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🧵 Source Filmmaker

Anonymous No. 952217

Still pretty much relevant after 10 years and some content creators even got 10/20 million subscribers thanks to this piece of software

Blender will never

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Anonymous No. 952220


Amen. I still use it and make money from it.

Lighting, posing, composition, storytelling--these are universal skills regardless of program.

Master the principles and you can make gorgeous shit with whatever bastard program like Daz, SFM, Koikatsu, Honey Select, etc.

It gets the fucking job done.

Anonymous No. 952383

You haven't ever used SFM, have you? It's riddled with bugs and has barely seen updates since public release.

Anonymous No. 952385

To this day I think that Valve really did go above and beyond with some of the meet the team videos. I think that Meet the Spy is definitely the best one of the bunch. It's genuinely such a good 3 minute short. Top notch animation performances, memorable lines, the realization at the end that we've been actually meeting the RED spy all long while he was disguised as the scout.

Anonymous No. 953634

How do you make money from this? im assuming ad revenue.

I want to get started but looks like you have to be a turbo aspie to learn this stuff.

Also it would take like a year to make a proper 10 minute video on this niche, so you would neet every video to be viral.

Anonymous No. 953636

Except porn ? Make shorts like Skibidi and be creative

Anonymous No. 953650

>some (((people))) got a lot of worthless internet points

kek, how about any of them getting a job, instead? oh, right.
not that blender is much better in that regard desu

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Anonymous No. 953656


I went an unorthodox route: I prioritize story in my porn.

SFM cannot compete with the fluid and fabric effects of Blender; you'll never win the graphic wars of porn.

Instead I found a niche in furry NTR with comic books (rendered in SFM) and with a visual novel about a human who conquers furry wives.

I release my porn for free and opened a Patreon for what Patreon was designed to do: To support a creator to create, not as a sales platform.

Tl;dr embrace your autism and create shit and make that your passion and people will see authenticity in you and support you.

Anonymous No. 953696

I was making money on yt but got demonetized, not porn tho.
I dont want to make porn. I think the skibidi shit is fucking amazing, this is the kind of stuff i like, but I guess that guy is both insanely talented and lucky to go viral.
But there's also "Normal" SFM channels that make a decent income by looking at their socialblades, but you need to hit some viral videos.
Do you guys know how long does it take to learn SFM to create something compelling?

Btw, how do people add dialogues? is it all dialogues from the games?

Also, do they use presets? like walking cycles, run cycles etc, because that is fucking annoying to animate.

Is there a site to download presets or something?

Also which is the best tutorial? I was looking at Valves and I stopped following at around part 5, it became so fucking convoluted and they too fast.

I saw other 3rd party tuts like Cinema something but he ruined it with bg music.

Anonymous No. 953724

SFM is easy to learn. You can master it in 1 day. The interface is the best of all 3d software out there.
The only thing thats holding you back is creativity

Anonymous No. 953727

just because people are too lazy and incompetent to migrate to the VASTLY superior blender does not mean SFM isn't a dead piece of shit

Anonymous No. 953728


Anonymous No. 953730

Don’t listen to these idiots, the software is dead, uploading models is 100x harder than normal software, Valve never updated it, awful animation system. You are not going to learn anything about real animation with SFM, you’ll hate yourself for it.

Anonymous No. 953731

i use sfm and make animations for fun and despite it being outdated and having shortcoming, it is still one of the best animation makers out there with large community
but honestly i am conflicted, i make various animations for fun, i have around 10 of them on my youtube channel and nobody gives a shit, if i get over 100 views in couple of months it's a big success
But then one day i decided to make a porn animation with one of the popular game characters and uploaded it to a rule34 site an in a week i got almost 40k views, it was insane, intoxicating, the animation was of same quality as my other ones, except it was porn.
I never really wanted to be a porn animatior, but is this the only path i can take? it seems making anything else than porn is a dead end for me and my dream of one days making enough on patreon to quit my soul sucking 9to5.
Seeing that view counter fly through thousands, compared to my other animations i put same amount of time into getting 100 views felt crazy

Anonymous No. 953733


Anonymous No. 953735

i would post my blender animation here to showcase the ambrosia which is cycles, but i don't want to cause mass suicides of the SFM fags here when their SFM cope gets realitychecked

Anonymous No. 953736

Post it

Anonymous No. 953737

or, you know you could trade your dead end, soul sucking retail 9to5 for a more fulfilling 9to5 animation job.
but that would require gitting gud and we all know people like you just can't be arsed. it wouldn't be beneath you to also believe professional animators get hired based on how many twitter likes they get, kek.

Anonymous No. 953738

furfag porn is profited from this since furries consume everything

Anonymous No. 953741

Why are you lying, the community is dead and it's not the best. You never seen a real animation software to understand animation workflow. I bet your the person to takes models and never credits people. Building, rigging, animation and SFX. All the things you think is easy in SFM is not in real life.

Anonymous No. 953742

>the community is dead
Lurk more

Anonymous No. 953743

>the community is dead
very far from it, it's not as big as it was but very much alive
>I bet your the person to takes models and never credits people.
yes i take free models from sites since i can't model humans well but i always add credit screen where i list the names of people, even when they models are under licence that doesn't requre me to do so

Anonymous No. 953746

Blender texture nodes is awful and it violates the human rights

Anonymous No. 953747

what are you on about nigger? blender nodes are amazing
if you actually take the time to learn them the are powerful as fuck, i use them all the time

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Anonymous No. 953748


I just want to animate

Anonymous No. 953749

yeah of course you would cherry pick,
90% of uses cases are less than 10 nodes

Anonymous No. 953750

Blender people need to stay confined to their thread.

Anonymous No. 953752

"I want to be <insert software>, but without the QoL features specifically made for the type of work it's used for"
sums up blender pretty nicely. in this case, it's substance designer

Anonymous No. 953754

if blender is so terrible why are you so scarred of one little blender user posting here eh?? maybe because people will find out the truth about how much better blender is and leave you shitty little sfm thread, leaving you here all alone with your shitty little abandonware?

Anonymous No. 953756

1. You're annoying
2. You're off topic
3. You're delusional
4. Nobody cares of your opinions

Anonymous No. 953773

This is baby shit, i made a production ready procedural shader for apples in renderman and it easily was +500 nodes, skill issue really

Anonymous No. 953778

Ok. Now go back to the protest. Shoo shoo

🗑️ Anonymous No. 953794

Fucking this.

You faggots who argue software are no different than penfags who argue whether writing with fountain pens is inferior to ballpoints.

No. One. Fucking. Cares.

What matters to readers is what you wrote, not how you wrote it.

You nitwits fail to realize the tools themselves are not the goal--what matters creating something of value.

A work of art is something that makes a viewer feel emotions, and you can elicit those using any damn thing--even abandonware like SFM.

Nothing screams AUTISM like people who seek peak efficiency while forgetting entirety the goal of their craft.

Anonymous No. 953795

Fucking this.

You faggots who argue software are no different than penfags who argue whether writing with fountain pens is inferior to ballpoints.

No. One. Fucking. Cares.

What matters to readers is what you wrote not how you wrote it.

You nitwits fail to realize the tools themselves are not the goal--what matters is to create something of value.

A work of art is something that makes a viewer feel emotions, and you can elicit those using any damn thing--even abandonware like SFM.

Nothing screams AUTISM like people who seek peak efficiency while forgetting entirely the goal of their craft.

Anonymous No. 953796

It just works

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Anonymous No. 953810


Anonymous No. 953831

No it's dead, there is nothing, it's just "oh please help me", "why FBX doesn't work" or "How to use SFX". That's not a community, that's noobs not understanding dead software is dead.

No normal 3D modeler does this for a living. We make cube into dragon so that it can sing and dance like this guy:

You should not spent 1 month on dumb blender rules that you think works.

Anonymous No. 953836

>No normal 3D modeler does this for a living

The other one is making short with some CSGO character, i forgot the name though

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Anonymous No. 953838

>Not blender
>Not using nodes
Doesn't this proof that blender is useless in SFM. The assets are clearly only Valve, said person can't animate either, you just think his work is great.

6 years and this is all he has to show for in SFM. Wasn't populor either as

No one even refers to him in memes, it's just some 3D model with head on toilet for normal people. You fail to bring SFM to common people.

Anonymous No. 953840

Because SFM isnt for common people. Its only for pure dedicated autism.

Lighting and fancy crap doesnt matter if you have 0 creativity. Skibidi animation looks good but you can tell its made from SFM. This is why most of blender animation looks uncanny. Especially porns

Anonymous No. 953843

No, SFM is using old methods of animation that is gone. Not even Blender offers it anymore (unless you install the very old version). This is why people like you and that guy fail to make animation that isn't close to our standards of youtube video.

Blender as i understand, stops your dumb attempts like SFM because models should never act like that. Blender has default lighting, while SFM does not. Blender's animation track helps noobs like you at least a little, SFM does not.

SFM should not be used, you only putting the case for SFM as the worst software for animation.

Anonymous No. 953846


Again, It just your opinion. Be damned with the "Standards"
Be creative or piss off. I seen people drawing a fine art using a fucking Paint software and make a living with it.

People like you are the reason why most video games nowadays are unoptimized as shit. Convenience makes people Lazy. Blender makes people Lazy

Anonymous No. 953870

>The interface is the best of all 3d software out there
You either have never used SFM or any other 3d software besides SFM.
I do agree it's somewhat easy to learn but the way how some UI pop up errors tend to occur just because you are in wrong editor timeline,graph... just infuraties me.
Also simple operations like scale require an exra filter or some shit on the animated object instead of just hitting S like in Blender.

Anonymous No. 953883

Your "Creative" view is nonsense to the eyes of everyone. There is no joke, there is chaos, the view you see in amature SFM videos are nonsense. You people are trying to copy TF2 chaotic jokes but fail to make loveable characters. Skibidi isn't even popular it's just a joke everyone on youtube is laughing at, it's not a thing people even care about.

Don't talk to me about your laziness, you can't build models, you can't texture, you can't rig, you can animate correctly, you can't even attempt to use blender which itself is very sad. Your not a artist at any level, you just a person to uses other peoples art.

Anonymous No. 953887

>Skibidi isn't even popular it's just a joke everyone on youtube is laughing at, it's not a thing people even care about.
He's laughing all the way to the bank plus the animations are cool.

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Anonymous No. 953890

>believes youtube gives enough money
this is where you are wrong. Once again you are only showing your views that you only seen because you never care about actual animation in the first place.

Anonymous No. 953906

Now you are proven wrong: >>>/v/646010921

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No way Fag.png

Anonymous No. 953937

Literally salty as fuck lol. Post your bank account.
Does all Blendtards like this ?? Even Maya users know themselves creativity is the true obstacle.

Anonymous No. 953975

You sound like a soulless bureaucrat who starts screeching if things are not done in some multipage documented standard regardless of end result.

Anonymous No. 953980

You didn’t see it but V hated the character. I’m not alone, you two are clearly the crazy ones. V ripped it apart saying gmod fag, lazy YouTuber, copying RvB, stemie, etc.

It got so bad, it was removed. You people should be ashamed for defending this horrible kind of animation. Your ideals aren’t welcome here.

Anonymous No. 953982


Anonymous No. 954054

I'd animate in blender, but I hate how much slower the viewport is. Even with a top end PC and disabling as much as possible and enabling cuda for a sweet +5 FPS, it's still chugging at 15 FPS. And the thing is, I like working in colour, and I like being able to preview my animation at the drop of a hat. It's fun. I don't want to wait. SFM has worse tools, but it's very quick.

Anonymous No. 954245

>I want to get started but looks like you have to be a turbo aspie to learn this stuff.
don't listen to any of these retards and fall into the trap. SFM is an awful piece of software that's been outdated for years. just pick up blender or literally any other software.

Anonymous No. 954250

No one even tells people to use SFM here retard. We just tell SFM is still viable to make content

Anonymous No. 954270

Don't try to make words sound better with different words. "Viable" yes but will you learn anything? No. Youtube is unkind, other media service don't come close to Youtube paid advertisement money.

You can't live with SFM youtube money, perton money wont be forever either in this economy. However you like to view it, SFM is not a replacement for actual animation.

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Anonymous No. 954271

>You can't live with SFM youtube money, perton money wont be forever either in this economy

Heh. You should really go back to the strike.
Good luck

Anonymous No. 954291

Youtubers are selling out and they can't do anything when something like copyright claim happens. Is this is the future you want, to be scare of money leaving you everyday, scare of hidden creepy things you did in the past made public, scare of people leaving you because you made bad content.

That is no future no one wants to live.