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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 955816

Blendlets, I fucking kneel. I have never been treated as badly as a consumer as I have by paid 3D software.
>Zbrush phones home and does license checks while the program is active
>If you lose internet it almost instantly kicks you out
Fuck Zbrush and FUCK MAXON

Anonymous No. 955817

LOL why would you lose internet and have your power be on at the same time? It's almost 2024

Anonymous No. 955818

> He doesn't have a backup generator

Anonymous No. 955819

again, WHY would your INTERNET go out in 2024 - 3.5 months?

Anonymous No. 955820

> Electricity shortages in Europe
> Infrastructure failures and blackouts in America

Anonymous No. 955821

It's ironic how Pixologic used their monopoly position to sell themselves to Maxon, which in turn uses the monopoly position to harass and humiliate honest customers. A competitor cannot arrive soon enough, although it may be a kind of corporation that in face of competition hates its users more and more.

Anonymous No. 955822

>> Infrastructure failures and blackouts in America
I haven't lost internet ever in America.

You are lying and trying to make the blender foundation look good when in reality we all know it is shit compared to ZB

Anonymous No. 955824

> No one ever gets shot in America, look I haven't been shot yet

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Anonymous No. 955825


Anonymous No. 955827

I'm beginning to understand why so few ZBrush users identify as male.

Anonymous No. 955829

>says the "force" behind Into the Spiderverse 1/2

Anonymous No. 955830

> No, no, no, bad things cannot happen to me REEEEEE
Do you have an emergency food and fuel supply? Do you have a weapon? Do you even have Starlink to tweet about freezing to death during your first blackout?

Anonymous No. 955831

I am desperate for the sculpting in Blender to get better. What Maxon has done with Zbrush (Pixologic was already awful) is fucking outrageous and the product is only getting more annoying to use. The hula hoops you have to jump through with the Maxon app and installer actively makes me want to never touch it again but I can't switch when features wise, it's sadly still the best.

Anonymous No. 955832

will you stop schizo posting

Anonymous No. 955834

Are Mudbox or 3Dcoat even close?

Anonymous No. 955835

mudbox, 3dcoat, and blender are many years behind

Anonymous No. 955836

I have no idea what a "Spiderverse 1/2" is and I would like you not to tell me.

Anonymous No. 955837

Its the ONLY profitable movie that blender has ever been used on you moron

Anonymous No. 955839

a quick search gave me no results for alleged telephone calls and the always online stuff is irrelevant as you can work on a cracked version on a strictly offline pc. still buying the perpetual license soon, blendertards.

Anonymous No. 955840

>Thinks phone home = telephone call
Anon... You are not going to make it

Anonymous No. 955844

Either ESL or dumbass

Anonymous No. 955846

giggling like a little schoolgirl over this retard

Anonymous No. 955848

The problem is there's not many people in that development space with experience in it
Those who leave Maxon tend to be burned out on sculpting and try to reorient elsewhere

Anonymous No. 955849

>electricity shortages in Europe
UK isn't Europe
Brexit means Brexit

Anonymous No. 955850

You didn't block it with your firewall?

Anonymous No. 955851

Spiderverse was used with Maya, 3Ds and Adobe Products. Stop lying about it, blender had nothing in spiderverse movie.

Anonymous No. 955855

Is it the one with evil pregnant trans woman?

Anonymous No. 955856

shoulda got mudbox dude

Anonymous No. 955857

There were shortages in Europe as well, of both fuel and electricity. Switzerland supposedly demanded people to limit heating, in Italy there were discussions, but in the end it was fine. In my town in France there was no electricity for one night, which, in an apartment building without gas, is pretty unpleasant.

Anonymous No. 955867

There was no such thing and Blender can’t be movie ready. The file format isn’t PNG or JPG, it’ll never become acceptable tif format

Anonymous No. 955875

>Retard bought stuff from maxon
>Retard updated to latest version from maxin sneaking in tracker

pick your brain, and wonder where did you go wrong.

Anonymous No. 955876

Nothing wrong with maxon or zb. The new updates are great. If you want open source, you wont get a job in this industry and will be wage slaving for all eternity. My suggestion is to buy a sub now and dont waste any more time on what ifs

🗑️ Anonymous No. 955884

>the new upgrades are great
>'buy' subscription
nigger faggot detected

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Anonymous No. 955888

What exactly is Blender missing that Zbrush has over it besides performance?

Anonymous No. 955890

>wont get a job in this industry
>will be wage slaving for all eternity
So which is it

Anonymous No. 955893

You can get a job, but not in The Industry

Anonymous No. 955894

Zbrush is a specialist app. It will always be better. Look at the changelog.

Anonymous No. 955896

Okay but can you answer the question?

Anonymous No. 955897


if its good enough for him, its good enough for me

Anonymous No. 955898

>literal who switches to blender because he's dumb to pirate zbrush so I will too!

Anonymous No. 955899

i pirated it and it works fine

Anonymous No. 955907

Changelog. Did i stutter?

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Anonymous No. 955909

Blender also has a changelog genius.

Anonymous No. 955914

Holy shit, how dystopian. And the Industry(tm) is okay with this?

Anonymous No. 955916

Yes and? Zb is industry standard

Anonymous No. 955917

Let's not not make jokes about ZBrush and changelogs because ZBrush can sometimes change a lot more than that in its users.

Anonymous No. 955920

>he doesnt know nikolay


Anonymous No. 955921

He is the very definition of a literal who.

Anonymous No. 955923

>besides performance?
I like the extract brushes, repeat last relative, the curve stroke is better because it is object based, all the other things are more or less in the sculpt branch or in addons, blender should have their own box cutter and hard ops to me, yes, you can pirate them but it is not the same, and I've seen the new node brushes, that could be great if they pack a couple of examples inside blender.

Anonymous No. 955924

Notice how you dont even say sculpt layers or morph brush from history, you crayon

Anonymous No. 955927

>sculpt layers
you have an addon to fake that, i Haven't tried it and I suppose the performance is horrible.
> morph brush from history
Dobarro was working on Keymesh too, I suppose it is on the sculpt branch.

Anonymous No. 955928

>I suppose it is on the sculpt branch.

Anonymous No. 955929


Anonymous No. 956518

Stand up anon. Dont let shitty corporate drm cloud your vision.
When your car breaks down, do you kneel to kids on their bicycles? No? Then stand up. Fix that car like an adult and get back to driving in style.
Theres always a fix, and theres always sailing the persian seas if need be.

Anonymous No. 956519

anon zbrush is the same zbrush. maxon just added drm to it. shove it to maxon and pirate it. zbrush is essentially finished software.