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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956743

Why do all Blender folk seem to think that an all Blender, industry standard Blender is inevitable? That all other industry soft will just roll over?

Anonymous No. 956745

Oh look another software fanboy thread how organic and natural of you OP.

We all know that it is a common joke that OP is a fagfgot or sucks dick for sport. But you dude take the fucking cake you are a sorry ass motherfucker that is defending a software in a thread that sees threads like yours pop up 5 times in a week.

Is everything right at home, do you feel lonely, are you disphoric.

Why don't you go fuck your mom back into her womb and right there eat a bullet so all of us can enjoy the thought of your sorry ass never existing in the first place.

Ps. Fuck you and your software threads on septillion times.

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Anonymous No. 956746


Anonymous No. 956754


get fucked, OP, stop wasting our time

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Anonymous No. 956762

Anonymous No. 956768

its simple, companies like profit. And you sir are stupid. Its inevitable.

Anonymous No. 956771

Look at reddit and discord and blenderartists. They all have an air of inevitability about all of their posts.

Look what they did with AgX and Filmic 2.0. Its already burying ACES.

Anonymous No. 956773

Blender foundation salaries are shit and 3d graphics takes serious brains to develop, it's not webshit. They will never afford anyone competent, like the sculpt guy who went off to do his own thing

Anonymous No. 956778

Pablo was just a nutcase

Anonymous No. 956782

A driven, visionary and now self-actualized and financially independent nutcase. But of course, the world needs open source devs and janitors too.

Anonymous No. 956783

he just stole all his visions from pixologic, couldnt bring anything to fruition, and then quit

Anonymous No. 956784

Slave moralists gonna slave moralize.

Anonymous No. 956790

This is the dumbest thing you can come up with? No one cares about color management, if you need something to help your problem with colors then you’re not going to get a job.

Not a single time in college or professional life would ever care about color design. We built the models, we draw on the line, we add bones and make them do stuff like a puppet.

There’s nothing about color management that should be part of our work. That’s PR problem, we follow the guidelines, nothing else.

Stop using blender, stop believing in their lies and learn how things actually work.

Anonymous No. 956791

>No one cares about color management, if you need something to help your problem with colors then you’re not going to get a job.
should we tell him?

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Anonymous No. 956794

We have color management at home.

As someone with an adobe certification, i can confirm that color management is bullshit. No one uses it, no company is going to spend money on it. Why would they? to them it's just dumb colors, just avoid the problem ones.

it's my job as someone with photoshop and other adobe related products to make colors stand out and last. It's not our job to care if colors are incorrect in a coded matter.

Anonymous No. 956795

is this satire?

you're doing a routine, right?

Anonymous No. 956798

Are you dumb, is that all you can say in your defense? Not a single “thIs iS hOw iT WoRks”. I bet you don’t know why they exist either, companies don’t care. No one even talks about it, rarely in any newspapers and schools don’t offer it.

You can’t talk smack and think no one is going to challenge your beliefs. Back it up anon, you started this mess so explain why your dumb logic works.

Anonymous No. 956799

if you really are in the industry, you need to retire

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Anonymous No. 956816

>As someone with an adobe certification

Anonymous No. 956819

Oh yeah? Imagine doing realistic rendering color math in gamma-corrected 8-bit sRGB because Photoshop has a contrast filter. Stuff your skull with lead.

Anonymous No. 956822

Lemme guess... You work at Pixar as a lighting td?

Anonymous No. 956823

It's a real job, you guys are fake 3d artist for failing to notice the common thing in jobs.

You need someone with experience on photoshop, you need someone to build posters, you need someone to make marketed ads.

That's how important the job is to these companies, not some dumb color management software.

Anonymous No. 956824

This anon has the right idea.
If you don't know what someone else is talking about, just guess like a retard.

Anonymous No. 956826

Why are you trolling so hard? What can you possibly get out of this?

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Anonymous No. 956827

I love to send renderings like this to the colour department of my AAA studio, I don't have to worry about colour management or dynamic range because the colourist will do it for me :)
It's also impossible to make money or be a professional artist unless you work in a place that has one :)
There is also never any situation where I have to make something for internal purposes, every single thing I do in my job gets sent to the office pantone autist and goes straight to print the next day :)
Anyone who isn't in this non-existent situation is fake, unlike me who is a real professional CGi artist and not an ESL retard talking big in a software war thread on an anime forum.

Anonymous No. 956830

First off, you made it like that and second that's a big FU when you make other people do your work.

texture artist exist anon,
VFX and lighting artist exist anon
graphic designers exist anon

you do one or more of the jobs, if you do a bad job you suck at 3d art. You didn't even explain color management either, you just assumed "colors" is the reason. NO, COLORS AREN'T THE REASON.

This is why you do not have a certification, this is why you do not work within my job. Photoshop is just cheaper for these companies than some dumb color software.

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Anonymous No. 956834

>First off, you made it like that
yes no shit. You know why I had to? Because there's built in colour management in blender and it's not totally retarded, meaning it's necessary for 3D work to at least give a little bit of a shit about colour management and it's important to the job.
>second that's a big FU when you make other people do your work.
So why are you reeing about how colour management isn't important and people hire a colour management person to do it?

>Photoshop is just cheaper for these companies than some dumb color software.
use your adobe certified brain and think about how you would take the crushed image I just posted and use photoshop to make it look like pic related

Anonymous No. 956844


Anonymous No. 956849

Again failing at understanding color management, you didn't do anything that requires color management. You just mess up with the lighting or texture, no amount of photoshop is going to fix that.

What you did in blender was not color management, it's a system that puts colors in different lighting/texture. That' not color management. That is not your job as 3d artist, your job is to make art within the guideless as told by your boss.

It's my job as someone with adobe certification and access to said product to create ads, posters and internet marketing.

You do not have any experience in photoshop, so you should not work with critical ad market campaigns.

3D artist do not change the workflow, you aren't allow to modify photoshop or related adobe products unless told to do so.

You will follow the boss plan or get fire.

shut up anon, you dumb fuck. Blender isn't a real professional software and you believe such conspiracy theories. Color management is a hoax in Blender, this is how a real color management works in Maya:

I'm the only one who can touch these settings because i am the only one who understand how they work, not you a no-name blender crazy.

Anonymous No. 956888

I dont need color management or am i being trolled?

Anonymous No. 957621

Because they are mentally ill freetards. Just like the people who have been saying Linux will replace windows and Gimp will replace Photoshop for the last 20 years.

Anonymous No. 957636

I am a blender user, and I could not give a shit if it is industry standard or not, I just take the jobs that list blender in them, which are a lot in the indy industry. Blender is just a fucking software like Maya or max, being a fanboy over a software is worse than being a marvel fan.