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Anonymous No. 954624

i hate it!!!!!! aaaaa!!!

Anonymous No. 954651

I do to, but sadly there are no alternatives

Anonymous No. 954652

use industry standard tools

also, stay in your lil containment thread

Anonymous No. 954674

The industry standard doesn’t have a working modifier stack.

Anonymous No. 954677

You dont know what you are talking about

Anonymous No. 954678

I really wish they'd just rip off Cinema 4D's outliner 1:1. It's much better and user friendlier.

Anonymous No. 954689

>no groups
But fortunately, Blender has a superior option. It's actually very simple, all you need to do is add an empty, select all the objects, add the empty to the selection, open the parent menu, parent to object, select the empty, right click it in the outliner, select hierarchy, shift click the disable selection toggle, and then click the disable selection toggle (remember to enable that toggle in the filter menu first). And when you want to use the group you just remember to select the empty instead, open the select group menu, and select children every time. Far more powerful and convenient.

Anonymous No. 954690

jesus fc thats a lot of steps, blendlet

Anonymous No. 954692

It's fine, you just call the whole procedure "parent to empty" when you're talking to people who think you should be able to group objects by selecting them and pressing control-G or something dumb like that.

Anonymous No. 954694

the absolute state of blendlets

Anonymous No. 954700

A similar technique lets you put the 3D cursor inside an object. Create an empty, move the empty, snap the cursor to the empty, delete the empty. Obviously that's much simpler and faster than selecting the 3D cursor itself.

Anonymous No. 954711

It just looks like you don't know how to organize. A good start would be to give everything a descriptive, yet brief, name, and to put objects into different collections based on what they are, what they are associated with, etc. If you have a mesh in one collection and parent it to an armature (or presumably any other object) in another collection, the mesh will appear both under the armature and in its predesignated collection.

Anonymous No. 954718

Blunder cannot even get the outliner right; what chance does it have becoming industry standard?

Anonymous No. 954768

Wait, am I missing something, why not just use the Collections? (Which are literal groups).

Anonymous No. 954774

Collections don't do much within the 3D view. You can use collections in a similar way to empty parents, with all the complexity of >>954689, but it's worse because collections don't have a physical representation you can interact with. Collections are intended for visibility management, not grouping objects. Objects can be in multiple collections at once, so collections are not literal groups like in sanely designed software.

Anonymous No. 954778

You haven’t used maya, the industry standard.

Anonymous No. 954881

Zbrush is also an industry standard. Does it make it good?

Anonymous No. 954883

Blender has four different ways to group objects, there's: Parenting, Groups, Collections and Scenes. None of those schemes are implemented correctly and they all interfere with each other.

I suspect the ZBrush community beats the Blender community in the number and density of high level weirdos. Do they even see you a license if you're not LGBTQIPA+ friendly or if you don't like the idea of the Third Temple being rebuilt?

Anonymous No. 954887

Zbrush is great and is used for 99.999% of organics in production. Also, post your work.

Anonymous No. 955181

>select object/vertex
>shift+s, 2


>because collections don't have a physical representation you can interact with.

What do you mean here? I'm bewildered.

Anonymous No. 955195

>shift+s, 2
That puts the cursor on the object's origin, which is not always inside the object. You should be able to use standard transformation shortcuts to move the cursor. If no object is selected (alt+a), the cursor should count as selected.
>What do you mean here?
Unlike empties, collections only exist in the outliner. You can't click them in the 3D view to select and use transformation shortcuts on them.

Anonymous No. 956520

having gone from blender to maya, modifier stack isnt needed.

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Anonymous No. 956535

TLDR version of >>954689

Anonymous No. 956674

Visibility control has nothing to do with grouping as conventional software defines it.

Anonymous No. 956733

go to /g/ if you want to debate programming lol

Anonymous No. 957391

name stuff and add it to collections?