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🧵 What software was used for silent hill 2?

Anonymous No. 953712

in this video, they show the software that was used for the 3d models. do any of you know what it is?

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Anonymous No. 953713

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Anonymous No. 953714

sorry for shitty screenshots, im at a friends house and didnt have time to crop them.

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Anonymous No. 953715

Anonymous No. 953716

softimage 3d 3.8

Anonymous No. 953744

Softimage you can find it in rutracker

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Anonymous No. 953745


Anonymous No. 953812

Unless its for the sake of an argument, why does it matter?
Just because you use the same software, it doesn't mean you'll have the skill to pull of the same shit they did. You'd be intentionally limiting yourself with no benefit.

Anonymous No. 953956


>why does it matter?
it matters for zoomers who are into making ""authentic" forced "soul"" old 3d or backrooms/liminal space bullshit

Anonymous No. 954019

Zoomers are so fucking ADHD brain that they wouldn't have the the patience to deal with ancient software just for the sake of impressing other zoomers. They go the path of least resistance. They'll use this for 10 minutes, find out it requires more than minimum effort, and go back to Blender or C4D since it doesn't matter as long as the other zoomers get their dopamine fix by scrolling past their shitty backrooms for 3 seconds.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 954980

alienated hoarse incredible spotted flat usefully elbow detective bandana stick bear pour remain back grease drain

Anonymous No. 955197

>making things
Zoomers are for consumption only.

Anonymous No. 955198

That's a early version of SoftImage 3D.

Anonymous No. 955199

Is this question another instance of someone opening up a modern 3D software that is ~20x as functional even if you picked blender and go "uuh bloated! uuh hard!".

Then go check what top studios used in early eras and hope those software is like some ABC123 that spits out quality retro looking result
just by virtue of being the same as the artists of that era used?

If so you're about to be disappointed like a Kevin Sorbo.

Anonymous No. 956812

Zoomer here, I for one just prefer the basic and straightforward interface of say, old Maya or 3DS, and I don't have to worry about adding a million shaders and tweaking settings to get a retro look when I can just do it right out of the box

Anonymous No. 956946

holy cope

Anonymous No. 956985

Coping with what exactly?

Anonymous No. 957792

How hard is it to get a pre 4.0 version up and running?

Anonymous No. 957853

They aren't available unless you have an actual hard copy afaik

Anonymous No. 960163

Do softimage users still exist?

Anonymous No. 960205

>Making yourselves angry over assumptions for no reason
Take a nap. Geez.

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Anonymous No. 960213

You're obviously a newfag who's never done any 3D modeling because if you did you would immediately know fucking Softimage. The other anon summed it up clearly. You're just a Zoomer trying to make something authentic with "soul" by using the same old software when Ito himself is now a Blendlet.

Anonymous No. 960370

I'm not OP though

Anonymous No. 961337

This was made by a 23 year old in 2023

Anonymous No. 961554

what are the chords to the intro
sounds like something from the rippingtons

Anonymous No. 961604

All those Amiga-inspired softs are so damn hard it's unbelievable. There's a reason it took Squaresoft's peeps 2 years to make FF7 and Xenogears...

Anonymous No. 961606

Damn. What’s with you people and instant hate of your younger peers based on made up assumptions? Have any of you even had a discussion with a zoomer irl?

Anonymous No. 961608

You don’t even know why OP wants it. Just making things up in your head

Anonymous No. 961609

Let the zoomers do whatever they want. If they want to run 20 year old software in a shitty windows NT VM so be it. I will stick with blender even though I started with maya 5 PLE

Anonymous No. 961616

>Let the zoomers do whatever they want.

Anonymous No. 962456

fuck off with you rshilling