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Anonymous No. 952730

Anyone else finding it hard to try to improve at all this. I’ve spent the past few months failing things and getting nowhere and it’s starting to get to me. I get that it’s mostly my fault and that I need to push myself a bit more, but it doesn’t seem easy either way. Any advice on getting out of this funk

Anonymous No. 952731

For me, it's a matter of finding something I care very much about. I'm making an animated film so none of this feels like learning or grinding, I'm just working on my film, solving problems as they come.

Anonymous No. 954433

What do you mean failing? What are you trying to do? Show works? Most of the time it's giving up early and not understanding what the actual problem is.

Anonymous No. 954458

Go back and look at your old shit. You'll feel better.

Anonymous No. 954460

>Anyone else finding it hard to try to improve at all this.
Subscribe to INDUSTRY STANDARD tools. Learn Slowdini. Learn anatomy. Learn how to script. Learn Plasticity. These are your fundies, kiddo.

Anonymous No. 954478

Sometimes you just have to commit to something. A lot of people will start a project and repeat to themselves “This doesn’t look right.”, “I don’t know what I’m doing.”, and “I need to learn how to do xyz first.”, then trash their project before they really start working on it instead of pushing forwards to learn new things. A lot of people aren’t aware of how long it can take to make a good 3d model, especially when you’re inexperienced, and you'll sometimes get people who only do hard surface telling beginner character modelers that 2 months is too long for a project. Drawing is also a nice skill to pick up; it’s not the easiest thing to learn, but it can be a relief compared to all the technical bullshit you have to deal with in 3dcg.

Anonymous No. 954517

Focus is important. What are you even doing 3D for? What's your endgame?
If you're in a rut never forget that tutorials do exist, fall back to them even when you start believing you've become too good for them. Learning this stuff is a long and arduous process, it's inevitable, so do NOT start believing you should be X good because Y time has passed. You'll get better when you'll get better, naturally

Anonymous No. 954518

You just need to bash your head against the wall until either breaks.
This metaphor doesn't really work because in this case your head regenerates the next day but you get the idea.

Anonymous No. 954529

You grow with your challenges.
Challenge yourself more.

Anonymous No. 954535

Let nature do all of the work, you are just the artist.