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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 952687

Blender Sirs, we just can't stop winning!
This looks so REAL and LIFELIKE!
Blender is not at all inferior to professional 3d software!

Anonymous No. 952688

You mean nothing to the Blender Foundation. You share none of their success and (mostly) failures.

Anonymous No. 952690

I want people to stop pointless brand wars. It doesn't matter what you use. Just make things.

Anonymous No. 952692

Explain that to the jannies who tolerate (maybe even enjoy, or maybe even produce) blatant repeating spam of all sorts.

Anonymous No. 952721

Maya did that years ago, it's even in default FX. You didn't win, you just copy other FX of popular 3d software.

Anonymous No. 952874

Why do people always use some single rando dude's shit as a benchmark for the capabilities of ANY software?
That's such a fucking retarded way of thinking. If it looks bad it's the lack of skill on the artist's part, not the software.
It's like taking a child's shitty watercolor painting and going
>Checkmate, painters. This painting is SOOOOO GOOOD, you guys are really skilled to pull off something like THIS!

Anonymous No. 953221

I want people to stop bitching about brand wars and just worry about their own shit instead

the chair nerd No. 953222


Anonymous No. 953223

because that means the software is capable of said feat you fucking retard. its called a benchmark. try doing that same thing in blender 1.0 if its all artist skill and nothing else

Anonymous No. 953267

>because that means the software is capable of said feat you fucking retard.
No it doesn't. It just means the dude has the knowledge to do it. It never means that "THIS IS THE ULTIMATE LIMITS OF WHAT THIS SOFTWARE IS CAPABLE OF". That's something hard to quantify, especially from a sample size of one random dude that isn't even close to the foremost expert on it.

>try doing that same thing in blender 1.0 if its all artist skill and nothing else
We're talking about equivalents here for comparison. And older piece of software wouldn't be able to do something the newer version of it can (otherwise there'd just be one version and nothing else). But two softwares from the same time period can be pitted against one another. The argument is about which software available now is better, not whether a current one can outperform a very old one.
Instead of comparing something that are seen as close matches like the Mitsubishi Evo and a Subaru Impreza. Your argument would be like comparing horses and cars.
>Let's see you go 150mph on a horse then retard, if it's all the driver's skill.

I'll admit that the overall argument of mine is more of a contemporary thing, since the softwares available now are comparable and closely matched, and that older softwares in their infancy obviously would have drastic differences between each other and what they could do. Hell, I'll even agree that during those times the comparison from a single dude's benchmark would be valid (say one software was already at bump mapping and the other couldn't even render solid objects).
These days though? Fuck nah. There's so many tools at ones disposal using these softwares that anyone is capable of doing anything if they have the skill to do it. So using someone's shitty project as an example of its capabilities, is once again, retarded.

Anonymous No. 953392

I remember that video from 2005 YouTube

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 954962

steep velvety sympathetic menu hall run seek

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 954963

hasty gross unusual likable wildly mortally market pants trap stand initiate reproduce

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 954966

inconsequential humiliating overdue ultimately tile

Anonymous No. 954993

Brand wars is a legitimate and well-established discipline of the Internet Special Olympics.

Anonymous No. 954998


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Anonymous No. 955031

yeah, sure you do.
I remember the donut tutorials from 1997, how about that, mr pants on fire?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 955038

that guy is the reason i use maya today instead of blender. when i was getting into 3d, i asked myself if i wanted to spend the next couple years watching shitty tutorials by youtube goofs like that and i said nope and installed maya.

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Anonymous No. 955740

Let's be real. The reason "Blender" is not (and never will be) a program used by professionals is that you simply cannot make anything looking even remotely good with it.
Look at the attached picture. Blender-losers think this is indistinguishable from reality. LMAO.

Anonymous No. 956074

blender is 4 the poors

Anonymous No. 956076

Name one thing in 3ds max or maya that could help you make this image better.

Anonymous No. 956083

Actual glass control of the look, better lighting control and reflection

Anonymous No. 956093

It's clearly a stylized image. Not sure why you think it's reaching for realism. It's not unrealistic because of the reflections. it's unrealistic because the thickness of the glass is a lot thicker than what you would normally see from a white glass or a wine bottle. If you wanted a realistic glass, then you can just model it thinner, and it would look realistic.

That doesn't look realistic either. When you apply a critical eye to it, it clearly looks 3d rendered.

Anonymous No. 956100

Excuses, excuses, all the time blender users making excuses. You said how it could help. Blender lacks any powerful lighting tools like Maya/3Ds and blender glass will always be a kids toy texture. There is no way around it.

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Anonymous No. 956190

Can you not link some absolute garbage you fucking moron

Anonymous No. 956432

Thanks for making this thread, none of us value our time, else we wouldn't be here.

Anonymous No. 956683

people who value their time obviously don't use free software, such as for example blender

Anonymous No. 957481

but this crap is late 90s / early 2000s tier

Anonymous No. 958525

>blender is only free if your time has no value

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Anonymous No. 958702

Ha. Joke's on you. Nuke footage has been fake composited hollywood bullshit since day one, much of it filmed at that military base in Laurel Canyon. Nothing real about it. All fear-mongering. (That creepy Jew hack-actor, Jared Leto, now lives in pic-related.)

Anonymous No. 958848

didn't read lol

Anonymous No. 959120

i want people to stop bitching about the bitching

Anonymous No. 959568

I own Blender under the GPL. You own nothing under your serf agreement to some publicly traded company who will squeeze you like the paypig you are. Your interests are not aligned, you are cattle for the proprietor. I am sovereign, you are a slave.

Anonymous No. 959961

>I own Blender under the GPL
GPL is the ultimate "le eat ze bugz own nothing" loicence, lmao.
And that's what blender basically is. Nothing.

Anonymous No. 959991

Beyond retarded.

Anonymous No. 960092

can freetards go one minute without coping? I don't think so.
maybe take a loan and try some real software, how about that?

Anonymous No. 960096

>take a loan to rent a license
Like I said, beyond retarded.

Anonymous No. 960112

To call what threatens you 'nothing' is the ultimate form of denial.

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Anonymous No. 960123

>what threatens you

Anonymous No. 960144


Anonymous No. 960166


Anonymous No. 960223

Oh that's cool. So why aren't you coding in all the features maya has? You have the GPL, why aren't you adding everything you want to it?

Anonymous No. 960259

I only add features I want, like altering texture baking behavior. You can add the features you want, but in actual reality you're some disposable artfag who probably fail to even correctly setup a build environment.

We are not the same, you are slave and I am sovereign. I do whatever I want whenever I want while you are incapable, not just technically but spiritually.

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Anonymous No. 960487

>We are not the same, you are slave and I am sovereign. I do whatever I want whenever I want while you are incapable, not just technically but spiritually.

Anonymous No. 961099

I saw a homeless man yesterday, he was using Blender on his GNU+Linux laptop.

Anonymous No. 962102

Was me ggs
Neighbors wifi btw, + stolen laptop = free entertainment

Anonymous No. 963136

>Neighbors wifi btw, + stolen laptop
this is your brain on free software

Anonymous No. 964485

this is what blender was made for