🧵 Geometry nodes are terrible and blender devs were on crack when they made it
Anonymous at Wed, 23 Aug 2023 21:23:04 UTC No. 956072
>Other program: Code something, turn it into a loop, repeat
>Blender: wEll ayckshually nodes are MaTh bAsEd
Why is there no fucking for loop
Why is the flow of operations so convoluted
Their shit is fucking retarded, why was it so hard to design a regular stack like every other node-based program on earth?
Anonymous at Wed, 23 Aug 2023 21:30:02 UTC No. 956073
Geometry Nodes is a tech demo that was introduced in support of the Ton's beard generator feature. What do you expect?
Anonymous at Wed, 23 Aug 2023 22:01:18 UTC No. 956078
please tell me what you want to do and how it fails.
Anonymous at Wed, 23 Aug 2023 22:36:16 UTC No. 956080
Quite simply, there's no for loops in geometry nodes. Everything is either singular data or a field attribute (for example, XYZ transforms for several vertices).
This means you can't do serial or parallel operations on your shit.
Let's say I wanna do something simple, like bevel some cubes by 10% of their size (so a 10cm cube would get a 1cm bevel). The order of operations would be as follow
>get cube
>get cube width
>bevel cube by (cube width/10)
So far so good. Now you're probably looking to turn that into a function.
If this were any other program:
>inputs: cube
>outputs: beveled cube
You'd have a function, feed multiple cubes into it, the code would run once for each cube, and bevel them.
Not in geometry nodes. You can't do that. Like, straight up. That functionality's missing. No bueno.
What you need to do instead is remake your graph to handle serialization from the get-go.
>Feed all your cubes into a single geometry buffer (you are forced to do this).
>Index them.
>Calculate the bounds of each cube in advance, and link it to the index
>Pray the node that does bevels can handle fields (otherwise you just can't. You can't do it.)
(This is a hypothetical example. Geometry nodes are unable to do bevels yet.)
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Aug 2023 00:47:40 UTC No. 956086
>Why is there no fucking for loop
There is a repeat node in 4.0 alpha, use it if you need it.
>Why is the flow of operations so convoluted
It shares about half of the operations with shader nodes, the rest is understanding that evaluation happens at nodes that take a geometry input.
>Their shit is fucking retarded, why was it so hard to design a regular stack like every other node-based program on earth?
As opposed to what? It's always a dangled mess if you experiment.
If you'd like to try procedural modelling without that try OpenSCAD. You write a script and that's it. Only useful for things like 3D printing though.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Aug 2023 01:51:45 UTC No. 956094
>the rest is understanding that evaluation happens at nodes that take a geometry input.
Damn, I'd never noticed but yeah. That does clear things up a bit.
I wish we had something like Blenderguru but instead of making tutorials that get you started as fast as possible, he reads from the documentation.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Aug 2023 01:57:24 UTC No. 956095
nodes suck. they should have just worked on the modifier stack.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Aug 2023 02:11:17 UTC No. 956097
geometry nodes are only for hobbyists that do shitty abstract work they post on reddit.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Aug 2023 07:08:18 UTC No. 956110
Whoever came up with the idea of coding with boxes and noodles deserves to be shot.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Aug 2023 07:26:56 UTC No. 956111
Either we're living during the infancy of geometry nodes and they'll get better from here or you just have to learn to work around the limitations of them. If you want to make the most out of Geonodes right now, you have to script them using Python.
I've been bashing my head against geonodes for the past few weeks.
Anonymous at Fri, 25 Aug 2023 13:49:22 UTC No. 956211
you can just script them. even chatgpt can do that for you
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 01:08:29 UTC No. 956248
Wtf is the blender foundation doing anyway. People only use the app because it’s the only free alternative to modeling, animation, sculpting, and now Houdini. Yet they put all their effort into developing their precious cycles renderer, which btw is only ever used for YouTube thumbnails. It also boggles my mind how epic games can act pro blender with a straight face when importing/exporting (apparently blenders fbx exporter is wholeheartedly fucked) is a pain in the ass and animation is impossible. Bungie appears to be using blender for Destiny or at least some parts of it, which is a fucking miracle.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 01:54:39 UTC No. 956249
>I wish we had something like Blenderguru but instead of making tutorials that get you started as fast as possible, he reads from the documentation.
If you would watch videos from outside of the small group of mainstream ecelebs you follow there are plenty of people doing this
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023 06:15:24 UTC No. 956265
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Aug 2023 00:06:46 UTC No. 956370
They were called apps long before iPhones and mobile applications existed, zoomie.
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Sep 2023 14:14:53 UTC No. 957010
What point are you trying to make?
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Sep 2023 14:48:56 UTC No. 957013
So much energy spent on a rant, when a simple Google search would have answered the question.