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๐Ÿงต Low-end graphic cards?

D No. 955419

What is the purpose of low-end graphic cards that are new and still available?

Why do companies produce them?

Are there any applications/reasons for them today?

Anonymous No. 955421

They are cheaper but still allow you to play tons of games.
It is better to keep them in stock to still appeal to poor customers instead of only offering the high end shit since otherwise you ignore a very sizable market segment. If a competitor takes over that segment they might start rivaling other segments that are very profitable for you.
Read up on some of the standard fags like Michael Porter if you wanna get a basic understanding on how businesses operate.

Anonymous No. 955430

because virtually no good games have come out in the last 20 years.

Anonymous No. 955433

You don't like videogames. Even F2P games like Cod:Warzone, Fortnite, (Project L soon), etc are better than "classic" games like HL1/2, any Halo, any Quake

Anonymous No. 955435

skill issue

Anonymous No. 955436


Anonymous No. 955439

depends what you mean by low-end
gtx 1030? pretty much useless
gtx 710? e-waste
Buying an used card would be a much better choice at that price point

Anonymous No. 955446

>gtx 710? e-waste
That's what I thought.

Anonymous No. 955447

But are there any professionals applications? A secondary system for rendering or whatever?

Anonymous No. 955451

Soon _everyone_ will be rendering on the cloud via ai for both content production and content consumption

Anonymous No. 955463

They're for office workstation boxes that have explicit but sometimes nonsensical requirements.
- could require VGA or DVI out because all the projectors and monitors use those
- could require fitting into a low-profile slot, use only a single case slot, or have a low power budget because of non-standard OEM PSU form factor
- could need to support twelve screens for lots of graphs like in stock trading or surveillance
- could require compatibility with a very specific driver for a weird non-windows OS
- could require Phys-X or OpenCL for just one design application
- could require enterprise driver features like virtualization extensions
- maybe it's just cheaper when using binned parts
- maybe we literally just need MS office and don't give a fuck about the task bar not being transparent so the GPU doesn't need to support that
- what do you think drives all those TVs that play big buck bunny on loop at the electronics store?
- maybe our systems need two GPUs so that the desktop can't crash the NN training job
- nVidia made a good offer (because the higher-ups don't know intel chips already have iGPUs)
- producing e-waste is actually a security feature
- the gaming performance is deliberately shit so nobody will steal these things
- office equipment has noise level regulations so we only buy things with passive cooling
- where am I supposed to plug my wacom if my GPU doesn't have USB-C?
etc etc

Anonymous No. 955464

>- where am I supposed to plug my wacom if my GPU doesn't have USB-C?

you're so full of it

Anonymous No. 955465

As >>955451 stated, complex things are not done on prem much anymore, at least by medium to corporation sized companies.
If you are some pajeet who uses the old versions of photoshop you can easily get away with using equally old graphics cards since most of the tools that are important are still there.

Anonymous No. 955473

There are iGPUs today more powerful than those and don't take up a PCIe slot.

Anonymous No. 955474

exactly, nothing is a challenge anymore.

Anonymous No. 955475

they don't allow for dual monitors

Anonymous No. 955729

A graphics card is actually a combination of multiple systems encompassing graphics, such as acting as a display adapter, 3D accelerator, and media encoder, the reason the 710 is still made is because it makes for a cheap display adapter, some CPUs didn't (And some still don't) have an iGPU, a cheap card like this makes sense if you just want something to get video out of, and if the CPU is old enough the h264 decoding capabilities of the 710 may be an upgrade

Anonymous No. 955739

It used to be that only lower-end Ryzen CPUs would come with a GPU. I assume Intel Xeons may not have a GPU either.

Anonymous No. 955751

Does anyone have a 4090? Are they worth it?
I'm a poorfag with a 1080 and I'm thinking of selling everything I own to try and scrape up money for a 4090 and a computer to around it.
I recognise that it's overkill, but I want overkill after having to put with how slow my machine is.

Anonymous No. 955883

A 1080 is far from slow, if you can't make enough money with a 1080 to buy an upgrade, a 4090 won't help your situation

Anonymous No. 955892

what about a 1050?

Anonymous No. 955895

It's not particularly fast but it's not impossible to work with, using Blender as an example, it likely beats using your CPU for rendering (I doubt you'd have a newer workstation processor or a new gen i7 if you're still on a 1050), and if your work isn't making renders but making assets/characters, it's perfectly useable

Anonymous No. 955933

It's too slow to actually work in cycles and see what I'm doing.
But you're probably right.

Anonymous No. 955942

thanks, anon

Anonymous No. 955944

So use eevee you idiot

Anonymous No. 955945

brilliant idea, retard

Anonymous No. 955947

good games have come out, but not enough to justify buying a huge expensive graphic card and on the indie sides graphics aren't as demanding as the AAA slops

Anonymous No. 955948

I had to remind you, remember this

Anonymous No. 955984

I managed to scrape by enough from commissions with a 1060 6GB to afford a 3060 12 GB, just work in Eevee, do smaller test renders in Cycles to see what you're actually doing, and leave it overnight for the final render
No problem anon

Anonymous No. 955995

what kind of commissions did you do?

Anonymous No. 955997

VTuber models+a few backgrounds

Anonymous No. 956056

low end graphics cards are built out of the many defective components that get produced by accident