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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 954183

A lot of people are saying that our precious Blender will become obsolete due to AI in about 3 years time. How much are you willing to bet that this will come to pass?

Anonymous No. 954186

>ai will replace artists
>literally nothing happened since all ai art looks the same

Anonymous No. 954191

>implying it wont improve over time

dunning, meet kruger

Anonymous No. 954192

why do cars exist if we could've just bred stronger horses?

Anonymous No. 954193

the engine replaced the horse over a period of years, same with the ai

Anonymous No. 954197

Oh look another fucking thread about software and AI. Fuck you anon fuck you one billion times.

Anonymous No. 954200

I've been messing around with ComfyUI for a couple of days. It's nice for inspiration and stuff, but at this point you don't get the level of control as you would from a DCC like Blender. Even with things like ControlNet, your results are still pretty dependent on non-deterministic RNGs to quite a notable extent.

Anonymous No. 954208

This. When you create something yourself then you can get it to the exact spec you want. That doesn't happen with AI.
It's a bit like an artist being an eyewitness to a crime and drawing the suspect themselves compared to an eyewitness who isn't an artist describing the suspect to a sketch artist. It gets filtered through a mental mesh of someone else and looks nothing like the suspect.
Has no one ever seen those art memes some channels do where they'll use a description generator of something, a monster for instance? They all draw their own interpretation of it and, despite all having the same description, none of them are alike. That's basically what AI does. If it were a person coming up with the description rather than a generator, then you can be 99% sure what's drawn by the participants isn't what they were imagining in their head neither.

I feel a kind of pity for the AI enthusiasts. Too unwilling or too unable to put any effort into something so they want a quick result and pretend it was exactly what they wanted (it isn't) when it's churned out. So, so sad.

Anonymous No. 954209

Why would I be an artist if I wanted someone or something else to do it for me? I could just be a consoomer if that's what I preferred.
Humans will never stop creating art.
Now, whether retardfaggots (prompters) and moneyfaggots (bosses) will make it difficult for people to see human art or for artists to have a career, that's a different story.

Anonymous No. 954216

You are not grasping the speed of development in this area.

People don't produce handmade cars anymore. Its all done by machine. The same will be true with all media in 3 or so years.

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Anonymous No. 954228

>You are not grasping the speed of development in this area.
Show it to us then, So far all AIfaggots immediately go silent whenever we ask them to show exactly which AI tools and how revolutionized their workflow and made it completely shit over the people who do not use it.
They can only hype it up verbally and that's it.

Anonymous No. 954229

To say AI isn't a game changer is a little much.
I'm not sure if you're just coping or just dumb.

Anonymous No. 954230

>implying it wont get better

Anonymous No. 954240

>I feel a kind of pity for the AI enthusiasts. Too unwilling or too unable to put any effort into something so they want a quick result and pretend it was exactly what they wanted (it isn't) when it's churned out. So, so sad.
So post your work. You probably won't because people will just laugh at seeing "exactly what you wanted".

Anonymous No. 954261

>A lot of people are saying
read: "i pulled this out of my ass and really really want you to be afraid of AI".

no one other than you ever said that and your thread is retarded.

Anonymous No. 954262

>incapable of understanding an extremely simple analogy
>therefore thinks a lot like AI himself
>huge fan of AI
i would pay money to see you die in a humiliating fashion.

Anonymous No. 954263

>People don't produce handmade cars anymore. Its all done by machine.
Why do people play video games when movies exist? Why not just kill yourself if you would rather not move a fucking muscle or use your brain ever?
>The same will be true with all media in 3 or so years.
lol I'll take that bet

Anonymous No. 954264

Just use Blender + Controlnet for depth&pose? There's a Controlnet pose addon for Blender.

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Anonymous No. 954266

Like clockwork - nothing except for the vague promises of the distant future yet again, just like in all other AIslop threads. Come back once you have actually practical workflow with AI established.
Like I said before, right now AI is only useful as a sidegrade (not a replacement) to Google Images/Pinterest for design inspiration and to Stackoverflow for scripting small sections of code/learning new language. Maybe a bit of texture generation, though there's a same risk as just stealing images from stocks - possible legal action if you sell your product. And you'll have to cope with what AI produced for you instead of what you actually had in mind, for example for a stylized texture for a wooden table in modern fantasy cafe that fits the rest of the scene coherently.
Will it get better sometime in the future? Probably, though there are hundres of problems along the way. It's not gonna be a smooth linear improvement all the time -

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Anonymous No. 954272

>And you'll have to cope with what AI produced for you instead of what you actually had in mind,
there's that word again, zoomer!

Anonymous No. 954289

>And you'll have to cope with what AI produced for you instead of what you actually had in mind,
I'm still waiting for you to post your work.

Anonymous No. 954311

>AI make me a body
>AI make me arms
>AI make me legs
>AI make me double-D tits and a vagina
>I'm sorry I can't make explicit content
>AI make me two watermelons and a peach

Anonymous No. 954313

>>I'm sorry I can't make explicit content
do you actually believe this will be the reality in the future?

Anonymous No. 954314

>He said, posting on bluechan.

Anonymous No. 954315

I'm permanently on Tomorrow theme, sir

Anonymous No. 954328

Can AI deliver to us the solution to self collision?

Anonymous No. 954329

what do you mean?

Anonymous No. 954330

you know how when a person's arms falls from a T pose to a natural rest, a part of their arm clips into the upper back? Can AI avoid that intersection in a believable way?

Anonymous No. 954331

simple. Increase substeps.

Anonymous No. 954332

I don't know what you mean. Expound, please.

Anonymous No. 954333

when you have an animation you have a series of steps that you sample from....and then substeps between each step. Increase the substep lookup

Anonymous No. 954334

ok. And and how will increasing substeps magically make edges not intersect into faces? How do you detect when there's an intersection, and what do you do about it?

Anonymous No. 954335

Since AI is so powerful it should be easy for you to show some examples instead of talking about it, right?

Anonymous No. 954336

I'm not trying to accidentally leak anything but just drop some knowledge off of how simulations work and how ai animations will work. You will need a moving "control net" that samples and thus has subsamples. I wont answer any further questions.

Anonymous No. 954337

You won't show anything because it's hard to pull pictures off your head and that's the only place they exist.

Anonymous No. 954338


Anonymous No. 954339

>You will need a moving "control net" that samples and thus has subsamples.
This sounds like something that I've thought of before. In fact, I bet a lot of people have thought of this. I can already go to blender, make something of a "control net", make the mesh sample the net, then do a bunch of sub processes to relocate the vertices of the mesh.

But throwing out a bunch of jargon doesn't explain how AI comes into play here.

Anonymous No. 954340

I am sorry, sweetie

Anonymous No. 954341

Sweetie, you're posting on an image board and I'm not seeing any pictures. That's the bottom line.

Anonymous No. 954343

Just stop arguing with him. He's "sweetie" posting. Which means he's completely given up trying to make sense.

Anonymous No. 954345

>still no argument

Anonymous No. 954348

Too much computer power is needed to increase AI capabilities.
It's over.

Anonymous No. 954353

On the contrary I think this will allow converting artworks between different mediums.
>Draw something, AI creates a model for it
>Write animation script, AI does everything from rigging to keyframes
>Create a 3d model, AI creates a painting based of it
Simply already creating something from scratch will put you at an advantage compared to others since they are forced to iterate from starting set to get what they want.
AI will empower artist to create more stuff which ofcourse inflates the market.
THe people with best ideas will be set to gain money.

Anonymous No. 954355

>THe people with best ideas will be set to gain money.
but they will just rip you off mercilessly and without consequence as no one will obey copyright laws

Anonymous No. 954362

Blender Market is literally selling out the entire 3d community to some corpo for AI training by the end of this month

save this post

Anonymous No. 954364

what do you mean?

Anonymous No. 954369

lol. AI can't even make decent pictures
for extreme cases such as flexible poses or multiple people in a shot. it's gonna take 30, not 3. blender, maya, max and houdini are multipurpose workstations that solve specific problems. if AI can't do it as well, it's pointless. if the topology tools were AI trained, you would need an AI model for it to do the topology you want for each model type such as characters or creatures.

stop hyping AI. it's a good tool for specific purpose when it comes to text completion, or drafting some ideas on a rough storyboard, or just for scratching notes in general, but nothing beyond that. never tie your final result to AI unless you made the model yourself, otherwise it's not gonna be as finely tuned as you want it to be.

Anonymous No. 954370

workstations are evolving, friend. Evolve too, or get in line at the soup kitchen

Anonymous No. 954454

they’ve contacted the bigger model vendors at their marketplace and are collecting a hunge number of 3d models to sell to someone bigger than them for ai training. Probably nvidia but not sure about that 100%. They want to finalize by the end of August.

Anonymous No. 954457

you're full of shit

Anonymous No. 954468

it will be in the open in the next 2-3 weeks when it's probably too late to do anything. As I wrote, save this post and monitor the 3d news in August.

I know this from one of the market vendors who got an email from them

Anonymous No. 954469

so you're "leaking" classified info, aka snitching. Get out of here kid

Anonymous No. 954470

classified by who, the government? from what I know they didn't sign any NDA's with anyone which is the funny part. but they're also keeping it secret from the 3d community

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Anonymous No. 954471

shooo, snitch

Anonymous No. 954472

if I'm snitching then they must be doing something objectively wrong, right?

Anonymous No. 954473

stop snitchposting

Anonymous No. 954474

just chill and w8 m8

Anonymous No. 954476

I am so so sorry, but Blendermarket will not just pull the rug out and use the models to replace the whole marketplace. You are delirious

Anonymous No. 954479

they don't own any models, that's why they're reaching out to vendors on their platform and asking them to partake. individual 3d artists who own the models have to agree to participate in that of course, but it's Blendermarket who organizes it behind closed doors (not sure how many vendors they've reached out to with this deal).

Anonymous No. 954480

no one will sign up for this, bub. You are in for a rude awakening

Anonymous No. 954481

idk if anyone will sign up and I don't care that much desu. it's just ironic who organizes it and tries to make it happen

Anonymous No. 954482


Anonymous No. 954488

you would be surprised how shortsighted people are

Anonymous No. 954809

Hey /3/ what's up
I haven't been using blender for a couple of years now and I've been out of the loop
Did something big happen? Did AI have any impact on blender? Any noticable new features? I feel so lost

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Anonymous No. 954841

ChatGPT makes it easier to write plugins in Python.
There is a plugin that adds basic texture generation feature with Stable Diffusion (Dream textures).
That's about it, nothing revolutionary so far - just toys to play around with a bit.

Anonymous No. 954997

Cris made another model.

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Anonymous No. 955032


This was 7 months ago, not only has the depth model and SD in general gotten significantly better, but it's continuing to get better with every single release. SDXL just dropped and now offer even higher resolution generations.

AI did produce this for this guy, but it's exactly what he actually had in mind because he built the world in blender first to give it something to work with.

You're delusional and irrational if you think it just stops here.

Anonymous No. 955036

give me one reason why i should use blender over softimage.

Anonymous No. 955069

AI needs huge amounts of data. The more features you have, the more data you need.
2D pics are available in vast amounts (build crawler for images, download them, let them be labelled by indians for a few bucks an hour) and consist of 3 or 4d matrices (RGB and probably an alpha).
With 3d stuff on a somewhat high quality, you don't have remotely as much data easily available, especially because you often have to pay money for good 3d models and animations but you need humongous amounts of data since you'd have to train a model for every thing independently. e.g
>Modelling: Rigging, Mapping, I'm a noob so don't know much stuff on top of my head there.
>Sculpting: Relations between vertices to show the correct form, limiting amount of resources, making things smooth, again, not an expert
Then you also have to label shit and somehow make all these things work together
Not saying it is impossible, but the only ones likely to pull it off would be companies who have a huge pool of data, have little variance and need new stuff often enough to make sure it actually is cheaper than hiring some 3d fag to make it worth the while even when calculating the project net present value.
TL;DR rather unlikely
t. student of this shit

Anonymous No. 955070

Ok show me

Anonymous No. 955071

Gargle my nutz


Anonymous No. 955295

>3 years
lol maybe 30 years.

Anonymous No. 957098

It will be more like 6 to 10 years but yes, it will happen.

Anonymous No. 957121

Its going to happen sooner or later. They want to be able to basically play god with ai. Cant have fully automated mobile construction drones design and build whatever you tell them to if they cant make a 3D blueprint.

Anonymous No. 957142


Anonymous No. 957239

It's already happening.
Text-to-animation generation via AI.
First artists become obsolete, then musicians, up next are animators. What's next after?

Anonymous No. 957240

>It's already happening.
It's not happening, it's just the technology being developed, it's not like it's gonna appear out of thin air, but right now it's too shitty to replace anything, it will take 6to10y until we see actual mass replacement

Anonymous No. 957252

this is useless

Anonymous No. 957518

siiiigh, guys. C'mon, learn a little something from the struggle and pain the Luddites went through. Their name is an insult these days, but they had a very legit problem. Autolooms took their jobs.

But you need to know the details. They were middle-class professional guilders. Weaving was a valuable skillset . A whole hell of a lot of people were employed to work the autolooms.... but it was street urchins. Children. Cheap, expendable, replaceable. When they were hurt in this pre-OSHA hellscape, they just went and got another child. Like a broken cog.

I mean, fuck dude, look at this tool. That shit ain't easy and quick. It's a tool. But rather than modelers and animators, it'll be 2 year tech school grads and masses of unschooled Indians. The horror the luddies went through is from their skillset becoming worthless.

The industrial revolution was an overall good thing, just like generative AI. But it'll be a real kick in the pants for people who invested into things which can now be automated. Just like last time.

Anonymous No. 957530

>The industrial revolution was an overall good thing, just like generative AI
Sorry but theft isnt a good thing. Try again.

Anonymous No. 958593

AI can, or is, learning 3D from 2D images. The AI technology that will let us prompt 3D models won't be trained on vast amounts of 3D models like the image models were. Also with 3D models, the geometry itself, you can have an AI interpolate assets and create variations to learn from anyway. Basically you're wrong. There already are 3D models, 2D diffusion models have some idea about the 3D world, and modelers will be joining the artists soonish.

Anonymous No. 958594

It isn't theft.

Anonymous No. 958605

anyone tried or similar?