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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956841

it's literally so fucking over. i thought id be able to make money doing this. ai is coming for us

Anonymous No. 956845

How quaint. Another AI thread. Just what I needed to end my week on a weak note. Fuck you OP. Fuck you 10 times over. I hope your mom dies alone in a retirement home bathtub and after 6 weeks in the summer you are the one relative that finds her in an awful decomposing state.

Anonymous No. 956846

>Noo you can't post about technology that generated 3D meshes on /3/

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Anonymous No. 956851

>AI puking out cris tier models while improving at cris tier rates is somewhow threatening

Anonymous No. 956854

>improving at cris tier rates is somewhow threatening
Cope, these results are 1000 times better than the results from a year ago. They are still shit but the rate of improvement is actually incresibly impressive, to specifically highlight that as a con is embarrassing

Anonymous No. 956875


people's livelihoods they've spent decades perfecting
now a 14.99$/mo subscription service on the cloud

lmao even

Anonymous No. 956876

Ngl I have the same feelings that the workers had when they were replaced by conveyor belt machines.

Anonymous No. 956882

open source.
show code.
kindly provide the source code sirs.
it is needful.

Anonymous No. 956973

how does logistic growth work?

Anonymous No. 957007

AI can't be copyrighted

Anonymous No. 957008

All you have to do is scribble ontop of the composite and now its yours

Anonymous No. 957038

It's amazing what tech can do, I probably will have to work on something different really soon but that's how life is

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Anonymous No. 957046

oh boy I cannot wait to generate the same model 30 times to get the result I want then have to retopologize and fix everything wrong with it, wasting so much time I could've spent making it by scratch following an actual pipeline.

If you kneel to this... I...

Anonymous No. 957050

I got into it hoping that AI would make it easier someday.

Anonymous No. 957076

Let's take a look at compile time and poly count.
I have a feeling that it's an absolute cancer.

Anonymous No. 957114

Anyone whos actually fearful of AI wasnt gonna make it anyway even if AI didnt become a thing.

Anonymous No. 957116

>Even if ai didnt become a thing
S-should we tell him?

Anonymous No. 957610

just dumb fucking cope after dumb fucking cope
like there aren't automatic re-topology tools available

Anonymous No. 957613

yeah just wait until they make an AI that can retopologize it for you

Anonymous No. 957617

It doesn't even need to improve. Tonnes of sucessful games use shitty models.

>I could've spent making it by scratch
The main users are obviously people who can NOT make it from scratch you idiot. Now they can use this instead of hiring you.

Anonymous No. 957843

holy fucking kek

Anonymous No. 957844

>Now they can use this instead of hiring you.
>Ordinary people setting up cgi businesses
Holy fucking nope

Anonymous No. 957882

the fuck you on about retard? Tens of thousands of businesses of all kinds procure 3D models every single day. Soon they'll be able to generate less important background assets. Probably before 2030 the majority of models can be done with prompting instead of paying for extra labor. Or simply buying a library of curated AI generated models.

Anonymous No. 957884

>it's literally so fucking over.
then fucking leave.