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🧵 Career Advice

Anonymous No. 953474

Hello fags, I'm a 3d modeller, animator, rigger ect with about 7 years of experience just working on my own projects.
Did fiverr for a while but some pajeet scammers asked for my services and then gave me a bad rating despite doing what they asked and basically removed my listings from the algorithm. So i quit that a few years ago and have just been wage cucking and working on my own projects again.

When i apply to jobs on ArtStation or workwithindies i never get a response.
Even though the stuff in my portoflio is decent enough, had a few interviews and failed the tests because they had some retarded instructions that didnt make any sense, even after i asked for clarification. then they failed me and only then were able to give me feedback on what they actually wanted.
so idk if im just unlucky or if this is what everyone else is dealing with.

What have you guys found success in?

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Anonymous No. 953475

heres some of the stuff i was doing on fiver in 2020

Anonymous No. 953477

>What have you guys found success in?

Anonymous No. 953481

Stop going for positions where the supply outweighs the demand lmao. You clearly know how to rig so be a rigger and be good at it to the point faggots will pay you good money.

Anonymous No. 953482

Make porn

Anonymous No. 953489


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Female Disgust Fa....jpg

Anonymous No. 953521


Is this the only way? There's gotta be other paths...

the chair nerd No. 953567

>they had some retarded instructions that didnt make any sense, even after i asked for clarification. then they failed me and only then were able to give me feedback on what they actually wanted.
If you want to be a wagie you should become acustomed to the retardation of your workplace, you boss and your peers. Stupidity is bureaucracy's best friend. Even as a freelancer bad inputa are more common than good inputs. Source: worked in a huge ass construction company.

Anonymous No. 953585

Thats bad lol, u do indeed belong with the pajeets

Anonymous No. 953594

Thanks for the advice.

Anonymous No. 953597

No. Kys.

Anonymous No. 953598

I think there are only a few working anonymous on this board, and you won't get the best advice here. Go ask proper 3D forums, I'm not even joking. Why do you want the advice of two and a half mentally ill neets?

Anonymous No. 953626

nobody is hiring right now, it's going to be another 18-24 months before an upswing happens, also stop dong tests, stop doing fiverr, level the fuck up mate, the fuck are you doing?

focus on personal projects and/or direct to client offering work through subscription service

Anonymous No. 953684

thanks ill take that into consideration.

Anonymous No. 953689

I got a couple commissions by submitting one of my passion projects to this in-person short film contest at the local theater here. Just submit to something small-time so you can win, and if it really hits people will want to talk to you afterwards. And don't get discouraged if it flops, I had another submission get booed off before I won

Anonymous No. 954810

As a 3rd worlder
I just sell shit on turbosquid. Make like 5 bucks a year but it's fine.
I like how when I'm done with a project and upload it I don't have to think about it

Anonymous No. 954844

That's a neat dinosaur

Anonymous No. 954952

vfx is not hiring now, and I don't see the market picking up till jan/Feb. Game studios will still be hiring till late October but once November hits its a dead zone for jobs till next year. You can be a generalist but do master one thing. I suggest reaching out to artist on LinkedIn for advice on your reel. Getting a job in this industry is 65% skill, 35% networking. I've been in the industry for ten years and have seen some real dog shit players rise cause they network well. Good luck.

Anonymous No. 955178

5 bucks per year?
what kind of models do you make?

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Anonymous No. 955196

Okay that was hyperbolic
I made some silly characters and some other stuff like picrel
My total sales on turbosquid are like 200$ but they take 50% of that
I really need to get serious and make more stuff problem is I'm lazy

Anonymous No. 955261

this is really easy to make. I'm not going to lie - it displays almost no skill

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Anonymous No. 955273

I mainly do characters

Anonymous No. 955529

That was pajeets taking out the competition by algorithm abuse.

I've had success knocking up married pajeetas and living off hubby's H1b visa income.

Anonymous No. 955538

>booed off
I seriously hope anon didn’t submit his scat vore furry sfm animation