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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 952226

Why is this board not talking about this?

Anonymous No. 952267

There's been some discussion, and our lord and saviour Arrimus shills it. But I feel you bro.

Anonymous No. 952274

because unless you're doing that ultra-sleek CAD surface kind of modeling regularly it's probably not worth your time over refining your existing workflow. that said it does look pretty neat, probably very useful if you like to do stuff like weapons very often

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Anonymous No. 952277

>our lord and saviour Arrimus
His mechanical work looks autistic. Which is an accomplishment.

Also, in case you didn't know catmull-clark subdivision has a congenital defect where no matter how many times you subdivide a cube, it'll never become a sphere.
In other words, all you can do stuff that kinda-sorta looks mechanical, but that would never work if you were to 3D print it for example.

Anonymous No. 952292

gibs pirated version then

zmodeler is still king

Anonymous No. 952331

>application with an engine worth literally hundreds of thousands of dollars in license
>sold for 99 bucks
oh come the fuck on now.

Anonymous No. 952336

can you turn this into poly? what the hell is this?

Anonymous No. 952338

it is cool, but has the limitations of CAD. not useful for game assets

Anonymous No. 952341

I love plasticity. I primarily use zbrush, and I can't handle the autism of hard surface. I can do it if I have to, but it's very hard for me to be creative with that workflow. Before plasticity I had to sketch everything I wanted to model first.

>an you turn this into poly?
Yes you can, results won't be perfect right away obviously, but good enough to work with. Modelling with plasticity and cleaning up after is faster for me, but probably not for people autistic enough to be good at hard surface.
>what the hell is this?
CAD but for artists instead of engineers etc.

It is useful for game assets.

Anonymous No. 952344

It can export in n-gons. You then import that into your modeler of choice and either do a cleanup or retopo.

Anonymous No. 952345

it can export tris too, but you're far better off with the n-gons

Anonymous No. 952346

forgot the link

Anonymous No. 952347

>It can export in n-gons. You then import that into your modeler of choice and either do a cleanup or retopo.
anon, how do i keep my edges after I do this then, knowing that I will always need either a bevel (for RT) or a crease (for offline) on every edge

Anonymous No. 952348

>cleanup or retopo

Anonymous No. 952351

so how is this any faster or better? You're not selling it very well

Anonymous No. 952353

exactly. just git gud at sub-d so you get clean topo

Anonymous No. 952354

do i need max

Anonymous No. 952355

It's faster if you like to work without having to worry about all the things that make hard surface a pain in the ass.
You can very easily make shapes with plasticty that would be a huge pain in the ass with poly modelling, which means you can delete those shapes if they don't work and not feel like you wasted any time.
Basically, it's really good for sketching.
Depending on your use-case, you might not need to clean it up at all. If you're concepting or just doing a render, the ngon models it exports are good enough.

Anonymous No. 952356

Let's say I want to use Plasticity for offline with PrMan 25 for enviro. If I converted to N-Gon, will this be an issue for anon.

Anonymous No. 952357

Will the rest of the apps I need in the pipe (painter), be mad because of ngon?

Anonymous No. 952359

Yes they will, but it's easy to fix.
In blender just add triangulate and data transfer modifiers, apply them, then export the triangulated mesh.

Anonymous No. 952360

do you think a densely beveled edge NGON -> triangulated mesh will be harder to UV with Maya's UV tools

Anonymous No. 952361

I don't know, I suck shit at UVs and don't use maya.

Anonymous No. 952362

max is very good for sub-d. probably the best out of all the DCCs.

Anonymous No. 952369

I’ve been 3D modeling for 15 years and plasticity is probably the best program I have ever used for hard surface. Best money I’ve ever spent on any 3D modeling software.

Anonymous No. 952373

you're going to have to back that up with some pic rel

Anonymous No. 952413

I wanted to get into all those half assed "CAD"-like tool plugins you can get for Blender but always postponed. Now that I've heard that this program isn't that far off from Blender in terms of UI I'll probably try that in stead. Those plugins always seemed like some hackjob anyways

Anonymous No. 952415

Just stop being a cuck and use fusion it BTFOs plasticikidstoy

Anonymous No. 952417

>Autofag™ Cloud Trash 360™ as a Service™
fuck off retard

Anonymous No. 952420

>pirates seething
cloud jews are.. based?

Anonymous No. 952430

I've seen a video about this software a few weeks ago but didn't think it could serve me since I'm a gamedev and it's a CAD software (well I think it is).
But it looked dope from what I remember.

Anonymous No. 953040

so you have to retopo it after making it? What is the point? Is that easier?

Anonymous No. 953045

It has a pretty decent .obj export.

depends on what your models are like, usually you won't need to.

Anonymous No. 953048

Way quicker "3D sketching" out ideas without having to care about retarded mesh. Have you seen how piss easy it is to create some complex shapes with this sort of modelling?

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Anonymous No. 953210

Anonymous No. 953265

Then show me an open sauce alternative that works just as well.
You literally can't.

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Anonymous No. 953266

Hey guys, place your bets!
When do you think will the inevitable happen and Autodesk will buy it off of him to make him fuck off? I'd say around in a year or around when V2.0 comes out.

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Anonymous No. 953268

big Auto would never buy this.

Maxon on the other hand...

Anonymous No. 953274

>big Auto would never buy this.
Why? It could fuck with Fusion 360. Companies often don't buy other software to continue it, they buy it to get competition out of the way. Happens all the time.

But you're right that Maxon also had a motive to get it but I think they might actually continue it.

Anonymous No. 953275

Maybe you are right but look - you have to understand - plasticity interferes with ALL poly modelers.

Anonymous No. 953405

>you can do stuff that kinda-sorta looks mechanical, but that would never work if you were to 3D print it for example
Yes, and no. To approach surfaces which are within manufacturing tolerances, catmull clark subdivision needs at least 8 vertices around a circle. It's sometimes manageable for 3d printing, but subd poly modeling is really only practical for digital/solid prints

Anonymous No. 953411

i've quit hard surf because it's overstaffed derivative boring trash
doing foliage year after year and feeling great

Anonymous No. 953487

>doing foliage year after year and feeling great
well duh, you're literally touching grass daily

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Anonymous No. 953488

>>doing foliage year after year and feeling great

Anonymous No. 953510

>Also, in case you didn't know catmull-clark subdivision has a congenital defect where no matter how many times you subdivide a cube, it'll never become a sphere.
All you need to do is spherify the cube after subdividing it a few times, either through the menu or the modifier that does it. Once it has enough subdivisions and is forced into a sphere shape, it'll never try to become a cube again.

Anonymous No. 953520

Look at pic related in >>952277 Read some literature maybe starting with the Wikipedia article. Catmull-clark subdivision does not produces spheres or cylinders that's why it's not usable to model any kind of real mechanism.

Anonymous No. 953526

>All you need to do is spherify the cube
But to do that I would have to get rid of the subdivision modifier first.

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Anonymous No. 953528

Do some research maybe starting with basic shit like how blender works
Never said you should use a quad sphere as a mechanical element, but you can 3D print it for artistic purposes

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Anonymous No. 953529

>for artistic purposes

Anonymous No. 953530


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Anonymous No. 953531

>do something of really really low quality
>for artistic purposes

Anonymous No. 953533

It's a sphere that's shaped like a sphere, what more could you want?

Anonymous No. 953535

Sure. You can use Blender to 3D print anime figurines.

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Anonymous No. 953536

Your Blender makes such beautiful spheres. I'm sure if you design an engine with such precision it's going to run fast.

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Anonymous No. 953537

>he doesn't know every model is turned into polygons before printing making cad models only necessary for engineering

Anonymous No. 953538

>every model is turned into polygons
That's not true. It's true in Blender because Blender is not a CAD.

Anonymous No. 953543

an .stl file is a polygon mesh always

Anonymous No. 953547

you are on a 3d board and you still dont understand perspective?

Anonymous No. 953579

Yes, for consumer 3D printers by watching some videos I've noticed that the part comes out a bit faceted.

My bad. I didn't notice it was in perspective. I though you wanted to show a sphere and what's in the picture does not appear to be a sphere.

Anonymous No. 953638

>doesn't do rigging, skinning, UV, etc.
>doesn't even export fbx
Ok so for most applications this must be paired with something else then.
Anon, that camera view is not orthographic.

Anonymous No. 953882

>Ok so for most applications this must be paired with something else then.
yes, basically like it's always the case

Anonymous No. 955239

>seems like everyone and their momma is using plasticity now
Should I get studio version or indie version? Are beta features worth it? Currently in trial.

Anonymous No. 955508

>Best money I’ve ever spent on any 3D modeling software.
did you get the Indie or the Studio version?

Anonymous No. 955565

is anyone using this for actual production assets or just 3d concepting?

Anonymous No. 955567

They're using it for shilling on this board that has 10 to 15 active users who have no morals especially when it comes to pirating better stuff.

Anonymous No. 955569

It looks really nice. I hope the dev and his kids escape wage slavery.

Anonymous No. 955602

>They're using it for shilling on this board
the software is fantastic and is really cheap

Anonymous No. 956165

Autodesk will buy and abandon it.

Anonymous No. 956166

Oh god the indie price is already going up. Talk about GREED

Anonymous No. 956284

>plasticity is Too Hard
it's over, isn't it?

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Desktop 2023.08.2....webm

Anonymous No. 956291

that's not a sphere, that's a subdivided cube.

Anonymous No. 956293

If they're lucky.

Anonymous No. 956300

It's a mess. He wanted to prove that something was a sphere and posted a screenshot in perspective.

Anonymous No. 956304

look at the outline. It is spherical.

Anonymous No. 956309

The outline of a sphere in perspective is an ellipse, but catmull-clark subdivision doesn't produce spheres or ellipsoids. It's two different issues.

Anonymous No. 956312

obviously it would be elliptical in perspective, but in all practical purposes, it can be described as spherical. If you want a true sphere, use CAD

Anonymous No. 958420

Prices are going up. Something about this guy....doesn't seem right

Anonymous No. 958437

He probably needs to hire help to handle tech support. Even though the indie price barely covers just the parasolid license fee people will expect 1-on-1 premium support, not only a discord chatroom.

Anonymous No. 958439

he wants to end 1.X update support that we paid for at literally 1.3 and go straight to 2.0, cutting off all updates for people who paid. This guy is quite literally scum of the earth

Anonymous No. 958441

Oh, he's doing what CSP did. Yeah, that's not a very savvy business move. Much better to just offer one year of support and have a quarterly or bi-annual release schedule.

Anonymous No. 958443

He is switching to that at the 1.3 update, but screwing over the people who bought before that, like me, who just bought 1 month ago and were promised all 1.X updates, thinking there would be a 1.1 - 1.9. Fuck this guy

Anonymous No. 960479

Any tips on how I should approach using Zmodeller for actual modelling?
Would be nice to just stay in Zbrush instead of switching to Maya or Houdini for slightly above basic stuff. Never gave it a go because of the few caveats I know Zbrush has such as not allowing shitty Geo (like ngons) period

Anonymous No. 960480


Anonymous No. 960498

look up videos with Paul Gaboury. He works for Pixologic
as for modeling, it's not much different than other dcc, other than the weird UI