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🧡 Maxon does it again

Anonymous No. 952880

It's fucking nothing.

Anonymous No. 953013

Proxy points are actually hugely useful

Anonymous No. 953016

Also the new blended undo history is colossal

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4 things.jpg

Anonymous No. 953018


Anonymous No. 953033

Holy fucking shit, they finally made it possible to use undo history with the morph brush i’m so happy. This is legit a massive QoL improvement, finally a reason to crack the newer version

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Anonymous No. 953245

should I sub to Maxon for this new feature? Its pricy though. Right now I'm on 2022 perpetual but this history morpher is the first real sense of progress I've seen

Anonymous No. 953270

Crack, dont pay

Anonymous No. 953273

I won't crack anytthing. I have a $4,000+ setup

Anonymous No. 953338

you can do wonders using the most important 5 brushes. do you even sculpt?

Anonymous No. 953339

also just wanted to add that I'm going to get the 1k$ perpetual license soon. always do the opposite of what this retarded ass no-modeler board says.

Anonymous No. 953348

>perpetual license

You realise this is completely arbitrary right? I also fell for the meme and got it for NukeX and guess what? It means dick . Me and all the little piglets who bought it got fucked over, so now i crack everything, companies arent your friend they just want to vaccum your money. If you enjoy paying forever go on dont let me stop you


So do I, how is thag relevant to what i said though

Anonymous No. 953358

How is it relevant?! I have money. Its like having a 4k setup and pirating a 20 dollar game and getting a virus and having all your passwords and SSN leaked. Just stupid. So are you.

Anonymous No. 953360

Lmao if you get a trojan/virus while cracking shit it means youre tech illiterate and dont know how to use a virtual machine to contain the crack and check if its safe. It’s literally easy as hell to crack things safely these days, you can even pay a yearly subscription to safe, cleanc curated torrent aggregators. But do continue shelling out wads of cash to your favorite companies anon, dont let me stop you, your money, your rules

Anonymous No. 953362

you are delusional and / or the ops

Anonymous No. 953364
Spiderverse Fanart with Chloe Worthy

Anonymous No. 953393

You are retarded if you buy the perpetual license now. Anyone who bought pre-maxon already had more than their money's worth.

Anonymous No. 953408

Have fun with something Maxon is trying to phase out again. You don't get any of the QoL updates now for the year. Yes there are people who got scammed paying double a normal sub to upgrade only to get a slime bridge.

Anonymous No. 953420

the anon you guys are replying to seems almost happy to throw his money away, not much convincing to do here im afraid

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 953421

i was thinking about doing that too. basically if you use it for 3 years, you paid the same as the subscription and everything after that is bonus. that said, is it apple silicon native? i will pay money for software but not for stuff that isn't being updated. apple m1 came out three years ago already.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 953422

>Purchase a perpetual license upgrade for approximately $659 per local currency.
oh shit i might do this. i still have a perpetual from like 2013. man imagine if i had been using zbrush every day for ten years, i'd like not totally such at it. lost time, lost time.

Anonymous No. 953424

why are there so many transfaggots using zbrush?

Anonymous No. 953426

>You don't get any of the QoL updates now for the year.
you get history bar morph, for one

Anonymous No. 953629

Whats blended undo history

You mean history brush to brush in past state?

Anonymous No. 953630

WHy the fuck would u buy perp license now when they literally fucked over everyone by making it not get any future updates unless you sub

Research what ure actually buying before u drop 1k u tard, its only perpetual in the sense that u get to keep it. Its a terrible deal in 2023

Anonymous No. 953644

We already told him anon, its useless

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Anonymous No. 953653

>tell genuinely mentally retarded no-modeler board that I'm going to drop 1k on a perpetual license
>get nothing but hollow spam replies from zombies telling me to not do it for arbitrary non-reasons

you fags aren't even people to me. dropping it ASAP. making it. not because of you, but DESPITE of you. drown in nigger diarrhea you spastic non-modelers.

Anonymous No. 953659

now that maxon is ending zbrush's generous perpetual licensing, it would be a great time for autodesk to start updating mudbox again. will they? of course not!

Anonymous No. 953678

>perpetual version means you get free updates for life

were you dropped on the head by choice or by chance?

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 953680

their old perpetual license was "for life" but of course when software licenses say "for life" what they mean is "until we have to sell the company because our customers paid once years ago and now we have no revenue". if you have the old perpetual though you can upgrade to new perpetual for $700 or something which if you use it for more than two years you came out ahead i suppose.

Anonymous No. 953683

Pixologic licensee here. Did they really kill the servers, so nobody can unlock the old versions anymore, or did I miss something?

Anonymous No. 953685

no, of course not

Anonymous No. 953719

Yes the hallmark of a working professional is reacting like a literal child and spamming slurs when your poor financial choices are pointed out and ridiculed.

Anonymous No. 953721

>pretends to be deaf so I overexplain myself
Not happening
K. Let us know how you plan to buy it every week until someone gives you validation.

Anonymous No. 953734


Anonymous No. 953740

That was the deal when pixologic was running it, mr newfag tourist.

Anonymous No. 953751

that was never the deal, tourist.

Anonymous No. 953905

damn, nigger outed himself as zbrush larper.

Anonymous No. 953915

Are u people actually retarded or what?

Anonymous No. 953940

No, but you are larpfaggot who didnt know about zbrush before MAXON took over.

if you dig archive of the site from wayback machine or w/e you can read the the policy on the pixologic site. You were always guaranteed 1 year of free upgrade. but they gave free updates.

so i guess you just wanted to be retarded on internet by choice.

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Anonymous No. 953941

You have to go back back back, back to the mumbai rajeesh.

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Anonymous No. 954173

How do you crack software yourself to avoid virus

Anonymous No. 954227


Anonymous No. 954233

Not him but you use something like IDA Pro or Ghidra. These products are not babies first crack it would take a skilled person days or weeks to do. There are of course reputable sources and methods to test for malware. Especially if you have the original doing a comparison audit can be trivial.

Anonymous No. 954234

those kiddies have viruses in their IDA Pro and Ghidra apps themselves. You all just need to get jobs

Anonymous No. 954235

IDA Pro has a free version and Ghidra is FOSS, go home corpo bootlicker giving money to anyone is morally bad.

Anonymous No. 954241

Tell me you are one of those blender discord fags wanting to try out zbrush because of some inspirationTuts video? HHAHAHAHA