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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956496

seems like midjourney is killing concept artists slowly and maybe in just a few years (less than 5) they will create an ai that can generate fully rigged 3d models in 5 seconds, what do u guys think about this? does it feel odd to train and create 3d artwork hoping for a job at this point?

Anonymous No. 956497

I think the 3D industry needs to unionise and use industrial action to prevent this outcome.
I do commissions and I believe people interested in paying for my work would rather have a human create something.
I do not use these tools as I like to make things. I find the concept of things like midjourney somewhat sickening.

Anonymous No. 956500


Anonymous No. 956515

what about that is bait?

Anonymous No. 956516

Eagerly waiting for Ai rigging, uvs, and retopo. Other shit is irrelevant. If youre upset AI replaced your job as a concept artist then move on. Tech advances, jobs becomes dated. Adapt or bitch about it, either way it will happen.

Anonymous No. 956524

Am I like, the only person who thinks AI can actually HELP artists? I mean, it literally allows them to more accurately show what they want to depict.
I mean fuck, a few decades ago digital artists using photoshop or whatever weren't seen as 'real artists' either, so why couldn't AI artists be seen as that?

Anonymous No. 956528

>I mean fuck, a few decades ago digital artists using photoshop or whatever weren't seen as 'real artists' either
Only "fine art" snobs said that and they still do. AI niggers put no creativity or effort into what they "do", they just consume whatever slop the computer spews out.
>more accurately
No, you have no control over the randomly generated stuff you get

Anonymous No. 956532

WAIT A MINUTE ARE YOU saying that I can get a job as a concept artist with just a midjourney portfolio?

Anonymous No. 956543

you can be like that anon on here a few months ago that taught a 2 day course to some business on how to prompt and made like 300 bucks out of it and then was escorted off the premises

Anonymous No. 956546

Artists generally prefer to make things themselves, that's why they're artists and not consumers.
When an artist has a vision of something they want to make, the making of the thing changes the vision. There's an interplay. It's a beautiful fun process that's all decisions and problem solving.
The original vision is often not as good as the finished work, if the artist is of sufficient skill, because the artist learns along the way and has new ideas the whole time.
It's beginners who are frustrated that they can't depict their original vision, and they'll never grow beyond that with AI.
>a few decades ago digital artists using photoshop or whatever weren't seen as 'real artists' either
That's not true. Digital art was and is generally worth less than traditional art because there's not a single piece that can be easily commodified. Thus, digital art is mainly commercial art because that's where the money is. Only the very ignorant would think of that as "not real art", even back then.
>so why couldn't AI artists be seen as that?
because they aren't artists. Curators maybe, or some new thing. But they're not artists.

Anonymous No. 956547

If nobody actually cares about what you produce then yes you will be replaced. Stuff like shitty mobile game assets will absolutely be produced by AI. If you are valued for your creativity however then AI as it currently exists can only help you. Despite all the progress to attain better "quality" of output, it's still trivially easy to distinguish AI generated and human created art, because of the former's almost universal lack of creativity or novelty. Those AI generated images that do exhibit creativity and novelty are created by the same people doing creative work already.

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Anonymous No. 956549


Anonymous No. 956551

>Stuff like shitty mobile game assets will absolutely be produced by AI.
and nobody will play your shitty mobile robo ai games or your watch your shitty ai robo movies. Get real dude.

Anonymous No. 956560

Read my post before replying to me you fucking moron

Anonymous No. 956561

>I think the 3D industry needs to unionise and use industrial action to prevent this outcome.

Anonymous No. 956575


Anonymous No. 956579

>The unionizing VFX workers are responsible for creating the VFX across the studio’s catalog, which includes “Beauty and the Beast,” “Aladdin” and “The Lion King.”

These were all colossal failures. Imagine the freaking lion king looking like a nature documentary instead of the animated, singing and dancing 2d characters that made it popular with the target audience.

I say, fire the whole lot. Clean house

Anonymous No. 956582

>Imagine the freaking lion king looking like a nature documentary instead of the animated, singing and dancing 2d characters that made it popular with the target audience.
Yeah, I imagine it could only have been the VFX department who made that decision, you fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 956583

calm down

Anonymous No. 956584

post your work lmao

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Anonymous No. 956585

I'm a vfx drone @ nu disney. I desecrate the classics and wonder why I get fired the next week. On the right is my work.

Anonymous No. 956589

nice larp lol . Do you get berated by customer for serving sushi at your McWagie everyday ?

Anonymous No. 956590

yes I an am bilingual and speak fluent japanese, how could you tell?

Anonymous No. 956594

go wash your balls

Anonymous No. 956596

>seems like midjourney is killing concept artists slowly
why would you use midjourney when SDXL is free?

Anonymous No. 956715

>No, you have no control over the randomly generated stuff you get
you have plenty of control

Anonymous No. 956724

The output doesnt make ANY sense. For example, you prompt something, like an old or a new car or new or old house but the internal design is just total nonsense and doesnt obey the laws of physics or state or local safety laws so you end up with complete randomized useless noise garbage that you will never be able to prompt properly since its just dumb noise. You need a real experienced human designer instead of a useless noise mish mash. Many such cases.

Anonymous No. 956734

Am I the only one who thinks that automation will help car assembly workers?

Anonymous No. 956739

Working with AI is not an artist and canvas relationship. It's commissioner placing an order relationship.
You are asking a simulated artist "hey draw this thing for me" and then you give revisions as needed.
That's the role of a commissioner, not an artist, your own vision never reaches the paper, it is someone else's, an outside interpretation and a vision from another person that you settle for, or as it is in the case of AI; no vision, just the systematic output of a process by a black box of algorithms.
So if you are an artist of the crafts of painting or drawing, etc, AI will not be helpful for you, since it is just asking another "artist" to draw the thing for you.

However if you are in the role of something like a director, then it's different and it is arguable that you are still an artist, depending on how much the AI produce is just the raw materials that you work with, which you then transform into something else and thus once again your own vision starts to form and show on the chosen medium.
Of course, if you once again delegate and give all that work to an AI as well... You are just being a commissioner again. You got "someone else" to make the props for you and then you got "someone else" to film and direct the project for you.
What did *you* do?
...You could be the producer, I guess?
>an AI's movie
>Produced by anon
Sounds good to me. /blog

Anonymous No. 956742

>...You could be the producer, I guess?
that will be automated.

Must. Consooooooooommmmm!

Anonymous No. 956756

Clean house indeed

Anonymous No. 957627

who cares who made it if its good?

Anonymous No. 957629

Not the union guy, I hate union shit. But it matters because of copyright, since unless specified, the artist aka the Ai holds the right of the work, and not the commissioner, but since AI is not human, and can not hold copyright, who has the rights of the work? Is public domain? It belongs to the company? Canthe company give the right to the commissioner?. It matters because of this.

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ai get fucked.png

Anonymous No. 957661

concept artists are already dead
only the very best will remain but they'll be relegated to touch up artists in order to bypass the copyright laws

Anonymous No. 957663

Professional software dev. UE gamedev as a hobby. Don't know any art, music, modelling, animating, etc.
I'm quite excited for AI. Can't wait to be able to type in a description and out comes 3D models of characters and their animations that I can just import into UE and it'll instantly work.
Music will be amazing too. I'll make it be based off kino soundtracks but make it different enough to be unique. Each boss battle will have a banger theme.
High quality art, character models, character animations, music etc all instantly generated. Best of all, it's going to be free. Or at most a small subscription fee. Beats buying random asset packs in the marketplace that isn't even what you're looking for.
We're still maybe 2-3 years away but I'm excited.
In the meanwhile I'll continue using placeholder art/music/etc while I program all the mechanics.

Anonymous No. 957666

>Best of all, it's going to be free.
Should we tell him?

Anonymous No. 957685

It's the same for me except that AI makes the programming, which is even better doing that art, soon we will not need programers, which is so awesome!

Anonymous No. 957691

>Am I like, the only person who thinks AI can actually HELP artists?
Yes, because you're not an artist.

Why would I prompt something, if I can just make what I'm thinking of? I already know what I want - and if I don't, instead of wasting time thinking of prompts, I can think of ideas quicker.

Non-artists might bash in some words, see the result, and think
>wow, it's so skilled! I can just trace this!
but they're giving up control over basically everything, for a vague depiction of an idea they don't understand and can't capture the meaning of. It's as bad as tracing someone else's work.

It's much worse than that. Using words to represent 2D, let alone 3D forms, is just a waste of time.

Anonymous No. 957695

>if I can just make what I'm thinking of?
That's the thing. We aren't artists nor can we create what we want.
Why would we take years to learn something to be proficient at when we can get something better using a tool in seconds?
We just want assets to use for our projects. How else are we supposed to get them? Commissions? Lol. Our projects alone will take many years. Why unnecessarily extend it a few more years?

>Using words to represent 2D, let alone 3D forms, is just a waste of time.
And? Why's that? You didn't provide any examples cause that statement is dumb as shit.

Anonymous No. 957703

>"we" aren't artists
I'm an artist, but you're not even a human being, you filthy ESL.

>nor can we create what we want.
I can, and I'm constantly improving.

>And? Why's that? You didn't provide any examples
You're the example, wasting your time prompting in 200 tokens like a drug addict for hours with a worse result, instead of taking a fraction of the time learning to draw, model, sculpt or whatever it is you want to do with no limits. No more replies, because you're not worth my time.

Anonymous No. 957725


I showed my 88 y.o. Grandmother my Stable Diffusion artwork and explained how it worked to her (prompting).

Her response? That the output wasn't mine. "But you don't own this".

Everybody with sense knows this to be true. Stop deluding yourselves, kiddos.

Anonymous No. 957782

Who gives a shit what you do. The world doesn't revolve around you.
Still refuses to give examples. Yeah, I thought as much. What a fucking embarrassment.

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Anonymous No. 957783

Most of the good 3d models out there are either from studios or own by people who sell them. If an AI company would scrape the game models of any major studio or even stuff from turbosquid, they would get sued to hell and back. That only leaves free stuff on sites like sketchfab and ai companies hiring their own artists to create datasets for the AI. In both these cases I'm not too worried because:
1.the quality of truly free models out there is terrible
2.the amount of models is very low when compared to images
3.hiring their own artists would be too expensive and too slow if you get good artist so they'll likely end up with shit pajeet work
If this will eventually happen I imagine it will be at least another 10 -15 years to get to that point. And even then I'm not sure it can keep the technical details that studios and animators require of the meshes.
I( do believe that texture artist will have an uphill battle in the future and pretty sure you'll get kitbash generators for sci fi cube and automatic environment generation based on premade assists.
But modelers, character artists aren't getting replaced any time soon imo. Also ai uv retopology is never coming because fuck you, that's why
inb4 famous last words

Anonymous No. 957789

I'm curious why these kids come to the maker boards, if they can't do what the boards are for, and their only contribution is shitflinging about how good their prompts are

Anonymous No. 957849

You are incorrectly assuming AI does not improve.
AI improves, and exponentially.
Sure, it sucks now. Sure, it requires a lot of training material now. But money moves the world and this has the potential to become lucrative by replacing artists.

Anonymous No. 957856

You are drunk on ai

Anonymous No. 957861

It requires a lot of training material for images and 3D to make slop, because you can't use words to describe these things if you want something specific. You need to know how to make it yourself, or get another human to interpret for you.

>this has the potential to become lucrative
Yeah, like NFTs with a small number of suckers and scammers getting made fun of years later.

Anonymous No. 957918

>comparing NFT to AI
The cope is literally palpable.

Anonymous No. 957969

>You are incorrectly assuming AI does not improve.
No, I'm assuming that in order for AI to improve, it needs very large amounts of free data to be trained on. They had that with paintings and images by just going through what's available on google. That amount of data doesn't exist for 3d models and it won't exist in the immediate future as it's proprietary. When you couple that with the technical specs that a model needs to have in order to fit in a production pipeline, you get to the conclusion that usable ai generated 3d models are much further in the future than you doom sayers believe, my estimate is at the closest 7-10 years at the farthest 15-20 years