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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 953923

How do you even reach this levels of skills.

I started to learn blender in 2014 and I'm nowhere near close this level of autismo.

Like I literally would have to learn to make an autismo super autistic rig with drivers and other advanced shit with custom library of facial blend shapes.

And I would had to basically record my own video reference.

Like, how the fuck do you even acquire the skills to pull this off?

Are there secret youtube tutorials on japanese to learn to make this?

Anonymous No. 953924

this is pretty basic stuff to be honest

Anonymous No. 953928

This looks so bad LMAO

Anonymous No. 953943

Liru sex

Anonymous No. 953962

you will never make anything people want to see, Cris

kill yourself already

Anonymous No. 953976

wrong pic?

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Anonymous No. 953977

You already described what you need to do, so why are you wasting time whining instead of doing it?

Anonymous No. 953978

NTA, but as another cris-like, I guess it's the awe someone can sink so much time into something so short. How long would it take to make a clever rig like that? A month? Two? Animating that in blender would take what? Three to five days? Give another week for polishing shit like the lighting and scene clutter and it feels hopeless. You don't even know if you could really pull it off in that timeframe because rigging is finicky and you still need to have the models, textures and shading handy and you still need to be happy with the final product. You start wondering if there's some secret sauce you're missing because your years to dabbling tell you that everything you need to do in CG is a bottomless time pit and YNGMI otherwise.

Anonymous No. 953979

Most blender tutorials on youtube teach you how to do stuff like this. Maybe they weren't around in 2014, though

Anonymous No. 953981

/3/ is stepping so low they start to admire 3dcg in eroge

Anonymous No. 953995

>9 years
>still using blender
it's meant to be a short transitional introduction, not an actual tool. hard cringe

Anonymous No. 954000

It's not that deep
Get good at making appealing anime characters first, this is probably the most important step
the rig doesn't look very advanced to me at all, just simple dynamics
making facial blend shapes is pretty fast i wouldn't worry about it
the reference should be the easiest part what are you even talking about lmao
>Are there secret youtube tutorials on japanese to learn to make this?
this mindset is whats keeping you from advancing, dont look for a tutorial to spoon feed you the answers.
learn from your own mistakes if you actually want to improve

Anonymous No. 954147

>How long would it take to make a clever rig like that? A month? Two? Animating that in blender would take what? Three to five days? Give another week for polishing shit like the lighting and scene clutter and it feels hopeless

First time, sure. Then it would take less than a day for every subsequent model.
Your issue is that you desire the results and fame without investing any effort. I recognize this because it's the aspiration of practically everyone else as well.
Ironically, a 12-year-old kid animating blocks in Blender is significantly ahead of you because he isn't fixated on becoming the absolute best; he simply aims to get shit done.

Anonymous No. 954199

Because you are not japanese and not living in Japan where creating things is not bound by societal norms deliberately manufactured by the west. Do you even understand that?

Anonymous No. 954243

Ever consider it might be a team of people?

Anonymous No. 954257

>secret youtube tutorials on japanese

Anonymous No. 954508

Now that I started my autismo rigging journey, I can see that her left leg awkwardly settles itself after she's already seated. It shouldn't do that.

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Anonymous No. 954614

you dont need to have any practical experience with rigging/animating to notice something so obvious