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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956297

Bros, I'm moving away from Blender and I want to start learning Autodesk software. I'm only interested in making assets and renders. Which should I pirate, Maya or 3DS Max?

Anonymous No. 956299

I'm not your bro.

Anonymous No. 956306

maya is good, low learning curve.
3ds max is best, higher learning curve with the added extra that it can tear a ripple in the space-time continuum and the arm of corporate complacency jerks you off while you work, which is nice

Anonymous No. 956311

maya if want to animate, max if you want to model.

Anonymous No. 956314

you're too dumb to even use the official free trials of maya and max software

Anonymous No. 956319

3ds Max is more close to Blender than Maya

Anonymous No. 956334

3ds max is outdated, stagnating garbage.
>but muh modifier stack
it's the only good thing it has going for it.

Anonymous No. 956434

Maya much easier animation tools talking about controllers and such

Anonymous No. 956462

dont pirate, try to get student license first. its pretty easy to get one

Anonymous No. 956464

Just pay 270 bucks. Its literally one day of work, not even.

Anonymous No. 956469

uh nope? what world you living in

Anonymous No. 956479

>Started with Maya like 6 years ago
>Fell for the Blender meme
>Waste 6 years making trash
>Back to Maya last week
>It's actually amazing
The Maya shills were right

Anonymous No. 956480

Post work or you are cris.

Anonymous No. 956501

No man I'm very ashamed of having wasted 6 years of my life on Blender and having only pure putrid dogshit to show. I deleted it all anyways and yes I did cry a bit. Wait till I get better at Maya

Anonymous No. 956504

if You used Maya, and turned to blender, i sincerely hope You were doing animations

Then again, Software does not matter, so you shoould be real good after 6 years of practicing animation.

If You used MAYA for modeling, rethink Your life.

Anonymous No. 956512

same position wtf. still in the process of unlearning blender. fucking difficult but im hyped for that "very comfy" feeling I used to have in maya.

Anonymous No. 958341

if you wanna just make assets and renders why move away from blender? Genuine question

Anonymous No. 958422

You want to use plasticity, something with better uvs like maya, something with actual texturing like substance painter, a renderer thats not a toy, and a compositor thats industry standard and not complete shit - nuke.

Anonymous No. 958432

(1) asking the question means you haven't actually looked into them.
(2) making a thread about something you should be looking up is a huge red flag and a sign that you lack character, patience and half a dozen other qualities that make functional adults.

all in all i believe you're ngmi and I would pay money for a snuff film where you get anally raped to death by an elephant.

Anonymous No. 958598

Sorry, but I don't like anal sex

stinky No. 958667

depends what you want to do... but i would say stick with blender, its kind of better than both of those atm. Houdini is also fantastic. all depends what you want to do.

If you want to do architectural visualization, learn max. if you want to do animation / character stuff, do maya. if you want to learn procedural FX and stuff, do houdini. if you want to learn a bit of everything though id say stick with blender. what is your goal?

Anonymous No. 958753

Will Maya work for me with 8GB of RAM and without a graphics card?

Anonymous No. 958774

Blender started crashing my rig last week. Installed Maya today and I hereby denounce Blender.

Anonymous No. 958775

I had rig crashing too

turns out a piece of my hardware was bad (memory). I had to order a new kit

Anonymous No. 958776

I fixed it for a few days by deleting my prefs and it returned.

Anonymous No. 958777

you likely have bad ram sticks

Anonymous No. 958778

All ram is still showing accounted for, but I'll run memtest tomorrow. Cheers.

Anonymous No. 959106

None of the tests reported errors, but DRAM Calculator did suggest different settings for my ram, which seem stable after a few hours in Blender. Still gonna branch out into Maya & Houdini now that I've installed both.

Anonymous No. 959107

you have something wrong with your system. Think about it...why would the most popular free 3d software in the world work for everyone else but you? Your situation is critical. I bet anything that you will crash again.

Anonymous No. 959109

Try both OP. I mainly use Maya, but I can use 3DS if I really want to. Maya is definitely the better option for animation though, nothing else compares.

Anonymous No. 959110

Did have and search engines are full of people reporting the same Blender issues I had. Tried simple projects. Tried drivers & updates. Tried a new prefs file. Tried disabling GPU subdivision. Tried Eevee... Tried all the suggested workarounds for Blender's awful memory management and in the end found the answer was to nerf my RAM timings & voltages. Strangely Maya didn't shit the bed like Blender did during this period.

Anonymous No. 959111

what gpu and what gpu driver are you on?

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Anonymous No. 959112

The CPU & GPU are recent installs on a B450 Tomahawk Max + M.2 storage + EVGA 750w gold PSU. Tbf, I have ordered a B550 Tomahawk & 128 GB RAM, which the 5950 & 4060 will go in. Even so, this has brought home to me the value of tuning RAM.

Anonymous No. 959113


You're using a driver that's not even stable. Roll back to 531.61 STUDIO

Anonymous No. 959114

Downloading. Will keep it as is for now and install tonight when I finish. I did have SD before I installed the 4060, but for some dumb reason went with GRD. Cheers.

Anonymous No. 959115

you have to use DDU to completely remove your old driver first and follow the proper DDU steps including disabling your internet so it doesnt automatically give you a garbage driver

Anonymous No. 959116

Yeah I went through that a few days back and had it remove traces of the 3060 driver that was installed previously. Now that I think on, I was using 2.93 until I upgraded the GPU, so the support for 3.5 listed in the SD driver makes sense.

Anonymous No. 959117

my bad

that driver isnt going to work for you as it came out before the 4060 ti came out. You'll have to find another studio driver. But, not all studio drivers are "stable" even though they advertise as being "stable". Good luck.

Anonymous No. 959118

Just saw that, seems I have a choice between June, July, August & September. Thanks for your help.

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certified little ....jpg

Anonymous No. 959181

>I want to start learning Autodesk software
I understand wanting to move on from Blender but why would go backwards?

Anonymous No. 959419

Did some digging and 532.34 is the latest stable.

Anonymous No. 959447

Should have bought a used 3090 and god help you if you bought the 8GB 4060.

Anonymous No. 959475

>going backwards
>used in 99.9999% of all film / tv / videogames
>the only thing blender is involved in with film is spiderverse
>the only use for it in that movie was the grease pencil


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Anonymous No. 961745

This was made in blender and substance painter. It's not the tool it's the artist.
I use 3dsmax but blender is very good

Anonymous No. 961746

Maya and 3DS Max feel like Dinosaurs next to Blender. Everyone I know went from an Autodesk Software to Blender. So its kinda weird watching you trying to go backwards.

Anonymous No. 961747

>yeah switched from blender to maya after 10 years, my cock grew 5 extra inches, my jaw instantly became chad tier, no longer overweight, no longer balding, no longer need sleep, grew wings and can manipulate reality with the powers of my autodesk subscription
>no I won't post my work

Anonymous No. 961750

this is literally gaslighting

Anonymous No. 961751

omg wow, it's run-of-the-mill sci-fi trash with a standard smart material on top

Anonymous No. 961753

>Everyone I know went from an Autodesk Software to Blender.
this is a "20x0=0"-thing, right? as in you literally do not know anyone and just shill blender. seriously fuck you.

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Anonymous No. 961757

You stupid cunt. It's a very high quality art asset done in blender. Guaranteed your dogshit work doesn't even come close.

Anonymous No. 961874

Cope harder, a free app is doing better than your 5k subscription boomer goy slop.

Anonymous No. 961882

lmfao retard, substance did literally all of the heavy lifting and the thing itself is a bunch of cubes and cylinders, the most complex geometry being hex bolts.
polymodelling being the only thing blender doesn't suck total ass at. can't, rather, or it wouldn't even fucking count as a 3d app if you couldn't at least push and pull vertices in it.
probably took something like 45 minutes to render a 1080p frame given how much of a slog cycles is that makes mantra look fast in comparison, lmao.

Anonymous No. 961884

post your work

Anonymous No. 961907

>thing itself is a bunch of cubes and cylinders
99% of hard surface assets. the guy who made that is a professional artist working in the games industry that transitioned to blender after using maya/max. you dumb fuck.
bet you don't even have a job in the industry

Anonymous No. 961912

Kek. Tells you how poor most artists are.

Anonymous No. 961915

If you want to start with a good and affordable 3d package you can try blender, it's really good and open source.

Anonymous No. 961919

none of this changes the fact that 99% of the appeal comes from texture work, which wasn't done in blender.
no one would be praising 3ds max nor its polymodelling tools if it had been rendered in vray, instead. i don't get why dumbass blendlets are just so goddamn obsessed.

>bet you don't even have a job in the industry
lmfao if I showed you my ilm badge you'd call me a poojeet and/or a nepotism-hire anyway, your ego is just that big.

Anonymous No. 961933

Blenderfag here, 3 years of blender use but now am looking to learn maya. Are there any guides similar to the donut to get me started in maya?

Anonymous No. 962055

Max is till the best for modeling. But you should be doing most of your stuff in zbrush anyways.

Anonymous No. 962061

maya is only good for character animation

Anonymous No. 962081

Still completely irrelevant. You can do the same things substance does in the material editor of max/maya or blender with enough skill and photoshop.
>I'm only interested in making assets and renders
It's the artist and not the tool

Anonymous No. 962100

I can paint a digital copy of the mona lisa by writing the bitmap by hand in notepad, that doesn't mean it's a smart use of my time.

Anonymous No. 962101

>You can do the same things substance does in the material editor of max/maya or blender with enough skill and photoshop.
you are idiot

Anonymous No. 962434

You're a dumbass who doesn't know how material editors work

Anonymous No. 962445

-10 / 10

Anonymous No. 962561

do you realise people made materials before substance painter came along?

Anonymous No. 962563


Anonymous No. 962566

>Bros, I'm moving away from Blender
You'll be back,they always do

Anonymous No. 962568

you know I'm right

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Anonymous No. 962569

stupid nigger

Anonymous No. 962597


Anonymous No. 962695

hypershade is the name given to WORKING AREA that applies MATERIALS to objects