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Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 21:44:34 UTC No. 953034
Some people on here have said that Marvelous is nothing like RL sewing at all and that books on RL sewing wont help you.
Other people say the oppos.
Who's lying?
Anonymous at Wed, 26 Jul 2023 00:33:34 UTC No. 953051
the finer points of stitching, cloth material, thread type, or anything else related to the physical properties of your materials and tools is obviously not important to making CG clothing.
Designing prints for clothing is the only real life clothier skill that translates.
Is 1 thing nothing? is 1 thing everything?
as for me I always just duplicate the character, chope off the unnecessary parts and sculpt clothes out.
Anonymous at Wed, 26 Jul 2023 08:51:31 UTC No. 953081
I found MD more useful for things lile blankets, napkins, towels and piles of clothing. Its a million times better than ncloth and looks good on first tries most of the time. Its also super popular on russia for some reason? Like most tutorials on youtube are russian