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Anonymous No. 951802

Based on a combined data set of 4000 high resolution facial scans, we introduce a non-linear morphable face model, capable of producing multifarious face geometry of pore-level resolution, coupled with material attributes for use in physically-based rendering.

Anonymous No. 951811

Literally mass effect 5 faces lmao

Anyways here’s the best rig I’ve ever seen, I’m sure many here have already watched this and drooled over it like I did and still do. It’s so sad that this rig will never see use in a short or feature length film, looks like a joy to use :(

Anonymous No. 952145

that video is so much SOUL. as in the literal sense of hard work and passion despite being a relatively modern production. and its not in the sense of retrozoomer's backrooms spooky old cg larp "SOUL".

Anonymous No. 952230

holy uncanny valley batman

Anonymous No. 952233

it doesn't even have a realistic muscle rig component. Its a shit rig

Anonymous No. 952270

Yeah it’s such a shit rig dude, I mean look at this teaser shot, notice how the SHIT RIG ruins the animation?
Fucking retard

Anonymous No. 952271

Sadly the studio, Mindbender went under a few years back :(

Anonymous No. 952275

holy cope

Anonymous No. 952300

Yeah I’m done entertaining your little pissy meltdown, try better bait next time