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🧵 Starting Blender Sculpting

Anonymous No. 956770

Well boys, what am I in for?

Anonymous No. 956772

a shitty experience, you're better off just building with topology

Anonymous No. 956774


Anonymous No. 956775

the scult mode is really basic compared to zbrush, remember to use the visibility tools to hide the mesh> hide, local view, face sets, backface culling? and the mutiresolution at 4-6, remember than some bruses aren't made to work on the hight poly like the pose brush, if your sculpt is a bit complex >150 objects, it usually takes minutes to load and the file could be really big too.

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Anonymous No. 957011

How is blender vs Nomad sculpt? I never used zbrush, so I won’t know what I’m missing.

Anonymous No. 957032

>How is blender vs Nomad sculpt?
Nomad works on high poly, multiresolution works and it has layers, blender has better non destructive workflow, edit mode, rigging, cloth/smoke simulatons and 2 render engines.

Anonymous No. 957033

>edit mode, rigging, cloth/smoke simulatons and 2 render engines

He is asking for sculpture, by that logic my stove can cook my food and blender don't...
I am a blender user btw

Anonymous No. 957043

>edit mode
Hard surface
Pose the sculpt
characters use them, to have a simulation can be useful
you can need that in some cases too, I've been using solid smoke simulations in some sculptures instead of to sculpt the fire
>2 render engines
you could need to show the final result too
I only do sculpts to print in blender I don't even texture the models.

Anonymous No. 957045

You don't pose an sculpture by rigging it, transposing is quick, since rig does not adjust weights or muscles (on a basic rigging).
Simulations are really useful but they are not sculpture per se, same as rigging, same with render, we are talking about the best sculpture program, clearly from those 2 blender is the best from a generalist perspective, but I don't think that is the best for sculpture

Anonymous No. 957052

>Simulations are really useful but they are not sculpture per se
cloth could be a thing, blender ... c4d? and zbrush have that cloth brush, yes i use the volume to mesh from time to time to get some meshes too
>You don't pose an sculpture by rigging it
me? no I don't do that, but i've seen that guy jansculpts and others doing it
>same with render
that's just part of the final product and what you are doing, some people sculpt to make assets for game engines, others to make animations, to 3d print, others just want the render, keyshot for zbrush is a thing too, it is not sculpt but it is.

Anonymous No. 957053

I totally understand, but those are tools and final render/composite, what I am talking about is the sculpture part, the amount of polys, how good the brushes are, for the rest you can jump back and forth, for a generalist blender is a magnificent tool, but for sculpture itself? It's a little bit in his infancy, I hope that they work more on this

Anonymous No. 957187

Damn this whole thread reads like AI talking to each other. It's so fucking over for this board. Just kill this board pls hiroshimoot.

Anonymous No. 957189

>my stove can cook my food and blender don't...
switch to cycles and crank the samples

Anonymous No. 957209

I never even touched sculpting yet. what are the advantages

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Anonymous No. 957213

>blender has better non destructive workflow, edit mode, rigging, cloth/smoke simulatons and 2 render engines.
ive seen this same non argument so many times lately

Anonymous No. 957242

Yes i know it is a big cope, it is basically what Dobarro said after a couple of years working there, the sculpt mode needs a full rework and the Blender Foundation is not interested, just like they weren't in the game engine, made to scam investors, the edit mode, texture paint, and other shits.

Anonymous No. 957243

the geometry node operators could be really interesting for the sculpt mode, but I suppose they'll be slow as fuck and the developers are not interested into promote them packing examples or something just like they did with the hair nodes.

Anonymous No. 957283

ultimately if you are a good sculptor, its fine. you maybe fight the tools a little more than zbrush, particularly in the dynamic topology and performance aspects, nothing handles high poly like zbrush, but its perfectly serviceable. the ability to seamlessly switch between sculpting and a traditional poly modeling workflow in the same project though does have its advantages in blenders favor

that said, the best sculpting software in the world wont make up for a lack of technique, and 98.5% of digital sculpting is artistic technique, not technical gadgetry

Anonymous No. 957293

>the ability to seamlessly switch between sculpting and a traditional poly modeling workflow in the same project though does have its advantages in blenders favor

no, it doesn't.

Anonymous No. 957501

You got me there.

Anonymous No. 957508

Yes it fucking does.
I don't use blender for sculpting, but it's a pain in the ass having to important and export shit to and from zbrush when I'm working on something that has poly modelling and sculpting.
I'm working on a project right now and using blender, zbrush, substance painter, plasticity and photoshop. You can't tell me it wouldn't be more convenient to do all of that in one program.

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Anonymous No. 957510

If you don't know then it's of no use to you.
You might find some use with the blender sculpting mode to make small tweeks, but sculpting as a field, you would if it applied to you.

But the advantages are that you can make things that are orders of magnitude more complex than you can make with anything else. You need to use a drawing tablet, and if you don't have a lot of 2D drawing experience then it'll take you a long long time to get good.

pic related was made in zbrush.

Anonymous No. 957819

Better get to it anon, I used to think I could get by without it until I finally stuck with it until it clicked. Now I prefer to sculpt everything. I probably had around 6,000 hours of poly modeling experience before took the sculpt pill.

Zbrush's UI filtered me for years, so I learned how to sculpt with blender first until I got to where I wanted more features then switched to zbrush full time. Wish I had done it sooner.

Anonymous No. 957885

I disagree, I actually checked back in on Blender sculp and was surprised to find that Blender sculpt has come a long way and now fits my needs entirely.
Probably the only advantage that Zbrush has over Blender is performance. Blender can get very bogged down at large resolutions. It will also let you do crazy stuff like make the resolution much higher than your hardware can handle so you have to be careful.
Keep in mind, I'm not saying Blender is better, I'm just saying it has everything that I personally need from a sculpting tool. Both softwares have their pros and cons. But do not dismiss Blender sculpt outright just because it's blender. Check it out. And be aware that it has a bit of a learning curve.

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Anonymous No. 957888

i have never heard the name "nomad sculpt" before, but it is guaranteed to be better than blender. it could be a spreadsheet program or a hospital bedpan organizing software, you would undoubtedly get better results sculpting in it than in blender.