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🗑️ 🧵 Human anatomy critique

Anonymous No. 953184

Hello, i was practicing human anatomy with a female base mesh and i was wondering how i do? I am trying to work on the ribcage but i don't know how exactly, and i tried working on her spine but it looks like she has a degenerative disease.

Anonymous No. 953188

you don't know anatomy

Anonymous No. 953190


Anonymous No. 953191

for one, you are working from an image and dont have it already commited to memory from months of studying bridgman

Anonymous No. 953193

Who or what is Bridgeman? And what do you think i'm doing exactly? How else can i practice anatomy without reference? You say im working from image and not committing it to memory from reading, what good does reading do if i don't put in the practice?

Anonymous No. 953194

The fact that you dont know who Bridgman is speaks volumes. Grind your fundies, kids!

Anonymous No. 953195

Oh fuck off cunt, why don't you post your own work instead of belitting me for not knowing whoever the fuck that is.

Anonymous No. 953217

Fine, lets belittle you for Your skills, or lack of.
learn anatomy using references that go deeper than picture with skin on.

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are these ribs.jpg

Anonymous No. 953233

post your own work if you want to look like you're talking about without providing OP with useful advice. He didn't come in here saying "I'm an anatomy god, look at my perfect sculp". He asked for advice and said his work made her look like she had a degenerative disease.
You sound like a talentless faggot who knows a little about anatomy theory from posts on 4chan, but who doesn't actually put the work in or read the .pdfs he downloads. Consequently, the only way to demonstrate your superiority is posting with condescension.

When you study anatomy you shouldn't start with a base mesh. You end up fighting the forms instead of building them. The base mess you're starting with looks like a skinny woman with no muscle tone but enough fat to keep her soft. You can't cut abs onto that because abs have a structure underneath that would deform your mesh.
If you have to use a base mesh (for this you don't and shouldn't), don't use a dam standard brush to cut into the mesh, use a clay brush to build up the structure. You're better off starting with a sphere though.

Annoyingly that faggot is right about the kinds of references you should be using. Got to use something that helps you understand and visualise the 3D structure

Anonymous No. 953258

It's obvious to me that you don't understand anatomy. You should try learning anatomy before you learn anatomy, and don't ask anyone for critique until you've mastered it.

It makes me feel good about myself to know that I know more anatomy than a beginner, I'm amazing!

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Anonymous No. 953260

who is behind this post?

Anonymous No. 953282

Thank you for the actual help, i understand that i would have to create my own base mesh if i want an accurate form of abs in a body, but i thought i was better off using a base mesh anyway to practice sculpting certain muscle parts.

I used clay strips for the first image, smoothed it and used crease for the sides, then i added little bit of Clay on second image to replicate the muscular parts that look like boxes (i have looked over a medical anatomy book for reference)

third and final image was me trying to polish and adjust the final result so that the abs don't look like they're protruding out, i made them flat.

In the end, i have realized some errors on my own, for one the lower part shouldve been further lower down to the pubic / vaginal area.

>don't use a dam standard brush to cut into the mesh, use a clay brush to build up the structure. You're better off starting with a sphere though

I dont know what a dam standard brush is, i looked it up and it's a ZBrush brush, i don't own a zbrush, i use the default brushes in Blender, i used a couple of brush tools for my practice: Crease, Clay, Clay Strips, Draw Sharp, Smooth, and Grab.

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Anonymous No. 953314

medical anatomy books are harder to work from, I've tried in the past and that's a historical level of autism we don't need to deal with anymore. No one's cutting up cadavers to get better at drawing. Get some stuff aimed at artists.
Don't think of abs as a six pack, think of it as two long muscle running from under the chest to the bunghole, because that's what they actually are. You've also cut off the abs for some reason. But beyond that, they define form and shape, not detail.
You still have to sculpt each pack sometimes, but they aren't squares. They're 3D shapes. Anatomy textbooks simplify them sometimes, and they vary from person to person, but they're not just boxes. Your reference image there doesn't have much of that though,
In your sculpt they look drawn on, which I think is partially because you used a base mesh, the overall shape of the body comes from the muscles, and someone with defined abs like that usually isn't going to have hips like that. You need really low bodyfat to show abs, and hips like in the base mesh are mostly fat.
If you want to just work on one part of the body, just sculpt out a part of the body from a sphere.

Base meshes are better used later on in your career when you know anatomy really well and just want to save time. But it still requires anatomical knowledge to modify those meshes properly.

The dam standard brush like cuts lines into stuff btw, idk what they call it in blender but they'll have something like that. It doesn't matter what software you use.
Don't use the smooth brush like that. What's happening in the body is that there is fat and skin above the muscles and they're affected by gravity, viscosity, thickness, and you can't get all that by just smoothing it over. Use clay strips lightly to smooth out the model. Smooth is too powerful for stuff like this.

Anonymous No. 953318

oh and looking at your OP again, you've misunderstood the relationship between ribs and abs.
abs don't spread out at the top like that. What your seeing in the reference are the ribs and the obliques making a shape similar to what you have there, but your sculpt has it so those shapes are defined by only by the rectus abdominis muscles.
The ribs in your reference are quite pronounced, enough to cast a shadow beneath them.
It also looks like you have really narrow oblique muscles running down the side of the abs. In reality, those muscles are huge and wrap around right to the back.
That's some of the specific issues with your sculpt, the main problem is more fundamental. You're drawing instead of sculpting, and you don't understand how these structures work in the body and define form.

No need to be discouraged btw, it's just stuff you have to learn.

Anonymous No. 953332

Neither do 99.99% of people. Almost no one will even notice anything wrong with those images.

Anonymous No. 953342

Holy cope

Anonymous No. 953438

wheres your primary forms nigga

Anonymous No. 953441

Don’t mind the anatomy anon. Although he is leagues better at anatomy than everyone else this board can imagine but he is a depressed self-loathing third worlder who can’t even get a job with his anatomy skills.

Anonymous No. 953467

don't bother learning anatomy, you will never be good at it

Anonymous No. 954654

What difference it makes if you make it from a mind image that you see eyes closed too?
Your ego is too big...lashing on others wont help you too keep your job against AI

Anonymous No. 954695

If you want anatomy critique, make something yourself. You won't ever learn how things work by editing finished things by other people, you'll just make them look worse.

Why? So that you can pretend to know what you're doing and draw weird shapes on the surface his work, too?

Anonymous No. 954856

>If you want anatomy critique, make something yourself. You won't ever learn how things work by editing finished things by other people, you'll just make them look worse.
The base mesh is completely free asset.
>Why? So that you can pretend to know what you're doing and draw weird shapes on the surface his work, too?
You're borderline retarded, how about you post your own work instead of being a little dunning-kruger bitch.

Anonymous No. 954870

Poor ted was right oversocialization and the consecuences of the industrial age were a mistake

Anonymous No. 954871

Yes i am calling you a self-loathing leftie tranny faggot

Anonymous No. 954873

>The base mesh is completely free asset.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 954974

fast majestic jumpy dearly carelessly sausage cathedral turkey cap weave summarize finance guess disappear beg investigate offend alert