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๐Ÿงต Textbooks

Anonymous No. 954543

Would you recommend a self-learner to start with textbooks? I was hoping to build a rigorous foundation for my skills; are the tutorials in the sticky good enough, or should I buy (or pirate) some textbooks?

Anonymous No. 954546

>are the tutorials in the sticky good enough

Anonymous No. 954547

Have you taken a class? Can you recommend a textbook?

Anonymous No. 954571

Go to Buy tuts when they're on sale at 10$ a pop. You're welcome

Anonymous No. 954574

Do not buy from scam websites like Udemy, Just get a copy of an official Maya handbook and learn it that way. You can also learn officially from Maya themselves in their own website.

Anonymous No. 954636

do not listen to this guy. He doesn't know what he is talking about.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 954650

coursera has some maya classes you can audit for free

Anonymous No. 954682

Udemy is garbage. Their instructors are just not any good. If you learn from shit artists, you learn making shit art. It's better to find someone who makes great stuff, and watch how they do it.

Anonymous No. 954683

arrimus is literally on udemy you tourist. Get off of my board

Anonymous No. 954684

That's a good reason to avoid them.

Anonymous No. 954685

t. tourist

Anonymous No. 954702

Thanks guys, I'll check out arrimus on Udemy and the Maya handbook.