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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 955044

>finally attempt to learn blender
>open of that cool beginner blender tutorial I've been putting off for 10 years
>everything in the tutorial is outdated
>get stuck at step 2

Anonymous No. 955046

just download the old tutorial and use internet archive if it has been removed

Anonymous No. 955107

perfect. now you are exactly as skilled as everyone on this board who vehemently advocates it in every single situation. get to creating a dozen threads a day!

Anonymous No. 955117


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Anonymous No. 955127

OP means that the tutorial itself has become outdated because of the updates to blender since the release of the tutorial

in case OP is serious and not trolling, just look for one of the bajillions of tutorials out there.. it really just comes down to time spent in the editor after you get the basics. it can be intimidating but just spend the time learning the interface, menus, etc and don't layer in expectations i.e. this next project has to be such and such quality, just pretend you're learning to walk and accept the stumbles and shaky first steps.

Anonymous No. 955416

>maya license expires
>finally attempt to learn blender
>camera pans/rotates with different buttons than my muscle memory is used to
>immediately sperg out and quit

not sure if I should change everything so it behaves more like Maya or bite through it and embrace the new normal

Anonymous No. 955417

Isn't there a dropdown that changes viewport control keybinds to match max/maya on the splash screen and in the settings? Never touched it myself though. I started with max and when I switched to blender I manually reconfigured a lot of stuff to what I was used to in max. And I don't think it was good idea, because I prefer not to outright copy settings across versions in fear of breaking something, so every time I get a new version I need to manually rebind like 50 keys. If the dropdown doesn't work for you then you might wanna just adapt if you plan to update often.

Anonymous No. 955431

clearly the solution is to pirate maya. why would you switch from a Mercedes to a pinto?

Anonymous No. 955540

Just learn it. It is possible to know multiple ways of doing the same thing. You will be slow and it will be frustrating for a few days but once you learn the blender defaults, you will be able to switch from maya to blender and vice versa with ease

Anonymous No. 955550

Blender is not a good choice at all, it’s always better to pick or buy anything but blender.

Anonymous No. 955648

I’ve been looking but like no reputable sources have it, or the ziva plugin

Anonymous No. 955668

Just change the shortcuts whenever possible. One thing you should get used to is using all the shortcuts instead of clicking buttons or marking menus.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 955674

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1289
Butt Stacking Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 956373

Damn. This reminds me of how Pepe basically started out as a 'feels bad man' meme.
Nice (and rare) Pepe btw.

Anonymous No. 956430

Blender has visual gizmos if you want to control the camera like in C4D in 2.8 and newer. I don't know how Maya does it.

Anonymous No. 956436

What other open source software exists?

Which are specifically for games?


Anonymous No. 956437

What works for me while learning Godot is:
1. Walk through the simplest tutorial (pong) I can find on YouTube, doing the work in tandem with the presenter.
2. Go through the tutorial again and look up the code documentation for literally everything he mentions. Function header, parameters, return values.
3. Go back to the code and slightly modify it, adding new features and asking questions of others on the Godot chat/steam/discord/etc.
4. Continue adding new features until I'm satisfied.
5. Increment the complexity of the tutorial to find on YouTube and repeat from step 1. So Snake is next. Then space invaders. Then tetris. Then mario. Then final fantasy 1. Then zelda 1. Then I'm actually making games I want.

My background is in romhacking/modding, and I have about 1.5 years of community college for computer science under my belt, so maybe I have an advantage here.

Try taking a class on Blender if you feel it will improve your motivation, then follow my "tutorial extended into project" learning model.

I was really burned out from a shitty school, I know how hard it is overcoming a mental/emotional block and the resulting urge to procrastinate. What works for me is refusing to hate myself, to love myself the way my parents should have loved me. It's possible to nurture yourself, and once you learn you will have a power few others do.

Beyond that, I make and remake organized lists of things to do, and pay attention to what tasks throw me off my routine/workflow. Something as simple as having an reference book for the software you use (physical or pirated) reduces cognitive bottlenecks brought on by google searches.

Anonymous No. 957679

Im on video 4 and ive never wanted to murder a tutorial guy more ij my whole life
I feel like you gotta use a half a dozen guys to get anywere, i got indian, russian, american, and british

Anonymous No. 957681

>know how hard it is overcoming a mental/emotional block and the resulting urge to procrastinate
Im not SAYING that its for everyone, but i got kinda high and grinded for like 8 hours straight, making more progress than jn like 5 years

Anonymous No. 960230

There's a keymap called "Industry Standard" that makes Blender behave more like, well, industry standard.
Only shitty part is that it changes pretty much every other hotkey as well, so Blender tutorials become a little more annoying to follow along with.

I ended up just modifying the default Blender keymap to mimic Maya's viewport navigation, keeping the rest mostly to default.

>I don't know how Maya does it.
Rotate: Alt + LMB
Zoom: Alt + RMB
Pan: Alt + MMB

Anonymous No. 960237

post the tutorial or get fuck out

Anonymous No. 960238

Get bforartists. It's a proper UI overhaul. You need to concentrate on the tools for now.

Anonymous No. 960244

I just started a course on Blender at university. I have a really good idea for a Youtube channel that hasn't been done before.

Anonymous No. 960248

A $10,000 class is teaching you something in blender then you are getting scammed. Every resource of blender is free and so is asking people. If you were doing Art or Animation sure but learning blender in school is itself a scam.

It’s not like Maya, you get free all access to Maya to learn all about it. Maya can get you a job on fields that blender can’t. You learn how expensive and how those equipment work in Maya. Blender can’t do anything with higher efficiency products because Blender never was built for it.

You need to get out of that scam school now.