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thestoff zelda hair.png

๐Ÿงต hair

Anonymous No. 955133

How do you do hair like this? Do you think it's done using 2D shapes + curves or manually?


Anonymous No. 955136

>should I just type "zbrush anime hair" into youtube and quietly improve like any other civilized person or be a nigger and spam this here?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 955139

I googled blender anime hair a billion times and watched every tutorial.
95% of them are the same technique of using curves.
I genuinely how this was done. I want to say manually but it looks like an insane amount of work with all the layering.

Anonymous No. 955140

I googled blender anime hair a billion times over the last few months and watched every tutorial.
95% of them are the same technique of using curves.
I genuinely don't know how this was done. I want to say manually but it looks like an insane amount of work with all the layering.

Anonymous No. 955153

curves + retopology
I can do something similar within 2-3 hours, it isn't anything special

Anonymous No. 955154

that doesn't look like anything that came out of zbrush, dunning kruger retard.

Anonymous No. 955170

These are curves as haircards painted that way, you have tutorials too.

Anonymous No. 955188

you can also use substance painter's SoMuchMaterials addon or paint it by hand yourself, there's a tutorial series on Artstion learning about that

Anonymous No. 955206

you didn't have to sign your post, you know?

Anonymous No. 955213



Anonymous No. 955217

>post is clearly about the fact that OP's question could have been solved with a 30 second search
>focus on trivial detail instead, miss the whole point and even act smugly

you have autism. and not the good kind.

Anonymous No. 955322

personally think its manual extruding, which is more time consuming
OP probably meant something like "how do I do this without curves"
>he assumed stylized low poly is beginner friendly
sksksksk high poly chuds stay winning

Anonymous No. 955329

I can sell you some of my chest hair. Just 3d scan it and texture it yellow.

Anonymous No. 955330

Does anyone think low poly is easier?
Should be clear enough that showing same thing with less resources is hard.

Anonymous No. 955353

Low poly is easier to make, but its harder to make it look good than high or mid poly.

Anonymous No. 955361

you don't have to samefag so much, seething retard

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Tutorial copy.jpg

Anonymous No. 955754


Anonymous No. 955758

You've just proved his point? The hair in the op is obviously poly modeled.

Anonymous No. 957761

just ask the author of the model on twitter

Anonymous No. 957794

anything thats optimised is a haircard always and forever and ever and ever again in videogaaymess.

thats handpainted haircards mixed with triface hair for volume in some places. The mesh tells you how it was made.