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Mesh bug.jpg

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956639

Hi broth/3/rs i come to you in a time of great need.

I'm using the Bsurface and F2 addons on Blender to retopologize, all was going well until i started getting transparent faces that were still conected to the whole mesh here and there, they dissapear as soon as i turn off backface culling, but as soon as i try to shade smooth they appear again.

What is this /3/? How can i fix it?

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Mesh bug shade soft.jpg

Anonymous No. 956640


Shade smooth reference

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Anonymous No. 956642

1. select shit mesh faces
2. hit ctrl+N
[spoiler]at least in blender 2.7 hotkeys[/spoiler]

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Anonymous No. 956652


Broth/3/r wtf, you're a fucking genius

It was shift + N, i'm in blender 3.6, but you gave me the idea to search for the 3.6 command.

Thank you for answering.

Anonymous No. 956694

Normals are being flipped for some reason, it happens every now and then, you have to flip them manually.

Anonymous No. 956793

in the future, you can easily find flipped faces by going to viewport overlay > face orientation. blue good, red bad

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Anonymous No. 956883


Thank you broth/3/rs, i will keep it in mind.

Anonymous No. 956996

I recommend machin3tools it's a free addon, I mainly use it for cleaning up mesh it has other useful feature like smart faces and align, the downside is you need to get used with pie menu for switching mode