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Anonymous No. 953986

What is the simplest object I should be able to model in order to prove to an employer that I should be hired?

Anonymous No. 953988

I think your pic answers your question

Anonymous No. 953989

Do you realize that there are millions upon millions of young people who would like to work with computers?
Do you realize that statistically about half or those people are smarter and gayer than you and many will also come from developing nations and as such they would work for a fraction of what you would ask?
Stop with these employment threads. If you have to ask where to find a computer job, you're not going to find it.
If you don't know anybody at the Blender Foundation, you're not going to be working there no matter how many patches you submit.

Keep this 3D thing as a hobby and live your life. You're not going to enjoy a "computer job" working at a call center with no future and for minimum wage. I've been there. It's not worth it.

Go to your local jobs center today. Ask what they have. Do it and do it well whatever it is. It's that simple.

Anonymous No. 953990

Unless maybe if you're good looking, well kept, not too diverse but diverse enough to claim diversity, be willing to travel and you can gape your asshole on command. Then you may be able to make friends in the industry as it is today.

Other than that, nobody is looking for mediocre talents with no social skills. No company is going to spend money to de-program you from the stupidity you've learned from some grifter Youtube tutorial makers.

Take a break from the screen. Look around yourself. There are many, many things you could do that would be useful to you and your community.

Anonymous No. 953996

your own brain or micropenis. take your pick.

Anonymous No. 953999

damn u really want them to give up huh
I do agree that just being able to 3d model isn't near enough to get hired, but there are definitely ways to make money using 3d software
you might want to decide how you are going to monetize it before you deep dive into "getting good"
each position has different requirements, if you focus on just one you will be able to get good at it pretty quickly and hopefully find work.

Anonymous No. 954002

Give up what exactly? 99% of people here haven't even started. I don't suggest they give up the hobby. I suggest they give up the delusion.

Anonymous No. 954008

it's not about the minimum reqs, just lean more into it, focus on modeling whatever you're into (cars, guns, etc etc). keep doing it until you have a solid foundation on the tools, then diversify, learn other things in 3D like texturing, rigging, simulations, or whatever really. Companies won't take you up because you know how to model a really fine pen, but instead someone that can do whatever gets thrown their way.

Anonymous No. 954023

Everyone on the internet is a dude, unless proven otherwise.
Stop being a fag.

Anonymous No. 954034

stop it with the pronoun shit

Anonymous No. 954040

yes I agree.
I can attest to the previous points, trying to become a game developer/3D artist/vfx artist is a nearly masochistic endeavor, I personally spent 7 years on this, got very good at it, and still to this day I starve and am jobless with no prospects of (ever?) getting a job.

I have been there you know, lived the waggie life working shit jobs and going home and spending time on my stuff, being delusional, thinking "I will make it this year for sure".
I gave up a career on CS, something I was good at, being 20 and not realizing the importance of planning your life and career, what you invest your time on and how those investments could pay off for you in the future (or not).

Ultimately I'm almost 30 and thinking of starting over again, if I can give a piece of advice to OP based on my experience is, plan things ahead, really think about what you're spending your time on, check the career paths, check job listings, talk to people who do it as a living, check how hard it is to break into said industry, ask yourself if this truly aligns with the life style you want to achieve in the near future as this may very well not pan out for you and it most likely won't.

3D is a dog eat dog industry that doesn't even pay well unless you are part of a 10% top talent, and talent you need.

If you really like 3D graphics, you will probably fare better going into the more technical aspects of it, HLSL and C#, tech art, etc. those have a far more lenient entry level point, and if things go south you still got some neat problem solving and coding skills you can apply to other jobs.

read this anon, don't be me, I have many regrets, and everyday I pray for self motivated people like you to have things easier than I did.

Anonymous No. 954041

checked listings on linkedin, near everything is senior level, expert level, artist 4, art director, etc. you name it.
They want you to be proficient at nearly every single aspect of cg. and what if you're a third world-er or plain and simple don't live near a major tech hub city? well then good luck cause you'll need to out-skill every single guy who lives near such places.

Anonymous No. 954042

you'll need a portfolio not a single piece.
and maybe you ought to look at CAD software if you want to make irl objects
[spoiler]having the sense of humor of a 12yo does definitively help to get in the dildo industry [spoiler]probably[/spoiler][/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 954043

[spoiler]shit [spoiler]crap[/spoiler] [/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 954092

this image reminded me of nutty putty cave, idk why

Anonymous No. 954094

your mom (just make a big ball)

Anonymous No. 954143

He's using "they" in the plural sense, as in a group of multiple people, who are in fact dudes.
"They" used to have a meaning in English besides tranny identity politics living rent free in your brain.

Anonymous No. 954145

>There are many, many things you could do that would be useful to you and your community.

Lol OK boomer

Anonymous No. 954150

I want to get a job using 3D software as well, I still don't know doing what but there must be something I find joy in, I gave up pursuing programming for a job, I want to kill myself before ever working at that garbage looking at code all day

Anonymous No. 954153

I'm >>954002 I'm not mother tongue english. I do my best but let me tell you something: in my native language there are no neutral pronouns, there is no clear definition of what "gender" even means. There's only male and female.
And it feels good.

Anonymous No. 954170

If you want to get a job you also need to pass the interview. I was good enough to score an interview once and I could have gotten a cg job and changed my life but they asked me questions I was unprepared for and I looked like a total idiot

Anonymous No. 954181

That's not what happened.
What really happened was that there was no job to begin with. Companies do this all the time for political and financial reasons.
Interviews mean nothing.

Anonymous No. 954194

If I was your interviewer and you say something along the lines of “I’m a passionate gamer who….” You will be immediately put on the trash pile No offense bud this is a business and we do not want troon gaymers polluting the gayming industry as it is.

Anonymous No. 954206

there was definitely a job. He was asking me questions about texturing and shading that I would have to know the answers, but, at the time I did not.

Anonymous No. 954217

employer for a mid size studio here: we look for people that can carry through or at least have an understanding of the whole pipeline. you need to be able to take the model from a concept to a final plug and play deliverable, so we look for an understanding of topology, rigging, and uv unwrapping (by hand). We also look for modellers to have an in depth understanding of modern graphics rendering/shaders and how their topology/texture usage impacts that, so they need to know how to optimize a model beyond tricount. They also have to be able to work with artists well and follow plans and concepts exactly (even better if they are able to make their own concepts but that is rare).
Realistically though, it seems the market has shifted to farming low-to-passable quality asset packs on various marketplaces for 50$ a pop. It's incredibly hard to find someone with the above qualifications and the ones we do have are all old guys who are dying. No one new seems to appreciate optimization and doing shit by hand. One wonders if you would have more success just hiring pajeets on Fiverr to make 100 modular GrubHub style people and selling their work than you would trying to get a job.

Anonymous No. 954220

You're looking for people so good that they would refuse to work as an employee.
You're either a LARPer, dumb or dishonest.

Anonymous No. 954226

I don't know what you want me to do about that. I was defending your English. I'm saying you used the word correctly.

Anonymous No. 954232

good morning sir.

Anonymous No. 954238


Anonymous No. 954269

that might be true. the four we do have all have partial ownership and profit sharing, so it is a bit more incentivized than other jobs

Anonymous No. 954610


Its possible but not the way you think.
what im going to tell you has worked for me but it might fail for you it all depends on your creativity potential.

3d jobs are lame as fuck 98% of the the time, its stressfull annoying and dont even pay well, you better work in a factory where at least you'll have nice collegues and a decent pay.

BUT its possible to dedicate yourself into art and make some good money, museums are full of cash and other cultural places also, you need to tone down the political to a zero for sure, and you need to enter the circles, first, i would recommand you to meet some local talented artists, better if they are only known locally, do work for them, you might want to work for free for a few jobs, and give your best.

example, make a 3d animation for a rock band, make some vj visuals, create a sound ambiance related to a gallery painting, learn video-editing and basic music making with ableton, youll have the full pack of knowledge to do all that, and youll become "the guy who's able to do it" pretty quikly.

thats the way i did, its not easy because you have to actually be creative all the time and come out with cool ideas, but you will not be dependant on a master to do a slave labour, i create cool stuff for artists, i get a good pay, i get invited into art galleries in other countries and have a pleasant life.

dont become a 3d slave, pakis are doing it better than you and for less money.