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🧵 I need to get gud at 3d Modeling quickly.

Anonymous No. 956852

Okay here's my situation. I'm taking a 3D animation class at college right now, however there was an error in the syllabus where the 3D modeling course was listed as one of three optional prerequisites instead of being a required course. I shouldn't have even been able to sign up for the course but somehow I feel through the system because the art shit is my minor. I know basically fuck all about 3D modeling, I just thought this would be a fun little animation course aside from messing around a little bit in blender.

I talked with my professor about this and he recommended that I witch to the modeling course but I can't because it would literally fuck up my entire schedule with other classes. He said that if I chose to stay in the course he'd work with me and be real lenient and shit but that I would still have a lot of difficulties trying to teach myself 3D modeling while learning all of this shit because I'd still need to know some no matter what but essentially I'd get some special treatment as the designated "dipshit retard" of the class.

I just need to learn how to make some basic rigs, props, and environments. I'm going to stick to a very cartoony artstyle consisting of basic shapes and shit.

Is this doable? I just need to be able to make some basic enough 3d models to tell a story and make a 3 minute long animation. He said it doesn't need to look great. Can I get some material that would help me?

If this doesn't sound doable I'll probably just drop it. Again, I just need to learn something really basic so I can make an animation.

Anonymous No. 956853

Lmao just drop the class.

Anonymous No. 956855

I vote you keep the class. Just grind tutorials from the internet for whatever software you guys are using

Anonymous No. 956858

if you arent gonna model any characters or more complex shapes you can absolutely do it.
you could literally just pick objects that have tutorials on how to model them and use those for the animation.
I dont think you have too much to worry about really.

but start now, model some stuff for practice and you should be all good.

Anonymous No. 956859

I will have to model some characters.

Anonymous No. 956861

>I will have to model some characters.
that could be rough
maybe you can get away with doing some crappy low poly characters
but honestly characters can be pretty complicated even when you know what you are doing.

Anonymous No. 956862

Let me guess, you have to build it inside the school computer? So no way to get default models and create things? What about Maya custom 3D character creator?

Anonymous No. 956864

Basically what I had in mind was doing very simple toon like dudes. They would be in knight armor so I wouldn't have to worry about faces. Very basic guys. I have to make a 3 minute animation with them. My professor said he didn't care to much about the quality.

Anonymous No. 956865

He said I could just use Blender or Maya or whatever I had access too, he just said make sure I don't violate any copyright shit.

Anonymous No. 956870

>I signed up for a class
>can 4chan babysit me through it, or am I fucked?
It'll take you a week of study of the course materials to make whatever they want you to make to pass your class, go do that instead of begging here

You have to focus and put in the time, not just spend five minutes here and there pretending to study

Anonymous No. 956873

Like I mentioned in the OP the class expects you to know 3D modeling before going into it. It was an error that I was able to sign up for it in the first place. The class doesn't cover 3D modeling. The professor straight up told me that we won't be covering 3D modeling in class that I'll have to teach it to myself. If you think I can do it anyway or if it's realistic I'd rather give it a shot and stick with the class. I just wanted to know if it's realistic to make the attempt.

Anonymous No. 956874

In a week? no, making human may take you 2 days at best with low poly and that's if you want it to make the hands/head in texture PSX style. You'll have to get the model ready to be rig, weighting so you wont have random polygons and adding controls to the model. May take you 3 days to know how to do it, at least by human default rig, don't try to make custom rigs yet. Lastly, 2 days of possible bug fix or completion because sometimes you'll mess things that you haven't noticed yet. Doesn't need to be perfect but you cant let a random polygon ruin your scene either by blocking the camera or something.

Pro tips, don't mix blender files with Maya, you'll going to have a bad time.

Weighting is the same in blender and Maya, if you choose Maya, do take note that it does not delete/"replace" weighting data, it goes somewhere else.

Use NURBS for controllers in maya otherwise it's the same like exposing the wires in puppets.

we dont know how much maya or blender knowledge you have so anything you are confused may make things longer to understand.

Anonymous No. 956886

im confused as to why you are even taking classes for 3d animation without having any 3d experience beforehand
do you actually care about this or do you just want to pass?

Anonymous No. 956887

I actually care. But it's also important that I pass. I wanted to get into 3D stuff, specifically animation and I just needed one more class for my art minor so I thought it'd be a good class. The syllabus like I said had an error on it about the pre requisites required. I do want to do this though.

Anonymous No. 956901

it's very doable anon, stop panicking.
There's tons of tutorials on youtube for this kind of thing.
If you've never touched 3D before, take a weekend to do the blender donut tutorial
And then desu after that you should be able to figure out how to make a basic low poly character on your own, but if not there's lots of stuff on youtube.
protip: look at stuff like wall-e or the iron giant for tips on how to be expressive with minimal moving parts. If you have a couple of spheres bouncing around for eyes to conveying emotion, you'll probably impress your professor.

Can you draw? If so you could try out 3D sculpting, drawfags can gitgud at that surprisingly quick. I would still recommend basic low poly shit for your characters, but it might come in handy.
Another drawfag thing you could do is use blender's grease pencil mode to combine some 2D elements.
If that doesn't apply, do you have any other skills in art?
>video editing
>music production
Because there'll be a way to bring something else to the animation to make it look like you really tried hard, and if you have a skill already then it's free if you know how to bring it into blender (and there will be a way to do that).

Anonymous No. 956902

Do not follow these dumb blender tutorials, they will always become outdated. Just learn the basics of building a model, any shape or form. Blender is not the only free 3d software, you don't need blender to learn basic human shape.

Anonymous No. 956903

Hey retard, do you think might something specific to OP's circumstances that would lead me to recommend blender and this particular tutorial?
Something like IDK, op mentioning that he's learning blender for his class?
Or this tutorial being one that covers a ton of basics and isn't actually outdated?

Anonymous No. 956904

yeah, you can get up to speed

this one seems pretty straightforward and targetted towards someone who's never touched the software before

its a six part series, so just follow the videos. dont worry if you have to watch them 2 or 3 times each to get it, dont expect to 100% understand everything the first time through

Anonymous No. 956905

use blender.

yes, maya may be a somewhat more capable software in regards to some animation features, but blender has MASSIVELY more tutorials and learning resources (largely because its free and well documented). despite what the elitist memesters on here would have you believe, blender is a perfectly competent and capable software and doesnt lack for any but the most advanced features these days (not the case 10 years ago, but nowadays its fine)

i would also be aware that in your OP you mentioned a 3 minute video as the project for the class; that is not a small project. 3 minutes might not sound like a lot but in animation that is quite a bit of work.

Anonymous No. 956906

also this channel

go to their playlists, and find the blender modeling, animation, rigging, etc playlists. they have a lot of extremely concise, no bullshit straight to the point tutorials with no ummms and ahhhs and meandering about. very helpful for learning specific shit

Anonymous No. 956907

also this guys videos for when you are ready to make a character thats a bit more advanced

Anonymous No. 956911

You didn’t read, he clearly said Maya or blender or whatever. It’s still not ok to recommend a software like blender with their crazy interface and logic.

OP do not learn how blender works, learn how to make a model. That’s how you learn 3D modeling not learning a jank software.

Anonymous No. 956913

holy fuck you didnt even read the post. you saw the word blender and flipped your shit

Anonymous No. 956914

>the crazy interface

this complaint hasnt been relevant since 2.8

Anonymous No. 956930

You are still not reading, he isn’t restricted to any software and blender is not the only software for free 3D modeling. Blender will never become newbie friendly with you people and faulty software.

It’s the same dumb U.I, nothing changed. You people still make newbies to use keyboard shortcuts. The edit function is useless as ever, bugs from old has 2.0 exist. U.V hasn’t got anything new while new software has.

You didn’t change blender, there is no change, you only believe it’s new.

Anonymous No. 956956

You're not helping and you don't know how to help.
keyboard shortcuts are a non-issue. The important thing is the ease of troubleshooting, which is extremely easy in blender because of how many youtube tutorials there are.
I don't even model in blender myself, but it's not difficult to use it for what OP wants to do. He probably won't even need UV mapping.

Anonymous No. 956957

NTA, but if you dont uv map, your render is going to look like complete shit

Anonymous No. 956962

>I don't even model in blender myself
Then shut up, you aren’t helping anyone. If you can’t do it in blender, you can’t do it anywhere else like modo or wings3d.

Anonymous No. 956967

What year is it

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Anonymous No. 956969

And this is why we mock blender

Anonymous No. 956970


Anonymous No. 956989

the entire UI was redesigned in 2.8. it doesnt get any simpler

modeling tools are on the modeling tab, animation tools are on the animation tab, etc. its as simple or moreso than maya now

but the reason i recommend blender over maya for him, the reason you missed in the post and continue to miss, is the wealth of tutorials. maya, being an expensive paid software, has far FAR fewer tutorials, learning resources, and documentation.

OP has to get up to speed modeling on his own, meaning he needs such a supply of free tutorials to be able to learn modeling on the side because he accidentally took the animation class first. thats going to be a lot harder if he is trying to use maya, which has like 1% of the learning resources maya does without signing up for expensive paid lesson subscription sites. and there is nothing that maya does that blender doesnt just as easily on the beginner to intermediate side of modeling and animation, and once OP reaches the advanced level he can decide for himself which software has the best suite of tools for his needs.

i recommended blender because it is the easiest to learn on your own. not because its the best software. you'd know that if you actually read the post instead of just kneejerking to the word blender.

Anonymous No. 956990

maya has 1% of the learning resources blender does ***


Anonymous No. 956991

depends on what you're doing, I don't think OP needs to bother with it.

I can do it in blender, 90% of what I do is in zbrush though.
>modo or wings3d.

Anonymous No. 956992

How is zbrush since Maxon took over? I'm still on my 2022 perpetual license. Did they make any big changes?

Anonymous No. 956994

basically nothing.

Anonymous No. 956999

This is why blender users are dumb, they still can’t read or understand how things work. Maya has an education version so he only needs to upload proof of course to Autodesk. This was never about money.

Blender YouTubers are the worst at teaching modeling. “JuSt fOllOw mE” and “LiNe Up VoTeX to ChaRaCtEr shEEts” are madman nonsense you people made up. While stalling for 20 videos to make one human character.

Copying won’t ever work and neither is following an inexperienced person. You need to learn the basics of human anatomy. Every single artist comes into this road at some point. Maya YouTubers are at least more experienced than all those fake artists on blender. I can at least see Maya artists in their work. Blender artists have the highest scam rate.

Blender is not Maya and it’s still not Maya. They didn’t copy the tab section, they made it worse then Autodesk when they redesigned it. This is your make believe la la land you made. There is no basis for your opinion, blender U.I didn’t change.

Blender will never be user friendly and someone who isn’t using blender shouldn’t be talking smack about Maya or how to make a human model with it.

Since you are so confident in your scam to let this user know about blender and you yourself never use blender to make a shape of a human in polygons. You should lead an example of your scam. If there is one thing I know scam artist do is run away when confronted with the truth.

Anonymous No. 957000

Blender users actually believe this

Anonymous No. 957001

>maya, being an expensive paid software, has far FAR fewer tutorials, learning resources, and documentation.
You are a troll

Anonymous No. 957018

thats a lot of words to say nothing

impressive, really

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Anonymous No. 957022

>cant build in blender
>blender youtubers are sometimes scammers
>believes this is ok
This is not ok

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Anonymous No. 957174

how much are you paying for college?