๐งต Honey Select Cards
Anonymous at Sun, 13 Aug 2023 10:57:21 UTC No. 955001
I am thinking about an online 3d porn game and would like to be compatible with all the creative work that people put into designing honey select and koikatsu cards.
But there are some important questions that have to be clarified before:
1. In which file format is the 3d information stored within the PNG files?
2. Which encryption or compression method do they use?
3. Is the file scheme open source or are they licensed?
Anonymous at Sun, 13 Aug 2023 11:23:12 UTC No. 955003
The cards don't contain any 3D data, just a list (probably something like JSON or maybe a simple custom format) of all body/face, hair, clothes and accessories parts. Each item entry includes relevant slider positions, colors, etc. They can contain textures too IIRC (probably in base64 form), but I don't remember for sure.
The game reads that data from the card and assembles the character from the assets it has (official or modded in).
Anonymous at Sun, 13 Aug 2023 22:41:36 UTC No. 955042
>>955003 Thanks for the info. So, it could be recreated by setting the parameters of a standard female and male model.
Would be great to summarize here some advices to realize it as frontend web app. So, with JavaScript (TypeScript) nor WASM. To make a different, it should run in the browser on every platform (including VR glasses).
Anonymous at Mon, 14 Aug 2023 20:38:55 UTC No. 955145
This is a poor approach.
You should design your own system and data structures.
Even if the model is intended to look the same-ish I guarantee you're going to have gripes with the way they do things, and differences between games.
Write a card loader which requires a functioning honey select game
It should read information from the cards, retrieve all of the relevant mod data, and then export it into your data format of choice. Personally I think webm would be the patrician's choice considering your target audience
Anonymous at Mon, 14 Aug 2023 20:40:31 UTC No. 955146
The reason you need a functioning game btw is because the anon above said these cards may contain references to objects on disk which will obviously be a problem if the cards are standalone
Anonymous at Mon, 14 Aug 2023 21:30:21 UTC No. 955152
Guys these games are gonna stop existing in like 4 days. Just forget about them.
Anonymous at Wed, 16 Aug 2023 14:35:49 UTC No. 955317
github: CttCJim/HS2CharEdit
L1282: btnOpenFile_Click --> LoadCard
>Processing starts
L1345: LoadCard --> stat.LoadData
>Data is extracted
>LoadData is called for every known "stat" (yes, this seems inefficient to me)
>LoadData searches the bytes for the desired "stat" and returns the value
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Aug 2023 08:34:20 UTC No. 955624
Honestly you should try doing something from scratch with a similar approach.
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:42:37 UTC No. 955854
>I am thinking about an online 3d porn game and would like to be compatible with all the creative work that people put into designing honey select and koikatsu cards.
same but also with all the work put into skyrim mods
>You should design your own system and data structures.
Could use something compatible with Daz and leverage all the content on smutbase, or MPFB and leverage makehuman (makehuman assets are like PS2 tier but could get better).
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:59:59 UTC No. 955858
The problem with MH is how they are still in limbo, focused on the addon variant of the project but also completely abandoned the standalone when it comes to documentation and further support.
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Sep 2023 09:25:15 UTC No. 956809
Honey Come just got dumped and their character creator is different yet again
Overall an improvement upon their previous works. This one prioritizes being able to achieve various anime styles.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Sep 2023 03:21:29 UTC No. 957229
I love her UwU