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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 953054

Been looking at getting a 27" monitor for doing mostly 3D/occasional 2D art and need a bit of a hand choosing. At that size, is going 1440p worth the extra hundred or so dollars? Picrel is the 1080p LG monitor I was looking at at the store today but I can easily be convinced otherwise. Budget is around $250 and I don't really play games so refresh rate isn't an issue.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 953055

Fuck off.

Anonymous No. 953056

Fuck off

Anonymous No. 953057

Damn did you need to be so harsh?

Anonymous No. 953058

Welcome to /3/ where happiness ends. Do you need the short version of why we are so fucking salty in here or do you want to piss of and never come back you fucking tourist.

Anonymous No. 953059

Chill out this is a website for 3D art not fucking Vietnam stop taking yourself so seriously

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Gatekeeper of /3/ No. 953060

>this is a website for 3D art not fucking Vietnam
You wish you could visit vietnam to meet your dead father's favorite whore back in the 60's.

/3/ is no place for you.

Anonymous No. 953061

I'm gonna carry on with my night and be normal, feel free to keep being angry

Anonymous No. 953062

Anyone posting with anything in the name field needs to report to the main office immediately

Anonymous No. 953063

I think we've tolerated too many "what GPU" threads to make an example out of this.
Since it's always the same answer (4090 or used 3090) perhaps we could add it to the sticky.

Regarding your question OP:
There's no reason not to use a 32" 4K monitor. You want screen real estate above anything else and at a lower resolution utilizing that becomes cumbersome.
If you can't afford that just buy it used. Apart from that there's not really any special requirement except at least 100% srgb coverage which basically all modern screens have, but check if you're looking for a bargain.

Anonymous No. 953064

Why not just use a TV as a monitor?

Anonymous No. 953066

Hard 2 read

Anonymous No. 953080

It makes more sense to use a tv than a monitor.

Anonymous No. 953084

Kys broke fag, you barely make end meet

Anonymous No. 953086

Fucking bitter fags

Anonymous No. 953094

Just bought a new keyboard to say that everyone in this thread is a fucking fuck.