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🧵 material nodes: different shader for flat vs. curved faces

Anonymous No. 956113

I want the curved outside of the cylinder to be red, and the flat top and bottom faces to be blue.
How do I acheive this using only material nodes? No geometry nodes, please.

I think, what I'm basically looking for is using whatever magic is hidden behind the "Auto Smooth" checkbox, just in a slightly different way.

Anonymous No. 956118

You can have more than one material for one object.

Separate blue and red into separate materials. Assign the red material to the curved surface and blue material to the top and bottom faces.

You gotta be in edit mode to assign other materials on parts of the model

Anonymous No. 956119

yea that's obvious, but I'm looking for a node based way to do it.
Like, I know the mechanic is basically there. The way I see it, Auto Smooth does the thing I'm looking for: Shading faces differently, depending on the normals of their outside vertices. I just gotta find the way to access that information, with shading notes.

Anonymous No. 956121

Just use normals

Anyway, why the fuck you wanna do it in such a ugly way? Why not just use a texture?

Anonymous No. 956122

> Just use normals
And how would I do that, exactly? As always: Using nodes?

> why the fuck you wanna do it in such a ugly way? Why not just use a texture?
Because I wanna go fully procedual. To me, the UV texture workflow is ugly

Anonymous No. 956123

just separate Z channel from normal input and do basic math

Anonymous No. 956125

can you elaborate please?
Also, would this work, no matter how the object is angled, and from which angle the camera is facing the object?

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Anonymous No. 956126

So far so good, but the lower flat face, the one not visible in the screenshot, is still blue

Anonymous No. 956128

Then it’s a sign to stop it. Just texture it like a normal human being. It’s also recommended to stop using blender if you don’t like their UV editor. No one said it was the only free software for 3D.

Anonymous No. 956130


But I guess I should have said that I spent like more than a month on this problem by now. Asking 4chan was my last resort

Anonymous No. 956144

If blender community can’t handle simple tasks and you can’t handle simple task. You should absolutely stop trying blender.

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Anonymous No. 956148

>he just plugged negative values into mix ratio
Holy shit OP just learn how to make textures and UV

Anonymous No. 956154

paint a black and white mask in texture painting and plug that image into the factor of the mix node

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Anonymous No. 956170

Add an absolute node. And you'd want to utilize a dot product (measure how much aligned two vectors are)
I also don't see why you'd want to do it that way, but good way to learn I guess.

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Anonymous No. 956172

No, learn UV like a real artist, we are called 3D "artist" for a reason.

Anonymous No. 956175

nigger, you can literally add 2 materials and separate by faces in edit mode

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Anonymous No. 956189

Holy shit, this seems to be doing the t rick. Thank you so much!

Anonymous No. 956191

Like I said: I wanted to do this fully procedual.
Why? To find out if it's possible.

Maybe I should have clarified this more from the beginning but editing UVs, painting masks, assigning shaders face by face manually is painfully inelegant to me, so yea kindly go fuck yourselves.

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Anonymous No. 956203

Thats about the skill level you'll find from people on this board. It's mostly full of morons.

Correct approach to doing this.

Nigger there's no such thing as a real artist. Doing it in shader is fine because something this trivial has no noticeable performance on the shader when it comes to render time.
You can bake the results of the dot product to vertex colours.

Anonymous No. 956207

It was never about the results or methods, you two hate UV editing because you guys are not artist. Now, you dummies are assuming it can replace art, you didn't replace art, you made it worst.

Anonymous No. 956279

How do you know how to do this shit?
I google Dot product and try and understand dot product from the wikipedia description. Lots of obscure shit but looking at the formula I get an idea.
Product of vertex pairs summed together. Simple enough. Why though? What does this give you exactly and how does it relate to solving this problem?

Anonymous No. 956280

It may give you a warning because it's not https, but it's an historic website. It's what you need to know in one page.

For math stuff, avoid Wikipedia because articles are being edited by math trolls who put unnecessary complexity in them.
It's like on this board when random people tell you that you need to do things a certain way or you'll never be hired by Studio Ghibli.

Anonymous No. 956282

you could literally do this in 2 CLICKS in Substance Painter with curvature map

Anonymous No. 956288

Or you should listen to people who are more experience and have a degree in their work instead of some random website that doesn't support https

Anonymous No. 956290

And what is your line of work? If you call a "random website" it's not computer graphics.

Anonymous No. 956298

Website clearly states it’s a personal thing and should help people. It is not someone who is an expert on the field. Also not very complete on anything 3D because it doesn’t have video showing or explaining how to turn a sphere inside out.

Anonymous No. 956305

>It is not someone who is an expert on the field.
I give up.

Anonymous No. 956307

But thanks for that video because it gave me an answer as to why a certain kind of people and jannies in general seem to be obsessed with curves continuity.

Anonymous No. 956323

I just watched some video about math in game development.
It's not necessary to understand the inner workings to use it rather than an intuitive understanding of what it does.
That's why I mentioned that a dot product is like the similarity of vector orientations.

Anonymous No. 956325

Dude, there are too many scammers in blender to even consider them experts. An expert is someone who tells you to UV to get the best results not some random software experiment mathematical algorithm.

Anonymous No. 956326

>An expert is someone who tells you to UV to get the best results not some random software experiment mathematical algorithm.
this post wont age well

Anonymous No. 956327

go ahead and waste your time doing things elegantly, which is entirely your own opinion anyways, while everyone else progresses in the craft

Anonymous No. 956328

One day somebody is going to have to explain to me why this >>956327 kind of trolling and demoralization is tolerated on this board.

Anonymous No. 956330

I've observed it many times. It's always somebody who comes here and states that he's an "industry expert" and tells you that you have to do everything manually or you're not a real artist and you'll never "improve" or "progress" and you'll never be hired at Studio Ghibli.
I've seen the same base line go by a hundred times and the jannies let it pass every single time, to the point that I suspect they're fully complicit or that it may even be them who's trolling the very few remaining people on this board who post original work.
It's just shameful. Fuck jannies.

Anonymous No. 956339

Thank you. And thank Paul Bourke for this easy to understand guide to the dot product.

Anonymous No. 956340

Trolls infest every part of this website /3/ is no different. I guess most oldfags have kind of learnt it's best just to ignore them. But you're right their inappriatness should be acknowledged lest they give the impression of authority to newfags.

Anonymous No. 956424


Anonymous No. 956463

Use the absolute value on the normal's z channel so the bottom face will be red too. Look up triplanar mapping. It's basically what you are trying to do.