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Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 16:09:31 UTC No. 952982
Blender 3d painting workflow
>paint base color and lay out highlights and shadows
>open krita and begin drawing
>save two separate files, one .kra for layers and one .png texture
>begin drawing
>open blender
>reload image
>repeat x9999
who the fuck thought this is acceptable, every other functionality have been overhauled, and texture paint still looks the same as it looked 10 years ago
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 16:33:20 UTC No. 952983
i think i saw a video where somebody used a .psd directly as an image texture. i mean that only saves you one step because you can save instead of having to also export
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 17:09:25 UTC No. 952987
Why instead of being a bunch of clowns you use your brain and project images from img2img? Or procedurals and use vertex paint rgb channels as masks for blending?
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 19:30:01 UTC No. 953004
You can recreate painting layers pretty easily with node materials, though I do agree that this should be a base functionality in the UI. I'm actually currently writing a plugin just for that.
Anonymous at Thu, 27 Jul 2023 08:28:19 UTC No. 953160
>No actual available model of clown 2b
Didn't an indie dev made a character based off her and put her in his game?
Anonymous at Thu, 27 Jul 2023 09:12:01 UTC No. 953161
you must be thinking of nortubel
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Aug 2023 09:38:42 UTC No. 954310
clip studio paint has some 3d painting feature that might interest you
otherwise you can use psd files directly in blender, just save in whatever painting software you use, alt tab to blender then alt r to refresh the image there
and there is always substance painter, but i dont really like it for handpainting an entire model
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Aug 2023 16:42:59 UTC No. 954324
Blender's texturing module is literally abandoned. No dev is assigned to it.
They don't care because they expect everyone to use Substance Painter so why waste resources if you could just as well use the devs for blingy funny things.
Anonymous at Wed, 23 Aug 2023 16:12:49 UTC No. 956037
>clip studio paint has some 3d painting feature that might interest you
what are you talking about? i only heard of csp using 3d models for reference
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Aug 2023 15:41:32 UTC No. 956488
has it really?
It's a shame if it's abandoned, I'd much rather do as much as I can in blender without opening a shitload of other specialized programs
The only thing that is fucking blender up for me is the lack of 3d texture painting, as in painting onto a surface with a sphere brush rather than projecting right through the model as it does now
the "occlude" and "backface culling" brush options, as well as masking off certain areas sorta helps, it still feels like shit most of the time though, and I constantly have to clean up brushstrokes that have somehow bled onto an unintended spot.
It's annoying how Sculpt paint and weight paint has that sort of 3d painting already, I might have to try subdividing a mesh, then doing a high-detail vertex paint with sculpt mode, and baking the vertex colours onto a texture for the low poly version
That also reminds me - for some reason you can't use the paint tool on a model with multires - there's a lot about blender that doesn't make sense at all.