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๐Ÿงต Programming

Anonymous No. 955766

Would there be any possibility of using this ( ) to somehow get unreal levels to load on our opensource engine (It's in C, but it's very C++ like)? ( ) (darkplaces fork)

I looked at the code and it looks insane daunting (your viewer), how did you make it?
In our engine one just goes to model_brush.c adds a file handler, and then model_shared and points to that handler. But this one is so involved.

It's like wheels within wheels and we'd never beable to ever adapt it. :(
Since we don't have it in our head.

The best we were able to do recently is get obj files working as proper maps.


(2mb, our source code (GPL))
./make nexuiz
./nexuiz -xonotic

Anonymous No. 955767

I used to be an Unreal97 / UT99 mapper. So I'm interested.
Right now we can open as maps:
Quake3, Quake1 (both built in to regular dp)
Wolfenstine:Enemy Territory (and TrueCombatElite) (added by us)
obj_from_mc obj_from_bz (object files exported from minetest (opensource block game), and bzflag) (obj_from_mc can be used for any .obj export form any 3d editor: so you can map on any 3d program you want to)

We would like to do .unr too...

Anonymous No. 955768

(our source code) when we edit the source code , to add a new model format, we just can edit:
model_shared.c model_brush.c

The file handler/loader code is put in model_brush.c (though some people when they make new file handlers make their own model_x.c file), and the code to tell it to go look there is put in model_shared.c

Ex: in model_shared.c there is on line 568
if (!strcasecmp(FS_FileExtension(mod->name), "obj")) Mod_OBJ_Load(mod, buf, bufend);

And in model_brush.c there is the corrisponding on line 7524:
> void Mod_OBJ_Load(dp_model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
> {
> const char *textbase = (char *)buffer, *text = textbase;
> char *s;
> ....

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 955769

We recently got obj model working as maps, including non-standard ones exported from bzflag.
(name them .obj_from_mc or .obj_from_bz (if from minetest (bsd licensed) or bzflag).
So adding new map formats is not impossible for us. We'd like to add unreal .unr map format.
(since we have original works in that format)

Anonymous No. 955772

Posting in an ebic MikeeUSA thread

Anonymous No. 955774

When you load an entire map as an .obj file in your engine, how many FPS do you get?

Anonymous No. 956272

>When you load an entire map as an .obj file in your engine, how many FPS do you get?

60. On integrated intel.
Were you trying to be snarky?
For some reason obj is fast.

Anonymous No. 956274

If your engine can handle raw geometry without acceleration structures, then why bother?
The complexity of older map formats is due to the fact that they embed acceleration structures such as BSP trees.