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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 953791

Can I use 3D software to animate still AI generate images? Someone told me I could use Blender, is it true or do I require other type of software.

pic related was generated with this AI below.

Anonymous No. 953797

Fuck around and find out

Anonymous No. 953799

Okay, I will download Blender. Can anyone reccomend me some good blender videos to watch. Seems like a lot of people in YT just want to lengthen their videos and don't teach anything.

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Anonymous No. 953803


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Misato 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 953807

Thanks that looks useful.

Anonymous No. 953821

Blender users, we gotta have a talk.

You can't just tell people that they can use blender to solve any little problem they happen to have or else we end up with people like this guy.

Anonymous No. 953929

Good point actually.

Anonymous No. 953936

>using some garbage online AI generator that clearly underperforms even compared to models you can run on your pc
yeah, smells like NGMI

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Anonymous No. 953939

I can't install SD right now =)

Anonymous No. 954038

It's cool that there's a package that makes this type of animation easy, but in truth there are limits you can break and a level of intricacy you can achieve by doing it in 3d.

Anonymous No. 954084

let me guess, trying to get some "easy" money by generating AI slop then doing a shitty job of animating said slop because youre too dumb and lazy to either learn a new skill or go work at mcdonalds

ai pajeets, i swear

Anonymous No. 954131

"Always go for the bare minimum" is my life's motto

Anonymous No. 954133

>Can I use 3D software to animate still AI generate images?
i dont think a single person on the planet has been able to do this

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Anonymous No. 954373

What skill should I learn?