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๐Ÿงต Flaws

Anonymous No. 951678

How do you create flaws in a butt like pic related? It's much easier to create a good looking butt.

Anonymous No. 951729

Careful, everyone. This is quite possibly a Sybb thread. Sybb is infamous for spamming threads where he asks inane questions about the ass quality of fictional characters. He shows up on all board, and on all forums, the guy knows no bounds. He's been at it for years, and his motives are unclear. But engaging with Sybb in conversation will not progress the conversation in any way. As he's too dense to absorb anything you say, and the conversation will just reset after a few posts.

Anonymous No. 951832

>t. mentally ill sperglord

Anonymous No. 951837

what do you mean by flaws?

Anonymous No. 951839

Her ass is unshapely and squishy. Most butts you see in games are perfectly round and tight.

Anonymous No. 951866

Sounds based to me

Anonymous No. 951890

I would need to see that flabby ass in motion in order to give you a proper reply.

Anonymous No. 951897

It's a musou game running on a switch, OP. Any 'butt flaws' that you perceive come painted on the color map and from the light source interacting with the normal map.

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Anonymous No. 951904

This is another Warriors game on the same platform. Look at the peachy round shape.

Anonymous No. 952644

In order to make an ass as flabby as Zelda's is here, you need to rig the ass with "jiggle bones" and increase the poly count a bit. Simply put, treat the ass as something more than just a block.

Anonymous No. 952647

I feel like I'm on my way to fully completing my schizodex just by visiting this board

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 952650

You simply need to animate the cheeks, instead of treating the butt like a solid object that doesn't move. It's not difficult, but it requires some extra polys and more rigging to make it look as flabby as Zelda's does.

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Anonymous No. 953868

I love how flabby it is

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 954971

quixotic partial excited elegantly camp plane light soccer carrot continue sink