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๐Ÿงต Overexposed UE4/5 games

Anonymous No. 951960

Why does overexposed lighting in this engine have such a distinct "Unreal" look?
You guys know what I mean, right?

Anonymous No. 951961

No fuck you schizo, it's all in your head.

Anonymous No. 951963

UE4 has this setting on automatically for every project to simulate how your eyes adjust to rapid shifts in light I guess.
It's a simple on/off checkbox but the VIIR devs probably thought it looked good enough to leave it on.

Anonymous No. 951965

That's not an explanation of why overexposure in Unreal has a different look from everywhere else.

Anonymous No. 952091

it was squares first time using it, I think this was an autoexposure bug or something like >>951963
said. in fact there's a lot of bugs like that in the game, from visible holes (you can see the pure white skybox behind it) in environment to assets literally not loading (like light poles for example, you can still see the light shaft but not the model itself). they still did a good job though, the game looks amazing even on base PS4

Anonymous No. 952111

Unreal tries to mimic physically correct light metrics which have a high dynamic range.
The sun can be as high as 100,000 lux and an indoor office environment 500 lux.
Both are technically bright environments just that even high end PC monitors top out around 2000 lux with HDR.
So there's no way in representing that on a real hardware so that's where auto exposure comes in. It simulates how your eyes adapts to brightness changes but it will never be perfect.
You can turn it off and set the exposure manually or totally get rid of physically based light metrics by using unitless intensity for lights per default.
Also to get it look good you can up the detail strength in the local exposure settings in the post process volume.
This gets rid of the washed out look you get on stock settings with unreal.

Anonymous No. 952116

Another one to tweak are the slope and toe values in the Film section of the postprocess volume.
The can counteract over-saturation.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 954958

sniveling nutritious rectangular grumpy sick rectangular voluminous clumsy pants alphabet open do spark suspect x-ray cry undergo