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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956159

Hi anon.
Would you like to tag along while I attempt to create this model?

Anonymous No. 956160

I only care about hard surface in plasticity

Anonymous No. 956164

You're free to plappcity on my hard surface

Anonymous No. 956167

Go back

Anonymous No. 956173


Anonymous No. 956174

come on now

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Anonymous No. 956177

Face Update

I'm kinda happy with the overall volumes but it's not there yet. Gotta adjust eye area, eylashes, eyebrows, ears

Anonymous No. 956181

So far so good Anon, keep up the good work.

Anonymous No. 956200

looks good, but its not really in the same style that the illustration is in
If I were to make it I probably wouldn't have sculpted a real nose like that, and I wouldn't do actual spherical eyes either

but that's just how I would do it! I'm sure your sculpt will turn out nice

Anonymous No. 956201

>goal is to sculpt anime
>end up doing weird pseudo dreamworks shit
why do people do this

Anonymous No. 956206

following bread.
i like what i see so far.
keep it up anon.

Anonymous No. 956209

pretty good
I thought you were going to turn out to be some NGMI that can't model shit

Anonymous No. 956214

good progress. Beware of the sameface/slop trap though, experiment and exaggerate some features.

Anonymous No. 956216

>the sameface/slop trap
Never heard of such a thing before. But you're the expert, so maybe you could provide some examples of the features you would like to be exagerated?

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Anonymous No. 956217

here u go anon, this is a good example

Anonymous No. 956219

My bad. I thought you meant huge tits and ass.

Anonymous No. 956223

where's that nasolabial fold at

Anonymous No. 956224

The reference pic is done by a western artist

Anonymous No. 956228

see >>956201 and >>952444
Sameface happens a lot with people learning to draw. It's literally that, only being able to do one face for every character and not trying to grow. Their critique bubble on 'X' eats the slop though.
I see a lot of sculpts/models posted which just try to look like Fortnite or Overwatch. any of those could have rolled out of an AI prompt. It's appealing but also safe. There's no real difference between Mercy or Lifeweaver's face for example.
Add your own touches and grow your own style from things you like. The last pic you posted (albeit a WIP) could have been a Paladins character.

Anonymous No. 956240

It's not art with out those

Anonymous No. 956241

So what? It's obviously eastern inspired and OP's work doesn't resemble it at all so far.

Anonymous No. 956251

Horrible job op. You did a very very bland dreamworks, not following the reference at all. You will never ever get a job this way.

Anonymous No. 956264

sir, this imageboard is anime only sir.

Anonymous No. 956269

given that most shit these days either looks like dreamworks or fortnite I'd say he actually has an even higher chance of getting a job this way

Anonymous No. 956273

Yypu're wrong
You have to follow the assignment and reference given by the boss

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Anonymous No. 956295

Here's the rest of the body, didn't put a lot of time yet into this one because I'm currently looking for a new house.
There's still much to do, as you probably can see. There's some great and less than great criticism in the comments, thank you very much for all of those.

Thanks, anon!

>>956200 >>956201
I need to make it better overall it but I don't want to make a 1:1 of the illustration because I'm not a fan of how anime in 3D looks. The visual is perfect for 2D, but in 3D art it's weird imho. I'll try a Hapa aesthetic and draw inspiration from both for this girl, let's see how it goes. I would love the feedback, thanks anon.

Glad you like it anon!

Let's do our best anon

>>956214 >>956217
Great advice! I feel i'm too timid in my shapes, they need to be boldened.

I thinks it's implied with volumes that are better perceived with correct lighting - but then again, if you couldn't see it back then, it's an error on my part to not make it more distinguishable from the rest of the face. Also I find it weird how women in animation are seldom very infantile looking, almost as if they suddenly become 40 after their teen years.

This is some good commentary but it's hard to put into practice.
What I think about is a quote someone told me about casting actors in movies; you don't look for just beautiful people, you look for people that have a DISTINGUISHED look. Someone that you would bat an eye and remember their unique features. Maybe I (or we, as artists in general) should explore this more, hmm

I know the feeling, anon.

I don't mean to be rude, but you might have had horrible bosses, anon. If you have a good argument against creating a straight 1:1 model-to-concept, a good boss will listen and consider it. I think my argument is a valid one, specially since we are exploring possibilities with this Hapa Aesthetic.

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Anonymous No. 956296

Also, I just wanted to clarify that these three posts (this one included) are my only posts in this thread.


Anonymous No. 956302

she looks really bad here.

Anonymous No. 956303

Anon... I kneel...
How'd you get so good at modeling characters? Are there any tutorials or books you recommend? I'd like to learn how to model realistic/semi-realistic characters like your picrel. I am a beginner and I've only been modeling for three months, and any help from a master like you would be huge for me.

Anonymous No. 956308

Hopefully, she'll look better when I'm done :)

Anon, I'm not sure.
I just kept modeling in my free time. The best tutorials on sculpting I've ever seen were from a Brazilian digital sculptor named Rafa Souza.

And don't be too hard on yourself - 3 months is very early. I didn't make anything I'd consider "nice" before hitting roughly the 2-year mark.

Also, being "good" is highly relative. Art and Design are different things, so my first suggestion would be to study both and learn the difference. Some of the discussion in this thread is about that!

Anonymous No. 956315

this is ridiculously good

do you do commission work?

Anonymous No. 956317


I would!
Is there any place where you'd suggest me to sell such services?

I don't currently monetize my 3D.

Anonymous No. 956322

you better deliver op

Anonymous No. 956324

you could sell to me for my coomer game

add me on discord and we can talk rates: isekaidev

Anonymous No. 956332


Anonymous No. 956333

OP give my horny ass some news NOW!!!!!!

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Anonymous No. 956336

Jesus christ op.
>Hey everyone look I'm going to make ANIME
>Proceeds to make not anime
I wonder what's going through your head when you're sculpting that westoid nose that's clearly not present in your reference. Did you even look at it once? You even got the eye color wrong. It seems like the only thing you copied was the pointy ears and even then they're shittily defined. Ears aren't just holes.
I suck at sculpting but even I did a better job at matching the reference in just a few hours. Not going higher res or sculpting the limbs because I'm on a potato and I should be working. Stop being lazy. It's obvious you appreciate the anime aesthetic because otherwise you'd post something western-looking, stop making excuses that you "don't like it" and get good.

Anonymous No. 956341

Need more thicc.

Anonymous No. 956344

Fucking based.

Anonymous No. 956350

Damn near every sculptor that sells models for 3D printing does this shit, some not so bad and some truly horrific.

Anonymous No. 956354

op btfo

Anonymous No. 956357

>I'm going to do anime
>make westernized la creatura instead

Anonymous No. 956361


Anonymous No. 956363

>no hands
lol let me guess... no feet too?
Keep up the good work OP

Anonymous No. 956364

>lol let me guess... no feet too?
He's on a tater

Anonymous No. 956366

Who won here the Zbrush user or the Blender user?

Anonymous No. 956371

The reference doesn't have nostrils so the blender user wins. Zbrush homo would not get paid for his work.
Basically >>951946

Anonymous No. 956380

Looks like shit, 3/4 view looks especially dogshit.

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Anonymous No. 956381

>no hands
>feet cropped out

Anonymous No. 956387

Good job OP keep us updated

Anonymous No. 956388


Anonymous No. 956397

>OP so btfo he deleted his 4chan account in shame

Anonymous No. 956404

Lmao even yours tits are better than his

Anonymous No. 956426

this is a huge improvement, will you continue where OP left off?

Anonymous No. 956428

He'll be btfo by another guy and the cycle continues until we get an exact copy of the girl in OP's pic

Anonymous No. 956438

how easy and different is it to sculpt with pen? im following anime zbrush tutorial and doing it with mouse. it is manageable. but something is telling me the pen will make details magically fall in line. even if they're wrong.

Anonymous No. 956448

Is it zremeshed?

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Anonymous No. 956455

looks nice, though her face became a bit wide and baby-ish somehow
here's a shoddy liquify edit I made

Anonymous No. 956458

This looks suspiciously like 3dGuy

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Anonymous No. 956481

Ugh, I really didn't want to touch it anymore since it was just a quick sketch but you forced my hand so I quickly did the limbs, fixed the face and retopoed it. I'm not gonna do any more because I'm busy with other stuff and I don't really like how it turned out anyway. If anyone wants to try to salvage it or just laugh at how bad the sculpt is here's the link to the file. Saved using blender 2.93 if it matters any. Don't worry janny, it has no naughty bits:

You're right, I fucked up. Fixed it.

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Anonymous No. 956482

you are absolutely fucking DUNKING on op, very nice job on the model.

Anonymous No. 956483

Shes just not appealing. She would not move units. OP mogs you.

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Anonymous No. 956492

These pictures were WIPs, anon! I'm still not happy with that momentary result too, but I'll keep on improving on the sculpt until I feel it's done :) Personally I'm not a fan of the anime style in 3D, I rather the stylization that Arcane does, it's more fun to me - specially since anime doesn't allow for a lot of facial sculpture (the nose being but a pinch and the eyes being solvable with just a texture is ok, but I don't find it fun to do)

We are not competing :^)

It is much, much better to do it with a pen, anon.
Extremely more intuitive and you get a better feel for everything.

Nope, artesanal retopo

Hey anon, good to see you doing more!
If I may give you a suggestion, the proportions seem to be all over the place.

Anonymous No. 956499

Good stuff, keep em coming

Anonymous No. 956506

>Stop being lazy
>he says with the much lazier single-point nose instead of a proper nose
Unless you're doing full-on anime shader complete with geometry trickery, there's literally no point in cutting those corners cause it'll look like shit anyway, OP made the right call to go for a proper nose and eyes.

Anonymous No. 956507

Say that to all the pros making anime figures

Anonymous No. 956508

It's because of the anime style.
Anime eyes do not work as sculptures because they are extremely graphic but don't work quite as well volumetrically. Probably one of the reasons why 3D anime models and figures often look unfinished and unappealing; they're just not meant to be.

Anonymous No. 956511

"Proper noses" are fucking ugly on stylized humanoids, cope

Anonymous No. 956534

Look, you gotta understand this about anime.
The eyes aren't that big, and it isn't that important that they're physically big. What gives that impression is that they're set wide apart from each other and that the iris takes up most of the visible portion of the eyeball with very little sclera visible. In 3D anime uses inverted eyeballs because normal ones set as wide and the size proportional to the iris would make them poke out of the sides of the head. You would know this if you read Loomis.
Scale the eyes down, scale the iris' up, move the eyes further apart, invert if necessary. Then your model will stop looking like an autistic goblin.

Anonymous No. 956562

Effortposting on this board is not allowed. Please leave.

Anonymous No. 956609

You're in denial retard

Anonymous No. 956610

I dont have a horse in this race but you're delusional if you believe that garbage is even in the same league as OP's.

Anytime you hear harsh criticism on the internet from anonymous sources, this is what usually means. Blenderfag had his run but it lacks so much character in comparison to ZbrushFaggot.

Anonymous No. 956611

objectively speaking, the blender guy knows anatomy better

Anonymous No. 956613

If you truly believe that, you should close this browser study more anatomy.

Anonymous No. 956616

This dick measuring contest started by blenderguy is meaningless. OP objectively has an accuracy problem but at this point, it's clear the reference image is just inspiration to him and he's doing his own thing.
Both attempts look perfectly fine. I'm sure a layman would be equally impressed looking at either of them.

Anonymous No. 956622

Yes, but we must agree that OP's dick is thicker and more aesthetic.

Anonymous No. 956630

Why are we trying to have gay sex with the guys actually 3d modelling in this thread

Anonymous No. 956631

no no, no no no no.

Its true.

t. /ic/

Anonymous No. 956706

Wheres the update OP

Anonymous No. 956709

Why are people such assholes.

Anonymous No. 956735

Thanks for the tips anon, I'm sure they would be vey helpful if I understood what you were trying to say.



Sorry bro, I've been dealing with a lot of IRL stuff recently, but I hope to finish this whole project in a couple of week tops.

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Anonymous No. 956736

forgot to post the update

Anonymous No. 956755

looks decent! though I'm struggling to see what's changed since >>956177
I might just be retarded though

Can you show us some more angles of the topology?
looks far too clean for Zremesher, do you do it all manually?

Anonymous No. 956776

Please don't talk down on yourself, anon!
Don't allow yourself to diminish your own worth, not even on your head. These small dents on your self-esteem are indeed little, but over a period they accumulate and you start to permit other do do the same. You must be your biggest fan, otherwise, who would be! I'm rooting for you. Whatever you are working on, keep it up and LET'S GOOO!

>>I'm struggling to see what's changed since >>956177 (You)
On that matter, there have been subtle changes that are though to transmit on a single image, but by orbiting the model you can perceive it. Stylized models are often about getting the inflection surfaces and smooth transitions nicely done in accordance to it's proportions and purpose. In this case, where I have just the suggestion of how the final result should be according to the art I choose to inspire it, some exploration is required.

What of the topology would you like to see?
There's been no major changes since the last time i posted it - it's majorly cylinders and usefully positioned E-Poles and N-Poles whenever I need to redirect the flow, create or diminish polys.

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Anonymous No. 956777


Forgot to post the comparisson pic (again)

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Anonymous No. 956801

I'm Overall Happy with the body proportions and the modeling and Will begin sculpting the details and body specifics soon

Anonymous No. 956804

Wew kinda thicc

Anonymous No. 957026

this is actually more coomable than most of what this board ever made. neat work, anon

Anonymous No. 957035

It looks great, it's a shame about the face, but good work man

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Anonymous No. 957115

Yeah, the concept has some huge proportions

lol thanks anon!

Thanks dude!

I just realized this post.
Sure thing, I'll send a message

Anonymous No. 957132

Looking really nice so far, I especially like the body. Face I think could use some further touch-ups so the stylized flow works better. Im sure you are doing that already but if you study a bit more the 3D faces of disney girls you can probably grind out some further improvements.

Anonymous No. 957134

Dios mío...Espíritu del Señor. Espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada, ángeles, arcángeles y santos del paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor, lléname de ti. Expulsa de mi todas las fuerzas del mal, aniquílas, destrúyelas. Expulsa de mí los maleficos, la magia negra, el ogro de las tinieblas, el luz extinguido, el americano... Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica; todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia; la enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica... destruye al monstruo, a la creatura... Quema a este mal en el infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí ni a ningun ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente, en nombre de Jesucristo Salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a inmediatamente, que me abandonen definitivamente y que se vayan al infierno eterno. El chupa-chupacabras no puede triunfar, el monstruo, el abominación... debe morir... Encadenado por San Miguel arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado bajo el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada, aleja el aberración genetíca, al ogro de las Americas... Amén.

Anonymous No. 957138

Could you elaborate further, anon? I really would love a more visual suggestion to how to improve the face.

Anonymous No. 957162

Looks great! Do you plan on releasing the model once its done for free or is it gonna be paid?

Frothing in the mouth at the sight of a naked fictional woman. Go be a nuisance somewhere else.

Anonymous No. 957170

>naked fictional woman
more like a fucking goblin.
OP was already completely and utterly mogged by >>956336
only a w*stoid lard can turn an elf into a disgusting DAZ-generated looking goblin and find a speck of attractiveness in it, it's an insult to the original artist.

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Anonymous No. 957176

I think a big factor here is the sculpting base material. Once you switch to a softer more final and shading method that complements the level of stylization many of the visual issues will dissapear.
Something I notice that you could improve on the model itself tho is the sharp pinched areas on nose and eyebrows. These dont really fit the rest of the otherwise quite smooth style and stand in conflict with it.
But the biggest issue I think is the size of the head. It appears to be too big on your model compared to the ref. I tried setting up a comparison. Obviously the perspective is a bit skewed but I think its still pretty clear what I mean.

I know its challenging to make a 3D version of a 2D concept. Especially when the concept is using a different stylization, namely anime while you seem to be going more with a disney approach - which i personally prefer as well if I might say so.

Anonymous No. 957177

I was meant to reply to this comment, not that junaito retard. sry op

Anonymous No. 957180



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Anonymous No. 957184

Hey, I'm the one who posted that blender sculpt above. Sorry for being an ass, I just kinda kneejerked because I dislike western-looking stuff. I'm not saying I'm better or anything, I normally don't sculpt much (I poly model mostly) so I'm really a beginner in that area. But just as a suggestion, if you insist on making huge eyeball eyes and "noses" maybe you could go in the direction of pic related. The key differences are non-duck lips (I think it's the biggest thing that ruins the look) both in the sense that they're not protruding forward as much and the lack of the cleft on the upper lip, cheeks being lower (I find it looks better on females), a more realistic nose (I honestly find outright tumblr noses to be really derpy - and I'm not alone on that), and a nose ridge (I find the lack of it ruins the profile unless you really push the "muzzle" forward, which IMO looks bad on not-anime) and an overall less-cartoony shape (the character is supposed to be sexy, and full blown western cartoons aren't all that sexy). If you want a closer look at the head I can upload the file too.

Anonymous No. 957185

Unbelievable amounts of hand holding itt. This is like when art students get 99% of their projects done for them by their teacher.

Anonymous No. 957192

really ugly!

Anonymous No. 957219

this is some good tips anon, especially the part with the lips, I agree there 100%. Thanks for chipping in with some constructive stuff.

Anonymous No. 957227

Thats a very nice tummy

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Anonymous No. 957256

Yeah, I think you're right.
I don't think it will ever be perfect, but it really could use more love in the face. As other an on pointed out, it was too "Duck-faced"


Hey, thanks!
Sure thing, I usually give these away for free on gumroad. Do you think there's potential for a Patreon? I think I could use the extra money. I don't think I can quit my dayjob yet, but I would love to work on making these.

That's a very good breakdown, thank you very much!
I will try to use a more agile framework on my next project instead of such a linear Modeling->Look Dev->etc
Guess everything should "kinda" take place at the same time, right?
On the proportions; I intentionally made some of them different; I enjoyed the bigger head and smalled feet\hands than the illustration suggested ones. They work great in that piece, but in 3D they felt almost comical, like a caricature.

Yo, that's pretty good!
You are absolutely right, mine had such a huge muzzle that I was tunnel-visioned in. Thank you for the visual aid!
While I really want to keep the Western cartoon route, I absolutely appreciate the suggestions and altercations and take them in consideration. Thank you, anon!

That anon is 100\10


Anonymous No. 957261

I feel like the duck lips are kind of fine.
The reference pic to me feels like an arabic girl, so bigger lips would be in order.
this feels more western and infantilised to me.

Anonymous No. 957276

>Do you think there's potential for a Patreon? I think I could use the extra money. I don't think I can quit my dayjob yet, but I would love to work on making these.
Most patreons I see, have free samples elsewhere. Looks like they build a brand before going full patreon. Also, don't quit your job.

Anonymous No. 957279

oh mate I don't think I'm that affected by my own self-deprecating humour, I like to think I'm pretty good at 3D, though I do struggle with picking out specific details that need improving
cheers for the encouragement though :^)
having a side-by-side comparison makes it way more obvious now
>>956801 this is what I was interested in, I like to see how everyone else tackles problem areas like armpits/hips/groin, I still haven't settled on what works best for me yet.
I've come close to madness trying to figure out optimal topology and joint placement for good-looking deformation, but it seems to be a never-ending learning process - like everything in this line of work!
your topo looks pretty professional though! Do you plan to rig/animate it down the line?

what it feels like to me is a homogenous combination of disney princess, fortnite, overwatch, and league of legends all rolled into one face. Safe and appealing like you said. I've seen artists making bank from selling the same attractive model over and over again, but posed and dressed up differently and people just eat it up.
Most anime suffers from sameface too, so it's really refreshing when you see characters with unique facial features - Dungeon Meshi is a good example of anime-style - but with characters you can recognize from their faces alone

Anonymous No. 957326

gonna do the hair soon?

Anonymous No. 957392

This looks as disgusting as OPs face, your first face was much more appealing

Anonymous No. 957407

Me and my dick will wait here.

Anonymous No. 957412

If you think you can do better, do it and post it

Anonymous No. 957421

no, i can not do better, but that face is still disgusting

Anonymous No. 957694

Could you post what you believe it's a near to perfect face, then? We could certainly use something to compare.

Anonymous No. 957697

he literally said "your first face was much more appealing"

Anonymous No. 957698

Re-read >>957694 or make an effort to understand that "better" does not mean "near perfect".

Anonymous No. 957699

I think what he means is, given the constraints that OP wants to work under (ie western-like shit, accuracy to the reference style be damned), what would be the way to go?
While anime is definitely good looking and I personally prefer anime by a landslide, you can't really deny that western stuff has a developed aesthetic as well. And there are clearly people who prefer that to anime. Yes, I realize that picking an anime picture as "reference" and going out of your way to not follow it at all is kinda weird, but I guess OP just wanted to copy the body proportions and the hairstyle and such over matching the reference 1:1. I think he'd pick another picture if he even knew the character since he keeps referring to it as an "elf" anyway. I mean, Shantae is a genie, not an elf. It's one thing to prefer a style, this is supposed to be a "creative" board over a "consumer" one. People should be giving suggestions within the given style and its constraints, not just "I hate this style, change it to make it not-shit".

Anonymous No. 957707

Yes, he is totally right, I said that your first face was more appealing, since is closer to the concept, sorry but the last one you made looks really alien like, if you want to have the perfect or near perfect face just look at the concept art, you don't have to make anything up, the artist made that for you, you just model the face as close as the reference, but if you want to make the character in your style that's completely different, and is completely subjective what a perfect face is

Anonymous No. 957708

>People should be giving suggestions within the given style and its constraints, not just "I hate this style, change it to make it not-shit".

Yep. And interestingly enough I only ever seen weebs bitch and shit like that whenever someone dares use one of their animu waifus and apply a western style. Ive never seen someone complain when it happens the other way around.

Anonymous No. 957711

But that's a little stupid, why show a concept and then make something totally different, at that is just a matter of taste, if you show me a Pixar character, and then you made a sailor moon with a woodie costume It Will be the same shit

Anonymous No. 957714

so fucking based, holy shit

Anonymous No. 957723

And why is that a problem?
Maybe OP wants to test his ability to transfer a certain character vibe across different styles. Maybe what captivated him about this picture cant be found in artworks with a closer artstyle to his goal. I think its a legitimate exercise and all the cringe ass weebs shitting on him are just pathetic and will never be good artists with such an attitude.

Anonymous No. 957732

No problem at all I was just saying that he started saying I will attempt at creating this model, and not I will dress a Pixar character with this outfit, of course it is a good thing to do if you are going to make a character in his style, but it was a little bit funny when he showed the Elsa face, clearly everyone was expecting that the reference had anything to do with the sculpture.
So that's your answer, sorry if it boils to semantics, but attempt to make this model and I will sculpt this character on a loose style are two different things.

I don't think that weeb has anything to do with this, as I was telling to the anon that asked me for the "perfect face", for me the perfect face in a concept to 3d model, is making the sculpture to match the reference, and since that is not the case, I can just critizice the style and for me the sculpture don't portrait the character at all.

Anonymous No. 957801

>Ive never seen someone complain when it happens the other way around.
>i've never seen someone complain about making something more attractive, people only complain when something is being uglified, hypocrites!

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Anonymous No. 957827

Anonymous No. 957850

shoulders are too far back and head is too far forward
I would adjust the pose just a little bit and make it look more natural

Anonymous No. 957855

Apart from the volume in the shoulder, is looking good anon! Keep the good work

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Anonymous No. 959393

stann co No. 959394

ironically pic on right looks similar to more real woman than pic on left.

Anonymous No. 959395

based blender 2.79 user

Anonymous No. 959436

funny how they put a cross on her but also gave her a more scandalous outfit. the rightwing coomer mind is truly something to behold.

Anonymous No. 959619

its always the "muh realistic women dont wear revealing clothes or put on sexy makeup" argument. It doesnt even make any sense.
Woke logic is so twisted and corrupted and can only ever be understood by other brainwashed basedbubs.

Anonymous No. 959625

that's an infant's mouth on a dehydrated bodybuilder torso. terrifying. at least ops is fuckable.

Anonymous No. 959626


Anonymous No. 959628

Ops is westoid thrash

Anonymous No. 959629

The original one is ugly, almost manly looking maybe of Indian origin, the other one looks like a cute russian waifu.
Also, I don't play that game, so maybe all characters look unappealing like the original

Anonymous No. 959633

stick your dick in that infants mouth anon, stick it in good

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Anonymous No. 959636

I do enjoy when lazy disgusting women deceive themselves and call any good looking women fake or depiction of a good looking women fake, instead of working on themselves.

>have a body count of over 100 and be a complete slut
>find Christ go to church
>still be a complete slut

Christianity was never a Institution that stopped promiscuousness, society did.

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Anonymous No. 959650


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🗑️ president biden No. 959655

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1293
Ready to Serve Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


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Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

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Anonymous No. 959656


Anonymous No. 959664


You murdered that man.

Anonymous No. 959703

granny fucker, dont forget to tell your octogenarian waifu to eat fiber

X@200_Pong No. 960489

If this thread is still up till this weekend I can use my industry-standard Maya skill to help with UV mapping.
Here's my contribution

Anonymous No. 960499


Anonymous No. 960528

this is a western disney/cartoon style, so it already sucks. the eyes are also too close together. you should sculpt on top of your reference. i'd recommend following sakaki kaoru. once you have followed some of his demonstrations are overcome your bad habits (western crap), try it again.

🗑️ . No. 960531

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1294
Lunar Rabbit Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 960564

fuck off weeb

Anonymous No. 960600

Make me, westoid

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 960755

Well, my turn now.

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 960759


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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 960766


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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 960768


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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 960769

...etc. I´ll finish her tomorrow- goodnight!

Anonymous No. 960771

looking forward to this

Anonymous No. 960779

The myth himself

Anonymous No. 960782

Someone with good taste, thank god
I can't wait for the final result

Anonymous No. 961007

looks good but her ribcage is scaring me a little kek

Anonymous No. 961009

This Shit is scary as Fuck.

Anonymous No. 961257

What happened? We want to see her finished

Anonymous No. 961284

Bad comparison. Because the left is the original. The right "fixes" the left by completely altering her race and and features. The bad text in the image is a distraction from the bad fix. You all are so focused on the bad take, that you've allowed yourself to be swayed into accepting the bad fix.

A good fix would have retained her unique qualities, while still finding ways to increase appeal. She's supposed to be tan. She's supposed to be broad and sturdily build. You take that away, and you don't have the character anymore. Thus, it's a bad fix.

OP, as skilled as he is, refuses to retain the appeal of the reference he's working off of. That's why it's bad. Not because the nose and western Disney face looks bad. No, those features have their own time and place. But it's bad because he's *misapplying* those features.

Anonymous No. 961306

I don't think so, he didn't fix the design, he un Tumblrized the design, that means making her as what Tumblr hates, aka attractive white Christian woman.
And by the wall text in the image he clearly did a good job

I agree with your take on op, his sculpture is really good, but the character didn't match the reference, and I am not talking about style.

Anonymous No. 961310

>She's supposed to be broad and sturdily build.
Those are the ugly parts. She still has the same jacket, same haircut, her face has mostly the same features but the demasculinized them. Your take is bullshit, and you're just trying to justify a progressive bent in trying to make people accept ugly mannish women because you're a shitty artist and ideologically compelled by propaganda you were fed growing up. Your takes suck and it's why western art is falling behind eastern art. You just refuse to accept that you're wrong and would rather try to convince the industry to die together than succeed at giving people what they want because you think you know what they need. Which would be fine if you were just a bad artist making bad art, but little gremlins like yourself walk around trying to stop other people from making actually good things that people want to see.

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thick fortnite girl.jpg

Anonymous No. 961312

That implies that the design was inherently tumblr in the first place, which is wasn't. What makes something "tumblr"? Quantify it. I'll tell you what it isn't, it's not brown skin and pin hair dye. But I want you to tell me what it means to be "tumblr", I I can see if you're using your head or not.

ok, first of all, your notion of success is retarded. Because we're discussing a Fortnite character. I think Fortnite has an idea about what it takes to succeed.

But secondly, and more importantly: Success is not necessarily a measure of good art. A lot of bad art succeeds.

But thirdly, and even more important than the previous two points: Artists should never be afraid to express themselves, based on the trends of the broad audience. This goes both ways. It applies when the woke crowd wants to pressure artists to give up sex appeal. And it applies when the chud crowd wants to pressure artists to conform to their rigid standards of beauty. I'm pro-artist first and foremost. You might see my words and actions as "gremlin" activities. But it's just going on defense of creative freedom on all sides.

That being said, I do have some standards. I'm not some post-modern cuck. And so when I say that the features the editor stripped from her are attractive features, I'm not just saying that as some "everyone is beautiful" body diversity bullshit. I really mean it. Variety is the spice of life as they say. And I appreciate both the thinner girl and the broader girl, because they both hit different spots.

Do you know what the broad girl looks like in full? I bet you don't. She looks like pic related. As broad as you thought her waste was in the crop image, you can see that her hips are even broader. She's got a phat juicy ass, thick thighs, and a full hour glass figure. But you're going to try and argue she isn't attractive? Be fucking for real.

Your mind is so degraded by 4chan's propaganda, I doubt you will seriously hear what I'm saying.

Anonymous No. 961317

>That implies that the design was inherently tumblr in the first place, which is wasn't
you are completely wrong about it, you shoud read better what I wrote and not put words in my mouth, I specifically say that he used all the design choises that tumblr hates, not that the design was tumblr like, maybe I am the one who need to see if you are the one using your brain, because strawmans are not the best way to defend your point

I am not that anon but...

>And it applies when the chud crowd wants to pressure artists to conform to their rigid standards of beauty

It goes both ways, when left wing crowds want to make characters without any sex appeal or with "unconventional beauty"

> Variety is the spice of life as they say.

thats ok and its valid, i dont mind chubby characters, but she is not unatractive because of that, she is unatractive because her proportions

>Do you know what the broad girl looks like in full?
cropping its also a tool to see details, and in specific her face.
Her face is unapealing, i know that is subjective but her proportions are extremelly off, and the way her hair is placed she looks like she has no forehead, which contrast with her overziced eyes that denote neotenic traits.
You might find those traits appealing, but unproportionated faces with a bad haircut are usually in the non attractive side, also her skin colour and the hair are really similar in tone which makes her face look completly washed out.

I also know that the small forehead is a fortnite design in almost every character, except well... male characters, and since her fearures are really wide it makes her look bad.
I like her shoes I guess...

Anonymous No. 961321

>I specifically say that he used all the design choises that tumblr hates, not that the design was tumblr like
How can you de-tumblrize something that isn't tumblr? You're not making sense. It's like saying you "de-vegetabled" a photo of an apple by photoshopping it into an orange. It was never a vegetable in the first place. lol, like what are you even saying? The only way your logic makes sense, is if you thought the apple was a vegetable. In which case, I ask: "what makes it a vegetable?"

>It goes both ways, when left wing crowds want to make characters without any sex appeal or with "unconventional beauty"
Hello? The sentence literally before that one says almost exactly that. Are you reading only what you want to read? But I'll expand on that and say that if some left wing woke type wants to make their brown goblinas in peace, then fine, it's their prerogative. As long as they're not bothering anyone else. If you want to be critical of them, that's also fine. Just know that your criticism isn't law. You can do what you want to *persuade* them to draw differently. As long as it's not harassing.

>but she is not unatractive because of that, she is unatractive because her proportions
She's not your type. That's ok. Not every girl has to be your type. But to try and argue that she's ugly, even in the face, is just absurd. There's nothing "extreme" about her proportions. A small forehead? What? Her Forehead is completely normal. That's like the LEAST disagreeable thing about her of all. I actually agree about the hair. They were trying to keep up the brown yellow and pink color scheme, but her skin is not matching her hair. If they made the pink area darker, then that might help frame her face. Or keep the pink and make the blonde part black. Oh and of course make her eyebrows black too.

Anonymous No. 961323

this is so stupid that it hurts, I gave you my definition in the same sentence.
>un Tumblrized the design, that means making her as what Tumblr hate.

what you are discusing is an strawman.

I gave you my definition, but you probably >Are reading only what you want to read...

You can put traits that "thumblr hate"s without the subject being a thumblr design, I can make lara croft with even bigger tits, make her blonde and anti feminist, so that will make the lara croft "original design" a thumblr design for you?

>Hello? The sentence literally before that one says almost exactly that.

I read it really carefully and thats why I made a correction to your statement by putting the phrase "unconventional beauty"
you find that beauty but other people dont.

You even prove my point by saying >She's not your type.

the piont is that those traits are unconventional, thats why a lot of people point them out, if it was juts one person then you might have a point but clearly there is not just one.
even the vertion that was un tumblrized fixes all the points that i gave on the face
the eyes, the roundness on the hair so her forehead does not look flat, even the awful hair tonex except that he changed the skin instrad of the hair, i woild have made her hair much more light or darker, so her skin tone does not look washed out

Anonymous No. 961324

>>un Tumblrized the design, that means making her as what Tumblr hate.
Do you not know how English works. Or logic for that matter? How can you undo something unless that thing was never done? How can you take the tumblr out of something, unless the tumblr was put in? You can't just create these logical fallacies, and then call people stupid for not understanding that you meant something different. So that's 1 reason why your definition sucks.

A second reason why your definition sucks, is that tumblr doesn't even hate those things. You can literally google "tumblr oc", and find dozens of "conventionally attractive" OCs at a glance. I just did it myself, and I'm looking at tall, thin, pale skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed, fashionably dressed, Aryan looking young adults.

Not only that, but before the great porn purge of 2018, tumblr was THEE hotbed for all sexy art. Everyone was posting there. So who is to say what is "tumblr" exactly, when it had the whole spectrum of artists. Your idea that tumblr hated something comes from a narrow view of tumblr's userbase, which you derive all of your stereotypes from.

>You can put traits that "thumblr hate"s without the subject being a thumblr design
That's not untumblerizing, or detumblring, or whatever you call it. Because again, logically, something has to be a thing, before it can become un-thing. It's the whole reason zombies are called un-dead. Because they have to die first before they can be un-dead. Logic, man.

>so that will make the lara croft "original design" a thumblr design for you?
No, it wouldn't for me. But I would certainly question if YOU think the original design is tumblr.

Anonymous No. 961325

>You even prove my point by saying >She's not your type.
That statement would only prove your point, if your type was conventional, which I don't believe it is. Because you're calling one of the OG horny characters of fortnite ugly. I think if you ask a millions of young zoomers if she gave them boners, they would all say yes.

You have the mistaken idea that your distaste for her is the common idea, and my like for her is the uncommon one. It's the other way around, buddy.

>the piont is that those traits are unconventional, thats why a lot of people point them out
The people who point them out, are the exceptions though. Fortnite estimates over 270 million players, with 25 million daily players. With as large as the game is, you're going to have haters, and lots of them. Every famous sexy person has haters.

>the eyes
Big upturned cat like eyes, are conventionally attractive. Saying her eyes are too big is retarded, sorry.

>the roundness on the hair so her forehead does not look flat
I think you mean her skull, now that I take a second look. It's not her forehead. I've heard about this on tiktok. A woman was covering peculiar east asian beauty trends. And the trend was pealing this big fruit, because the outer layer fits snuggly on the back of the head. From there, they cover the fruit peel with hair, and it makes their skull more round. The woman went on to explain that a large upper skull shape is seen as attractive over there. And went on to show some examples of people with and without this head shape. I kind of understand it. I taller rounder skull does look a little better. But I don't think it's something that many people outside of east asia think about. As long as your skull shape isn't weird. Basically, I think you're applying east asian standards onto a western game, and THAT'S unconventional.

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Anonymous No. 961326

Now here's a quick illustration to hopefully makes you understand where I'm coming from. The large gray circle represents conventional beauty.(not to scale) The smaller circles represent types. The types are part inside and part outside of convention. As every type has a refined version that most can agree is attractive, and an unrefined version that is less appealing. Some guys limit themselves to a type. Or only a couple types. "I like blue and red" they might say. And because blue and red hold the largest share of conventional attractiveness, they can delude themselves into believing that their types are the only beauty conventions.

And when someone comes along and says: "Actually green is also conventionally attractive", they look at how small a share green has, and scoffs, and replies: "No, that's ugly". Blind to the fact that most would agree the green types is attractive. That's what you're doing right now.

Anonymous No. 961327

>I can make lara croft with even bigger tits, make her blonde and anti feminist, so that will make the lara croft "original design" a thumblr design for you?
Oh, and people would call that bimbofication.

Anonymous No. 961340


Anonymous No. 961342

>Do you not know how English works. Or logic for that matter? How can you undo something unless that thing was never done?

I think you are mentally retarded at this point
first I gave you my definition in the same sentence, and you chose your own definition to change the discution about that, and thats an strawman, if you can not understand this i think you are mentally ill or trying to completly derail the convo.
Second you clearly can take traits of a character without that thing be associated with a whole, that means traits that can be thumblr specific without the character being a thumblr design, but since you seem to not understand that concept i can make it clear with the same lara croft exsample
lara croft is a really capable woman(that can be a trait that is desirable in thumblr), and i turn her into a woman that needs man help all the way (I took that thumblr trait, so I unthumblrized the character).
traits are specific to something, but they are not exclusive to something,

>A second reason why your definition sucks, is that tumblr doesn't even hate those things. You can literally google "tumblr oc", and find dozens of "conventionally attractive" OCs at a glance. I just did it myself, and I'm looking at tall, thin, pale skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed, fashionably dressed, Aryan looking young adults.

this is where you show your stupidity the most,
maybe you are being naive or you dont reference things with real life but thumblr didnt bring to a kid to almost suicide for making a character less fat?
I clearly remember that example

Anonymous No. 961343

>maybe you are being naive or you dont reference things with real life but thumblr didnt bring to a kid to almost suicide for making a character less fat?
A section of tumblr did, yes. A subset of the entire platform went ballistic, and bullied some random steven universe fan artist, I think it was? The details slip me now, and I don't feel like looking it up. But like I said, you're taking a narrow sample of the entire tumblr userbase, and using that the stereotype what tumblr is. It would be like Using the antics of /pol/ to define the entirety of 4chan. "Didn't /pol/ do something bad. That's all of 4chan for ya!"

>first I gave you my definition in the same sentence, and you chose your own definition to change the discution about that
Your definition is not logically sound. I refuse it as a definition. You can't just say you're de-tumblring a character that isn't tumblr, no matter how you try to spin it.

>that means traits that can be thumblr specific without the character being a thumblr design
If two concepts share traits, but they're not similar enough to be categorized together, then you can't undo a category that they never shared in the first place.

>and i turn her into a woman that needs man help all the way (I took that thumblr trait, so I unthumblrized the character).
Again, if that trait was not sufficient to categorize the character as tumblr, then taking that trait away is not sufficient to de-categorize the character.

Refusing bad logic is not creating a strawman. It's refusing to bad logic.

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western standards....jpg

Anonymous No. 961344

>That's not untumblerizing, or detumblring, or whatever you call it. Because again, logically, something has to be a thing, before it can become un-thing.

this is idiotic at so many levels, strawmans do not work with me, i give you my definition, and you use your own to derail the conversation. i can do the same thing you know?

but to answer your question the prefix un to the beginning of a base word change its meaning to “not,” “deprived of,” or “released from.”
you clearly can deprive traits that thumblr likes in his mayority and not necesarly the character needs to be a "thumblr design", but it might posess traits linked to it.

>Big upturned cat like eyes, are conventionally attractive. Saying her eyes are too big is retarded, sorry.

what is retarded is not looking at the hole picture, neotenic traits dont work on a vacum, maybe you dont know anything about design but because eyes are big does nor mean cute by defailt, a lot of other factors come into play, this character has only strange looking unproportional traits

>I think you're applying east asian standards onto a western game, and THAT'S unconventional.

"In western cultures woman go to a hair dresser and tell him the ratio of the slope that they want to acheive to fit their culture"
Well let me tell you this I have never seen a woman trying to achieve a slope shape in her fuching forehead in western cultures and that makes that design choise unconventional.

>Oh, and people would call that bimbofication

and in the character you choose you may call her Butterface
I will not call her that way because her body looks motherly to me and i dont have an edipo complex

>The smaller circles represent types.
sorry but thats not how it works, types are precisely subjectives, for example you seem to like butterface milfs, but this is not by any means conventional.

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perfect western w....jpg

Anonymous No. 961345

> Is my slope enough for you anon? or i still look to asian?

Anonymous No. 961346

>you clearly can deprive traits that thumblr likes
Deprivation refers to the subject that is being named, not another entity that is judging the entity. Or in other words, the character is being deprived from tumblr traits, and so named untumblred. The audience of tumblr is not part of the equation in the naming. To be deprived, is to lack an important element. If the element is not important to you, then it's not deprivation. You can't deprive a man who just ate 5 minutes ago food. He's full. He's fine. You can't deprive a man water who just drank. He's hydrated, he's fine. No, deprivation has to be something essential. If the trait that the character is being "deprived" of, is not essential in making her tumblr, then you can't say she's being deprived of a tumblr trait. You could perhaps argue that a collective amount of traits add up to tumblr deprivation. But it's a little late to argue that now, since you're so adamant that the character is not tumblr. Therefore, she doesn't have traits enough to claim you're depriving her of an essential tumblr essence.

Anonymous No. 961347

>Refusing bad logic is not creating a strawman. It's refusing to bad logic.

again... the prefix un to the beginning of a base word change its meaning to “not,” “deprived of,” or “released from.”
you clearly can deprive traits that thumblr likes in his mayority and not necesarly the character needs to be a "thumblr design", but it might posess traits linked to it.

Anonymous No. 961349

she doesn't have traits enough to claim you're depriving her of an essential tumblr essence

traits dont need to be esential do share common ground in the culture that one participate, most people dont have a burretface edipo complex but you do and still you are part of the western culture

Anonymous No. 961350

>what is retarded is not looking at the hole picture, neotenic traits dont work on a vacum
They're just big eyes. Not necessarily neotenic. Not all big eyes are big because they're neotenic. They're just big because people like big eyes. You just heard about neotenic traits once, and you ran with it. You're misapplying it here.

>"In western cultures woman go to a hair dresser and tell him the ratio of the slope that they want to acheive to fit their culture"
Who are you quoting?

>Well let me tell you this I have never seen a woman trying to achieve a slope shape in her fuching forehead
I've never heard of a western woman attempting to make her head look bigger either. Who is seeing a doctor "forehead slope fixes"?

>and in the character you choose you may call her Butterface

>I will not call her that way because her body looks motherly to me and i dont have an edipo complex
Having an hourglass figure is something women develop during puberty, and has little to do with age beyond that. The idea that only mature women have those figures, is just an anime stereotype.

>sorry but thats not how it works, types are precisely subjectives, for example you seem to like butterface milfs, but this is not by any means conventional.
Conventional beauty is only conventional, because it's agreed upon by most people. However most is not all. There is no beauty that is universal.

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Anonymous No. 961351

>most people dont have a burretface edipo complex
Actually... (pic related)

>traits dont need to be esential do share common ground in the culture that one participate
In order for you to say you're detumblerizing the character, yes they do. Let me try another example. Dogs like legs, right? They have for legs themselves. and they even hump legs when they're horny. So let's take Mr Bill and chop off his legs. Oh no. Did we "de-canine" Bill? No. Taking away the legs that the dog liked to hump did not de-canine Bill. Because legs alone were not sufficient enough to say that Bill was especially canine in the first place.

Anonymous No. 961352

>Who are you quoting?
nobody because ony you find that shit attractive

>Who is seeing a doctor "forehead slope fixes"?
there is a fucking forehead augmentation surgery to reduce the slope on people who has that trait...

>The idea that only mature women have those figures, is just an anime stereotype.

no, you just have an edipo complex man

>Conventional beauty is only conventional, because it's agreed upon by most people. However most is not all. There is no beauty that is universal.

but you say you had standards in the other post, and by that logic everything is beautiful because there is a person that might like that trait.

Anonymous No. 961353

>there is a fucking forehead augmentation surgery to reduce the slope on people who has that trait...
At a quick glance on google, I'm not seeing it. I'm seeing images of people reducing their brows. That's subtracting, not adding. Though the effect does make their forehead look less sloped. Again, in a subtractive manner. And I'm seeing people pulling their hairline forward.

>but you say you had standards in the other post, and by that logic everything is beautiful because there is a person that might like that trait.
If most people agree something is beautiful, then by definition, it's conventional. Try looking up what conventional means. It's based on agreement, tradition, or a sort of uniformity in design. If most people like a thing, then it's agreed upon. Therefore, conventional.

Anonymous No. 961354

>no, you just have an edipo complex man
Also, this is beyond retarded, my friend. You should know basic biology. Women don't grow more curved after puberty is done. On very rare occasions, they might have sudden changes in their early 20s, and suddenly grow more tits than they ever had before. But that's *rare*. In most cases, they're not packing on more curves in later age. They can gain or lose more weight. And depending on how fat distribution works out for them, it might appear they're gaining curve, but they're really just gaining excess fat in fortunate places.

Liking a full bodied woman is not some oedipus complex.

Anonymous No. 961355

>At a quick glance on google, I'm not seeing it

the first google result
Forehead contouring surgery
It reshapes the brow bossing, forehead slope, forehead bones, and the bones around the eyes to create a more natural feminine appearance.

> And I'm seeing people pulling their hairline forward.
not to create a slope

>If most people agree something is beautiful, then by definition, it's conventional.
exactly, chubby midle aged women with extremely unapealing face proportions hair and eyebrows that does not go with her skin colour,,and make her forehead to look like it has a big slope are not in the ideal of beauty, not here, on asia, or the rest of the world aka Unconventional

Anonymous No. 961356

>Liking a full bodied woman is not some oedipus complex
but liking characters that look like chubby middle age wine moms is.

Anonymous No. 961358

>the first google result
>Forehead contouring surgery
I'm seeing more brow shaving. But alright. I do see a few of them with added mass. And found a page that talks about an implant. but watch this trick. I'm just going to put "tumblr" into the search. Aaaaand, nobody is talking about it. The only pages I could find were a couple of doctors advertising the surgery on tumblr. But they have no notes.(notes are interactions on tumblr) So no traction there. There's a page where someone shows off the surgery from a Korean perspective. But that only has 4 likes, so that's nothing to speak of either.

If tumblr hates conventional beauty so much, then why aren't they discussing the foreheads slope? The fact is that it's not even on their radar. In fact, most people do not think about this slope. File it under "shit nobody thinks about, except insecure people." By far and large, the most exemplified forehead surgery is a reduction to the brow. I have to sift to 50 of those, just to find a single example of a forehead increase.

But I think the most damning evidence against your point regarding the forehead, is that if you google tumblr ocs, and look at side profiles, you'll see that all of them have rounded forehead. So even if you could argue that forehead slopes go against conventional beauty standards.(you can't), you still have to admit that it's not a trait tumblr particularly hates or even thinks about.

She's not chubby. No excess fat on her.

>midle aged women
I guess she's technically that. I looked her up and the internet claims she's 36. However, my earlier image proves that milfs are the top third searched porn terms. So milf are agreed upon to be attractive. And step mom is 7th most searched. So the mom aspect is also agreed upon to be attractive.

>unapealing face proportions

>eyebrows that does not go with her skin colour
The one thing I'll give you.

You're just wrong by any measure.

Anonymous No. 961359

Just to prove it's not a fluke, look at how high milf and step mom were in 2016:
step mom was number 1 in the US, and milf was number 4.

In the UK, step mom was number 2, and milf was number 5.

Canada: Milf at 3, step mom at 4

Japan: Japanese teen ranks 2, but Japanese wife ranks 4. wife is a mature category.

France: French mom at 3, mom at 4(so they just said, if they can't have a french one, than any mom will due) mild at 8, and step mom at 9.

I could go on and on down the list. But click the link and check for yourself. People want MOM and MILFS.

Anonymous No. 961360

>So the mom aspect is also agreed upon to be attractive.
so you have an edipo complex...
You're just wrong by any measure.I guess she's technically that.
again, keep proving my point

>However, my earlier image proves that milfs are the top third searched porn terms

yes because porn terms are the best to describe what societies like and not what people who consume porn search, even if thats the case you are again proving my point like the retarded you are... the first and second search terms are hentai and japanese, but you disagree of my point saying this...
>I think you're applying east asian standards onto a western game, and THAT'S unconventional
so what It is then? milf is conventional standard because is in the search term for porn, but asian beauty is not because it does not fit your narrative

I again remind you thet the 2 first terms are Hentai and Japanese, so you are fucking wrong...

>She's not chubby. No excess fat on her.
having a thick ass and thighs do not require excess of fat?
I guess I am wrong and she is just overly muscular, oh wait that is not what thick means

>You're just wrong by any measure.
yes, keep repeating that if it makes you feel better...

Anonymous No. 961362

>People want MOM and MILFS.
but japanese is a more searched therm, that means that asian beauty standards are on top of milfs
but you disregard that because?

again i remind you say this..
>I think you're applying east asian standards onto a western game, and THAT'S unconventional
you are fucking wrong by any means, even with your examples you are proving my point

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Anonymous No. 961363

>yes because porn terms are the best to describe what societies like
Yes. Porn is super D duper popular. And about as large of a sample size you can get for attraction in the world.

>so what It is then? milf is conventional standard because is in the search term for porn, but asian beauty is not because it does not fit your narrative
Asians are more like than likely to have sloped shaped heads. So if we were to count Japanese women, we would count sloped heads too. Japanese are also more likely to wear Gayru fashion, which is tanned skin and blonde hair. That combination you don't like. You should be glad I overlooked Japanese.

Also, my 2016 search shows that milf or stepmom often beats Japanese.

>having a thick ass and thighs do not require excess of fat?
Excess fat is anything that comes from over eating. But when people are at a healthy weight, they can't help how they store fat deposits. This is basic biology again. You should know this. Everyone stores fat deposits differently, and in more or less amounts. There's also muscle to consider. This character is shown to be some kind of construction worker? I'm honestly not sure, but she's got tool belts and gadgets. So she whatever she does, she's active. So she's going to have a stronger muscular core underneath the healthy fat. Glutes in particular are very muscle dependent. When you're strong, active and not over eating, your body is going to settle into a healthy weight. And that's what we see from her. There's actually a cyclist who fits Penny's build. Her name is Mai Rebelo. Nobody would say she's obese, for the fact that she's a pro cyclist. But heavy cycling and genetics combined to bless her with a huge ass and thighs. In fact, even her face is kind of shaped like Penny's. With broad features.

Anonymous No. 961364

>but japanese is a more searched therm, that means that asian beauty standards are on top of milfs
Conventional beauty is not rigidly assigned to only a single type. Japanese women can be both conventionally attractive, and unconventionally so. Not all Japanese women are built the same.
Similarly, milfs can be conventionally attractive and unconventionally so. Not all milfs are built the same. Being a milf in of itself, is not unattractive, because it's widely accepted.

Anonymous No. 961365

>I think Fortnite has an idea about what it takes to succeed
lol stopped reading here. What you just posted is ugly af dude. Utterly lame character design.

Maybe hordes of 10 year olds with no taste would disagree with me. I can live with that.

Anonymous No. 961366

I'm not OP, smart guy. And I said his misapplies western features were bad, considering the reference he's going off of. He seems like a talented guy. I don't know why he doesn't just delete the nose, and fix the edgeloops to form a point, and then sculpt smooth the lips down. Should be an easy fix. But he's just stuck on his style and won't budge.

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Anonymous No. 961367

>Yes. Porn is super D duper popular. And about as large of a sample size you can get for attraction in the world.

so right now i am right 2022 japanese and hentai are in the search therm, but lets be more specific, having a sex fantasy does not correlate in the real world,
here is an example of desireability in reality, not just a sexual fantasy.

But less talk about fornite most used skins to see if this thicc edipo complex fetiche is pressent

most used female skins:

Aura: looks in her 20s and slim
Surf witch :looks in her 20s and slim
Lara Croft: looks in her 20s (21 to 27 in the games) and slim
Siren: looks in her 20s and slim
Scarlet Commander: looks in her 20s and slim

>Japanese are also more likely to wear Gayru fashion, which is tanned skin and blonde hair.That combination you don't like

where do i say i dont like that convo? are you mentally ill? point to me where I say this

i specifically say that the 2 colours she has are really similar and thats because they didnt fit, you can not even see her fucking eyebrows because the colour is so similar again with your retarded strawman positions.

Anonymous No. 961368

>I'm not OP, smart guy.
he is clearly refearing to that disgusting fortnite soccer mum character design you posted smart guy,

Anonymous No. 961369

>People want MOM and MILFS.
Just hope its a fantasy and not reality, dont become the Crish Chan of /3/

Anonymous No. 961370

>fucking my mom = reallity, because porn website say so

Anonymous No. 961371

Oh right. That.
Well to that I say: nuh-uh.

Anonymous No. 961372

come on hit me with another strawman,i am well prepared, I have the power of good taste and anime on my side and you have butterface milfs and thumblr

Anonymous No. 961373

>but Japanese wife ranks 4. wife is a mature category.
that is because japanese men crave to have a wife, not because they want to fuck their moms

Anonymous No. 961375

>so right now i am right 2022 japanese and hentai are in the search therm
Trends fluctuate. But milfs never leave the top 10. Hell, it never leaves the top 5 in most places. It doesn't matter if Japanese is higher, because of the fact that they're all high, it goes to show that they're all popular. And that's good enough to be considered conventionally attractive.

>having a sex fantasy does not correlate in the real world
True. However, often sexual fantasies are less biased. As you can indulge in private desires without judgement. A person might be too embarrassed to admit he likes hentai in public, but he in fact does like hentai as his porn search proves.

>here is an example of desireability in reality, not just a sexual fantasy.
Eh, that's different. It's considering aspects like marriage and children and social taboos. Of course men want to marry down and women want to marry up.

>But less talk about fornite most used skins
Where did you get your list from? This is what I'm looking at.
And Siren is nowhere to be seen. Scarlet Commander isn't in the all time list. Only in the Rio list(whatever that is)

Only Aura, Surf Witch and Lara are in the all time top. They're accompanied by Backlash, Focus and Joltara.
Out of the 6 all time, 4 of them have brown skin. 1 of them is black. Going by your idea of "removing tumblr traits", brown skin is a tumblr trait. And yet, brown skin appears to be popular. Lara is not even the old school Lara. It's nu-Lara given a tan.
Surf witch has pink hair and tattoos, which is a tumblr trait by your standard
And focus as gray hair done up in a granny bun, indicating that she's old.

So while you displayed that Penny is not the top 6 popular, you inadvertently proved that 3 traits penny has is popular. And you didn't convince me that Penny is not unconventionally attractive. You only convinced me that she's less popular than other conventionally attractive women.

Anonymous No. 961377

I thought one of you guys might say that, so I actually searched it before posting to make sure a considerable amount of mature women showed up.

Anonymous No. 961381

I just want to reiterate. That this whole argument is moot. Because your core idea is flawed logically. You can sit here and think of arguments for why Penny is unconventionally attractive all you want. But you can never get around the cold hard, uncaring objective fact, that you can't "untumblrize" a character, who isn't tumblr to begin with.

And because that core flaw exists, your little example image is bad. Your image displays a "fix" that misses the point of the reference. Exactly how OP's model misses the point of his reference.

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i like mommy.png

Anonymous No. 961385

The core isuue is that this character has defined traits that coincide with tumblr crowd, you clearly are upset because you dont want to be merge with that type of people, but I have to inform you that you are.

Unatractive characters , Unideal body shapes, and manly looking faces are the concept of what people conciders Thumblr, and those traits are in your tasts and in the taste of the tumblr crowd that this image refers to,

I dont care if you dont agree with my definition of tumblr, and i know that tumblr is not aive mind, but when you define characteristics posess by the mayority, the minority only proves the exception to the rule.

I just want to reiterate that you like that character because an edipo complex that you have been defending the hole time, and I have to infor you that wanting to fuck your Mom is not a normal thing by western standards neither old looking people, you can close your eyes to reality all you want, just dont end like Cris Chan, let your mom alone...

Anonymous No. 961386


>Surf witch has pink hair and tattoos, which is a tumblr trait by your standard

and this is my final poit, see how you gave me those traits and point out that i have them?

can you please point me where i say this? just one time.

you cant because those are standards that you think i have, because are common traits given to the tumblr community, I never say anything about pink hair or tattoos...

so there is 2 answers to this
1. I have split personality and one of them must have type that
2. you have put specific traits to the tumblr community and you are using your those traits to discuss points that i have not made

see how fucking hypocrite you are?

Anonymous No. 961387

The funny thing about your "edipo complex" accusation, is that I'm actually older than Penny. That's how incredibly off the mark you are. You badger me about strawmen, again and again. And this entire time, you've been fighting your own.

See how fucking hypocrtical YOU are? Lmao.

Anonymous No. 961390

I am trying to prove a point, see how fucking anoying is to miscaracterize an idea?

Anonymous No. 961391

lmao. It's over anon. I'm done with you. Off you go.

Anonymous No. 961392

also you never point me where i say that pink hair and tattoos are a tumblr trait by my standard.
no? because you cant

Anonymous No. 961393

I know you are done, your fucking strawman style of discussion do not work with me, i am much more autistic than you...

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Anonymous No. 961413

As a disinterested third party:
>There's actually a cyclist who fits Penny's build.
No, compare pic related to this >>961312
The physique of the penny model is not feminine, and the face looks mannish as well.
There is no curve inward from the expanse of the ribcage to a narrow waist, which makes her look fat

Anonymous No. 961424

Man you're a massive retard

Anonymous No. 961425

dont bother, because by his logic penny is a female character, and she can not have male characteristics because she is not a male, and de-masculinize her is imposible since she would have to be a full male character to do so.

Anonymous No. 961426

>>>961323 (You)
explain why

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Anonymous No. 961464


Anonymous No. 961470


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Horny is Back.jpg

Anonymous No. 961479

My dick is hard.
I must learn how to make such things in Blender.
Thank you for bringing my horny back.

Anonymous No. 961481

very good anon, horny is the strongest motivator, you will reach new artistic heights when you do it for the horny

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Anonymous No. 961524

they make the women ugly and masculine on purpose because the women present at design meetings are compelled to anger by the sight of beautiful women. An impulse they misinterpret as rational.

Anonymous No. 961528

Is she supposed to be a mtf transgender?

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Anonymous No. 961531

I guess there's a slight inward curve, but she has that very large belly area limiting it.
To me, it looks like her ribcage and belly area are essentially one large cylinder

Anonymous No. 961538

op didn't fucking deliver

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penny bunny suit.jpg

Anonymous No. 961545

Slight?! She had an hourglass figure. You drew your lines wrong. Her silhouette in the bunny suit proves as much. It would be an anatomical error if she had a straight back like you drew.

Yes, her mid section is broad, but her tits and hips are both extra broad to compensate. So she still has womanly curves despite her midsection. And the reason they made her midsection broad, was to give make her appear *strong*, not fat. Have you ever heard of "core strength"? That's your abs, obliques, lowerback and butt. Pretty much all the heavy lifting muscles. She's some kind of tank character. Her whole appearance is someone who does construction. She has heavy machinery parts attached to her. She's depicted with a sledge hammer. These should give you all the clues to tell you that she embodies strength.

So when you "fix" her character by removing the aspects that appear strong, you're doing the character a disservice. That's directed at you >>961524 Why did you get rid of her jaw?

There is no belly. A belly would protrude. No, her stomach has no excess protrusion. You drew the line poorly, imagined some fat, have no idea how anatomy or strength works, and then tell come up with a bad conclusion.

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models with jawli....png

Anonymous No. 961548

There are a lot of pretty faces in the world. Some of them have oval faces with narrow jawlines. And others have broad jaws. You would find that a lot of the people who are considered most beautiful also have prominent jaws.

Anonymous No. 961550

> These should give you all the clues to tell you that she embodies strength.
Yeah, and consequently she doesn't look very feminine. Although the overall impact is a bit more pudginess than strength imo.
But I spent enough time in /fng/ that I can't pretend there aren't a lot of players who found the look appealing

Anonymous No. 961552

>A strong core is now pudge.
>Cartoonishly wide hips that only 0.0001% of the population has is not feminine.
See, this is why you guys get called incels, neckbeards, neets, and all that other stuff. Like, I can't even defend you. And I would normally defend you. Hell, I've been called all those things many times myself, so I know it sucks. But there's definitely a divide between you and me. And I don't know where you went wrong, that you can see a hyper feminine figure, and call her unfeminine and fat. I just don't get you.

You know what? I'm just going to let the masses do the talking. Look at this comment section.
Wall to wall appreciation. No hate. No one calling her fat. And yes, people do leave hate comments on tiktok. It's not all body positive over there. Trust me. 164k likes.

Anonymous No. 961576

I don't think it's "hyper feminine", she's just enormous. To me, it tilts her toward the 'fat gender' and away from looking like a healthy human of either gender.
I also doubt that even highly muscular and strong women have that thick of a core, assuming they aren't in a bloated bulking phase

>that you can see a hyper feminine figure, and call her unfeminine and fat. I just don't get you.
Just making her waist substantially slimmer would help a lot, the importance of the waist to hip ratio is well known.

> Look at this comment section.
I already admitted that based on my time in /fng/ I'm aware that many people find her appealing. Not sure it's a majority, but at least a substantial minority

Anonymous No. 961581

>the importance of the waist to hip ratio is well known.
Penny's hip to waist ratio is better than the vast majority of women on the planet. Because as broad as her middle is, her hips are still much broader. Like MUCH broader. I don't think you know what ratio means.

This conversation is now down to blue dress/yellow dress perception. You either view her figure in relativity(actual ratio). That being the blue dress. Adjusting your view by measuring surrounding information to get the true nature of the dress.

Or you see in absolutes. That being the yellow dress. Your brain can't perform the relative calculations required to see the true nature of the dress, you only see the yellow pixels. You only see a broad mid section, and you're blind to everything else that contextualizes it. So we'll never see eye to eye on this.

Anonymous No. 961584

The difference is that you like overweight women with extremely manly faces and we don't.

>And I don't know where you went wrong, that you can see a hyper feminine figure, and call her unfeminine and fat

She is manly fat and unattractive, I don't know where you went wrong to like a Man with wigs

>This conversation is now down to blue dress/yellow dress perception.

Or you see a ftm fat ugly tranny(blue) or you are out of your mind ( at this point the colour of the dress does not matter, but what it matters is that you take your medication)
>So we'll never see eye to eye on this.
Because we don't like fat transgender characters and you do, and that's ok anon, everyone has his own sex deviancy, yours is fat manly women.

Anonymous No. 961585

Oh it's you again.

Anonymous No. 961587

No, this is me!, bye Chris Chan


>Because we don't like fat transgender

he es going to start to look troon porn websites to prove that you are wrong.
>you know that in august 2007 the term shemale was 14 place in the seachs of xvideos in Laos.

Anonymous No. 961589

we trusted in you 3d guy

Anonymous No. 961591

man this thread had potential.. now its just chuds and incel weebs barking their cringeass pseudoscience at eachother.

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Twerk 2.gif

Anonymous No. 961592

>no Shantae model for me to fatten and make twerk animations with
I am sad now.

Anonymous No. 961595

>now its just chuds and incel weebs barking their cringeass pseudoscience at eachother
and thats a bad thing?

Anonymous No. 961597

>society stopped promiscuousness
then how come in today's society women are the biggest whores they've ever been?

Anonymous No. 961599

Women have always been whores. Why this is a shock to anyone is beyond me.

Anonymous No. 961612

Oh please, OP hasn't updated in nearly 1.5 months. He's abandoned the thread.

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Anonymous No. 961651

Model update. Sorry for leading everyone on, I just wanted to make a goblin. Have a nice day.

Anonymous No. 961653

nice anon. keep em coming :)

Anonymous No. 961691

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, but maybe yes?

Anonymous No. 961842

>op model mogs the fuck out /3/
>"b-b-but isn't animu! the r-ref was animu, see?"
>"t-tumblr slop! l-look how my half ass model is better!"
the fucking state, off to /pol/ ya cunts

Anonymous No. 961844

But I don't browse /pol/, and I'm a former tumblr poster myself. Now what do you have to say?

Anonymous No. 961848

nigga can you even read?
this shit derailed into an average /pol/ thread, none of them actually is a modeler

Anonymous No. 961849

I was the author of many of the "derail" posts. And I'm not /pol/. I'm also a modeler. Though, admittedly not on OP's level yet. But I'm pretty sure I can reproduce the face myself. Just don't ask me to do hair. I haven't figured that out yet.

Anonymous No. 961850

you opened pandora's box
good job bro

Anonymous No. 961852

What do you mean by that?

Anonymous No. 961878

Buthurted westoid enjoyer don't like that animu waifus are superior

Anonymous No. 961880


Are you the guy that was discussing
Mother incest porn with the Chud Anon?, I knew that you were from Tumblr immediately

Anonymous No. 961883

but I enjoy both anon, the problem is the west vs. east faggotry
simple as

Anonymous No. 961890

Every fucking time without fail some /beg/ will attempt do a remake in guise of being helpful. Your model is the worst kind of mix of anime with over exaggerated human anatomy. it looks worse than op. let op cook.

Anonymous No. 961900

the problem is pretty clear here...
op posted reference
op doesnt do what he led off to do
it doesnt matter what style he actually went with. he should have scribbled out the parts he wasnt going to mimic. i never been here and only came from front page but i imagine if the ref was not animu and posted >>956336 people would be complaining big eye alien babby. op slightly fucked op


Anonymous No. 961903

here's the thing,it was a slight fuck up but everyone here had a collective chimpout over it
no wonder this board is fucking dead

Anonymous No. 961905

Get this fucking westoid shit out of my boarrrrrd!

Anonymous No. 961910

thanks for proving my point

Anonymous No. 961914

If your point was that you like westoid thrash then yes, I proved your point, you win.

Anonymous No. 961941

fucking weeb, you get the fuck out
your sort is like islamists, you are incapable of co-existing in peace with other artstyle enjoyers. And just like islamists you need to be eradicated for true peace to be achievable.

Anonymous No. 961958

Fucking westoid, always ruining characters to making look ugly, you are like a 40 year old ugly single woman, complaints about everything and wants people to treat her like in their 20s but she is just far gone, just like your westoid thrash art, ugly and uninteresting but trying to hold on to their former glory.
Just accept the fact that the west has only made shit art for the past 20years

Anonymous No. 961965

read >>961883 illiterate nigger
and stop projecting

Anonymous No. 961977

I wasn't "discussing" mother incest porn. Only providing evidence that mother incest fantasies are mainstream.

Exactly my point. I'm glad someone else has a brain in this thread.

Anonymous No. 961978

Anon when people tell you to love your parents they don't mean fucking your mother

Anonymous No. 961997

>I wasn't "discussing" mother incest porn. Only providing evidence that I have mother incest fantasies
Good to know

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Anonymous No. 962110

Ah yeah, i was doing this - Shantae the half-anime Genie

Anonymous No. 962116

Here it comes our saviour!
Thanks 3dguy for saving us from Op mediocrity, Tumblr fat acceptance and anons with incest sexual deviances.

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Anonymous No. 962123

AT this step, the visual differences start to diminish. A lot.

Anonymous No. 962129

You are the best!

🗑️ Anonymous No. 962131

Yeah faggot, go masturbate with black tranny porn, you raging homosexual westoid thrash lover

Anonymous No. 962133

Glad that you are delivering!

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Anonymous No. 962140

We´ll continue later lads.

Anonymous No. 962142

highly disturbing. well done

🗑️ Anonymous No. 962149

run out of arguments? seethe

Anonymous No. 962152

ran out of arguments? kek

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Anonymous No. 962184

Last view of the sculpt before trashing it into an animatable mesh.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 962188

What arguments? That discussion about what art is better is faggotry?
That was your amazing argument?
Go dilate before your hole closes troon, that's my counter argument

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Anonymous No. 962195

Remesh lines with no weight paint control - maybe i´ll get lucky in the first try?

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Anonymous No. 962196

And there she is, in her polycounted glory. Now, off to rigging with you.

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Anonymous No. 962213


Anonymous No. 962223

Op needs to learn from this
You are a legend

Anonymous No. 962259

Whoa, you can remesh by drawing a few lines like that? Looks pretty cool. The topology ain't half bad at all.

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Anonymous No. 962260


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Anonymous No. 962270


🗑️ Anonymous No. 962271

>Waht is this puss like substance thats comming from my new vagina, Oh god, I got my period, I am a woman!

Anonymous No. 962324

With years of experience you can do something like this too, op should learn more from 3d guy

Anonymous No. 962355

Looks very rushed, hallux toe is way too big, her waist and ass don't follow the source material at all.

The other anons praising this don't know jackshit about accurate proportions and are too busy bitching about "le westoid slop".

Anonymous No. 962359

you will never be japanese

Anonymous No. 962361

most of them doesn't even model

Anonymous No. 962368

And you will never be a woman

Anonymous No. 962369

thank god

Anonymous No. 962370

You are mentally ill, that model is peak aesthetics

Anonymous No. 962373

>They don't like the same westoid shit I like ergo they are not modellers.
Westoid piggu go home

Anonymous No. 962374

So you prefer your "designer vagina"?

Anonymous No. 962376

said the western mongrel

Anonymous No. 962377

What is a western mongrel? A movie starring Clint Eastwood? What the fuck are you talking about westoid? Do your strogen pills make you trip or something?

Anonymous No. 962449

Face sucks her eyes are clearly too close nose too upwards, she looks nothing like picrelated, instead it looks like generic child elf goblin from overlord, leprechaun? And also retarded

Anonymous No. 962450

Wow now its definitely a gnome goblin, thickness, strength muscularity not represented.

Anonymous No. 962451

Nice limbs/head proportions now she definitely looks like an underage imbecile, face and proportions are nothing like picrelated

Anonymous No. 962452

You are inventing a bicycle, retard, download a ready-up body remorph it.

Anonymous No. 962453

See, proportiona are off, her upper body has more volume, head and eyes are smaller(for starters), arms thiccer, belly is thiccer, thighs are more separated sideways, body is planted lower andpelvis has more volume

Anonymous No. 962454

Great, now you can kill yourself as in 1 year ai is gonna learn how make 3d models by itself and you gonna have to be looking for a factory job

Anonymous No. 962534

That's the best sculpture so far you faggot, ops look like a retarded Disney Princess

Anonymous No. 962550

A small piece of /pol/ right here on /3/, I feel like home

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ZBrush Document.jpg

Anonymous No. 962551

I decided I wanted to give it a shot too
not sure if I will finish it, but I don't hate it yet so maybe

Anonymous No. 962594

Decent start there mate. Body so far looks well proportioned.

Anonymous No. 962693

>he says with the much lazier single-point nose instead of a proper nose
>faggot says that being off reference is making a model good
stfu faggot, you clearly don't know jack shit about proper modeling.

Anonymous No. 962702

>going off reference is bad

This is the most retard shit ive read here in a long long time. Clearly comes from an extremely unartistic person. This board already has a pretty shitty reputation but you put even that to shame.

Anonymous No. 962725

OP Here
So, I actually got a few freelancing gigs from this.
I'll continue the work now that I'm available :)

Anonymous No. 962761

I dunno what the rest of you dorks are saying but this buff fortnite lady is actually pretty hot. I'd let her crush me.

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Anonymous No. 962766

I honestly think people itt have no idea what bodies look like.
This is what different bodytypes look like. the fortnite lady is in line with these.

Anonymous No. 962771

Yes, In The line of fat and ugly.
Nobody is telling you that those bodies don't exist, what we are telling you is that she looks like a man with a wig

Anonymous No. 962776

Please 3 or 4 !!!!

Anonymous No. 962820

wow! such diversity.. much feminisim. wow!

Anonymous No. 962835

Diversity is our strength, I fully support body positivity for all bodies, except the hot ones, those are oppressive

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Anonymous No. 962852

You really missed the fucking point of this image if that's the only thing you're getting from it.
It's a list of top female athletes and how the training they have to do for their specific olympic sport changes their bodies, and whether they need to be taller or shorter to better succeed for that sport.
It's actually a REALLY useful reference point for what you can do if you want a strong lady and have an idea of what their profession is.

I finally found the second half that shows other sports.

Anonymous No. 962853

You are missing the point, most of those athletes look masculine and unattractive like the Fortnite manly looking woman

Anonymous No. 962856

Oh. I see now, it makes perfect sense to me.
You're a coward that can't handle a strong lady.

Anonymous No. 962865

I like your examples. But you should note that all of the athletes don't have especially wide hips. These girls train hard to be Olympic level. So their bodies morph to suit the set of skills. Not only that, in order to reach such a high level, you need to have the raw genetic advantage as well. And so girls with wider hips typically give filtered out at during scouting or grade school or college, since they're at a genetic disadvantage. So all considered there is a relatively more "masculine" quality to their bodies, if you want to think of strength as masculine. I'll give the troll anon that much of a concession.

However, I say all of that to say this: The Fortnite character has curves. Her hips flare out thrice as wide as any of the real girls you posted, and her tits are 6x cup sizes larger, sitting like big pillowy boulders on her chest. The Fortnite has an undeniable femininity to her that's *nearly* unrealistic. I would use the word "exceptional". She has an exceptional femininity, considering how strong she looks.

Anonymous No. 962866

in all honesty there is always going to be a bit of exaggeration with character design. after a point I just accept that, and I've even had a bit of an issue with that myself. It's not a bad thing, mind you, but I do want more than anything to create things that are atleast outside the usual character forms.

I'm just so booooored by the usual hourglass no muscle tiny chin ladies. I want more.

Anonymous No. 962870

I'm sorry this looks scary

Anonymous No. 962952

Thanks but I'll keep modelling tiny smol lolis with fantasy weapons twice their body size

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Anonymous No. 963281


Anonymous No. 963726

I don’t feel like raping this, make it look better

Anonymous No. 965518

they all look like different orc clans