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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956564

Tried a bit of Blender recently and found it incredibly unintuitive. Not just the interface, but the entire process of poly modeling. I can do CAD easily, it naturally makes sense to me because all your tools and processes are things you can picture doing to a physical object - you can chamfer or drill a hole in a block of wood just like a CAD model. Vertex-based shit like loop cutting and subdividing makes absolutely zero sense though, it's an entire fucking process just to make a hole through a cube. I just can't get my head around all these bizarre abstract processes.
Any tips on getting around the CAD-minded block, or software that adapts CAD style tools to poly modeling?
Want to make and texture models for renders/games so polygons instead of CAD is a requirement

Anonymous No. 956565

Get plasticity

Anonymous No. 956572


Anonymous No. 956573

Blender will always be a software that does not follow 3D rules. The picture is an example, 3 holes in 3 different ways?!?! Crazy. Just download another software and not the overhyped crazy ones.

Anonymous No. 956574

Read frank polygon's posts about sub-d on polycount. Look at his sketchbook.

Anonymous No. 956587

>fake CAD
Get that junk out of here!

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Anonymous No. 956917

Oldass 3DS Max fag here.
Blender is super unintuitive, and feels like playing piano than actually hand-crafting. It's also clearly engineered more towards fancy ass HQ renders, not low-poly game assets... which also explains why so many games made with UE/Unity and Blender run like ass.

Check out the BforArtists fork of Blender. It tries to remedy this and give clear, clickable buttons and right-click menus for the most important actions. It also cleans up the lists within lists clutter a bit.

Failing that, just pirate an older 3DS Max.

Anonymous No. 956919

Blender tutorial shills on youtube don't teach modeling fundamentals, look for Maya/Max courses instead, Elementza has one very good tut on SubD and it's quite modern

Anonymous No. 956924

sounds like your baby duck ass got too used to clickey "gooeys" and can't handle hotkeys like a real man.

Anonymous No. 956971

get the addons, m3sh and hops

Anonymous No. 956972

tools are built upon already established workflows and fundamental anon. If OP doesn't understand fundamentals he won't know what the tools are for and will waste time watching Youtube influencers making random bullshit shape for the soys

Anonymous No. 956974

Why do only complete noobs complain about blender?

Anonymous No. 957107

If you think MODELING in Blender is unintuitive???
Wait until you try TEXTURING!

Anonymous No. 957128

Yes, after 15 years of Blender I use my keyboard like a piano, but I also get my work done 5x faster than the mouse pushers who spend 4/5 of their time looking through menus.
Maya/Max tutorials? Unbearably slow ... how can you work productively like that?

Anonymous No. 957131

anything made without mouse controls looks like shit. seriously, look at the work of any blender fag who goes on about how much he loves hotkeys - it's invariably amateur trash that any beginner with a mouse could make in 15 minutes, instead of taking a decade to learn how to do it in 10

Anonymous No. 957310

>Use boolean
>use remesh to clean the mess
god i hate blender tutorial

Anonymous No. 957356

Buy the $20 add-on for basic functionality. Free program, sir, you must understand and do the needful.

Anonymous No. 957413

>why are unintelligent people stupid

Anonymous No. 957416

Literally just get good. Make models, watch videos, read what other people know, repeat for a year or so. Once you get it it's really easy. It's just a visual representation of math.

Anonymous No. 957539

CAD is a visual representation of math, Blender is just a bunch of arbitrary points in space

Anonymous No. 957540

debate losers need to go back

Anonymous No. 957842

Not OP but thank you anon. There seems to be lots of stuff a beginner like me could learn.

Anonymous No. 957863

Don't blame blender when you'll have this same problem with yourself using any 3D software, coming from a CAD background.

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Anonymous No. 960545

i honestly dont know whats wrong, i can play the animation but if i try to reset the bar to the zero frame or see all the keyframes it dies

any help? the internet doesnt have anything about it

Anonymous No. 961953

try its quite good and easier than blender the binary used to be freely available I am sure you can find it in the usual places.

Anonymous No. 961983

What are the $20 addons you recommend?

Anonymous No. 962105

3DS Max. It's $0 on torrents.

Anonymous No. 962157

>Failing that, just pirate an older 3DS Max.

Unfamiliar with this here, how old are we talking and does anyone have a link to one of these versions?

Anonymous No. 962190

I used Blender exclusively for years until the bizarre interface and controls became second nature. When I use literally any other 3D program it feels like when you're taking the stairs and think there's one more step than there really is and you nearly eat shit.

Anonymous No. 962227

>Any tips on getting around the CAD-minded block
The actual solution to your problem is just to model stuff until you get used to poly modelling. It feels like you have a mental block because you're doing something you're used to doing but in a new way. You think you know how to model something, but you actually can't. Once you learn how to do it, you will no longer have this block.
The solution isn't other software, it's all the same. People on /3/ don't know what they're doing so they bicker over software all day. By all means, torrent or use free trials to find a software you like more than blender, but you will just have to get used to how poly modelling works if that's what you need to do.

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Z - laugh.jpg

Anonymous No. 962511

>he never loop-cut a block of wood
>he cannot to boolean-subtract an iron-ball from a plastic cube
>he doesn't know how to remesh the chair in his room
>he's too weak to extrude the faces of a gold ingot with his bare hands
>his teacher never told him how to decimate a water bottle's geometry
>he doesn't own a desk vertex-weight-painter
you will never make it
>he's too poor to afford an industrial mirror-reflector
LMAOing at your life
You will never gonna make it

Anonymous No. 962514

Kek based ESL

Anonymous No. 962515

Skill issue.

Anonymous No. 962706

Funny, clever.

Unfunny zoomer.

Anonymous No. 962798

if you think the 3d dcc causes a game to run like ass you know nothing about modeling for realtime.