
Anonymous at Fri, 11 Aug 2023 19:47:11 UTC No. 954828
Okay thanks a lot!
Anonymous at Fri, 11 Aug 2023 19:58:20 UTC No. 954829
i never drew as a kid, i'm in my mid-30s. I've been learning blender and feel like I understand a lot about the program but not about making anything look good. I know art is subjective but everything I make looks worse than a kid's drawing. I think it's probably because I am not seeing things in shapes, is there a way to train myself to model things based off what I'm visualizing in my head? I can kind of make stuff using reference photos but whenever I try and just model something however simple it sucks
Anonymous at Fri, 11 Aug 2023 20:28:39 UTC No. 954830
You already figured part of the puzzle without realizing it, using references is something you have to do. Even if you want to make stuff from imagination, you need to build a visual library from the real world. By using a reference you can also focus entirely on the skills you need to model rather than be in some nebulous state of mind where you don't know if you are unskilled or you're not visualizing things properly. Once you have the skills to model something like a horse from reference, you can start using that knowledge as a base to know how to put fictional creatures together. Same with objects or characters.
I'd say simplification and proportions are two very fundamental things you should look into. They allow you to put things together so that they will look how you want before you even start to work in the details. If you want to make a vase, starting with a cylinder is obviously much easier than starting with a sphere or a cube. Starting out by constructing a creature with very basic shapes is the same thing. Proportions in particular are extremely important for integrity and appeal. Mascot type characters tend to be popular because they are designed by emulating the proportions of a baby's body. Anime is also largely popular because the characters are given the face proportions of teenagers/babies. Needless to say, if you draw a human with long or short arms, it'll look like some abomination.
Anonymous at Fri, 11 Aug 2023 20:46:49 UTC No. 954832
thanks for your response, I will keep trying not to get too discouraged and give up
Anonymous at Sat, 12 Aug 2023 00:14:00 UTC No. 954846
>whenever I try and just model something however simple it sucks
You're a beginner, it should. Just keep going and try to have fun. A few months from now, it'll be less bad.
Anonymous at Sun, 13 Aug 2023 03:03:57 UTC No. 954943
Ok i guess my question is rather big and not incremental than it supposed to be but
What makes great 3dcg or mTte paitning protofolio as in good artwork
I mean i can see which one is popular and such but in essence or mathemathic what does this value to
Or say in numbers if yer to gain 5 digits
How much art piece will this falls into and how much it contain
Or maybe like 6 digits from 10 pieces
How much or how should this 10 piece be then
Anonymous at Sun, 13 Aug 2023 14:28:45 UTC No. 955019
What are some tips on how make hand painted stuff that doesn't look like it belongs in WoW?
Anonymous at Mon, 14 Aug 2023 00:24:53 UTC No. 955047
I don't even really know how to word this question outside of tiling. I'm a moron, please understand.
I want to put several different textures together on one image. When you only have one texture, you can expand the UV past the texture and it'll automagically tile. This doesn't really work if you have multiple textures in the same image. You can create tiles in the mesh itself and then UV tile as well, but large meshes can end up having way too many tris doing this. Is there a way to tile an entire mesh from a section of a texture?
Anonymous at Mon, 14 Aug 2023 05:52:07 UTC No. 955063
I had this same issue and asked the same thing here a good while back.
I had thought you had to use the Modulo funciton in conjunction with the XYZ coordinates, and thought it should work, but it hadn't.
Turns out I just plugged some shit in wrong.
Anyway, you need 2 vector math nodes.
One set to "Add" and the other set to "Modulo".
Take your vector from your mapping node and plug it into the 1st input of the Add, and output the Add into the 1st slot of the Modulo and feed it to whatever you need. The second input of the Modulo node controls what part you use for the repeat, and you can offset things if needed with the second input of the Add.
Also you can adjust how many repeats there are just by messing with the scale of the mapping node.
That's it. Seems like there'd be some complicated solution, but it's pretty simple.
Anonymous at Mon, 14 Aug 2023 06:22:48 UTC No. 955067
That's exactly what I need. Thanks, you're awesome.
Anonymous at Mon, 14 Aug 2023 21:51:01 UTC No. 955155
How many faces is it okay to have for a tree for an RTS with cartoony graphics?
For refrence, small buildings should have a max of 3000, resources should have about 50.
picrel has around 50 faces and far too blocky.
Gotta make pine and leaf trees in case that is relevant.
Are there any sites that give a means to calculate an optimum?
Anonymous at Mon, 14 Aug 2023 22:10:31 UTC No. 955159
Glossy/reflection helps a good bit.
Other than that, it's been 10+ years and I still don't fucking know.
People say "just use a glass shader and some volume scatter/absorption" but it never looks how I expect it should.
Anonymous at Tue, 15 Aug 2023 04:43:44 UTC No. 955187
>Take an icosphere into edit mode
Ideally one with 2 subdivs
>poke faces
not sure exactly where the operation is, so I just use the search function
>grab the center verts pf the poked faces
select one vert shift+g>amount of connecting faces
>scale outward,
>bring down,
>optionally smooth with subsurf.
It's not super clean geo, but if you're sculpting anyway, it's a good starting point that'll get you part of the way there and you can just remesh and remove what you need with the smooth tool.
If you're insistent on being in sculpt mode though, I'm not a sculpting expert, but I think the snake hook is the tool you need.
Anonymous at Tue, 15 Aug 2023 14:22:33 UTC No. 955211
For someone who’s only modelling/rendering background has been Rhinoceros 3D, would Blender or Cinema4D be the better option if my intention is to create work in the realm of speculative architecture? I know Houdini/Maya are considered superior but it seems a bit rough to start learning from those.
Anonymous at Tue, 15 Aug 2023 15:55:01 UTC No. 955216
Maya is easy to learn in my opinion. Sure, there are more tutorials out there that use Blender but there are still a lot of good Maya resources.
Anonymous at Tue, 15 Aug 2023 19:40:50 UTC No. 955230
Learning the software isn't the exact same thing as learning how to make something that looks good or is properly optimised.
Anonymous at Tue, 15 Aug 2023 19:41:12 UTC No. 955231
post your work
Anonymous at Tue, 15 Aug 2023 20:07:51 UTC No. 955234
No u
Anonymous at Tue, 15 Aug 2023 22:35:20 UTC No. 955254
Is this russkiware safe?
Anonymous at Tue, 15 Aug 2023 22:41:26 UTC No. 955256
do not visit that link
Anonymous at Tue, 15 Aug 2023 22:42:57 UTC No. 955257
it's already too late for me
Anonymous at Wed, 16 Aug 2023 05:49:45 UTC No. 955283
Yeah I know. Just don't know why deep as fuck oceans don't look right to me. It just doesn't scatter right.
Maybe it's the angle. I always like shots from shallower angles and I guess the fresnel just reflects everything.
Anonymous at Wed, 16 Aug 2023 12:30:16 UTC No. 955298
I cannot unwrap my mesh in blender
I do the right click in the UV editor and nothing shows up, I tried pressing f3 and typing unwrap but it also doesn't work
It works perfectly fine on another object though
Anonymous at Wed, 16 Aug 2023 12:43:43 UTC No. 955299
I merged it with a different object and now it works
thank you default cube
Anonymous at Wed, 16 Aug 2023 12:44:55 UTC No. 955300
What is the difference between a "deepfake" and a "digital double" ?
Anonymous at Wed, 16 Aug 2023 13:05:26 UTC No. 955303
Is a photoshop sub still useful in this day and age?
Anonymous at Wed, 16 Aug 2023 14:40:47 UTC No. 955318
way too much, especially for a simple model
reminds me of how yanderedev used like a 100k toothbrush and didn't optimize it at all, these things will add up and slow down your game over time
Anonymous at Wed, 16 Aug 2023 14:59:58 UTC No. 955319
we got normal maps so our vertex count doesn't blow up
Anonymous at Wed, 16 Aug 2023 15:31:44 UTC No. 955321
so do i just reduce the subdivisons to 1? i mean there isnt much normal detail to bake since its a smooth object
Anonymous at Wed, 16 Aug 2023 21:12:39 UTC No. 955357
You have smooth normals you can bake, buddy.
You can bake the smoothness its at onto a model with 0 subdivs. For the most part it should keep the smoothness, but you'll notice the polygons if you look at it at extreme angles like the top or bottom.
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Aug 2023 18:53:32 UTC No. 955582
Can someone give me some advice on uv unwrapping in blender? No matter what I do I end up with huge amounts of wasted space and/or overlapping uvs. Even when I looked up how to avoid overlapping uvs all I got told was to do UV>Unpack...which is what causes even more overlapping.
Can't post pic because I'm not at home atm, but it is a bit of an unconventional shape. I'm not sure how much that matters.
I've tried with seams and I've tried following the active quad after scaling the verts. Neither make any difference. The unwrap itself isn't even great after doing that. I see all of these people with unwrapped Penrose triangles and all of their islands are perfect squares. Then I look at mine and it's piece of shit with nothing uniform.
I'm fucking sick of being retarded.
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Aug 2023 19:42:17 UTC No. 955587
I'm looking for a cracked version for Substance Painter 2023 for Linux but cgpeer has only 2019. What other site can I find it?
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Aug 2023 21:32:51 UTC No. 955593
What do you all do while waiting on renders/bakes? I feel like there's something more productive than just sitting around browsing online/playing with my cat.
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Aug 2023 21:49:43 UTC No. 955596
Does it NEED to be all pretty? If you're sending it into SP or something, it doesn't. If you're painting by hand in PS I could see it needing to be though.
UDIMS are always an option as well, if things aren't laid out nicely enough that gives important bits space to the point where you need an 8k texture to have a decent pixel density, just shift over to another UDIM.
Hook up the Xbox and play games is usually what I do if it's a long rendering session that's going to take a few days. I usually play on PC, but since that's in use, obviously I can't.
Or I'll clean, hang out with people, watch TV/Youtube, just general normie shit.
If it's like a shorter session like an hour or two, I'll just watch something. Usually my computer has enough overhead to manage that on the browser while rendering, but if it doesn't I'll use one of my smart TV's apps (with ads) like a fucking pleb.
Rendering is usually what I'm doing after the very end of a project, so I see it more as a victory lap than being "unproductive". I was just productive for the last week/month(s). I don't have to work every minute of every day.
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Aug 2023 21:57:37 UTC No. 955597
Makes sense for the long final renders yeah. I might just have a bad habit of doing high quality ones too much during the project to make sure I'm on track.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Aug 2023 00:06:18 UTC No. 955600
>Rendering is usually what I'm doing after the very end of a project, so I see it more as a victory lap
rendering is not the end since you still have to comp which is ironically more important. Nobody wants a raw render
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Aug 2023 05:05:14 UTC No. 955616
Yeah I'll periodically do a render of things just to see if everything is on track and nothing goes wrong, but those are generally at something small like 720p (or even 540p). Generally those are those 1-2hr windows I was talking about.
>Nobody wants a raw render
Ya don't say. Sage wisdom right there. I was under the impression people WANTED unfinished projects.
In all seriousness, I comp at rendertime, while also saving raws/exrs to go with it just in case something fucks up or I decide to change something.
When I'm working on a project, I usually do comp shit at different stages of the project to refine the look and see how things are, as well as iron out any problems with a pipeline. So when I hit the final render button, the process is smooth and I'm outputting final images.
Then when everything is done, I chuck the exrs onto an archival RAID setup with redundancy. Finished frames I do the same, burn onto M-Disks as well, and upload to the cloud for good measure.
So yeah, it is the end.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Aug 2023 07:03:51 UTC No. 955620
Learn how to unwrap and texture a cube, cylinder, sphere, and pyramid. Seams can be placed on complex objects using a combination of the above. You also unwrap parts of a mesh piece by piece instead of all at once.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Aug 2023 09:36:19 UTC No. 955633
>In all seriousness, I comp at rendertime, while also saving raws/exrs to go with it just in case something fucks up or I decide to change something.
Cringe. Post your work
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Aug 2023 10:31:41 UTC No. 955636
It is going to SP, but I've never used it before and everything I've seen on it has tried to hammer home the point that the uv needs unwrapped as perfect as possible and with no wasted space.
If I still can't get it right I'll just try it the way it is. It's only a test anyway to get a hang on what I'm doing.
Thing is I can unwrap all of them without issue. I didn't think of
>You also unwrap parts of a mesh piece by piece instead of all at once
so I'll try that first and then if I still can't get it right I'll just use it the way it is like the other anon suggests and see how things work out.
Thanks /3/ros.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Aug 2023 20:48:16 UTC No. 955692
You first. If you're gonna talk shit, the least you can do is back it up.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Aug 2023 21:01:06 UTC No. 955695
mate, you comp....in blender....at rendertime....have some shame!
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Aug 2023 22:17:16 UTC No. 955702
Says the dude saying "post work" like a faggot.
Anything I put up you'll nitpick on a per-pixel basis like a little bitch to prove your nonexistent point.
I could put up a screenshot from an actual movie and you'd have some little shit to complain about. "Post work" is the end of the argument and is the white flag that you've lost, since you have nothing more to add than to bitch.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Aug 2023 22:29:45 UTC No. 955703
my "nonexistant" point is that comping is more important than rendering, and should be done in an actual compositor. You're not comping anything by whatever you are doing in blender.
>"Post work" is the end of the argument and is the white flag that you've lost,
you are an eternal tourist
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Aug 2023 01:08:20 UTC No. 955706
Have you considered that not everybody's requirements involve compositing in a $1300 program like some stuck-up vfx industry faggot?
🗑️ Anonymous at Sun, 20 Aug 2023 03:07:06 UTC No. 955714
how can i get good at 3d these tutorials and shit aren't doing anything. programming is easy, you just keep working on it until it does what you want, but 3d, like sometimes the shit just never looks right. idk man.
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Aug 2023 23:46:45 UTC No. 955784
it's ai trash obviously
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:04:42 UTC No. 955810
Where can I find blender plugins?
I don't want to pay like 50 dollars per plugin
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Aug 2023 21:10:40 UTC No. 955866
You have a CGPeers account, right?
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Aug 2023 20:48:24 UTC No. 955963
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Aug 2023 20:58:51 UTC No. 955964
Keep it that way. peers is a home of viruses and infections that will steal and leak your personal data (passwords, documents) yo the dark web
Anonymous at Wed, 23 Aug 2023 02:25:16 UTC No. 955994
>t. retard without any common sense who can't read comments
If I had said to use Limewire, you'd have a leg to stand on, but seeing as it's incredibly inconsequential to read and not download something if it seems sketchy, you're full of shit.
Sounds like someone who got burned because they don't know how to use their own computer.
🗑️ Anonymous at Thu, 24 Aug 2023 00:56:19 UTC No. 956088
I have very little experience with blender and 3d graphic making.
I have done some quick, rough floor 3d representations after messing around with the tools but that's it. I want to actually start learning properly and have some questions:
1. How much anatomy do i need to know to make people/animals? /ic/ goes full autist for this topic and study in-depth each muscle of the body and how it moves. Do i need to study anatomy in depth like that if i want to delve into 3d graphic making? It gets worse when i think in animate animals.
2. How strong must my GPU be? Some scenes/animations i have seen are mind-boggling and feel like would take weeks to render on consumer-grade GPUs. I tried to render a very simple floor with cycles and it took about 5 minutes. If a beginner tier design took that much, realistic animations could take months.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Aug 2023 01:08:42 UTC No. 956092
I have very little experience with blender and 3d graphic making.
I have done some quick, rough floor 3d representations after messing around with the tools but that's it. I want to actually start learning properly and have some questions:
1. How much anatomy do i need to know to make people/animals? /ic/ goes full autist for this topic and study in-depth each muscle of the body and how it moves. Do i need to study anatomy in depth like that if i want to delve into 3d graphic making? It gets worse when i think in animate animals.
2. How strong must my GPU be? Some scenes/animations i have seen are mind-boggling and feel like would take weeks to render on consumer-grade GPUs. I tried to render a very simple floor with cycles and it took about 5 minutes. If a beginner tier design took that much, realistic animations could take months.
It feels as if i need some extremely good knowledge of architecture and universal anatomy before starting with 3d CG.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Aug 2023 05:17:32 UTC No. 956106
I don't know anything about 3D modeling at all, but I want to kitbash some models together.
Like for example I have this model of a bust and I want to take the head of the bust and put it on an existing 3D model of a full person.
Is there any easy way to just copy paste shit together with models like that, or am I dreaming?
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Aug 2023 06:06:18 UTC No. 956107
Did you set cycles to use GPU? Did you limit the amount of time it had to render?
Most common cause of absurdly long render times is incorrect render settings
In cycles the standard settings use your CPU and give it infinite rendering time.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Aug 2023 09:02:24 UTC No. 956115
It's easy to do on a basic level, but it can be tricky if you want it to look perfect and seamless. You don't want a Frankenstein's monster with noticeable differences between the head and body.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Aug 2023 12:20:36 UTC No. 956127
>How much anatomy do i need to know to make people/animals?
You need to understand how each muscle group works at least. It's not that much information really, depending on what you want to make. If you want to sculpt, you need to have autistic delight for anatomy, but it's not a huge burden. Just find some anatomy textbooks and have them open while you work and check in on them regularly.
Mammals all have the same muscles more or less, so it's not too difficult to adapt. Every time you're making something you should be looking at references and checking what you want to do. You need necessarily need to have an encyclopaedic knowledge of every animal and every muscle fibre living in your head, it'll build up over time as you work.
People can spot mistakes in what they're familiar with. With humans, dogs, horses, people will easily be able to see when it looks wrong, but they might not be able to see how to fix it.
Sometimes artists can't see those mistakes, because while working they've built up an image of the final product in their head, or they become fixated on details others don't care about. So it's important to do your research.
>How strong must my GPU be?
A decent gaming GPU is fine. I work with a 1080. If you set your render setting correctly, optimise your scenes, and make compromises, it shouldn't take too long. But a better GPU is always better.
>It feels as if i need some extremely good knowledge of architecture and universal anatomy before starting with 3d CG.
not before starting, but yes being a good artist requires a tremendous amount of skill and knowledge. It helps to be curious about literally everything.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Aug 2023 16:58:00 UTC No. 956147
>Did you set cycles to use GPU? Did you limit the amount of time it had to render?
Set it to CUDA in the preferences menu, how do i limit the amount of time to render?
>You need to understand how each muscle group works at least. It's not that much information really, depending on what you want to make. If you want to sculpt, you need to have autistic delight for anatomy, but it's not a huge burden. Just find some anatomy textbooks and have them open while you work and check in on them regularly.
I see, is there any anatomy book you recommend is particularly good for 3DCG?
Animate things like this video feels like would take many years of studying in-depth how every muscle of the body works, and i have no artistic background.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Aug 2023 17:40:07 UTC No. 956152
It's in the render options. Not preferences.
Right hand side of the main screen, the little button that looks like a camera
Set render engine to cycles and device to GPU compute as in the image
Below that you'll see time limit which lets you set in seconds how long it'll take on each frame.
0.2 seconds is enough for most purposes but if you have a large scene or are doing animations you can set it higher to 1 or 2 seconds.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Aug 2023 19:04:02 UTC No. 956158
>I see, is there any anatomy book you recommend is particularly good for 3DCG?
I use Anatomy for Sculptors by Zarins and Kondrats rn, but it's not super in depth. You'll have to take in a lot of information from a lot of sources over a long period of time to get the correct knowledge. But it doesn't mean you have to spend years studying books before you can make anything, just make things and learn as you go. You will suck shit for a while, but that's how it is for every artist. You can't prepare, you have to do. And on that subject:
>i have no artistic background.
You should probably learn to draw if you're interested in doing it right, if you really want to be good.
>Animate things like this video feels like would take many years of studying in-depth how every muscle of the body works
It doesn't really show masterful anatomical knowledge, but it does show a lot of traditional animation knowledge.
I'm sorry if this all sounds overwhelming, but you're at the start asking how to get to the end. Right now you don't even know what you're looking at or what you want to do. But you're right to intuit how complex this stuff is. Once you get into it, you'll realise that the complexity and difficulty is a good thing.
For now you just need to make things, and try and fail. Don't worry too much about it.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Aug 2023 20:22:13 UTC No. 956168
I don't really need it to look perfect. I just want to be able to take complete models and chop them up for 3D printing and kitbashing them.
Anonymous at Fri, 25 Aug 2023 07:23:19 UTC No. 956193
how to achieve million traffic portofolio with maybe matte painting, illustration?
in exact numbers, and reference of quality, how much work must one do to achieve maybe millions of following on twitter and such?
Anonymous at Fri, 25 Aug 2023 07:40:29 UTC No. 956194
I'm having trouble with the KNIFE tool, I'm doing a head explosion tutorial and I want to slice the head open but still have it be the same mesh, imagine a banana peel, the way it opens, like pic related!
But I can't fucking get the knife to cut it open, I tried pressing V and then Enter after making the line but it doesn't work!
Any ideas?
Anonymous at Fri, 25 Aug 2023 07:42:04 UTC No. 956195
>>954294 as retarded as ever.
Anonymous at Fri, 25 Aug 2023 11:05:42 UTC No. 956204
>t. can't even manage a beebopskeebop
ngmi, kys.
Anonymous at Fri, 25 Aug 2023 14:00:03 UTC No. 956212
I have two questions, both related to pic.
>Marked seams
>SX0 and SY0 where need be
>Face select
>Chose resized face
>Follow active quads
>Everything stretches
Why is this? I've watched I can't tell you how many videos and every time someone else does it everything goes perfect with no stretching and everything is laid out nicely.
Secondly, why does so much space get wasted with packing the UV? I watched someone else do it and they just resized the islands, then packed the UV and everything fit perfectly. I try to do that and it just goes back to the way it was.
Anonymous at Fri, 25 Aug 2023 21:11:10 UTC No. 956230
Follow active quads gives you a nice layout for human use (like painting), but not necessarily a stretch-free result that the computer would prefer.
As for why space is being "wasted", it's not... well, according to the unwrapper it's not. It's trying to keep a consistent texel/pixel density based on where you put your seams. From what I can guess based on your islands, you simply broke your model up into 3 chunks. And the layout takes the biggest first, and gives that as much resolution as possible, followed by the next largest, and so on. The biggest part is taking up as much room as it can, keeping the others in the same relative density, so according to it, it's not wasting space, but using it "efficiently".
The solution would simply be to add some more seams breaking up those large sections in half, giving the unwrapper more chunks to work with, or resize the smaller bits knowing that the texture density on those areas are going to be different.
It might also help if you post your model, just in case the way you're laying out seams is weird or wrong.
🗑️ Punkrockprincess at Fri, 25 Aug 2023 23:19:20 UTC No. 956235
Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1289
Butt Stacking Edition
Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.
/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.x
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimite
AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):
>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:
>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org
>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host
Previous Thread:
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 00:20:19 UTC No. 956243
*I'm being some kind of retard
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 00:24:39 UTC No. 956244
Assuming that you already checked that the light isn't disabled in renders, it could be that you're hiding the roof of your room in the viewport, but not the render. So in the render, the roof would appear and block the sun light.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 03:44:13 UTC No. 956253
i am trying to import this model and its texture into a game engine, Smile Game Builder. the model imports successfully, but for some reason the texture image becomes corrupted, even though the source image appears fine and it appears ok in blender. what might be going wrong here? it is in .fbx file format with .png textures, thats what the engine requires
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 03:51:03 UTC No. 956254
on second thought, i suppose it's possible that the engine's built-in import scale function could be fucking with the texture, as i just tried a different object and while the texture is mostly intact, its showing signs of weird compression scanlines. is it possible that the corrupted texture im experiencing with the building .fbx is a result of massive scaling?
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 03:51:43 UTC No. 956255
Color space problems maybe?
Are the textures sRGB?
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 03:57:22 UTC No. 956256
yep, its sRGB as far as i can tell. ran it through gimp just to double check it would export into sRGB. i dont know much about any of this, im just taking some free assets i found and trying to get them to work in the engine - i dont have any level of technical knowledge about color profiles, just know how to follow tutorials
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 04:03:05 UTC No. 956257
here's an example of that test with a different object. evidently, the texture troubles don't appear to be inherent to the program's optimization, but it does seem that the models themselves are missing one of the optimizations when imported without them turned on. these optimizations (listed on right) are automatically processed by Smile Game Builder
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 07:54:36 UTC No. 956267
Outline shader
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 12:18:20 UTC No. 956275
Ah I see that makes sense. In fairness when I've seen other people use follow active quads they rarely have the stretch display on so you can't see if it's stretching or not. The squares just look neat and tidy.
That makes sense too and you are right it is broken up into three chunks. I didn't think UV unwrapping was going to be as hard as it is. If it's not a cylinder or a cube then I'm fucked.
I watched a video of someone using the texel density addon so the texel density was the same across multiple objects and it looked like it worked cool and could save a lot of time. Then then as soon as he packed all the UVs it just reverted back to what it was, which I'm pretty sure he noticed, but didn't mention it and it seemed to be a big waste of time.
I won't post the whole model because, like I say, I'm having problems unrwrapping most everything that isn't a basic shape.
Pic related is what the original pic is from and you can see the seams I have on it.
I've just tried a different way by putting a seam all around where the green lines are and it gives me one chunk instead of three. I know I would probably be better off putting the top seam on the bottom opposite where it is now (I think), but I don't know what's good practice. I know I'm supposed to have as few seams as possible, but sometimes more are unavoidable.
Honestly I have so many questions about unwrapping it's unreal.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 12:39:22 UTC No. 956277
>Pic related is what the original pic is from and you can see the seams I have on it.
open your eyes man
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 20:47:53 UTC No. 956338
>If it's not a cylinder or a cube then I'm fucked.
Well you're in luck, 99% of all unwrapping is a variation on a cylinder, cube, and sphere. Figure out how to do that and you can unwrap anything, as it's all just a combo of those things. The trick for me isn't to think of seams as seams, they're cuts. Where would you cut the model with scissors to lay it down flat?
As for your model, I really don't know why you have seams there at all. A torus is still just a cylinder, just bent into itself. Like a cylinder, you just need a seam down one of the edges, and on the top and bottom. Since a torus is a ring though, there's no top/bottom, so any ring will do.
Pic related is an example of what I mean, with the basic unwrap next to them, and a "follow active quads" next to those. The second example is there to show that you can break up a longer island by adding a seam to the middle of it, which will break it up into smaller parts that will hopefully take up a larger area in the UV view.
The smaller ring you have wrapped around the larger one would still be unwrapped the same way as the larger one. It's still just a torus, just a lower poly one. A single seam down the middle (probably on the back side so it's not visible), and a single seam around one of the edge rings.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 21:41:03 UTC No. 956347
I'm trying to import a collada file of a Honda NSX car but it kills my Cinema 4D. Viewport is extreme laggy and I can't do anything.
In Blender the import works very well, no performance issues. Why is that?
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 22:13:29 UTC No. 956349
Thanks dude, appreciate it. Feels like I was almost there with my second attempt with where I placed the green lines. Starting to get the feeling that unwrapping is one of those things that is really easy to overthink when you don't really know what you're doing.
>I really don't know why you have seams there at all
I had watched a "tip" video using a method that "couldn't fail".
I've taken your advice though and it fits a lot better in the UV view now too. I'll try to think of them as simpler shapes from now on like you suggest and see how I get on from there.
Not sure if that stretching will be a problem, I'm sure I'll find some fix for it if need be.
Like I say thanks a lot. I really appreciate it.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 22:53:09 UTC No. 956353
12 years ago this 3d film model rel would get you a lead job at any studio in the world. Now you wont be able to make a dime off it and you wont get a job anywhere. What has changed?
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 23:00:16 UTC No. 956355
More people in the field and less money being spent on it
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 23:08:49 UTC No. 956356
But is this true, though? What if you go beyond and make an animation, an action scene with a few cuts between some animations and fx. Surely this will be enough to get a good job, no?
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 23:13:35 UTC No. 956358
Do you have formal qualifications from an accredited institution with them certifying you have been trained in industry standard software and workflows?
Are those accredited institutions Californian if you're in the USA?
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 23:18:51 UTC No. 956359
I was trained in maya at an art college in 2012 but in reality my artstation now speaks for me and is much more indicative of my skill than any degree i earned
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 23:22:34 UTC No. 956360
Yeah no. I can take my pick from a few hundred kids who were trained on current software this year and will work for peanuts because they're desperate.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 23:34:51 UTC No. 956365
And what goods are you producing, exactly?
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 23:50:33 UTC No. 956367
nothing I'm just pointing out that you're obsolete and no longer desired by the industry
My advice?
Do up a quick portfolio of 3D environments and 3D models overlaid on real world environments
Aim for the VR and AR devs who need people to design assets for their projects.
That field is likely to explode in the next five years and the companies working there are more likely to see your experience as an asset
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 23:56:41 UTC No. 956369
How am i obsolete? I use maya 2023, nuke, houdini, substance painter, unreal, unity, cycles, prman and plasticity. All latest versions, all paid for. And i draw.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Aug 2023 00:30:18 UTC No. 956372
ty desu
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Aug 2023 00:37:55 UTC No. 956374
what's a good method for putting water droplets and fluid streaks on an object? i'm thinking of using a roughness map and parallax occlusion map to make it have depth, but it's supposed to look cartoonish and not realistic.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Aug 2023 04:43:41 UTC No. 956389
Happy to help! UV unwrapping was one of those things that seemed like a daunting task to me at first, but now I'm one of those freaks that actually find it kind of entertaining and cathartic, a bit like solving a puzzle. I'd like to say it was practice that got me to understand it, but it's like one day it kinda just clicked and I went from where you are now, to knowing exactly what to cut and where. Just keep at it anon, hopefully it'll click for you too. Knowing those basics cube/cylinder/sphere will really help you out. Cylinder and sphere are pretty easy to wrap your head around, since they're essentially the same (sphere just doesn't have that top/bottom seam), but cube is the one you really should get down, as there's a few ways you can do it and all of them are valid in certain circumstances.
As for stretching, you actually shouldn't get any visually obvious stretching at all if you follow the seams I showed you. When you follow active quads for that, you're actually pushing things in a bit rather than stretching them, and the only area you're really doing that at are the edges since the middle is already mostly even quads.
The first AC was essentially an N64 game (Animal Forest), in that it originally released on the N64 in Nip Land. So probably any guide that aims for N64-styled models would point you in a good direction.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Aug 2023 04:50:22 UTC No. 956391
>what goods are you producing
why are you still talking to this guy about hiring practices lol
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Aug 2023 06:26:29 UTC No. 956396
You're old.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Aug 2023 06:54:41 UTC No. 956399
35 is way too old now for your pump.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Aug 2023 20:12:24 UTC No. 956446
Why does extract fuck up loop cuts in blender? I tried doing clear seam but it didn't work. I just want the loop to go all the way around extended bits
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Aug 2023 21:06:16 UTC No. 956449
Have you merged your vertices? That's usually always the issue when a loopcut doesn't go around a quad.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Aug 2023 21:24:54 UTC No. 956450
Haven't used SOLIDWORKS in a few years. I just created the shape, extruded it, and created a shell from it. How could I make it so that there is no base for it? I just want side walls and no floor.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Aug 2023 21:53:27 UTC No. 956452
oh fuck I forgot to dissolve all the vertices
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Aug 2023 00:07:24 UTC No. 956456
delete the floor
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Aug 2023 00:23:22 UTC No. 956457
How do I remesh toes to be connected to the rest of the sculpt without them fucking up? Since theyre so close together theyd remesh into a blob unless the resolution is super high
(I'm un blender btw)
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Aug 2023 01:37:01 UTC No. 956459
It's unavoidable. But you have to try and limit them to areas that are flat and won't move a lot during animation.
Google facial topology and you'll see there's pretty much a standard placement of poles being used by everyone.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Aug 2023 01:56:39 UTC No. 956460
If you have stable diffusion there are some models that are trained specifically to create concept art characters.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Aug 2023 02:05:05 UTC No. 956461
>Stable diffusion
Learn anatomy.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Aug 2023 04:00:32 UTC No. 956470
You could just keep them as separate objects and eventually retopo them along with the rest of the model into a single object.
If you want a high-ish poly sculpt to be your final product, with a non-uniform vertex density that's mostly too low to capture foot detail, well, that's pretty weird, but I guess you could use a boolean operator
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Aug 2023 06:05:32 UTC No. 956473
That makes sense I'm not sure why I thought everything had to be combined for retopo. I'll try that thanks.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Aug 2023 07:50:41 UTC No. 956475
How do I 3d print something like a ball joint? Peg joints are easy. You can just make a peg and then have blender delete a peg worth of space from the other object, but ball joints need to actually grip the object.
Am I overthinking? Can I just print a 10mm ball and a 10mm socket? Or is there a certain ratio to go with?
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Aug 2023 20:43:52 UTC No. 956523
I'm no expert. In, fact I've never 3d printed anything at all or designed something for printing.
But if I had to guess, I'd probably model the joint free-floating inside the socket, connected with some tiny supports that are easy to break. Then when it's all printed you just break it on the inside and it should work. They might have some nubbins in there that'll get caught if you have holes on the socket, but it should work. Especially if you can reach and file those nubbins down.
Or you can just make them separately and snap in place, I think most printing materials are flexible enough for that if you're not trying to force a huge object into the socket.
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Aug 2023 14:44:25 UTC No. 956597
Anyone tried the pic rel course? Seems promising but I don't wanna potentially waste 50 euros over crap so I'd like to hear beforehand if any brave soul already tested it.
I feel like I'm not rigging the way I should, I always feel like I'm doing stuff in an awkward and unoptimized manner and that I could make my life so much easier for myself if I took a course specifically on rigging and animation
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Aug 2023 14:46:21 UTC No. 956599
this is a scam
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Aug 2023 16:55:59 UTC No. 956604
Oh... What makes you say that? The author is Pierrick Picaut, he's got a YT channel and from his vids he seemed like a competent rigger and animator
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Aug 2023 17:22:28 UTC No. 956607
its not how rigging is done. Its 100% a scam.
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Aug 2023 19:43:16 UTC No. 956617
Huh, ok then. If you know proper rigging tutorials please do let me know, I'd love a comprehensive guide on that shit
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Aug 2023 20:08:26 UTC No. 956619
basically you just need to drive your skeleton from mocap. I know I will get some pushback on this but no one really hand keys too much anymore
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Aug 2023 21:23:29 UTC No. 956626
This the Frenchie?
I'd say it's worth it, since the dude really knows his shit as far as Blender is concerned, but if it's anything like his YT, you won't be able to understand a word that comes out of his mouth. Better hope there's built-in captions.
I'd just pirate it 2bh.
The other faggot giving you "information" is a known retard around here purposefully giving people misinformation to make himself feel better. I'd go as far as saying he doesn't 3d model or animate at all.
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:59:30 UTC No. 956667
Ye, it's Pierrick Picaut's course, and yeah trying to understand what the fuck he's saying is the biggest barrier with his content. Captions will be mandatory.
Thanks for the reply bro, might give it a shot after all as long as there are captions
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Aug 2023 14:11:10 UTC No. 956669
>Defending using blender for rigging
>Doesnt refute any points
>Useless course that doesnt cover high end mocap targeting, which would never be done in blender anyways
Go ahead and waste your money
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Aug 2023 15:20:57 UTC No. 956672
I think I pretty much have it down now, more or less at least. Thinking of them as more simple shapes did definitely help a ton. A couple of pieces I just remodeled because the topology was causing the stretching issues, or that's how it seemed because they unwrapped a lot better afterwards. There are one or two objects with some slight texture warping to them still, but I don't think they'll be that noticeable once I texture them properly. This was only meant to be a test to try out Substance, but I figured I might as well try to get unwrapping down first and then I won't have to keep putting it off. Once I have the texel density shit down I'll be golden.
Thanks. You really helped me out. And I can sort of see how it could be cathartic once you know what you're doing.
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Aug 2023 15:33:59 UTC No. 956673
Using Blender and a SFM addon, i imported this model but the textures don't seem to work.
I tried importing the exponent (dot) vtf file found in the Materials folder but still nothing.
Here's the model https://gofile.io/d/Be180o because i got this from DA and i had to "watch" the guy behind the model.
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Aug 2023 00:59:08 UTC No. 956699
Question regarding characters: When working with hair curves, do the strands have to be connected to one another? I've been studying how stylized hair is done in games and it's usually a toss-up. Some have their strands completely separate while others have their strands as a single contiguous mesh. Sometimes it's a mix like pic related which is a D.Va skin.
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Aug 2023 03:02:36 UTC No. 956708
A lot of cracks require you to disable AV. Most cracks literally won't work if you don't. If it's monkrus from rutracker it might be okay to trust it. But it's a dangerous game of russian roulette you're playing with your files.
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Aug 2023 04:14:37 UTC No. 956713
You don't actually buy into the "always on" AV scam, do you?
I've been doing this shit for close to 15 years now and not once have I run into any kind of issue, not once. Never had files locked out, never had suspicious processes or otherwise using my computer's resources to mine shit, never had a password or account broken into, and never had a "virus" since those Limewire days.
Most people think AV is a substitute for common sense, but you'd be amazed how far you get with a simple ad blocker and due diligence. It's hilarious when you see retards promoting Macs and the like because "they don't get viruses", or people having actual issues with them, when they're so fucking easy to avoid, if they're even there at all. To me, they're not, they're just ancient internet history at this point. I do a manual weekly scan just in case, but I've still had nothing ever pop up that was actually malicious.
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Aug 2023 17:23:34 UTC No. 956763
Any good resourced for environments?
Like greyboxing lighting etc.
Idk, anything from tutorials to speed proccesses or something like that
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Aug 2023 18:50:19 UTC No. 956767
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Aug 2023 23:26:42 UTC No. 956788
How hard is it to make realistic adult animations really? Modelling, rigging, animation, voice, the whole lot.
I'm talking Sindel level.
From what I've gathered, it seems to be like 11/10 difficulty. But, am I wrong?
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Sep 2023 01:57:03 UTC No. 956796
Newfag to blender here, so forgive me if what I ask makes no sense. I'm trying test the waters by making a pin-up type image with blender using an existing model, I got pretty much everything figured out except how to actually manipulate the model in pose mode. For the life of me I can't figure out why I can manipulate the armatures just fine, but they do absolutely nothing to the model itself. I can't even rotate or move the model, just the armatures. At first I thought it was possible the model wasn't rigged right or something but it's the same with the 5 other models by 5 different authors I tried. I'm sure it's something really stupid I'm overlooking.
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Sep 2023 03:57:52 UTC No. 956802
select the bones and go into pose mode
tabbing will take you to edit mode, use the dropbox at the top left of the 3d viewport
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Sep 2023 07:51:35 UTC No. 956806
not many people are autist that do every alone . You can find most coom models free on smutba(dot)se where many deligent coomer already assembled the model and its rig .
And most of them are done through hacks like ripping model from game , refit them onto Daz's base to steal UV and materials, use auto rig scripts ... etc . You'll have to understand the general process to inject custom stuffs into your model ( like giving Sindel a functional penis for example ) , but you're not doing things from scratch.
You have to learn animating though
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Sep 2023 12:25:42 UTC No. 956818
asset flipping from pre existing models isn't fun for me
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Sep 2023 13:03:39 UTC No. 956820
Is anyone familiar with Substance?
I've exported my shit and assigned everything their own material etc and it seems to work fine, but
>Drag material onto object
>Works and can edit the material properties as needed
>Drag different material onto different object
>Works except I can't edit the material and I'm told "no properties found"
>Then for some reason the brush has the first material applied to it automatically
What am I doing wrong? I haven't seen it happen on any video I've watched and google is no help.
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Sep 2023 15:35:09 UTC No. 956843
Disregard that, I suck cocks.
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Sep 2023 17:16:10 UTC No. 956860
Hey kings, I'm looking to do some minor alterations to models I have for printing.
Instead of cutting and filing stuff off in real life, I'd like to do it with Meshmixer, making selections, removing stuff and letting the program fill it back up so that I can paste other stuff over it later.
I'm having some trouble with this however.
In the example screenshot there's a burning sword with two rod and bulb like elements on both sides of the blade and I want them gone, What are the easiest ways to do this ? I have a shitload of models I need to alter from sci-fi to fantasy and some of them are giving me troubles.
Thanks in advance.
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Sep 2023 19:16:32 UTC No. 956867
I would say no if done right.
Baked ambient occlusion is common, and that is basically just textured shadows.
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Sep 2023 19:37:34 UTC No. 956869
Bisect tool to lop them off then clean-up in sculpt mode (remesh, smooth etc).
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Sep 2023 20:15:12 UTC No. 956872
How do you keep texel density and have the UVs pack into the square? I watch videos and all they do is use some texel density setter and click pack UVs. I do that and it changes the texel density to make them fit. Otherwise my only other option is too have them too big for the square and they can't be textured properly.
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sep 2023 02:22:27 UTC No. 956893
Still doesn't work in either pose or edit mode, I got the model to move by simply deselecting the model in the scene collection box to the upper right, but only the entire model. Still can't manipulate individual body parts like the wrist, the armatures move but the model itself does not.
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sep 2023 15:44:04 UTC No. 956915
Now that the hype and shilling is over, what would you rather model in for hardsurface, given these two (2) options
>maya 2023
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sep 2023 16:32:16 UTC No. 956918
why compare Polymodeling to CAD ? completely different processes.
Plasticity to Rhino is like Blender to Maya, a low-cost, light weight solution that stripped out high-end autistic shit and target casual audience
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sep 2023 16:45:22 UTC No. 956920
plasticity isnt CAD
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sep 2023 16:54:27 UTC No. 956921
are we gonna go down the slimmy debate lord route and haggle over the tiniest of definition? It uses the same workflow of Rhino/Alias/Siemen NX but without the autistic analytic tools for industrial/automobile industries
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sep 2023 18:00:34 UTC No. 956929
CAD is about precision for manufacturing....Plasticity gives you none of that. Its a toy. Same as poly modelling in maya 2023, which is why I am comparing them. You can compare them
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sep 2023 18:24:37 UTC No. 956933
I want to rip this model from sketchfab that wasn't set to be downloadable (ideally also the textures) but most of the "sketchfab ripper" things I can find online are either nothingburgers or probable trojans. Does anyone know how/can assist?
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sep 2023 20:13:24 UTC No. 956937
where the hell are people getting models for hololive vtubers?
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Sep 2023 06:38:16 UTC No. 957073
d/ic/k here
I'd like to use blender to export views of the simple cube, rotated 22.5 degrees, 45 degrees, 67.5 degrees along each axis and in each combination. Is there a simple/automated way to do this, or do I have to take screenshots and stitch them together in photoshop by hand?
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Sep 2023 17:19:07 UTC No. 957178
What's the workflow for hair like genshin does it? Everywhere seems to use curves but I can't imagine that working here. And some anime meshes have these really sharp strands in them that seem really difficult to make through normal modelling.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Sep 2023 00:45:32 UTC No. 957223
You can use the python interface in Blender if you know how to code.
[for all Axis:]
[three times:]
Or something like this. I have never tried this.
Stitching the images together later can definitely be automated in the image editor of your choice.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Sep 2023 02:49:42 UTC No. 957228
Thanks, I got it figured out, here's the code if anyone is curious:
now I just need to get PS to stitch them together in 16 rows of 4; currently trying to figure out how to do that.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Sep 2023 14:25:53 UTC No. 957264
you need to take the absolute after rotating.
The normal vectors pointing along the x-axis (1,0,0) and (-1,0,0) both get normalized to (1,0,0), but rotating it maps them to (0,-1,0)
neat, what's that for? Reference material?
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Sep 2023 20:49:03 UTC No. 957281
Oh, ok. So how should I set up the nodes so I can do any transform to the models, but keep the same material on all of them?
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Sep 2023 22:25:04 UTC No. 957282
For what kind of effect are you going for?
If you want to make it always look like the left piece in your image, just remove the vector transform node. Normals are in Object space, which means that translation, rotation and scale won't affect them.
At least regarding transformation in Object mode. If you want these colors to stick in Mesh mode, you need to bake them.
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Sep 2023 06:51:49 UTC No. 957323
End result, I want to make a number of tiles of varying rotations, color them similar to the N64 logo, and export them as GLTF or something in such a way that when I import the models into anything else, they still have that coloring.
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Sep 2023 22:19:44 UTC No. 957393
what kinda shit can I sell using a 3080ti+5800x3d pc?
I have very basic low poly knowledge & meaning to improve anyway so I might do those & sell them but Im in a 3rd world shithole & only mastercard is open here
I was thinking of also selling stablediffusion shit but dunno where
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Sep 2023 23:02:30 UTC No. 957395
sell reload animations
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Sep 2023 01:36:38 UTC No. 957406
how do I make all of my islands have the same sizes relative to their parts on the model? I'm doing pixel art on top of this and I need each island's size to be relative to their size on the model. The two islands in picrel should be the same size but I'm tired of resizing them all by hand
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Sep 2023 02:34:58 UTC No. 957410
do uvs in rizomuv
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Sep 2023 05:22:56 UTC No. 957415
You either make a round eye that rotates behind the hole, or you keep the white seperate and move the iris/retina image on top of it
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Sep 2023 18:36:25 UTC No. 957476
if i get $300 a month i'd more than double my income
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Sep 2023 19:51:09 UTC No. 957485
Maybe they offset the texture in code
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Sep 2023 02:31:24 UTC No. 957534
Is there an easy way to export decals from Substance? Whenever I try to export they're just the main textures with no mention of any decals or whatever I've named them as.
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Sep 2023 05:00:08 UTC No. 957544
Why is G grabbing all three of my meshes? I only have one selected, but all three are moving together. Seems like I created a hierarchy, but I'm not sure where to look to find out what I did.
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Sep 2023 05:21:34 UTC No. 957546
No, everything up there looks as it should. But G is grabbing all of my meshes. Is there a selection setting that I'm not seeing?
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Sep 2023 05:23:16 UTC No. 957547
Post the fully expanded-out outliner of the things you're selecting
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Sep 2023 05:30:19 UTC No. 957549
I don't have it, because I reloaded my previous save. You demonstrated my suggestion (hierarchies) to be incorrect. Can you offer other possibilities that would lead to all 3 meshes moving, despite the fact I only have one selected?
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Sep 2023 05:33:35 UTC No. 957550
The only other things I can think of are constraints or drivers, which aren't something you can accidently set up without being aware of. So can you reproduce the problem with your previous save?
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Sep 2023 05:39:09 UTC No. 957551
Working on that now.
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Sep 2023 05:47:45 UTC No. 957552
I have no idea. I just redid what I thought I did, and did what I wanted. Incidentally, I Duplicated multiple faces of a mesh and then used P in Edit mode to turn them into their own mesh, which was the original goal. I have no idea what happened. I know I was fumbling through the menu looking for what I needed. So it's possible I clicked something I simply didn't see - especially with this mouse. But thank you for responding.
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Sep 2023 15:43:48 UTC No. 957593
So I have to ask, why is it so fucking hard to find a USB-A to Mini-USB-B data/power cable that isn't shit and works with my yeti?
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Sep 2023 23:13:24 UTC No. 957646
Do most people with linux double boot with mac or windows? I ask because I'm thinking of getting ubuntu on the same harddrive as windows 11 (when I'm forced to make the jump) and use ubuntu for personal computing and use windows 11 as a goyslop entertainment and "last minute I don't have time to figure out how this works in linux so I'll just use windows instead" machine.
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Sep 2023 14:51:14 UTC No. 957678
Dual Booting with windows is common, but most linux people I've spoken with, and myself, don't really do it. Part of the problem with it is that windows is a bad roommate, and is more than willing to make your linux partition unbootable by trying to "fix" it during an update.
Separate HDD is better, and a separate machine is better yet.
Also, I find that running server windows is better, since they don't force updates willy-nilly.
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Sep 2023 17:54:44 UTC No. 957689
P.S.: Could it be:
"select" -> "select similar" -> "face map" -> "type: normal" (while selecting a face that's perfectly horizontal)
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Sep 2023 22:18:58 UTC No. 957709
I don't understand the returning variables when functions are called in python. How do I make the main module hold that value without actually having to retype the whole function statement again in main?
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Sep 2023 07:14:47 UTC No. 957750
>return x
>>y(which is x, you could also use x) = [insert_the_name_of_your_function_h
Excuse the shitty format, I need to go to bed and I really don't know how to make the notepad/code box in 4chan.
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Sep 2023 15:25:39 UTC No. 957785
i really like working in the live music industry and specifically want to be on teams that operate D3/ Unreal Engine and Notch. I have a small portfolio with these programs but it could be more convincing.
What are some projects I can add to my portfolio that are better suited for live A/V work?
Anonymous at Tue, 12 Sep 2023 11:17:21 UTC No. 957860
I'm trying out fluid simulation in Blender. I made a simple mug, a fluid is poured into it and then the mug shakes a bit. Why the fuck does the amount of fluid change after shaking? It's not spilling out, I checked, it just seems like it disappears or compresses
Anonymous at Tue, 12 Sep 2023 13:55:18 UTC No. 957871
How do people keep texture file sizes low when they export from SP, do they use UDIMs? I made a UV for every individual/main part and when I exported the textures it was like 330MB. That seems fucking huge for one thing. Am I just an idiot?
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Sep 2023 03:46:57 UTC No. 957957
How do I get my renders to look less blender like
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Sep 2023 06:49:03 UTC No. 958105
Is it not already assigned to the cube?
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Sep 2023 09:58:00 UTC No. 958118
You need to be edit mode
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Sep 2023 15:16:40 UTC No. 958153
Lads, I have been learning blender since June. I have done the donut, I followed several more tutorials and I did some personal projects on my own. The problem is, any time I start up blender, I feel so lost. I don't know what to model next, and even when I try to follow a tutorial, I don't feel like I am learning anything. I feel like I hit a plateau and I'm just going through the motions.
I know I am not even close to being passable at 3D but at the same I feel like I am at saturation point. I just keep opening and closing unfinished models feeling more and more hopeless with time.
Did anyone else go through this as they learnt 3D modeling? Have I lost my passion? How did you guys push through the hard times as a beginner? What direction would you recommend I take to git gud?
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Sep 2023 16:14:17 UTC No. 958164
You just have to push yourself through it. I probably did it the wrong way when I started because for most people it's
>All of these other tuts that are several hours long
With me it was a case of
>Do one 20 minute low poly bedroom tut so I had a rough idea of how to use Blender
>Start doing my own thing
It probably hindered me in regards to some things that I would have picked up on by doing those tuts. But at the same time there's so much information that it can be difficult to retain it all anyway.
I also had that problem like you of having a bunch of unfinished projects, but there was two reasons why
>My ambition far exceeded my talent and I didn't notice until I got part of the way through
>I was worried that by continuing with it I'd fuck it up and it wouldn't look as good as I'd imagined it
Second one has always been a problem for me no matter what it related to. I've always had a big fear of failure. However, some time back an anon recommended that I finish what I start and that way I can actually progress and see my progress when I look back on things. It's definitely helped. It used to be a case of 90% of what I started I wouldn't finish, but now it's more like 95% of what I start I do finish.
Particularly when you first start something on your own, I think it's incredibly important to work on things that you have some kind of passion for. If you're making something just because it's "cool" or because someone is telling you to, but you aren't interested in it, then you'll get bored of it real quick.
If you like guns try modeling one of those. If you like cars try one of those. Buildings? People? Animals? Food? Whatever it is give it a shot. If it's something ambitious (like a car for example) then do it low poly so you can get more used to it first without getting discouraged.
You just need to hang in bro. You'll get there. Rome wasn't built in a day etc.
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Sep 2023 17:22:10 UTC No. 958171
Thank you for the advice anon. I now see that my problem is definitely caused by my ambition exceeding my ability.
I can't say I fear failure, but I definitely dwell to long on trying to be perfect, and your point on finishing things so I can be able to look back on them rings true.
I'll push on anon. I won't let you down. Thank you for the new perspective. We're all gonna make it.
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Sep 2023 17:34:03 UTC No. 958175
Why do you want to git gud, if you don't know what you want to make and it makes you feel bad when you get bored of working on something you're not interested in?
Take a look at the models, break them down into simple shapes, and go.
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Sep 2023 17:52:07 UTC No. 958179
Good point. I want to do character and environment modeling, and some car modeling. I'd better focus on those then. You know any good resources? I'll use a mouse before I save enough for a tablet.
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Sep 2023 19:39:46 UTC No. 958197
Where could you find old 3d assets? I wanna find stuff from at least 2007 and at most 1990
I found stuff on DAV3D that look older, but if there's any sites like
that would be great
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Sep 2023 01:02:32 UTC No. 958264
is there a similar script to this for 3dsmax 2023?
it no longer works & links are offline
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Sep 2023 19:17:37 UTC No. 958340
I'm a novice to 3d, and I don't really understand the differences between Maya and Zbrush. I already have license for Maya as I want to focus on creation of 3d models and texturing of them, but I keep seeing that zbrush is also important, so which should I be using in the end?
Anonymous at Sat, 16 Sep 2023 11:21:51 UTC No. 958407
Do you mean how do you texture it to look like one of the coins in the pic?
Anonymous at Sat, 16 Sep 2023 12:04:58 UTC No. 958412
Yes. I want to make a pile of coins as a game prop. I already have my little coins, so I was hoping to reuse them as the texture for the pile.
Hurbur at Wed, 20 Sep 2023 01:00:16 UTC No. 958916
What is the kind of 3d cg portofolio that may attract jobs.. perhaps even hundred thousand klout
Like its execution, aesthethic, overall looks
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Sep 2023 08:56:05 UTC No. 958947
can i get into 3d with an AMD card
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Sep 2023 16:31:21 UTC No. 958987
Class I’m taking is using 4d cinema. Any recs on guides for extra learning?
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Sep 2023 14:01:00 UTC No. 959099
is gpu rendering supposed to be noisier than CPU?
or is it the brushed metal physical preset material having too many reflections to count?
also why is it that cpu rendering unlocks min box for sampling Difuse, SSS, etc under Arnold Renderer options?
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Sep 2023 18:53:38 UTC No. 959234
What you trying to do with it?