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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 951476

Todays noob challenge: Make a spring.

Hardmode: Without using the spin tool.

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the chair nerd No. 951478


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the chair nerd No. 951480

too easy

Anonymous No. 951481

and if you didn't have that tool?

Anonymous No. 951482

I mean you're obviously not a noob

Anonymous No. 951485

Plane, cut in a rounded shape, lift.

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Bitch-1 (1).webm

Anonymous No. 951506


Anonymous No. 951511

pretty impressive

the chair nerd No. 951513

Yeah but technically not a spiral cuz every mesh section should rise up proportionally. It can be done but not a fast code to make. It would be practically coding the primitive all over again.

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Anonymous No. 951574

lazy geonodes

the chair nerd No. 951576

Nice one now that is a pure spring.

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Anonymous No. 951578

kek, bezier circle and the screw modifier.

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Anonymous No. 951608

We start with a point.

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POINT 2.png

Anonymous No. 951610

We duplicate the point, translate it one unit on the Y axis and connect them with an edge

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POINT 3.png

Anonymous No. 951611

We duplicate the edge, translate it in the opposite direction for origin symmetry (merge the overlapping vertex)

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point 4.png

Anonymous No. 951612

we duplicate the 2 unit long segment, and rotate it by 90 degrees and form a cross (merge the overlapping vertex)

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point 6.png

Anonymous No. 951613

we repeat the duplication and rotation by 45, 22.5 and 11.25 degrees.

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point 7.png

Anonymous No. 951615

We select the points one by one to create the circumference of our circle.

we can also remove the central vertex

and make a few copies.

We scale one of the copies down to the desired thickness of the spring

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point 8.png

Anonymous No. 951616


We duplicate our scaled down circle four times and translate+ rotate the copies on the four cardinal directions taking care they are the same distance from the origin. (This distance will be the radius of the coil) Each one has to be perpendicular to the axis they're on.

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point 9.png

Anonymous No. 951617


Similarly to how we created the circle by duplicating and rotating a segment, we duplicate the circles until the desired roundness of the torus we're constructing is reached.

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point 10.png

Anonymous No. 951618


We now must place faces on two of the sections of the torus. doesn't matter which as long as they're opposite from each other.

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point 12.png

Anonymous No. 951619


They need to be opposite to preserve rotational symmetry

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point 13.png

Anonymous No. 951620

We now again repeat our duplicate+ rotate mesh trick for 90, 45 and 22,5 degrees.

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point 14.png

Anonymous No. 951621


And now we finally have our hand-crafted Torus. Artisanal and made with love. Please appreciate all the steps that this took when adding a mesh willy-nilly

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point 15.png

Anonymous No. 951625

That said, the assignment was a spring, not a torus.

We now have to rise every ring in the torus by a sequentially incremental amount.

We have 16 rings, so the height of the spring on each rotation will be the distance*16, in this case 0.05 and 0.8 respectively

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point 18.png

Anonymous No. 951626


after we go all the way around, we must duplicate the lower ring and rise it by the height we just calculated. We'll also have to delete the daces to disconnect the torus and form a spring proper.

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point 19.png

Anonymous No. 951627

we join the duplicated ring to the rest of the mesh and we now have the rotational segment of a spring!

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point 22.png

Anonymous No. 951628

Copy the mesh and translate by the height of the spring as many times as necessary for the length you need. (Don't forget to merge those vertices!)

the chair nerd No. 951629


This is so delightfully autistic I love it.

Anonymous No. 951630

Meanwhile in maya: make a fucking cylinder by the press of a button

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a spring.png

Anonymous No. 951631


Anonymous No. 951636

Dude there was no rule saying you couldn't use the default torus. We didn't use torus because it's easy to make it into a spring. Dumb Blender users, why do you have do things wrong.

Anonymous No. 951639

>Dude there was no rule saying you couldn't use the default torus.
I know. I just self imposed a few extra restrictions for the hell of it. Mesh duplication and no imports, single edge and face generation, only translations, scaling and rotations allowed. It was fun

Happy to oblige

Anonymous No. 951665

This got me thinking. Is there a way to select an arbitrary rotation axis for a given mesh in Blender?

Anonymous No. 951666

Kind of a vague question but whatever you meant, the answer is yes.
You can move the pivot of an object wherever you want and rotate it around that. Or if you meant rotating around an arbitrarily rotated plane then you could create an empty and parent your object(s) to it, rotate the empty to any angle, then use Parent transform orientation (I think it's a new feature with 3.1 or 3.2.
But there's probably like 5-6 other easy ways to do it too.

Anonymous No. 951676

Anonymous No. 951708

Is the same in blender fag. Instead of two clicks its a shortcut and a click using the geos under spirals faggot, You also have the modifier and the geo nodes if you need to have a different profile. Funny thing geo nodes you only need to create the geometry once in order to spam it with a click but what would you know Maya procedural geo nodes sucks huge ass, as if it didn't had to update to proper math nodes due to the pressure the free open source program was putting on the shekel paid software. Enjoy your subscription faggot.

Anonymous No. 951744

Then don't use nodes, dumb blender users assuming you need to use nodes for everything.

Anonymous No. 951809

the power of free software, a so called "/3/ industry standard"

Anonymous No. 951848

Jealous maya user

Anonymous No. 951851

>cant do anything without blender or their plugins
your not in any position to talk, 3D can do anything but you fail at doing 3d.

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Anonymous No. 952119


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Anonymous No. 952122

But does your spring perform springy and spring-related tasks?

Anonymous No. 952125

this is your brain on max

Anonymous No. 952396

Nigger who tha fuck is talking about plugins? Dumb maya user with broken record arguments.

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Anonymous No. 952412

>no one made the actual spring from OP

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Anonymous No. 952416


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Anonymous No. 952421

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Anonymous No. 952717

Geo, like >>951574 but with a flat profile. Still not sure how to fix the tilt properly.

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Anonymous No. 952740

Kind of wonky but you get the idea

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Anonymous No. 952752

Anonymous No. 952836

read the rules

Anonymous No. 955210


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Anonymous No. 955214

>make single-segment curve
>rebuild curve with 100 segments
>apply curve modifier, scale
>create a mesh (cylinder)
>Extrude cylinder end faces along curve

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Anonymous No. 955314

I knew this porn photo shoot scene would come in handy

Anonymous No. 955336

So that is what coding is for in all those 3d programs. What else can I do with this stuff?

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Screenshot 2023-0....png

Anonymous No. 955338

Didn't use Spin tool
[spoiler]I used the Screw tool[/spoiler]
Outjewing OP actually gave me a confidence boost despite being a cheating noob. Thanks OP

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Anonymous No. 955343


Anonymous No. 956445

I swear, you guys are some of the smartest most creative people I know.

Anonymous No. 956636


Anonymous No. 956847

What software is this?

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Anonymous No. 956916

There, used the screw modifier.
Who uses the spin tool for springs???

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Anonymous No. 956931

i did my best at cutting a circle to 1/4 then using the arch modifier... dont bully ok?

Anonymous No. 957112

ok this is what a really customizable spring looks like, very good!

Anonymous No. 957517


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Anonymous No. 957983


Anonymous No. 957992

Based and Codepiled