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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 954513

If 3D is used everywhere for different fields then why, according to you guys, there are no jobs and the pay is shit?

Anonymous No. 954514

this board only 3d models. All 3d modelling jobs are outsourced to developing countries like vietnam, india, china. You dont 3d model in the USA.

Anonymous No. 954515

Because no one here actually works in the field, it's pretty obvious based on the useless software war threads. Most people here are just trying to gatekeep desperately because they can't model for shit. Just keep doimg your shit and ignore the career "advice" here....

Anonymous No. 954519

What other fields of 3D have jobs according to you? I don't like modeling much as well

Anonymous No. 954520

This place is squatted by mentally ill retards that make it impossible to have any kind of productive conversation. Also a lot of people here are beginners and when they stop being beginners they move to better places.

Anonymous No. 954521

learn high end rigging, simulation, grooming, and texturing

Anonymous No. 954523

You mean Houdini stuff?
I don't link working in VX but that sort of editing is kinda fun though

Anonymous No. 954524


Anonymous No. 954526

>Finite Element Analysis
Oh, I'm not an engineer though but that looks interesting.

Anonymous No. 954527

>finite element method (FEM)

Anonymous No. 954532

There is also the 3DSMax SFX side, no A.I can copy that and it's very demanding in the job. The worst part about it tough is the demanding impossible jobs things bosses tell you to make, so you'll have to fake it to them.

There is another job besides common film and Tv with no coding, the post-production crew.

Still this job requires communication, working on other projects, meetings, etc. The job looks easy but not really for everyone.

Anonymous No. 954550

not true, big detailed assets are always modelled in-house, it's mostly the filler garbage that is outsourced

Anonymous No. 954554

Then how come all the high-skilled individuals on this board can't find jobs?

Anonymous No. 954560

Beginner here.

Confirmed. I hate all of you.

Anonymous No. 954618

>they move to better places.
there are no better places, unless you are talking about being hired into a team you will be working with

Anonymous No. 954629

10k hours facebook group. No other place has all the pros in one location. Even all the 2d artists are in there like Vilppu. Last time I was there was when the admin wanted to close the group for good but I haven't browsed there lately.

Anonymous No. 954633

with Plasticity the outsourced modelling floor has been raised, desu

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Anonymous No. 954635

>facebook group

Anonymous No. 954641

The fact you don't take me seriously means you were never serious about 3d to begin with. Kys and please take the board along with you.

Anonymous No. 954644

keep dreaming

Anonymous No. 954656

most experienced pros are old boomers so why is that surprising to you? considering that boomer tier gif you are not in position to criticize facebook communities

Anonymous No. 954658

Speak for yourself, we are doing just fine.

Anonymous No. 954681

>boomer tier gif
t. crayon iq

Anonymous No. 954693

speak english newfag

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Anonymous No. 955134


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get real.gif

Anonymous No. 955301

pay is shit because artists are spineless cowards who would pay to work, which they will in the future

guaranteed mf'ers will pay just so they can see their stupid bitch names in the credits

I'm tired getting undercut by these low ballin', let me work for pennies on the dollar faggots


Anonymous No. 955302

that doesnt make any sense. Living near a studio in california is one of the most expensive areas of America