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Anonymous No. 953515

bros, i need help, please post here any tips, plugins or resources for weight painting in maya
this shit just goes over my head, i cant into weight painting, pls help

Anonymous No. 953518

ngskin v2

Anonymous No. 953522

>model character
>arrange bones pretty much how they'd be in the human body (except for rare exceptions like twist bones in the forearm, or face tracking)
>automatic weight painting does 75% of the work
>spamming blur brush does another 10
>manually touch up some low-strength addition or subtraction for another 10, posing the body and just seeing what looks right
>last 5% you just bullshit with shape keys, like elbow preservation
Unless you're an industry professional working in VFX or AAA games this is really all you need. It's a lot of work, sure, but it's simple and intuitive. Don't get intimidated by it, OP. Weight painting is more scared of you than you are of it!

Anonymous No. 953525

you don't know what you are talking about.

OP, disregard this man

Anonymous No. 953540

Look Maya wrights painting sucks but that's no way to let them continue to be torchered by it when plugins exist.

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Anonymous No. 953555

op here, tried to aproach it your way, and 50% of time it works half the time, reason why i asked for resources for learning industry secrets, pipelines or tools that would help me reach over the gap that has me starving

Anonymous No. 953557

see >>953518

Anonymous No. 953558

>ngskin v2
is it really good? desu i have been using skinning tools by perry leijten for a week or so, but i dont know about them they seem slow and work intensive, ima look for ngskinz videos tonight i guess

Anonymous No. 953565

It's outdated and may not work in future Maya versions like 2024 where they change stuff. Aso, i do not trust anyone who wants to use plugins to make the model work. The model should work without plugins, something ngskin V2 offers.

Anonymous No. 953568

perry leijten tools isn't a plug in perse, it a suite fo tools that uses mayas weight system but instead of painting shit you select the vertices and it offers you sliders instead of colors for managing the weight numbers assigned to each vert, it also has some selection tools for neighbors and shit like that, probably very similar to ngskin but i haven't tested it yet