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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 952898

I was making about a decent income in youtube making animations in a niche for the past 7 years, i was making peanuts for like 5 years until I hit gold in a certain niche, now suddendly im making 0 because some reddit faggot made a video about how this niche is bad (it isn't, it's just faglord redditors and karens freaking out about everything)

So basically im fucked. I have no job experience and only amateur skills in some niche software. I've saved around 350k since I live like a monk and the past few years have been a blast.

I have no chance of moving the content to other platforms, patreons, etc, it's a pipedream.

I basically have the content still promoted by youtube, making views, people making money from video reactions to my content, but I cannot make any money from it. Im fucking suicidal mate. This is beyond frustrating. Already appealed, Youtube is just retarded. Suddendly if some faglord reacts to a video in 10 minutes this video becomes ok, but if you are an animator, which is the one that actually worked for months on a video, you get fucked.

Im lowmid 30's with no job experience because I've dedicated my time to this and I have made more money doing something I like than I would have ever made wagecucking. Im too low IQ to study so that's why somehow I ended up making money online. I remember the soul crushing depresion back then not knowing back to do and I feel like that again but with savings. However this inflation will fuck them up real fast if I don't find a way to make more money.

I've considered learning some other software like SFM and go full retard at trying to master it and see if I can come up with something. Is this worth it?

Anonymous No. 952899

After having experienced what it is making money at home, at your own schelude, without any fiverr schelude or wagecucking involved bullshit, i just cannot see how the fuck people do it. Making money online from your own content, making banger videos that rank well and give you passive income while you work at your own pace on the next videos is the best feeling ever. And this fucking faglord reddit faggot retard had to make a video on the niche you work at making it look bad so tardtube goes and starts demonetizing channels and deleting videos randomly with their fucking AI bots. I got videos removed with the dumbest timestamps ever, its clearly bots reviewing videos and appeals.

Im too fucking old to get a real job anyway. I need to hack myself into another niche and make content for that again but I will tell you what.

As someone that "made it", there's so much luck involved. All these people that have big channels wouldn't admit it, but you need to be at the right stop, making the right content, and making hit videos in a row, so your channel places further videos well. I was proud of my videos and worked really hard even tho tryhards may think its some silly animations that are simple, i worked real hard on my shitty computer and found success. This makes a lot of tryhard faggots mad like that reddit faglord that was complaining about how he makes no money while others rank content. No shit faggot, how about you do it yourself? no, you would rather shit on other people businesses being a reddit faglord that makes money on sensationalist videos while complaining about other niches.

Anyway, holy shit, what the fuck do I do? I cannot hold a real job expecially having experience what it feels to actually hack the matrix. HOW do people wagecuck? HOW do people follow orders, learn complex ass tryhard blender and then get paid peanuts for it following artistic directions of other people? This is fucking retarded man.

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Anonymous No. 952902

What kind of content can you make? Can you get into making another channel with a different type of content?

I get it that it's a huge amount of luck. No idea how to get around that part.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 952904

Anonymous No. 952906

You have enough to diversify into other businesses and income producing assets. Just don't squander it before you can get it set up.

Anonymous No. 952931

whats exactly the "niche" that you are talking about? some clues perhaps? is it cunny shit? depression/suicide larp shit? goreshit?

Anonymous No. 952967

Find another niche to make videos.

Anonymous No. 952972

save your channel somehow.
make a video talking about how your income has been destroyed and ask for patreon bucks.

Anonymous No. 952975

You did it once, you can do it again. I believe in you, anon. Unless you actually make some clickbait useless trash, then I hope you get fucked.

Anonymous No. 952980

>decent income in youtube making animations
>Help I've put my livelihood in the hands of a jew platform and I received pennies on the advertisement dollar.
You reap what you sow. With 350k in the bank and no debt you are literally in the 2% of the whole world. Get your fucking ass out of 4chan. Invest in something, put those dollars to work, create a retarded video in another platform and invest 5k in advertisement like all fake influencers do.
Bitch with that money on the bank, I'd quit right now and start working on the 2 years I need to complete a big personal media project I have.

So fuck you and your depression. Maybe the state can do something better with your bank account if you shoot yourself. I dunno maybe give aids to immigrants or something.

Anonymous No. 953046

the fact that you just vaguely alude to whatever you're making instead of just saying it makes me think it's worse than you're letting on.

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Anonymous No. 953047

OP obviously was one of those ESLs who pumped out those colorful spiderman videos.
Good riddance.

Anonymous No. 953082

Its a 100% loli porn, which basically boils down to CP

Anonymous No. 953083


Anonymous No. 953085

haha get fucked, kys and maybe get a real job in your next life

Anonymous No. 953097

yeah, that or beastiality stuff. The fact that he can't go to any other platform means it's probably something pretty bad.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 953118

God made you sin for learning what there is int he abyss, but now, He ask you, like He asked Saint Augustine, to stop sinnin and fly in the heavens. Use the same software and the same animation, and with the knowlegde you gained in the abyss create something new for the heavens

Anonymous No. 953132

Its fascinating though because based pn the tone of OP it seems they believe to be the target of persecution when in fact its probably deserved and they made heinous shit. You rarely get testimony from this kind of person, maybe OP didnt actually make any of these things but the fact they havent actually told us what their niche is makes it very likely

Anonymous No. 953144

Censorship is never deserved you brainless hypocrite.

Anonymous No. 953145

>muh goos
Didn't read. Before I made it, I thought it was some huge conspiracy. By the time these companies hire these guys these guys are already making fat cash.

None of that.

No one gives a shit about patreon, specially as a faceless channel.

>invest in something
Like what. Most people lose their money investing. Im investing on safe stuff (index funds etc) not trying to go from NEET to lossing my money on a business here.

>create a retarded video in another platform and invest 5k in advertisement like all fake influencers do.
This is retarded. If you need to invest in advertisements your content isn't going to make it.

>tell me your niche so I can make money

It's not that. It's perfectly fine content but some RETARDS see muh elsa gate everywhere. Meanwhile Pencilmation is making huge amounts a month adding all these unappropiate thumbnails, same goes for "HuluWulu" animations and all of them. My content had nothing of that. Also gameplay spamming faglords like PrestonPlayz and his gf add gore on their thumbnails and YT loves them. This is just fucking bullshit.

Stay mad waggie.

Who said I can't go to other platforms? I can't because OTHER VIDEO PLATFORMS SUCK. No one uses anything but Youtube.

>you don't tell me your niche so i can try to replicate your success so i will just spaz out and imagine some gruesome shit being the content
Get fucked retard

Anonymous No. 953147

lmaooo you're coming off so fucking insecure that this might not actually be a complete larp.
god, I can only imagine how exhausting it must be to live like you. it brings a smile to my face.

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Anonymous No. 953150

>create thread on a dead board to whine about how you're not making money on something anymore
>people get suspicious at the metric assload of beating around the bush you do to avoid mentioning what it is you've done
>you guys are just going to steal my monnies if I tell you!!!! It's totally kosher trust me!!!!!
If there's money to be made in this niche of yours then why, pray tell, are you whining about not being able to make money in that niche retard?
>nobody makes money on patreon!!!!
Overwatch porn animators on patreon have more money than god, try again.
>>you don't tell me your niche so i can try to replicate your success so i will just spaz out and imagine some gruesome shit being the content.
No, I'm imagining gruesome shit being the content because apparently one redditor making a video on you is enough for youtube to crack down on your entire channel, and that shit doesn't happen on accident. It might be relatively benign stuff but your complete unwillingness to put a name to it really doesn't inspire trust. I'm guessing by the rest of your post that it was some variety of ipad baby fodder?

Anonymous No. 953153

>makes a thread crying about how your channel is dead
>cries about having "only" 350k in the bank
>refuses to elaborate on the niche because worried people will "steal your money" even though the niche is fucking dead, but swears up and down that it's kosher, and that it's totally bullshit that you got struck down by youtube
If you don't want people to think you're up to some grotesque shit that gets you views and money to the point of having 350k saved up from youtube alone, stop beating around the bush and being vague as shit about what you're doing
If what you were doing was harmless, than a single video bringing attention to your content (or even just your type of content) wouldn't have nuked your income.
Either say it straight and prove people wrong or stop expecting people to sympathize when you can't even mention what you were doing because it was probably some heinous shit that demolished your channel when Youtube decided to crack down on it.

Anonymous No. 953157

Everyone here is a dude and should be treated as such, unless proven otherwise by posting tits and timestamp as stated in 4chan law.

Anonymous No. 953162

If you think it's so easy that any random /3/ nignog can do it if they only knew what it was, why don't you, being exactly such a faggot, go and do it again?

Anonymous No. 953171

This your ebin niche, OP? Minecraft characters pooping?

Anonymous No. 953177

Wow OP you're a sick fuck. Corrupting little toddlers with Minecraft porn. Seriously kys you double giga nigger jew. Leave kids the fuck alone.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 953178

>nobody makes money on patreon!!!!
>>Overwatch porn animators on patreon have more money than god, try again.
OP means his little baby preschool audience can't afford patreon and/or don't have access to their parent's credit card - or even understand the concept of money yet.

Anonymous No. 953179

>nobody makes money on patreon!!!!
>>Overwatch porn animators on patreon have more money than god, try again.
OP means his little baby preschool audience can't afford patreon and/or don't have access to their parent's credit card - or even understand the concept of money yet.

Anonymous No. 953215

nowadays retards cant tell the difference between retarded looking bug eyed freaks behind a screen and an actual child so yea probably

Anonymous No. 953216

It is depending on the situation you empty headed mongoloid

Anonymous No. 953253

>just do overwatch porn bro
Holy shit you guys are fucking retarded. Fine here's the content:

Yes you may laugh, "oh its some dumb stickmen videos" but I busted my ass working on this, only to have some faglords complaining about guns in animations in some Karen board and have the entire shit demonetized on a random day with deleted videos. Meanwhile this dogshit is allowed to exist on the platform:

Nobody makes shit from Patreon, apparently only retards making porn, and it pays like shit compared to ad revenue. Even Alan Becker makes dogshit considering his ratio of 10 million subs to money earned from Patreon. In fact he stopped adding rewards because it was a waste of time.

Only niche shit (like porn for autists) makes money on Patreon because they are forced to go in there. Any normal content makes money mostly from ads. If they pull the plug you are fucked.

YouTube is a fucking lottery. They enforce rules randomly. For some content they enforce it in some ways, others are allowed, just like that channel. But im afraid that guy is working hard on these videos to meet the same fate the moment a video goes viral. After all I went for 4 years with 0 problems.

Basically if you are an animator you are royally fucked sooner or later unless you are part of a mega elite that can keep away with anything (Pencilmation having 20 million subs and having sexualized stuff, srynges etc on their fucking thumbnails for an example). Sooner or later someone gets offended. Meanwhile gameplay faggots keep spamming their dogshit content all over the site that only children watch and are unaffected by the "made for kids" dumb shit system that fucked up the whole site. This is all a lobbists operation to kick independent animators off the site because big studios are mad that some random guy that's half broke can entertain more than their overproduced crap. Fuck it, fuck em all.

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Anonymous No. 953257

I wasn't targeted, animation as a whole has been targeted for some years now, it's just getting worse. There's a clear double standard between animators and gameplay channels. The most obvious case is when animators get their shit demonetized while gameplay channels make reaction videos on these same fucking videos and continue making money. Same goes for the made for kids bullshit. Alan Becker was hit by this in some videos, he isn't earning shit from these videos, meanwhile some jackass records his dumb face watching the video and suddendly he has comments and full monetization enable. Do you realize now how fucking frustrating this is? do you spend months making a fucking single video, and if you win the faglord made for kids lottery or worse, deleted because it breaks some retarded policy, the gameplay reactors spamming tards keep making money on these videos. Anyone that isn't a retard would agree with what im saying.

pic related when I made 6 figures and you are broke

I never said it was easy faggots. There you have my niche now, go make these videos and you'll kill yourself when you realize how time consuming this shit is even if it may seem simple. Only an aspie NEET with no job would be able to get these done. Oh and have fun working for a long time on this shit only to lose the algorithm lottery, because luck is like 51%. I was close to going out of business many times because the algorithm fucks around all the time. Most people never get it, even if their content is good, there's too many people, there's too many moving parts, you need LUCK. Good Luck is essential in life. I had luck, and I stopped having luck, now im fucked and luckily I learned how to save and invest my money because I knew luck comes and goes so I've lived like a monk, and with current interest rates im meeting minimum expenses and with these yields so im not completely fucked, however I need a plan B. I need to 2x this money and im good.

Anonymous No. 953261

Alright fair enough anon, i apologize for talking shit about you and your work, i actually watched a few videos and honestly? Its pretty well made, however I REALLY fail to see why youtube qould even censor this shit, do you have a link to the post that started this so we can harass them into deleting their account? Mayeb that could help?

Anonymous No. 953329

uhh ebin /b/log man but why is this on /3/

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Anonymous No. 954050

use tiktok, dumb idiot.

also make a patreon.

Anonymous No. 954065

Bro you will need to contact potential clients directly or sign up with an agent to find you clients.

Anonymous No. 954070

Try a different niche maybe become male vtuber( it's less compative) or do 5 minutes meme video , make a tutorials on YouTube

Anonymous No. 954079

Youtube or any short-form content site is just a terrible place for children. Get them to read and watch media that’s sublime. Media that’s educative about the world (even very little) and inspires awe instead of mere stimulation.
What OP shown here >>953253 fits this criteria. I’d argue that Alan Becker’s art is justified too. Elsagate and grifty shit along with reaction content regurgitating something they didn’t make, pulling demand on a platform that no longer cares about meaning nor art is something to be disgusted about.
It’s a respectable act of rebellion to make good media in spite of the surrounding landscape that is digital video.

Going back to OP, he really should stop immersing himself in self loathing and despairful rhetoric like:
>Im fucking suicidal
>Im too low IQ
>Im too fucking old
I’m not invalidating his frustration with the hell that is Youtube, It’s that I’m pretty sure he is lashing out at others, even other hard working artists like again, Alan Becker (I’m sorry, war animations and stick fight animations were both fond memories of my childhood that I can’t help but mention if we’re talking about it), due to his bitterness. From observing his posts, he’s resentful. He’s lost his support. He doesn’t have as much passion that made his work. His anger is the dominant force right now, and its hard as hell to keep anger within.

OP, if you’re reading this, do you hate life? Do you hate your life? OP, please, unironically on god no cap fr, get some mental help. I assure you it would give you a better state of mind to make any decision about your future. What do you want out of life? What do you want with the world?

Anonymous No. 954083

Copyright-strike the people who make views out of reacting to your stuff.

Anonymous No. 954146

Mainly to kill politicians, bureaucrats, whores, kikes and niggers. (Not OP)

Anonymous No. 954154

So link the video complaining now.

Anonymous No. 954442


god can you imagine the entitlement this little ugly fat fuck brat has ingrained into his peanut sized brain, GOSH

Anonymous No. 954493

I feel you anon, as a fellow contentcuck (who's on hiatus due to life BS)
I'd ask to chat and see what's up since you seem chill, and I know a good few sfm animators, that's up to you.

As for my advice, you did it once, restart on a new channel and do it again; Or change your current content strategy, but above all, you know the alternative is ass, and you like what you do now right? You're an artist, make your art. Do what gives you passion and pursue nothing else, it's luckily worked out before, you know how to ride the line between knowing what people want and making what people will watch, and making things you actually like well enough as is.
you'll find a new niche, or make your own. Trust yourself a little. I get not trusting yourself though, trusting that you actually know what you're doing is hard to accept personally, but we both know that regardless whether you actually do or don't, it's the motivation to do it that actually manifests said success. Trust your intuition anon.

Anonymous No. 954494

didn't post discord, but:
if you want to discuss

Anonymous No. 954495

also patreon is a good idea too obv. since it ask those who actually engage to support, and they're your best fans anyway.
Niche's are INCREDIBLY valuable anon. Don't sleep on it. and stop being a ""suicidal"" self loathing retard. You got this nigga

Anonymous No. 954511

React to his reaction video.

Anonymous No. 954671

These animations are amazing. Keep it up despite them.

Anonymous No. 954707

this, then challenge him to a boxing match

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Anonymous No. 954712

>We did it reddit!

Anonymous No. 954731

Are you still able to enable "super thanks" on demonetized videos? It's basically a way for viewers to donate directly in yt although that won't even remotely replace the initial ad revenue

Anonymous No. 955409

Animation looks alright actually. Post the karen video so I can shitpost a bit.

Anonymous No. 955410

>I made 6 figures and you are broke
Which skills should I learn for that, sempai?

Anonymous No. 955525

Lying and bullshitting, anon.

Anonymous No. 955745

>muh kids
not surprised neither you, the redditards commenting and author of the video realize the fact that Nico and Cash are the "exploiting children" the most by not marking their videos with the "Made For Kids" bullshit when everyone knows no one above 12 watches that shit, including YT. They know pressing that button ruins your video and makes you no money, so they cherrypick channels to not be affected by this while animators get their videos randomly fucked with that shit when they are the ones that spend the most time producing a video when these fags spam videos all day. Money talks, no one gives a fuck about kids, including COPPA which is just a group of lobbyists paying Karens to stop their competition (independent creators vs big studios). The morons that add inappropiate shit are on the gameplay niche too, but 99% of muh elsagate videos are about the animation niche, since the people that make them are on the gameplay niche themselves and don't want a mass purge of content that could affect them since YT is run by bots. Basically stay away from YT and get a real job or you'll lose your mind.

Anonymous No. 955746

the algorithm giveth and the algorithm taketh away

Anonymous No. 955756

Not an animator, just a tourist, but your whole post seems like a classic case of lacking confidence and self belief. Youve been working at animations for years, managed to carve a niche, and found success, but suddenly found some shitlord and you crumble down?

Come on anon, you are better than this. If your channel is getting hits, fight those to hell and back. If the algo is dwmoting you, diversify your content and offer your typical niche at a patreon exclusive level. Also look into commision work. Usually furries and other autists will pay big cash if you can do what they want.

What you need right nownis confidence and vision on your next steps. Besides you can't sell lemnoade for your whole life. You have developed a serious skill, that's not going to go away over night. Try to see what exactly it is that youtube disliked and simply change the content or make it more subtle. More practically, open a new channel, and try to find inspiration in a slightly different but new way. You have capital so you could even try to learn a new skill and get your work to a next level

You can have shitlords, but you only have you to get dragged around by your bullshit.

Good luck

Anonymous No. 955782

Have you look into working in motion graphic ?
ads agency or propaganda network ( pragerU , kruzegast ... Etc ) don't require autistic animation skill but gets pretty good money to make corporations look more digestible to the average citizen.

Your channel shows your skill in research, scripting , story boarding, animation . Maybe you need to learn how to do the corpo art style

🗑️ Anonymous No. 955785

Gee, and here I was thinking OP was a dissident fetishist, like a heterosexual furry or something of that kind.

Anonymous No. 955787

Why aren't you doing it then?

Anonymous No. 955801

How did you manage to save 350K with only two productive years and 30K subscribers is the add revenue that good?.

Anonymous No. 955885

Ad revenue is dogshit, just lucked out with the algorithm.

Anonymous No. 955886

No one pays for paid content unless you are an aspie making porn or you are mega talented/have a cult following.

Can't make any of that shit plus I suck to work on a schelude. This was viable only because I lucked out and had passive income from views while spending like 3/4 months to finish a video.
Luck is everything.