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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956043

AI literally wont replace 3D artists, it will literally save hours and months of work, lmao.

Anonymous No. 956044

I don't care

Anonymous No. 956045

AI told me that there's a special place in hell for jannies.

Anonymous No. 956049

OP literally loves the word literally

Anonymous No. 956052

ai literally wont replace truck drivers, it will literally save hours and months of work, lmao

Anonymous No. 956053

retards like you can't into basic writing techniques.

Anonymous No. 956061

If you want to debate inform yourself research and make your points.
Otherwise: Back to /g/ plz

Anonymous No. 956141


Anonymous No. 956149

you'll be replaced much sooner than you can imagine

Anonymous No. 956221

The demand for 3D modelers will contract for sure

Anonymous No. 956226

>AI literally wont replace 2D artists, it will literally save hours and months of work, lmao.
>They can't make hands!!!!
here we go again! /3/ is the new /ic/

Anonymous No. 956229

I want to generate 3D models of objects but I don't know a thing about modelling.
What's currently the most promising text-to-3D model AI tool available now?

Anonymous No. 956236

AI is why I got into 3D Modeling but so far it hasn't been useful outside of concept images. Maybe im just behind

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Anonymous No. 956237

dont be sillily i can do it better wiht my right arm only.

Anonymous No. 956238

yes it maybe replaces artists but its the black mail video you cant show your granny or your mom.

Anonymous No. 956246


Anonymous No. 956316

how many slices of cheese are on the top burger?

Anonymous No. 956318

nobody would ever notice that. The time and cost savings are worth it for such unnoticable "mistakes"

Anonymous No. 956320

it was literally the first thing i noticed about it

besides the ketchup on the cheese

and no tomato

and double lettuce

Anonymous No. 956321

enough. Soon all hand modelling you seen on a screen will be a thing of the past, like the dodo

Anonymous No. 956379

op is literally a cocksucking faggot
just yesterday, he literally unzipped my pants to reveal my giant dong, and then literally started jerking and sucking it

Anonymous No. 956392

I absolutely love the fact that these "AI is taking yer job" comparisons are always done against shit tier quality product.

"hey guys! take a look at this drawing my 5 year old niece made. now look at the same subject but drawn by an AI. from this comparison we can conclude there will be no need for human artists in 6 months time."

clown behaviour.

Anonymous No. 956393

I'm an environment artist and I specialize in an older game engine that still has a lot of demand but not a lot of developers so it will always require humans to create stuff for, so no gay eye will ever know all the tricks, especially when I know I know some things about the engine that no one else knows.

Anonymous No. 956429

That cheese looks absolutely fucking terrifying and disgusting

Anonymous No. 956471

>AI literally wont replace 3D artists
Yes it will. If anyone can prompt the models artists won't be important. There will be infinite repositories for 3D models. I'll make 99999999 for free myself.

Anonymous No. 956478

No, it wont.

Anonymous No. 956498

I would rather do the hours and months of work. There is no reason to be anywhere near an artistic field if you feel otherwise.

Anonymous No. 956502

There is currently no ai tool that can create an actually 3d object, such as polygons. Only images for now

Anonymous No. 956602

There are a whole bunch. Google "text-to-3d model ai".

Anonymous No. 956605

>text-to-3d model ai
yes but is any of them gonna give me an actual 3d model that i can work on

Anonymous No. 956606

they are fucking awful. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Anonymous No. 956651

Just like photography replaced landscape and portrait artists. Just like cars made horses go extinct. Just like radio killed newspapers.
I'm sorry that you're a coward.

Anonymous No. 956714


Anonymous No. 956726


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Anonymous No. 956759

>ai burger
>Bronzed bread
>Extra cheese
>Extra glorious looking lettuce
>Delicious seeds on buns

>Human burger
>Sad, bland bread
>Pathetic worm patties
>Just two slices of cheese
>Lettuce looks like green paper
>Seeds look like cum droplets

You niggers don't understand, ai is trying to give you a good burger but you all prefer that whammy burger slopjob

Anonymous No. 956871

AI can't replace artists because it relies on the input of human artists to generate composited images.

Anonymous No. 956949

This lol the ai one looks better

Anonymous No. 957940

Ive been using AI for concept images, it feels like a cheat code. Once you model it you can put it back in for more ideas/colouring lighting etc.

Anonymous No. 958010

Like you wouldn't eat breakfast there if you had the chance.

Anonymous No. 958078

You obviously don't know what literally means

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Anonymous No. 958080

>You want me to eat *this*?

Anonymous No. 959437

wow that will help many artists

Anonymous No. 959721

can ai sculpt a big tiddy girl?

Anonymous No. 959742

Made me chuckle