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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 953891

Why isn't the Blender Foundation interested in the promotion and adoption of Open standards?

Anonymous No. 953893

Because the good thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from.

Anonymous No. 953903

Spite, autism. In exchange for Autodesk losing one eye Blender devs would blind themselves.

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Anonymous No. 953904

nice, very subtle

Anonymous No. 953908

Doesn't Blender already support USD?

Anonymous No. 953910

I just want VRML and Java applets back.

Anonymous No. 953914


Anonymous No. 953917

Shut up. Blender bad

Anonymous No. 953930

Lol as if the crab bucket that is /3/ even knows what USD is and how to use it

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 953932

maya already supports usd too. it seems like the point of this is that apple wants to use usd for its upcoming ar/vr device.

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Anonymous No. 953934

USD is basically like the HTML/PDF of 3D, designed to be an open standardized universal interchange format that works everywhere and smooths out production pipelines.

Anonymous No. 953935

thank you, chatgpt

Anonymous No. 953973

How is this better than Collada?

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Anonymous No. 954011

openpbr lets gooo meanwhile blender still doesn't support materialx

Anonymous No. 954013

>standardizing shaders
truly despicable and pajeet tier rendering skills

Anonymous No. 954016

autodesk standard surface is gr8 and adopted by both octane and redshift
blendies trying to be special snowflakes with broken energy conservation while a open source alternative exists and would take a weekend to implement

Anonymous No. 954021

>what is .obj

Anonymous No. 954048


Anonymous No. 954057

I'm not talking about Blender vs Autodesk. Shaders and materials should be as flexible as possible with ZERO regard to "look standards".
>broken energy conservation
Broken energy conservation isn't the reason your renders look bad, Pajeet.

Anonymous No. 954061

PBR looks bad and it's fatiguing to watch. I wish they would go back to the .obj material specifications .mtl and stop messing around because not everybody wants to render sunday cartoons. Some people need materials that don't look like wet chinese plastic with a clearcoat.

Anonymous No. 954069

autodesk(tm) standard surface is a highly flexible uber shader which is why it has replaced the ubershaders in redshift and octane. it has materialx implementations which makes it an ideal candidate for the defacto cross-renderer open standard - blendelts just have a chip on their shoulder and don't want to implement something with autodesk in the name.

Anonymous No. 954088

Agree. Thankfully Pixar realised PBR is for shitty triple A titles using garbage Quixel models and refused to implement it for Renderman. Imagine if Renderman allowed PBR, every fucking piece of CGI and VFX would look like utter shit.
Honestly sometimes i try to use PBR and take closer looks at stuff like specular maps and wonder what fucking bugmen made these. PBR materials, even paid for ones make NO sense, the only useful part is the albedo, the rest is so utterly broken its basically useless, idk when this shit got popular but I do hope it will die one day

Anonymous No. 954149

Add an R and it becomes, "Arousd."

Anonymous No. 954152

And that, together with the logo >>953904 is a feature, not a bug my friend.

Anonymous No. 954201

Doesn't OBJ lack support for stuff like storing textures, materials and animations?

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Anonymous No. 954282

It looks like it's being worked on.

Anon is either joking or a mega-retard. USD is an entire scene description format and obj is (bloated and outdated) geometry exchange.

Anonymous No. 954296

Anonymous No. 954303

oh damn, that's actually pretty cool.
does this mean blender will have plugin renderers via hydra in the future? no more having to maintain a separate jank ass fork?

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Anonymous No. 954320


Anonymous No. 954321

What's the issue? Do you want to be integrated into the industry standard workflow pipeline or not?

Anonymous No. 954322

blender will Never be industry standard

Anonymous No. 954323

What has Blender to do with this? lmao

Anonymous No. 954325

read the op, lmao

>Why isn't the Blender Foundation interested in the promotion and adoption of Open standards?

Anonymous No. 954327

love is love and social progress will prevail, bigot =)

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 954975

tubby direct noisy colorless strong truthful very channel sun toothbrush xylophone pest search stretch

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 954978

authentic menacing crafty definite nocturnal queasily station office summer steam raise perform throw assemble quit

Anonymous No. 955480

JanusVR had something like that, since there's no login and any site with a Janus file, will load as a world.