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๐Ÿงต My first 3D animation

Anonymous No. 952548

only took +3 hours to render 720p

Anonymous No. 952551

nys cris

Anonymous No. 952554

Volumetrics take forever to render in any software. You want to use them sparingly and fake as much of it as possible. Next time use a z-depth pass and mist in composting for this type of uniform fog effect. Your render will be 10x faster.

Anonymous No. 952572

I thought the whole purpose of mist was to optimize render time, so it didn't have to draw background shots. I mean, that is how video game operate.

Anonymous No. 952575

You're mistaken and I won't waste my time explaining why

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Anonymous No. 952722

>3 hours @ 720p

What GPU are you using?

I wonder how fast it would take to render that in Unreal Engine 5.

Anonymous No. 952725

1060 6g

I mean Eeevee can render in 100 frames in 1 min, so I assume UnrealEngine would be able to do the similar.

Anonymous No. 952757

I'm experimenting with unreal right now, actually sitting here waiting for shaders to compile, but so far what I've seen is it's the best real time rendering there is. Crazy smoke, fracture, water, particle sims running in real time.

You could build this scene in unreal and it would run in real time.

Anonymous No. 952759

Every single thing that is on unreal runs like garbage

Anonymous No. 952935

meh. forced soul.

Anonymous No. 952974

Video game fog is the same technique as >>952554's compositing suggestion. Volumetric (slow) fog gives you accurate light shafts/sunbeams that react to light sources in the scene. If you don't need them it's a waste of time, and even if you do you can probably fake them close enough without needing real volumetric fog.