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Anonymous No. 951455

Am I a retard for finding hard surface modelling significantly easier in Blender than 3ds Max?

I've been using Blender for years and find it all a lot easier than 3ds Max, I've only been using 3ds Max for a few weeks but I can't ever imaging hard surface modelling being as easy as it is in Blender, especially with the Hard Ops and Box Cutter addons that Blender has.

Anonymous No. 951456

Getting accustomed to a program requires longer than a few weeks and I bet you are better at modelling in 3ds max in those few weeks than what you where when you started Blender. That should tell you something about the relevance of a program vs your own skill in the long run. Now I won't fall into the trap of what program is better for hard surface. There are already 10 thread of people trowing shit at each other for a piece of software.

Now I make way for the obvious comments what will say hurr dur max is better or hurr durr blender is better.

Anonymous No. 951458

It's annoying because I've been chatting to a local ad/branding agency who seem very friendly and receptive to new people so long as they can produce good work, which is good because I have no formal qualifications beyond highscool, and they really like my composition and modelling skills, but when I was talking to them via email about what kind of stuff they're looking for, they said that while a good portfolio is the most important thing, being able to fit into their workflow is also a must, and the guy I was chatting advised me to learn 3DS Max and a render engine like Corona/V-Ray, but the cheapest I can get 3DS Max for is £365/year on an indie license and the same again for Corona or V-Ray, and since I'm a neet with little money and savings it's not really something I can afford to do, but also feels like something I can't afford not to do.

Sorry for the rant.

Anonymous No. 951460

Also the guy I was chatting to specifically mentioned keeping me in the loop about some placements they had coming up later in the year so I feel a bit under pressure from that too.

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Anonymous No. 951514

If you're too poor to save up £30 a month for 3dsmax, yet not pirating the ever living fuck out of software, assets, and tutorials, then you're doing it wrong. Beg around social media for an invite to IPTorrents (or buy an invite for $20), and grab 3dsmax and some tutorials from there.

Anonymous No. 951523

Wew, I had completely forgot that this was even an option. Unfortunately I wouldn't even know where to begin since I haven't pirated anything since about 8 years ago when I got a computer virus and it bricked my computer. I'd be too scared of something like that happening again :(

Anonymous No. 951527

3ds max is beyond retarded, it feels backwards jumping into it. I was a big fanboi of 3ds max and learned blender afterwards.
It came a time I needed to use 3ds max on a job and man it felt painful once getting spoiled by blender logic and intuitiveness. It doesn't get better than blender. There's a feature I like about 3ds max though, its procedural rigging addon but last time I used 3ds it was completely abandoned by development, although auto rig pro is the closest to that 3ds thingy. And no you are not retarded, the "muh Industry standard" is.

Anonymous No. 951528

Thank you anon. Yes it just feels ridiculously unintuative, also it doesn't have the same community with tutorials and addons. I'm litertally going to have to commit about 200 hours of my life over the next couple of months just learning this shit so I can say "hurr I can fit in to your workflow", no other reason or logic.

Anonymous No. 951557

what do you dislike about max?

Anonymous No. 951680

What is there to like about 3ds max? It's bloatware from the 90s.

Anonymous No. 953087

Fuck zoomers

Anonymous No. 953095

yeah, you are. anything else you'd like to know?