๐งต Modelling pipes- How do I make three directional and four directional pipes
Anonymous at Sun, 30 Jul 2023 14:37:26 UTC No. 953623
Hi, I've been practicing and I can't for the life of me find out a proper way to make a three/four direction pipe junction.
I can make a normal pipe and a curved pipe with the help of the spin tool.
Can someone here show me how I could make the other pipe junctions please? I'm willing to learn!
Anonymous at Sun, 30 Jul 2023 14:54:46 UTC No. 953628
Use CAD software, it's the only 3D software build for realism.
Anonymous at Sun, 30 Jul 2023 19:56:05 UTC No. 953669
Use a bevel tool on those edges where the pipes intersect
Anonymous at Mon, 31 Jul 2023 03:39:32 UTC No. 953704
I think the important thing to remember is that in real life you can't bend a pipe at a 90 degree angle so perfectly that the atoms on the inside angle collapse in on themselves making the inside bend un-noticeable.
There's always going to be a curved section on the inside corners that you can use when modelling to not have fucked up geo. This dude is right, >>953669 in that putting bevels there will be a good idea.
He's making pipes, not a fucking car engine.
Anonymous at Mon, 31 Jul 2023 05:00:34 UTC No. 953708
op there are different way to get 90 degree pipes/ elbows the one in ur picture is the ugliest one, mostly made from plastic... they are also not great irl as the turn is too sharp and it erodes pretty fast... but if ur ok with it then thats fine, but i would prefer this kind of pipe, the amount of tris is the same.
Anonymous at Mon, 31 Jul 2023 11:22:22 UTC No. 953729
what an idiotic fucking answer.
Anonymous at Mon, 31 Jul 2023 11:31:08 UTC No. 953732
>look at me i can extrude circles
you are wasting your time, model something challenging like the donut tutorial
Anonymous at Mon, 31 Jul 2023 14:18:49 UTC No. 953759
You took the bait bruh
Anonymous at Mon, 31 Jul 2023 15:21:40 UTC No. 953766
Thanks for your input guys. Now I'm trying to combine these two spheres with a circular extrusion at the top. How can I do it without making it look like this with booleans?
I want the side of the sphere to also have the circular extrusion with 32 vertices.
Anonymous at Mon, 31 Jul 2023 16:07:36 UTC No. 953774
>i was only pretending to be retarded
so you're incredibly unfunny, then. either way go back to lurking.
Anonymous at Mon, 31 Jul 2023 21:08:08 UTC No. 953814
how did you do it senpai please show me did you remesh it
Anonymous at Tue, 1 Aug 2023 20:33:05 UTC No. 953912
you just go to McMaster and download the CAD.
Anonymous at Tue, 8 Aug 2023 11:22:26 UTC No. 954455
Anonymous at Tue, 8 Aug 2023 19:15:21 UTC No. 954503
He gets so emotional about his fight with topology.
Anonymous at Wed, 16 Aug 2023 17:52:58 UTC No. 955340
>add quad sphere with plug-in, i use machin3tools for this I think. it's free. or use a subdivided sphere for the same effect
>select and inset square-ish groups of faces, delete
>use loop tools to circularize the hole, obviously clean up and use support loops
>extrude circles
you can do this in all 6 directions with the quad sphere if you want
or just boolean the same tube through the sphere twice, it's really the redundant sphere that's causing the issue
having your hand held through a tutorial is not a challenge. most beginners should learn basic shapes and poly modeling principles, with a "learn by doing" approach. that's how you develop critical thinking and problem solving skills, which are essential to making what you actually want to make. when I first learned 3D in 2013 the first thing they taught us was a fucking pencil. then we did a coffee cup.
it's an excellent starting point actually.
>sculpting a torus and adding a solidify mod and a particle system will not help you as much as the anvil and chair tutorial will
>OP with his silly little pipes will have better topology than you on basically anything he makes
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Sep 2023 19:57:57 UTC No. 957624
this is probably the best way to handle this kind of issue