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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 953398

This Arturia software (V collection 8, 8 Virtual collection) looks kinda hard to obtain but in 3DCG I trust. What are some ways to obtain this?

(Torrent, invites & get invited, discord for invites, best trackers, where to obtain this quickly?).

Anonymous No. 953402

We are not musicians, we don’t know anything about music.

Anonymous No. 953404

Agreed, but most trackers, torrents are for audio/music similar than for 3DCG

Anonymous No. 953410

No there not, they have this thing called VST plugins to make fake instruments work. We use coded plugin from the software access that allow us to skip 99% of work. We are not the same.

Anonymous No. 953431

ask on >>>/g/dmp or >>>/mu/prod if you must.

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Anonymous No. 953432

It's on RED, no one is going to waste that much buffer on those torrents for you tho.